HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-06-18, Page 6PAGE IX • ' ' THE LUCKNOW SENTXNEL, CKNOW; ONTARIO , . • 1. , . .. . 1 1 . 1 ' I . , • WEPNESPAY".p.,JJ -,18th, 1950 . •••••••••••••• op , HOLYWOOD LADY . 1Kiricardine• • Sixteen branches reported ful- PRESIDENT SBWI ly showing the intereSt dis- - • , . I trict work. .Mr. Reuben Appleby., -The- South Bruce District An -j of. Behnore extended greetings Lwas held at Belmore. in the in_the_afterrioert-wititMrs. Geo. • United 'Chlirch With BelmOreas t Ilabotson of Armow • replying. „ hostess branch, Mrs, R. J. 1VIcKellar o Kincar- . The meeting _was_preside Cover_ _dine _brought greetings from, the by Mrs. Harvey Houston, lst. vice F.W1.-A. , There are now 1472 president, ,in the absence of Mrs. branches in Ontario'. July 14 to sT.: E,'RoWe, the presid.ent, - who 18 is. Institute week at the OAC :- is confined to her home at Kin- with a trip. to the Stratford FeS.-- ' cardine Withk a broken limb. Oval. In 1959,•• the .A.C.W.W. will '4,:nieructfial: ServiCe‘ was • CQII.T., Meet - in Edinburgh, 'A Seotland. -ducted by Mrs. ,HOnSton. • :Unitarian project gave bales of The treasurer's report; shovirecl'.clothint ,valued at $3,133.58, The District receipts of $760.89; Dis'.„' F.vii!,.y.A. fee Willbe ' increased, trict expenses of $714,46 with a from 15c , to '30c next February, alance of $46.43.-.13,geeirots. in the to :Meet. increasing ,experkses. , Sr. and Jr. branches were $8694.- Mrs.- McKellar.' 'reConrinerided , 2,2 withexpenses -amounting to the National Film Board Day on $7159,89 fOr a balance Of $1534.33. July 17th at linron C011ege,. Lon- Lesl'e• of. the; De- don,. There. is a national essay men or: Ag ictfire,'"tittict-'3'e i s-•,•.0 • ggettf, tV,arfiln - , members to make greater use 'of child to be ',a ,citizen..- .0i the. hone economics :.services ' avail-: world", with one ! .entry front: eaCh branch and a cultural com- petition ' of words and music for, a new. Institute' song, . • . - .. Mrs. C. , Owns : sang a' ' solo with Mrs. HOward Orr as pian - found : effective because of '-the ist. Miss Dean MacLeod gave a individual 'participation 'of mein- reading ' • . . : , . ,, , ' berS.,She'point, edOuMi t that a loan '. SS Shirley :Patterson, home ,• ' able through, the Department, stating that, 23 training schools were , held :last year '• and. were, very fruitful. The preient pro- gram of short courses, has been - library and, study:kits, ,were also economist for Bruce and Huron,, • • 'available.. , • ' spoke On 441 work and the rug Far community singing' Mrs. making' Project The highlights of Philip Stewart was song leader the -first : national convention at . and Mrs J W. Joynt, pianist Ottawa were given by the alter - The • vice-' president's report nate delegate, Mrs. Don McCosh. told of visitirig all ' the district The liederation'Of.Agriculture re - branches and of the organization port was given by Mrs. P. A. of two new branches and of theMurray of Holyrood. . re -organization of one Junior, The Tweedsmuir project . on branch. She asked that each quilt blocks resulttecL in first' , branch send, her their, program. prize 'going to Reids Corners and There were 145 registered for the second prize ,to Purple Grove. • morning session: ' , The Ripley branch extended an Five-minute standing • •commit- invitation to hold the 1959 ' Dis- trict 'Annual in their townand Tiverton extended an invitation to hold the District Directors meeting there, .` • tee reports were given by the following: Horne Economics and Health; Mrs. John 'Colvin, Tees - water; Citizenship and Education, '‘• Mrs. Raynarcl Ackert; 'Holyrood; Agriculture and • Canadian Indus-, • tries, Mrs. Morford '..MacKay, • Ripley; • Historioal 'Research 'and Current. Everits,•Mrs. .Thos Biair, Kincardine;,. 'Community Activit- ies and Public Relations,. Mrs!. Neil MeLecid, Tiverton; Resolu- tions, . Mrs. Victor -Emerson,..-0L -water and. Kincardrile. Whitechurch, Junior Activities,- Miss *Isabel Leslie presided for. Mis Wanda Evans, Kincardine, the electiOn of offieers wihich re- Delegates and : -District Direct - Ora • were present 'froni :,Armow; rn Belore; 13ervie;-HolYrodcli Kair- shea,: Kincardine; Lisburn, Luck- nOW; .PararriOnnt ”Pnrple 'Grove, ReidsCorners, RipleY, Teeswater, .Silver Lak,e, Tiverton; . • -White- church' :and *Juniors , from Tees -2 114uSeum Report, Mrs. Tlios. 131air, • suited as follows:, President, Mrs. Harvey Houston, R. 3; HOlyrood; 1st, vice,Mrs. Victor. Emerson, .WhiteChurch; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Cliff Hewit; 2„. Kincardine. 3rd Mrs.:Francis__Geminell, sec: -teas., ' Mrs, Cecil -Hol- land, rt. 4, Kincardine; Fed. rep- resentative, Mrs. Don McCosh, R. 3, Ripley; alternate; Mrs: .Melvin Rome, Teeswater; district voting delegate, Mrs, Lloyd Arnold, R. 5,, 'Kincardine; alternate, Mrs.: Reuben Appleby, R.. 2; Winghani; Federation of :•Agriculture rep.," Mrs. Cliff Roufstori; RS; Lucknow; alternate,- Mrs, Wm. Slessor,'•R.. 4, Kincardine;:. auclitOrs, , Mrs. Harold. Thacker, RObt. Mc- Coripick , StandinecomMittee conVeners: Agriculttire and Canadian Indus- tries, Mrs. ,Morford MacKay, R. 2, Ripley; Historical Research 8t, e .p old, R. 3, Ripley; :citizenship and Ethication; Mrs. Robt. Osborne, R. 6, Lucknow; Home EConomics and Health; Mrs. John Colvin, R. 2, Teeswater; 'ResolutiOns, Mrs. Victor Emerson, Whitechurch; 'Junior Institute activities,..Miss .Mary Rohlstori • R.' 1, Ripley; Pub lid•'''Relations -representative, new post, was filled with the, election, of Mrs. Neil MacLeod, R:: • 1, :Tiverton" who will have charge ,ofall publicitY, report donations,;financial • or otherwise. ResoltitiOns passed were:. that. the printing on sugar : bags •be printed On .paper; that staples be removed. from all food products because of . the danger in child- ren sWallowing them; that . the Public text bOoks be. one Series and that the ,Course of Study on health,. science and 'soc- ial studies be, the same through- out Ontario: Two local resolu- 'tions were: that' Bruce County be, requested to acConr-. .odation- at the Connty Home .for .married .copies;that a Place of. Security be found' tor , DistriCt. -minute books. It was •atiatiged to hold a soc,. iaPL time at WhitechurCh in the .611 for the District to raise fin- ances. A collection amounted •to' $27.50.. Mrs. Don Btftecish pre- sented Mrs. Victor Emerson, past District See.-ti-eas,, with Dis-. trictlife Membership pinland:Cer- tificate 'in- recognition of her ser - r.. •• • ,••• NOTICE • _II (Bill) Hunter, LucKNow • has been appotpted Distribution Manager in Lucknow and District for * ;: . B.A. FURNACE .& FUEL. OILS . • • t-• • • I .• • • • • 4 • • r. r• • • • " ; • • . • . ALL...FARM 'PETROLEUM PRODUCTS • •-• AND TRACTOR AND CAR ACCESSORIES e ter . , , e . n . . Phone '55, Luplintiw MONUMENTS For sound counsel' and a air price o a monument • correctly designed from quality .materialo • , . • SKELTON MEMORIALS 1' Pat. O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over. Sixty Years • VVallierton / Phone 638-w Ontario THANK YOU NOTES and Hasty'• TOP PRICE FOR CATTLE Notes available at 25 cents per WAS814e-- IN 192 :epna vokc laogpe st,!.13100'nearrdhsoma np4spinn,phone 33 or , , • 'Eldon • ITiSticlerson gave us, a ,.' . .*•,-,4 • . price list of Rice :and Whaley; 's , , • •• vices to the District commission dealers , cattle, . • hogsand sheep, dated March Mrs. Wallace :Pollock ..of.'Purplel 11924::: • • ' • Grove. thanked all for taking part • . .With 3,100. cattle 'on sale :the ••• best export : steers, sold frem-73ic • . to 9Y4c. Choice •butcher cattle were 7c for the 'best; light icorn-: • •Mon: were • 3c. Veal': :was: bringing 19c and'hogs were $8.25 • , Td and watered: " and to the 'hostest branch Who'. had provided a very appetizing dinner and 'tastefully. decorated the. hall, and chtlicli with beauti- ful offlowers. There. were 27' beautiful •rugs on dis- play. -,, • . • . • . , , • . • , • , ; • ',rev 1••• • • • • •kiV The canner must take core of purchases and payroll before his Pack is sold_ . ' • • .:,...4:74:111.1.-felr:/1:;:::•!1;:e1,, ; r:. • • • • • • . The farmer needs cash to • • • finance operations until . • • his cf00deliVeted • • • , • . ' ' 4. 4 13 fl r 4 • ! , .. • 0 • have you saved in the past ten years? - • The trotible with most sa'irings, Plans is • that.,people deposit money today and CiiitildraW it tOtnertow. A'Suzl Life En- , dovvinent Plicy prOVides you',With a savings plan that tannot fail. Let :nie tell you :bent • , • , • , ' SUN LIFE OF CANADA Wm. Kinahan ... 2, !AJCICI4OVIt . Phone Wingharn 717,W-4 . „ ' • - ; tr•'' . .,. It.,;•1.;,:::::;,:::•:,:,;:.*:::::,::i4:„ ::.•*;,,i,."..,",'..,i,*:.ii...."....iii??...r.%";.."*.i?.;•.'; e.,,.....;•::„.4'.::::::::•;:44i:::.::!:::1:::,,I,:i•,,,I".: ,,,,, .0.,,,:.:::•,,,,r,,,,,i ' .•.•.;>.,',.!::::::::$ .• — " ';',...:1:1:..:1'::::::Iii:::':.:;:i•:;:`...:*,Y1I''';:,: i;:::;I:::::,:".••• :••••//, . ' ..• • • • ' ' `,.• ••• •. • .. . . . . , . , . . . . , • : . ' . t • • : • . 1 . . ! . ' • . • • • • .4:•::1"!%;":"..":":•:".::: • ' • ' • ,' .6344.4 • ' „ ". • . -0. 0 $0,, botare. .• • •. • .. •. . . :I.A.X. • , • . , . -• When borrowing is sound business prad-, tice, it is a simple, straightforward process • to arrange a loan from a Chattered bank. • ' • Every day, in every part " of Canada; the chartered bahlcsare lending MoneY to farmers, fisherme. n, producers; manufac- turers, processors and, 'Othr commercial • tstomer, large apd small, to meet pay. • CHARTERED BANKS -SERVING YOUR COIVIMtiNliY• • ‘• if . ., • . . • y• ' . ; rolls; buy raw materials, , market pods ' , ' . , , ‚4 and meet a multitude of financial needs , . . . . A bankmanager is constantly on the look- ,* • cut for opportunities to make Suli, 'IoatiS —that's his job. Bank loans are an essential part of the process that provides th&goods ' ' , . and services that make, life better ,for Eill, • * , Canadians.- . ., • ' ' „ ., 4 • .„ , . • • „ „ • • . , • • , ,. • ' •