HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-06-25, Page 6�.r
other big week en
coming ''hii'�►,
Yes, a summer week -end can mean a lot -of fun foryou
and ; your family. But it means a lot of other things
too—many more cars on the highway, many more -
drivers "in a hurry to start their week -end or to get
home again. It can also mean many more accidents
and more patients for hospital emergency wards. If
you're taking the family away, for the week -end in
your car, be sensible about 'it. Watch your speed.
Avoid impatience. Drive so that you, and your family
and the other drivers you meet on the road -arrive
alive. When you're on theroad, always drive at a
speed `that will enable you to stop', in, the distance
between you and the car ahead. At night, drive at thea.
speed that will enable :you to stop within headlight, . .
range. If you are tired or inattentive,do not drive at
all. Make next week -end . a : big week -end but make:.
.sure you enjoy it properly . not ina hospital bed.'"
Your, Ontario Department of Transport urgesyou to
observe .the >speed limits -slow down and live.
Paramount' W.I. Meeting
The . July meeting of. the Par-
amount Institute 'was held at the
home. of Mrs. Robert' Campbell
in the form of , Grandmothers
• -day. The meeting opened, by the
repeating of the Opening ; Ode
and the singing of. the Mary Ste-
wart Collect. The. roll call was
to bring an item fromgrand=
mother's •.kitchen... The' report of.
the District Annual .'at .Belm'oi
was given by .Mrs. Orland ` Rich
ards and Mrs. Jim . Ketchabaw,
The Community , Hall, gay with
many—flowers,, was the scene of
a nicely arranged Flower Tea on
Wednesday..afternoori„ June 18th;.
The president, Mrs. Charles Me -
Donald, received the guests num-
bering around' 1.20 and including
members of Lucknow, • ,White-
church and Dungannon Institutes..
The guests were "directed to the
tea tables: by Miss, Beatrice Mc-
Quillin andMrs.MJames. Aitch-
ison while rs.Andrew Gaunt
!provided piano . music. A pro,
;gram,: presided over by Mrs. Mc-
Donald,, opened with the sngin
of the Institute Ode followed ,
solos: /by Miss Margaret Rae • of
Lucknow and by Mrs. E. W. Rice;
a violin and piano duet by Jim-
my, Ross and George Conn ' of
Whitechurch a piano .:solo by
este la
by Miss ` Dean MacLeod of Luck-
now :and•a' duet.by' Mrs. J. Rivett
and Mrs. Jones of Dungannon.
Mrs. ' Durnin1•Phillips ' of Dun-.
,gannon, as . guest speaker, • de-
lighted the ladies with her talk
on her recent trip 'to Bermuda.a
Mrs. Phillips ' was thanked and::
presented with a gift by Mrs.
Ernest;Gaunt. The singing of the
Queen 'and the, Institute Grace
was followed by the .serving of
afternoon : tea. The . bazaar table
in charge 'of Mrs W A. ,Humph-
rey, ,Mrs. Will Rutherford and.
Mrs. E. Gaunt was well patron-'
ized ` with over ,$45.00 being re-'
ceived. a :'Proceeds from the . tea
which .. was . arranged ,by Mrs.
Barbour, Mrs. L. Woods, Mrs. E.
W. `Rice. , and Mrs.W. G. :Hum-
phrey, amounted to .around. $30;x'
WADNESDAS , J[M25th, i958
historical events by Mrs:, • Ketch-
:abaw and .readings by Mrs; Fred
Martin, Mrs.' Eric Hackett, Mrs.
Al Irwin and Mrs. Herb.,Ensign.
An animal noise 'contest was: con
ducted by'. Mrs. Wellington :Web -
stet. The
Web-ster.The - oldest, grandmother pre-..
sent was. Mrs..Osborne.. She. was.
'presented. with a ;lovely .bouquet.
of flowers. The meeting closed.
with the singing of the Institute.
grace and the Queen. A .dainty;
lunch was. served .by/.the hostess
and her colleagues,:. which, ; was
'Much' . enjoyed by all.
The twenty-third `,Harrison re-
union was held at Harbor' Park,;
Groderich on, 'Saturday, June 14 ,.
with a•• good attendance and fav
orable weather.
Children 4 years and. under,
Sharon Wilbert, Billy Collins;.
girls 6 and. under, Kathy Adams,
Sharon . Wilbert; boys, 6 and un-
der, Roy . Taylor David Harrison;
girls .` 8, and under, Hazel • Collins,
Patsy' Willert; boys 8 and `,under,
Richard Willert, Roy.' Taylor;
girls: ' l0. and under, Barbara Wil-
lert, ',Viola,
il-lert,',Viola, Collins boys 1:0 .and
under, Douglas Alton, Bobby Col-
lins; girls 12 and under, :Barbara.
ie Latest and Most. Modern Stock oft
Last year, x507 people drowned in Ontario
alone an increase of 91 over 1956. June,
July and Al u ust were the:worst°months.
.. , ....:Make: every week, , and avoid
a repetition of this toll again this year.:
Ammon ens
s the best. water' safety rule
and Bedroom Furniture
can be seen locally at McLennan and Mac
pop } and ; bu
locally for . the .'best service aincl the best prices'
c enzie
Contributed ; in the Service of the Community
iby John Labatt Limited •
Willert, ` Viola Collins.; ;boys 12
under, : Ken. Taylor, -Bruce Col-
lins; girls ..1.5 and under, Bar-
bara '.Willert, Marjorie 'Alton;
boys 15 and under;'. Ken Taylor,
Bruce Collins;, single :ladies, Olive
Ai enhead, Barbara - .:Willert,
single rr;ten, Lorne Hackett, Jim-
my Harrison;• married ladies,
Olive ' Siernon ,'Joyce Willert;
married men,: Albert .. Taylor,
Harold: Willert; 'ladies kick • the
slipper, Muriel Harrison, Joyce
Little; men's.. kick:.. thea slipper,
Stewart Broadfo.ot, Jiinmy Har
rison; lifesaver race, Bud Hunt's
team; milk bottle and clothes'
pin -race 'Bud°Hunt's team. There
was a candy scramble for the
children and a • ball game Was
played until 'sup`per.". •
The following are the officers
for 1959::, pres.,. Lorne Hackett,
Lucknow; sec.-treas., Jimmy Hac-
kett, Goderich; directors, Mr.` 8i,
Mrs. Ninian Heard, Mr. and Mrs:,
Albert' Taylor;. sports committee,
•Betty Alton, Chester Hackett,
Marjorie Alton, . Betty Harrison.
The, youngest person present:
was • JoAnne Collins; the oldest,
Mrs., . George e Proctor of Gorier-
ich.. •.'Coming' the farthest " were
Mr and Mrs. J A. Pearson from
Stoney. Creek. Mrs, Pearson Won
the draw for the towelse
'your`subscription paMt'
The district' branch of . •the Can-
adian Cancer; .So`ciety with head-
rters: in oderich, raised a
total of $4,072.79 in the recent
campaign, to ; reach the quota;
Chairman . is Mr, •.Ed' Stiles ' of
By',municipalities, the follow
inga amounts were 'raised: God.
erich' $2,740.18, Colborne. Town-
"ship $493.•85, Goderich W P
$$98.04, 'Ashfield . Twp" :$440,75.
'The . �`In • Mernorium • Card"
fund .donations • amounted; to'
' The Society wishes to iflCC1 f`
µly thank' the 'canvassers, for, their
work in helping to make the
campaign so successful.
'and. WARD •
Chartered Accoutants,
,B,ell Telephone Bldg.
Walkerton, .Ont,
Telephone 638