HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-06-25, Page 11WEDNktSDAY, .JUNE, 25th, 1958; UCKINOW it,j9NS. r .GODERICH' T�_LBCKN ,•, SENTINEL: ,LUC1f,N. • • w, ONT,A:R.Io WHITECHURC QNQUR JULY • ` H H Mr. and Mrs. Dick Turner and iB R I D E E L ECT' Ricky .of T.;oron ' With a pronounced .degree of t r spent this past vigor and, >sreeznes . week with," his.' another, Mrs: A: �s► •the• Luck-' �irner Lions Club. attended � the Goderieh Lions "C1u.b: meeting here last Friday evening as qw._ guests: of the latter and. 'Put on -the entire • Program.. Some 25 members of '.the Lions from 'the Sepoy:.. TQWn , Showed why that club boasts a membership of; 89.. After opening the ,.meeting; :Glen Gardiner, president of. the Goderich Lions ..turned•= •the meet- ing over• to;' Charlie "Webster of " the*: Lucknow Lions :who was •chairman -for the -:l v•enin . , 4 Prior.. to the metes ig, members of both clubs did a. snake dance on the Square ` headed by Piper D. A. .MacLennan of Lochalsh, in full uniform. Guest speaker was. Stege.„Stothers._•ofLuckno.w, , re - 'tired. . 'Ontario agricultural rep, field Township. • In humorous vein, he dealt with a number of district : ' incidents. A vote of thanks:. was moved by".Mike!' —;Sanderson of Lucknow 'for ;the address; - "Nip" Whetstone • and 'Luniby, Qoderich Lions delegates' to the Lions convention at : North Bay,: each, gave an account , of the gathering. / . In full . -costiirr e, Barbara and Jean Finlayson, daughters ' of,,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Firi'layson; • Loch- alsh, did a; number • of Scottish dances accompanied by:.Piper','D. A; MacLennan. • Harvey Webster, district de;. puty • governor, . 'introduced Rae Watson• of Lucknow,: new ly el ected governor of district '9A and 'a:: native, of Lucknow.. Gov- ernor' Watson told ; of the • fine impression ` • that . the Goder.ich Lions float,• . • depicting , Young Canada Week, 'had made 'at the /Lions cbnvent'ion at- _North Bay. He pointed ' ou:t that litany fine friends were made by being .a menbei•' .of the -Lions 'Club :and that district 9A has a record of accomplishment:that stood:second to' none•: in -Ontario: The speaker -was-thanked--'bye Nelson -`'HT1 •The following Goderich.•Lions volunteered, to canvass .for' the 'Red Cross on the Ji,ine: �16tli blitz:. Ebb Ross, Ken. 'Hubley, ' "Red" Wilkinson,, Bill Lurnby, .Clayton Edward; Bruce 'Erskine, .Dave A1- lan, Jim Kinkead, Glep Gardin-: er.--=Sisal-.Star , GOLDEN WEDDING (Continued • frons page e 1). the.property ''of Mrs. Ada :Hodgins, sister of the groom,;, and was used. .for the , 24th '• time for :'wedding .'cake 'The antique ;stand .which held the wedding' cake :has also been used 'on • many occasion • haying been tnad.e. by Mr. Robe 'Scott Of Huron. e.. The' guests, • which ' numhere seventy five, returned: to- the Co home• for a reception where tea was• served.. • Open' house .Was :held inthe evening, also the Sunday prior r' -to'the wedding when .Dover four f.hundred • called to extend . best. wishes. They `, were the. redipien%s of 'many lovely gifts and con- gratulatory •messages. The beautiful Cox 'farm home is on Con: 10 where Mrs. Cox (the 'former Martha 'Coiling, dau=; ghter of the late, Mr; n _h Joand Mrs: e` foflowiIlg her marria a••`•i •St. , g n Mr Gprdon Mitchell is ng the week - end spend a Wek end at the home 'of.1V1r,and MRs. W. -Henry. Wayne who ;spent t�. past week in Tor t onto ' re • urrie'c`l with hirci., Mrs? Collins took her Junior pupils to Bervie ;and 'Xin ardi on Moi ay.: c ne • Mr. and Mrs,. Carmen•F �amil . • airier 'and. t... y of ,Long Br•anch s ent the week='end with Mr.' an W, R; • Farrier.; ' Mrs. Mr. .''and ._Mr ":. s,.• ,Scott ',Patterson and' family of Detroit are '• ,•, holy. laying, at the home of his father, Mr. K. Patterson. •, •'' Mr:, .and Mrs. Jack Kerr and family 'of Tillsonburg; 'spent Sat urday at the: home..ofherd father,. Mrs H. Laidlaw. ' fir f 4'7.7:M;011isited his 'mother, Mrs. Bob Ross 'over. the week -end. Mrs. Milan Moore returned home' from Victoria Hospital on Sunday,a patient .aaf�ter be'in°k . there• for. two' we eks. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Aitchison spent the ,week -end .at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dowling. Mrs. -George Tiffin and Colleen` visited • at' the home of Mr. and • Mrs..Cecil”. Falconer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ''W; Tiffin, ,Mrs. M. Dawson and Mr•. Tom Purdon. ',spent the week: -end in Brantfo d visiting Mr.' and' Mrs: Jim ''Hen- derson. Miss Joan West, daughter of, Mr. .and Mrs. J. ,.._ :.A West„ .form, erly ofLucknow whose il' r marriage to P h . ip E'. Lewis, of Toronto,., takes ,place,. on July 2nd, has, been guest' of honour • at a number- of parties. The Principal and Staff of the Palmerston Ave,. • Public School, of which she is, a. bei .pre- sented her;wit et of; crystal at • a dinner, party held .at • the Seaway Hotel., Mrs. Min Furakawa.n ter ef' , en .. taxi#-.- d d or, her at:�a buffet; • luncheon. and miscellaneous shower' at • her Queen's Drive' home. roA • kitchen, shodwer' was given by Miss Beth Bently and 'Miss'. Mae Schehe, when ,twenty. -eight friends Met ,at their •home. •' - TO MAKE REPLICA OF :PIONEER HOME At the .June . meeting of the Bruce' .County llistorical-Museum Coari ' mittee; plans were .made t renew and furnish :,the log, cabin now located on the ..museum grounds; to represent' a pioneer home :of, the last century; This will be : the' -major project of''the museum this.: season: Southampton Centennial week .,wil5rfeature-a"Museum Day" on Friday; July 4th. Special displays in •tbe 'Marine " Room will .com- mdrriorate Southampton ,for this. occasion. .The .Women s Institutes•.' . of Bruce ;County are co-operating to fu.inish.. a display of their `hook- ed rugs in the Craft Room for the ' summer. '.season ' and much local interest is Anticipated' in this colorful -display•. ' ` Also •featured ' will. be ' a co'1 lection :;of about, ..sixty, original paintings of scenes and . points of interest `.in • „Bruce - County painted by: local 'amateurs:. ' Thee first four weeks ' of,; this season has seen an increase in 1S'' interest and attendance.:' To date; rt the visitors have numbered 541 d. 'compared to 283 for the same period •a • year : ago. The Curator. X also•reported many school classes and Wom,en's . Institutes have • al- ready visited: the :museum in: groups.. 0 P KINLOUGI-I =Mr: ''arid.- Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family visited •on "Sunday,af- ternoon • With Mr,; arid Mrs.. Har old Slessor and family at Glam- Mrs• and Mrs. Ian . 'McKenzie visi��d�=-� S�a�elay=�-ng-wi-th- 'Mr. and `Mrs. Bert Nicholson• and awls Church, Ripley,: l • Wil .family• lam, son; of John; • and Mary (Doyle) • Cox. To this union were born• ,two children, Mary (Mr. John ,Scott) and' John who died in 1913 At the:,a e: of 3 months. Also g residing in,. their home were his parents, who also cele brated ,•,1922.. their golden` '•wedding •an and',vere . lovingly cared • for by' Will :and Martha. Mr. John: COX died -in 1926 and '.-.. • Mrs. Cox Wag i • n' her '101st year' when'. she pass KINTAIE .NEVUS ` The '110th'anniversary services of 'the . Ashfield `Presbyterian Church• .was held on Sunday, The' guest spealer for the occas: ion was Rev. Mr , Mairshall. from Whitechurch•., Mist I imine • Mab- •Connell'. of; Goderich Was a. guest soloist for the morning service Mrs`s. Dave McMi,irtliy' of R: ,3,;, ed away in .1 involved in '' a Hearts .. 955. ` •Lucknow, 'was ,, , , ,. , side est• eongratulati ns . are (slight acdident;' when the`.19,50 nd• or, Y �l. known and . highl respected, ,Sbtateris, - y It is' interest rt t,' note that this' Was the 'first 'Wedding that the Rev, Benson Cox performed Oa was • alio l e o o iciate 61' n 'wedding, estinated- at ed , at this time 'o these, We he Golds ]s• abl e t ff' ` hodel'rord which she was driv ;crashed into a cement- cul= vert, aboEit .100 'yards' south of 86 Highway,, on. the Church side - road; Mrs: McMur"chy ..received no' ,Injuries beyond shock and bruises. =Damage fa* the ear WAS 00, • ti ex a a . tea at, her • home . on Thursday afternoon. Mrs.'' James Nelson, aunt of the bride -:elect, held a shower for her ••on Saturday <eveiin g -"'when friends. and `relatives' gathered at her home at Belfast. ` Following' ' .the .,rehearsal on Monday ' evening,, June. 30th, the bridal party and friends will be entertained ; .by "Mr and Mrs. Ken M. Ross of Willowdale, aunt and uncle. of :the bride. • "TOT LOT', TO 'START "Tot' `Lot'' similar to that 'op- erated •last year by the Recrea-, tion -Committee, will ,again; be in; operation this, year' and 'is ,slated to commence next Tuesday, July' Details • are not complete" as this, iswritten, butthe class. will meet at the Recreation., Centre for the • initial :gathering The "school" is held from 9.00 to 12 a,.m. • STS ;AUGUSTINE Congratulations ' to Mr. & Mrs. -Donald: McInnes , wh. o.. were. 'mar- ried in :the : Sacred, Heart church Saturday, June 15th, in Wingham;• Mr. and Mrs: Frank' Leddy, , No'rmari Betty, .Joan and Jimmie of Goderich 'visited at the. home.; :.of Thomas : and Edmond ',Leddy on 'Sunday:, Mr: and Mrs. Walter Lettner and Rose Marie of Toton.to . spent the week -end with friends. here.. Congratulation's to' 'N Mr. & Mrs 'Maurice Edwards (nee Mary 'Kinahan)' of L;ondon.on..the birth of a baby° daughter; Mary. Aline, on' Tuesday, -.June, 17th, a ,little sister for. Steve,.,David and Mark who' are visiting at present with their uncle and . aunt, Mr. and Mrs Wii:l Kinahan and';family: Mrs.: Lyle Mulhern ' and Rita of Chatham,' Miss. Bernadette Boyle of:•. London, ''visited their. homes here over the week -end. Nr. and Mrs•; Gorden Hartley of London have moved to their farm home near St. ` Augustine. DUTIES I.NCLUDE EDITING FAI't.'M ,FORUM As' Farm, Forum••,swings into the summer •season with ems phasis on nevi aids "to group cussion, ..it finds itself with., a somewhat altered national' office andwitlou �" F1oydT`"Griesbach: national 'secretary for eight years., With television on the horizon. for the' first time, the rational' office has': hired 'an editor with experience .ii•v this, field. `Rodger Schwass,, for three years associ- ate farm director at' CitNX Radio Television in ' Wingham,.' hap. worked with some 200 farm for: ums, in that part of Ontario,- A Brune County fanner': himself, his Wolk' assisted, in the, production of the programs for the heaviest radio -'IV .farm broadcast sched- ule 'in. Canada.. The newly -creat- ed position . includes the editing of the Farm Fortino Guide, arid' the preparation of " ney rs releases Wand summaries, :Also, the• new editor. Will work closely with the: television' • corrimittee "and the CIV in preparation of Farm' • and,' in the, Forum • broadcast's a ;production: of ' related telecasts LIONS PRESIDENT (Continued from page 1). derson; Tail Twister,Win. Hun ter,. Lion Tamer, -Gerald aid ' RatH- well; one-year . •directors, M. H. Corrin, has. -Short; two. ;ears ,L.'. MacKenzie, Harold Percy This, the final meeting or the, summer; ' was held in the High School, 'auditorium, with a de licious meal • .served: cafeteria style' by the Women's:. •Institute. Dancing followed the Meeting' to music - by. Carruthers orches. ra . t Dr. M. H. 'Corrin' introduced Dr, and MVS,,. D. R. Finlayson, -who- have -moved here "from Viz: - onto., Dr.',, Finlayson' ,replied it :would he a pleasure to work rWith Dr. •Corrin and be assoeia,- ted with,the•fine people here, and so close to his birthplace at Loch- alsh.' • Reeve George Joynt . introduc • PAGE' ELEVEN Gifts, were presented to past . Presidents Harvey Webster and Rae • Watson and : the,' retiring ' treasurer, M. L. Sanderson,. " The,.retirin -secretar, , •Agxrew..' • . i on vacation and was`.' not press ent. • LANGSIDE M' Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Evaris,••u ex`e 'week -end visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs.' :Eric Eyans and family at Rexdale 'and With ,... , . . Margaret, Moffat in Toro iss . nto. Mr.., • and Mrs.. Farish Moffat,, spent the weekend in Hamil-ton A 1:7year-old cat,' to.wluchahe • : Frank Miller family was" 'grjeatly attached; was killed by a, motor car. a; few days ago: Wheel tracks, in .the grass at the roadsidein- dicated ," that the .motorist swung o t "to 'get"it". tow,.' plant, superintendent at the Beatty Ladder Factory;. , In ,ex-; pressing ' thanks for the' kind welcome, he said they'had-found •Litck'n(iw" "--very..:,Triencil town Y and: were ,going to enjoy living here., He felt • that ;the plant would ,be a boon. to Lucknow,, and that personally, any talents they possessed would- be used in: the. interests of 'the cornmunity.r Mr. Bristow is a trained singer and an arden horticulturist. Mrs. Jessie ' Ailin introduced .the members of the Public School: Board and• Gordon 'Fisher intro- duced the members of the , •Luck - now District High School Board of whichhe is currently the chairman: Chas:' Short explained•`the gift samples of 'cigarettes and ..pea- nuts :at : each .place. • •• Fred ,Gosnell, yvho operates Gosnell's . School of Safe Driving London, 'Spoke • briefly and: said thathat food or bad driivi.ilg, ,could often be attributed to -the fact that iii.many ' ca'ses. `a `man' :drives the, way he feels". -Ken MacKenzie outlined plans for the rummage.: sale on :Satur- day . and urged the members t.o make .,their call's for : donations.-- 'Gerald' onat ons.'Gerald` Ra'thwe1l introduced 'the guest speaker, Mr:. Beattie, 'wh. o .is a math and science teach- er ;in .London.'He referred to the cheer that went up. for Rae Wat son • in this :old .:club in London;. when it, ; wads . announced he had. been elected" district ' governor.. Mr. Beattie did some reminis cing about changes in our *ay of -life Over. theast 41 p _years, `since 1917, When:.,Lionism ,. was. first organized. "It has now spread to 88 countries and 'not only .i s it' concerned with • community welfare ..buf with the promotion of ' •international'harmon " and peace.` Y Jack . ,McD'onagh ' thanked the speaker who was. -presented with ado-nemento of the occasion. ' • r ed- at Windsor At an impressive ceremonyin St. Pauls Anglican: Church . i d.' sor, Rev. Canon -BI ,A. Silo?* un - 4 -ted in mar ria g u 1Vfiss. Ruby byl .. Bannister; daughter of Mr. ' a d Mrs: Grant- . Bannister of Lon don, formerly of. Kincardine and Ltieknow, and Lt. -Cdr. Robert J. Keith, ` executive of f is c e r of _. H.M.CS. Hunter. -• Tenant; The roof is so .bad' that it rains on ' my head. How long is: this going- to continue?' , ;Landlord: What doyou y u think 'h' am a. weather forecaster. • • "My , wife: dresses to • kill, and cooks ..the same , way",: said one ,' miserable marl. • "How could anyL. body, louse up cornflakes?." Buy {ocally! Register .• Forms ... Carbon P: Sna .out' For • • l. .ims Gas and Oil Truck Forms Continuous Business. Forms Counter Check Books • 'Restaurant Pads The:. LUCKNOw SENTINEL phone ies Some of the STATIONERY SUPPLIES tlia:"we have available are \Filing Cabinet Folders 4c each Receipt Book, stub style . 15c Receipt 'Book, duplicate' X15, _ •`Sta�tement�'�a�s .�.� ,. ... ,.. . . c .Business Envelopes, ,banded , in 20 :.:. 25c Thank. You Notes :. ,, , 2:5c' Hasty Notes, many designs 25c Social 'Stationery at, various •prices', Children's Stationery, with nursery 'rhymes ' .Padded Correspondence Paper'' With ,Matching envelopes.' . y''. • Adding. Machine Rolls .;,c .: ...::........�.:�..., 25e Counter Check Books.....:......::..., :•..,::..:.•..::, ,, 2. r Oc• O k:': f boxed Get -Well, S A complete stock, r.. • •ympathy, Birthday i Baby, All. Occasion , and. ,bhildi;e"it's° cards available tb you just . by lifting your phone: :.1 PHONE 35\ LU .CKNOW • • • • 49 • r.=