HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-06-25, Page 2PAGE TWO ;i410:44. mdinff THE LUCICNOW §ENTINEL. LUCICNOW, ONTARIO • • • WEPNESDAY, JUE 25t, 1.90'it ASHFTEIPD NATIVE DiEs • . • , A . • • A ROSE BRAND MARGARINE Lb. pkgs. ... for .$1.00 HEINZ TOMATO JUICE • quality, 20 oz.' • for ,$1,00 EDDY'S WHITE" '..WAN TISSUE • White or colored 9 f $1.00 KLEENEX TISSUES"' Chubby.or Regular . • 6 ,for $1.00 Eit3Witet— ISoz.tin3.. 'or • • • '4, .• 5' • s, • , . CHOICE ,11rONIATCOF....4 28 tit's 104111441p ',',,C11/f • • e • ,;'..1"A*1. • 111 • lb. this GREEN ,GGE: PLUMS': quality, 20. oz.tins KING'S ":014010E GREEN BEANS: .. FANCY QUALITY. 'PINK- SALMON WAGSTAFFE !LU JAM . ..::: tits 1.... ... 3 r.or q014,u0 .... . . . aREAD, 'N -itrrrER, ricK ‘ - . ;. ... _ _____- York brand, 16.0s. jars •-,-4 4- 4 4.4 - 4 4 for $1•00' PEANUT BUTiER 'TUMBLERS 9 RED & Wr; JELLY POWD • Packages .. Ito for $104'., ';.„ Fancy, 14oz. tins , . . ES. • 14 for $1.00 . . . . 6 for $1.00 • STANDARD QUALITY ..GREEN PEAS 4 for $1.00 20 oz. tins .. • . 9 for .$1.00 1111.1,-*WHITZ:414j-*z;VW.24mH2,-"-&-4-P!!-' . . i.00 Southern Cross, tins . 5‘ for $1.00 • . CREAM STYLE, CORN • , for $1.00•Standard quality, 15 oz. tins . " -$1.00 FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES for $1.00 . Luscious, red ripe Watermelons, good. size . . 69c _ finest Sunkist Oranges,' 5 J12,' bag 75c Palm Garden select quality Tomatoes, cello package .'. . . attractive price • . 4 for $1.00 GSTAFFE 2-FRU1T MARMALADE • 4 oz. jars .... ; 3 for $1. WILFRED T. O'LOUGHLIN fir°•"el - O'Loughlin, a native -of Ashfield' • Township, occurred suddenly in Detroit in his 58th year., He was the son of the. late Mr. arid Mrs. Bernard: O'Loughlin. Surviving . ire-lwd-brothers; it,veconard; Matthew o.f Ashfield ad:, a sister, • Mrs, Ifernaftitto°AdMann .of•, Detroit, Leonard's special interests Were athletics andmusic. : • WILL PUBLISH CENTENNIAL ISSUE ON JULY 30th • • BONUSHERRIES OFFER. e e e • 4 CUPS.&SAUCERS Ideal "for Kitchen or cottage Set of four, only 99c with $5.00‘ purchase' • Order now fpr . . MONTMORENCY 'CHERRIES and • BLACK SWEET CHERRIES ot? 'PHONE 6 REE DELIVERY .1? or kk go, rel Or, 11 11 .1" ,crt • HURON TOWNSHIP COUPLE MARKED;25th ANNIVERSART • Mr. and MPS. Melvin coning, well known and greatly etenied, Huron Township couple, marked their silVer wedding anniversary with a fannly dinner at the Knot- ty Pine Inn iri Kincardine and- • a reception: at their home, "The • Maples” On Concession Four. he3r were married at the par- , • sonage at St. Helens •by the grom's.' brother-in-law, the Rev. Ti C. Wilkinson, who returned Saturday from• Mdtherweli. to ,be • master of ceremonies at the 25h ° anniversary clebration, attended by 40, including members of ;the family, Harry, :Donald,' Gerald, •Ernest inctSharoii; The latter , was in charge of the guest reg- •. ister. Both the bride and: groom of ' a 1933 are aCtwe in community affairs. Mrs. Coiling is 'a Mem- br of Olivet church and its or-, ganizalions and is especially /act - ie ,in WSI-S. of which She was president for four years and' in which she has Perfect attendance" 'for seven. A Program was'.Preented the Colling. home,' where Melvin has carriedon since the death of • his father. Judy LoVe of Ripley favored With,. accorcliaw Music was accorripanied by Rtith lack, ' • Numerous gifts ,were .•recertrdi fdr Which Mr, and -MO. • ,11,1• vieed: their • tharik. Cavil Ann, their granddaughter; whose birth- day was the same day; also was the recipient of remembrances. KING$BRIDGE • M.',:& 'Mrs. Marvin 'Lannon of 'Toronto, 1VlissAnne • McItinnezi Mr. john MCKiririon of; Wilighain wre, Sunday visitors With Mrs. Jerry O'COnnori' Mrs, McDonald -of spending A .te* days" with IVIrs. Jerry Dalton, aridMrs. LOckridge �f ,Wingharn was a Sunday visi- ' Mr., and.. Mrs. Maurice Schtir- man and fainily of London vis itedat the Van "Oichhonhe last week -end. . • • Rev. M. J. Dalton df.'WoOdslee. Visited With his relatives hre. last week.. •• , , . • • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Law and • children of LOndon Visited .With • the ,Blaie • Martin • .family last Sunday... • per., Edwin Garvey of Asunp- tion University, • Winchor, „Sang requiem mass for his aunt, Mrs. John Meagher, 85, at' the Saeed • Heart Chtireh,'' WalkrtOn, ,on Thursday at ,10- aan, 'The late Mr, Meagher is. survived bY /tong,. John M. and Frank 1, of Oshawa; daUghters; Nellie, Reg', FlOrence, of Walkerton; Joseph GOrnian,* OShavva, rs Frd Lippi WShintOn, D.C. and one brother; D. J. Donnelly, of *Denver Cold. • Mr. . and .Mrs. • 1/4JoS. • Garvey, AsIrS. Jas. Garvey, 'Mrs. Joseph O'Brien. of Gocterich and Mr. Mark Dalton were .among the relative from'. here. who "attend-, ed the funeral: • Mr Pat Su11ivn, Miss Antoin.7. ette.Daltoii; and- the Ray Dalton, faviW spent the . week -end 2at the Martyrs'. Shrine at Midland. 1Vireter. LierrnanAt visiting with relatives: at Langton. Mr. Maurice Dalton left. last •week' to start Work at Thorold On the Great Lakes. " • • •Mrs.. 'Jack Kinney and friend and Miss Antoinette 'Daltim of Detroit spent the past week With relatives here. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Siegner of Walkerton and Mrs..Siegnei' • S. • of Guelph spent Sunday: WithMr. and Mrs. 'H. Lambertus. On Sunday, •Juner29th, at' .2.00 p.m. a special C.WL. ineeting Will be held in the parish hall, with the 'Diocesan officers of the as ,gte§t, lpeakers.. The metnbers of, the dOderic.h sub- diVisiori,are cordially, •invited to be in attendancet alo. • Mrs. Mary Liernian Visited with friends' in liainittpii during .the past week, Week -end. viiitors With Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenzie•Were Mrs: George Davis and farriily 'Of' dt; Five weeks • from today, July 30th, weimpe to be able' • to Publish a Centennial .issue. .contairiing: articles of •pat; arid .present interest.' • Our efforts in this respect,• , however; are going to be lim. ited' because of the demand of .a historical book being •'published, and Which has. de- v,eloPed.into a greater tinder• taking than. anyone, cou1c1 for- "• • . • • • The' Centennial isstie t may :carry' some material' origin •',allyconsidered for the book. We are interested in .03-. taining articles for this. i§sue, •frOm anyone who gets the Urge • to sit down and recall the past or write about:the .present... •Make itfaatuaL. • howver, with Co Mp le te • nanies :of anyone being men McKenzie. and Marlene of Wing - ham, Mr. anclMrs. Jas. Wright of Mitchell. •, Plan Garden Party • The annual garden party With turkey suPper and bingo, games and -dancing, 'etc., is arranged for Thursday, August 7th, to be held, in 'St. .TosePh's .parish hall. Dravi tickets, on a Frigidaire electric clothes dryer "imperial deluxe model" will be ready for distri- • bution next •Week. PRESENT MINISTER. WITH CUFFLINKS The Hi -C 'Young Peoples. group of the United Church held a, sOcial evening 'in the FellowShip lOom. on. Monday,. 4. ',Weather conditions prevented the beach • party as originallY, planned. • During the evening' ,Joanne Hunter . presented -Rev., 1VIeiklejohn With cuff links on behalf Of the Group Which he oganized: • ' Gaines Were played and a Vesper service held. The pleas- ant" evening concluded with a lunch of hot dOgs, tarts. and popq TAKES STRATFCIRD POSITION • Mr. Ioy" Keane, sOn of Mr. and ',1VIrsJarries Keane of Dungannon, who graduated recently , from Goderich „13usinsi C�llege,'has aecepted a bOokkeeping position, with Pounder Brohers �f Stat taWa, lqrs, lean Yearnan, it. J. ford. tioned.. • - • -.an- afew cases" advertising-. spae has •alteadY been ord- ered 'in, this issue. However, The Sentinel does not intend to solicit advertising and anyone wishing an advertise - Ment Is requested to place their order • very: soon, as mach of tlie. press, work' oh• this paper willbe done he fore: the Week of publiea- As a 'service to 'advertisers • we will Write and design the advertisement, if desired. But let, us know Soon, •Please, MARK SILVER ANNIVERSARY .... ,'" Saturday, June 14th, Mr. and • Mrs. Russell Gaunt, celebrated 'their'25th wedding anniversary •of their marriage when twerity-; five friends, relatives arid neigh- r, bOrs gathered at the Hotel wick, Wingharn, fora family din- ner. 'The tables were decOrated ritli'red roses and a three:tier, wedding take`bentred the 'bridal ,table of twenty-five years ago: Harold- Gaunt of Kingston pro- ItioSed- the • tost fo. the 'bride.. During the dinner Oelegrain of gbod :Wishes was •received from Miss Katherine McKenzie; RN bc?fe Kpriensgesn.toln, . who was 6ble' tb• The guests then ,returned to Mr and 'Mrs. Gaitrit's honie ofl the 2nd Concession Of KinlOs, where the evening was spent in cards arid social chat. Mr. aid, • Mrs, Gatint vitere presented With gifts in honr' of the occasion': •M • plearsa-ntalyildsuMrPrrsi'sed,tunn twe Friday, June 13thwhen members of the Currie family presented them iwith a Cabinet of silv,er, electric tea kettle and: twenty-five red, wroeiceisainign;ail,iiioin:errstiorfy, their ',26th