HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-06-11, Page 6. PAM SaZ
ReqUestblg the Dept. of Edu-
as, to the disposal •ot the farm
lands,the various: ,fie1d of 'prep
will .be sold. 1 proceeds 'of
gneWs IIISURAtKE Agency s
thee tY sales will' be ,deposited
the! counHoMe.Reserlie. . .
' The Haines for the: Aged Act
• Provides for the following -types
of -care fOr-elderir-- PeoPle• in a•
County Honie; 1st, care for sen-
ior, citizens who lave all their
faeultieS and Who are 'Male. to
get around and have their ineals
in a central dining i00171; 2nd;
•care for 'the chronically -ill old
people,„ whO through their •Old
age, require !bed care, though'xidt
, .111 enoughto require..attention
• • ' ' in *. a general hospital; 3rd, .care
, • , „.„ , I
.4 4 for• senile elderly.-p'eople in a se-
. • EstaSisb.'E4.0Ve; ThirtY. 'Years 'Ago..
ResIdence 138,
ri.110e7PASV ' 1)1YA.44,11.,,1441
-Please phone O r
The ApcieWILlial
, Malcolm 'Furp!ture Co. Ltd.
to el; Ontario
nlarge County Home For
ccom�dation of Bed Patients
• gregated section.of the 1-10m. e..
hiti i continue. to be sold through
At the present time the County .
Mar -
home caring for those in the.,,,he Ontario Hog , roducers keting Board;'' ., ' ' ' , - •
first and third • groups , mentioned Recommending that ',Provision,
above, but no segregation of *the be made.in ,the 'Tile. Drainage
nile:,„ispossitale44eo____it sur- A.,,• sration• of ..the
certificateo e er
the County is maintaining as in- municipality •as to' the existence
digent patients, either.in a gen- of such tile loans as notice to
eral .hospital or a nursing home, .prospective purchasers or mort-
cation to grant subsidy of 50 per-
cent of 'all 'costs „of ,car driving
instruction both in the clasSroorn
•and on the highway; - • -I
Requesting the Dept. of xiitly-
waYs to increase the subsidy from
50 • lb 80 percent for • alY;snciw
removal cotes forlocal±inunici
palities an'd counties;. ••
Requesting'the Dominion 'Gov-
ernment.to abolish the sales tax
on all road materials: and equip-
ment; • ,
Requesting 'amendment ..of the
• Canada 'Seeds 'Act. to reduce the,
number. of noxious weed seeds
,allowed per , ounce. of certyied,
grass and claver,seeds;
•Recomthending that,all Ontario
approximately .33 'to 35 elderly
gagees.• • • ,
persons who' could be Cared for ••.
.in a• bed care section of a coun- J•
these. Patients'is now Shared 50.
percent each . by the county and
.the, local :municipalities. If there
were further ',facilities 'for caring
for• these cases in the County
Home the County would receive
Report .of June Session, .4908 . cent' of the net cost from
• • . the sum of 573,022.40 and in 70 Per
,„ „
Bruce County Council1assem- Chides . the furidS, necessary to: the •ProVince. This would mean
., bled' at the Township ,Hall,..T013- repay the second of three,insta]._ considerable Saving. The Coin:-
lermorYi MOnday. evening, merita of the $100,000.00; expend'. mittee! therefore -recommended.
June ;rid, for its Session :' titre; 'on the: -renovatiOn of the further investigation of the mat -
Warden Ponald'• 1.vIeLaY., , of Court House and 'the . new addl.-, ter with a,view„ to providing ae'•
4anasay Township,
presided and 'tion to the *Registry Office. of comodation for bed care patients
•,:•211 members, were.present with this .County .Rate .51/4 •mills are 'in the Home, . and with
he exception of Reeve- Michael for 'highwaY Purposes and ''siX this mind,, an architect will
Focher, of• 'Culro• ss, who i• was MillS for,• gene• ral purposeS. be engaged to:advise on the pos-
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kidd of
1VIerritton and' Mrs. Brit -idler of
Kincardine were visitors at •the
• home, of' Mr, and Mrs, Dore last
111 lk: Althi;iiigh;the.session;• as usual, ' County - treasurer ,T. H. Alton sihilitY of. e:;)°oa bed Caresectionerconverting the present
' -dealt ;Mainly With routine mat- reported that a ' recent amend-
building into
...„ -tiers; there were some items merit to the Homes for the Aged 'and providing...accomodation for
i: • .
which createdsome interest and Acts provides that counties 'ori- the. other. groups in newbuild-
controversy , ! • L' ',. , . , . ! erating aings adjacent to it
..Home will receive from ,
•- ' The 'Property Committee re-
municipaAn attempt by certain ' urban the tirOvinee . 70 , percent of the
re -
municipalities to have high-, net operating costs , and 50 per-, ported that tenders have been
'way rebate increased from 25 to 'cent on capital expenditures : Called' for•the erection of a' new
25 percent this year failed wheri ,The ,cciuntieS. Will receive this in County Library, building. at :Port
the Proposal was voted down by Monthly: payments The Province 'Elgin. The contract :was ,awarded
the. narrow Margin' of two Votesformerly refunded, 50 percent of at a Price of $16,56.0.0 and the
... .
The 'Village of Tara; one of the net costof operating the building is to :be completed by.
the few remaining municipalities County Home to each of • the October. '15ths.
not attached to 'one. Of the,larg-/ local -'rriunicipaiities making Up A foint, report of the Agricul-
r high school, areas; finally - be- the .cou•nty. ' ' • "-' tural and Reforestation Corninit-
-:•cante part ' of the Chesley High The County Home Committee tees 'recommended an open deer
'School District at its own requestreported thata digpersal sale season for Bruce County. this. fall
'This leaves only 'Hepworth and had been held to dispose of the, provided Grey and Huron. Coun-
. parts of 'Arnabel .and Greenock County Home dairy herd. The to- ties do likewise; and the Depart-
; _still, unattached. - . ,..• tal ;.Proceeds amounted to $14,- merit of Lands and Forests makes
1V1,0t important of the 'routine 570,00 for. the 42 head of cattle -the-dates known two Moriths-rm-
Matters to b* dealt with was the offered for. sale. A .sale' of farin. advance. . ' • . . , • '
setting of . the - County • Rate ,.for equipment and implements will The Highways •Cominittee re -
the' current! year. The rate' was be held on June 17th.neXt. While commended that the Department
set at 111/2 Mills: This Will raise no decision has yet been reached of Highways be petitioned to as-
„ tshueme;uadrti
s a•h. iyiyileg opfrmeom_ , Road,
ampton north to Bauble Beach
. .
• ,,,
Mr. and MrS. Don Giiiies? and
Mrs. Angus Graham of Ripley
visited at ,Mr. and Mr. 'John'
Emerson's on Sunday. •
The. •Purple, Grove'WA. was
.held last Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. Walter Forster” with a
•geOd attendance.•
• Mrs. ',Victor Gawley and' Mrs.
'Peter Leeson Spent the week -end,
at Buffalo. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Giirtie,448i
family • attended• the 'Richards
p.icnic at. Flesherton on Sunday..
How:well .
yoa know
• Clieck Your knowledge by
identifying- -`'s map
11:0,tveVer ,'you.:knONV
•Ontario, you'll enjoy getting
• to knoiv, it better. Make a
j. 77,d,wror-e—W;
highwaYs. and• byways,.
visiting its lovely lakes and
• vacationing at . one of its`
Modern reeorts , see.
Ippervrash Provincial Park .
• shOWn above, Take the first..'
new; filling out and.'
..Mailing' the, coupon belOW:
BIG plus Hepworth Road. Engineer Eldon
its extension north to , the
1111 COORS
Creek bridge in'Paisley and the
have' been let on the Willow
Yundt reported .that contracts
TKeingdeesrsbrairdege.bewirlesgt' °cafl'iNecleus°tila.dti
MODEL .;,15;
ton and 'one near ArIT1OW. Plans.
culverts on, County Road 11 'west
of Glarriis, ,and one 'near Tiver-
• r 4,
• 1957 Pontiac 'Hardtop, automatic, fully equipped • ' $2,595
1957 Pontiac i0e1uxe ,Sedan, automatic transmission,
fully equipped- / , $2,495,
-'Two 1957 Chey. Deluxe Sedans, fully ' equipped $2,295„.
1957 Cliey. Station Wagon $3,450,
1951 Four -door Pontiac Sedan, with ,radio ' $2,195
-1956-1Fritd: Custornline,autornatie; tully equipped, / $i,995
1954 Dodge `Sedan • $1,395
1954 Meteor' Hardtop, automatic, fully equipped $1,450
1954 Chev. Standard Sedan, fully equipped $1,295
;1953-!Dedge Sedan •••' • • 41,150
1953 Meteor. 'Coach ' $1,050 -
1952 Chey. Deluxe Sedan ° $ 895
4,1952 Chev. Deluxe Sedan • • • $ 895 •
1951 •Dodge Custom Sedan . 695
1951Plymouth Sedan, low mileage- ,!! ....$ 695
A number' of .1952, 1951 and Older Models
!. • ' TRUCKS
1956 Chev. 1/2 -ton Pickup . ..•••••••4•••••••• , ••••• , so , •i••••1•• ,, •••1•••• 4,1,265
1951 Ford4on. „ „ •;„• 650
• Huron County's ' POreniost. Used Car Dealers
CASII,'' TfRADE, '11ERIAS •-•• open EVeningS Until 10
Cities SersOte Dealer . 'Phon,e1171, Brutt§els
Mr.';and' Mrs'. ,Donald' McFar-
lane and farnily visited at the
home of •Mr. and :Mrs. Howard
Orr on Sunday.- •
• Mr: and MrsFrank Dore and
family visited at the 'home cif
Mr. and'Mrs. Gerald Brindley of
Riversdale on Sunday. .
Mis,s Matf Anne McCosh spent
.Saturday with Marilyn- Parker.
Mr.' ."and,'.Mrs: Goldie. Huston
visited 'witMiss Margaret and
Donald Robertson on Simday.
• Mr. 'and' Mrs. Donald IVIccosh
I `iieparltcit Lir,riirsre 0'4 lifiadAfqp. I
I ;4
iOaktelo D•pOrtsimint of. TrOval'at Pubilcifi
I • Sari: Berm L. Cathcart. Minister
• ,
visited with Mit.. Robert Watso
On ,Sunda.3i.. '.•• r
'Congratulations to Mr. ;Jinirni
ErnerSon On" ,haVing. passed hi
exams at the ,Ontario Veterlhar
'College at. Guelph.
You can't , get ridof
temper by losing it.
are being prepared for the Sta-
tiOn bridge in 'fara, Stark's
„bridge west of Paisley, and the.
• 'Chepstow. bridge'. TenderS' have
been called for 19,000 tons of hot
mix paVernent for County Road
17.frorn Tara to Port Etigin: Work'
oh: the, Development Road be-
proceeding, well and the grading
'of 21A, miles is .completed: The'
• 'grading . of, ..the !road 'from High-
way' 4 AO Paisley is Scheduled to
be completed by the end of July, ,
after Which the West Hill at
Walkerton'is !to '' be cut* and the
road ' graded • from. Walkerton
west to the Elora Road. .
I' .
The Tourist Committee was au-,
thorized to carry out a' Sustained
advertising campaign in a Tor-
onto newspaper designed to at-
tract moretourists: to the County
and they will also erect attract
, new, signs at 'the pOints
Where 'five.principal roads .enter.
Bruce County. ••
• The following resolutions, were
.-: adopted during the Sessiont
Requesting the Provincial and
-Federal goverranentSto give Set-
• ions, consideration to subsidizing
sewers and sewage disposal pro-
cti- in inunicipalitieS- •
•r Weather -tested before
you buy'
• Stays fresh-lookintfor
at least four years
1 'Comes in a wide range of
non-facling colors
Now available ,in three amazing types,
—Regular .Truetone White
--Truetone SeliCleaning White
.-47Tmetone_„ TrirnWhite
I .
. ,
'IDB, the new exclusive ingredient in
Ttutone White House faint,
• makes it the whitest ever.
' .
• ..• • • . ....•
and GIFT' SHOP Phone 218,,ILucknoW
Wallpaper ,C.IL Paints
, •