HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-05-28, Page 9IEDN, DAY, MA"s 28th , 1958'
Canada's climate gives paint its tough:,
est torture 'tests ,;from sub -zero
thrQu h driving� �olcl
,. tains : tosteaming-.
humidity and °desert heat. And Martin=
Senour 100% Pure ,House Paint resists
y .
them all, thanks to quality _controls'
determined • by•
continuous lab and
field testing: Qus�
v' i@Ubflf.H7Wf1 'bSP St.,;
'aint in a1w range of modern color
fast tones, You're sure of lasting g pro-"'.
tection against time and weather.
nd .. KEM.GLO_
Y`E$, We'll Lend •' You' TJie ' Color.
• ,... Harmo
JOHNSTt7N-=ir -Win a ..' I • .. WHhTECHUR
tai on M . gh of Hospi- ,
/Way,. May 19th;''.to Mr... Mr, and Mrs, da
and Mrs::day,Morley Johnston farr►ily:: of Sarnia
jack Gillespie . •
5 Mrsn, a son,. R.1 •With VIr; and
'spent Sunday
d 1VIrs. G. Gillespie:.
Ma . NNON ori .MonMr. and Mz
cay,+ May' s. James
12th, to Mr .and. rs. Angus y visited Wilson .,&.
Mac- fainil friends. tri the v. -
4<innon of Aurora, a "son` Dan: : age on Sunday ilI
ny: �M.r ....
,Frank Stockhill of '• '
Riv Mind
S nt
.p t '
.weekend •'at the•
home :of :Mr, and ' Mrs. 'T. Mor-
rison. r
Mrs. � : .
Annie ,McQuillan .is. back
Jiving ih : her Norrie in the will
• MYERS to Mr and 'Mrs:; Rae
Myers, Ottawa,; On 'Monday, M'a
. 9'58', a 'son, :Gordon -
'• SIenzie, a :brother' • .Mac -
Janet, .. , for Luta. arid'
Week en age• :
d guests •off .Mr.
Ws: ,lire. and 'The 'Whitechurch
McNaughton . were . Mr.' 'Park •Community.
'and: 'Mrs,. ' J:ohri ',Young, , : , ` is to be. opened on: , sitar-:
Mrs:' _Peter T g, Mr..and 'day, Mai; 3lst. 'There 'w.iii.
.hornson an son. ladies', ' softball be ' a'
John of Toronto:� d>�.. . game, ''races; 'etc.
. •Mr's: :;iohri Ladies please bring lunch "'ever
Greig; Markinch; Frfe;r Scotlan. . y •
and. 'Mr.' 'and : ' Mrs,: �d, body welcome , : ,
R. Henning;Mrs.'
l .•
and Delane of Mr,: :and Mrs.,Albert Goultes
London. `Mrs: "spent,: Sunday 'afternoon
Greig ie Mrs, Thom'sores'.mother Mrs. • with.
aria : is on. a six �months'..Iolida . CouLtes father; Mr•, Kerry;. ; t
in Canada'"Shea' y who; is' a patient in - Owen;:So
comes from; Mrs. General` Hos' itaI and t
IVicISTaughton's� home town. p .
Miss, Colleen.• .Tiffin: s
_ ;• pent . the h
• week -,end. With • Mr.
and . Mrs,
Cecil Falconer.. : ,.
Mr:.James McInnis `
� wa '..
to a • Londori h.o �, S• taken
spital on Sunday
and, was. to be operated- on .Mon
day. morning. We-. Ali 'hope � for.
Speedy recover i a:
y Mrs;McInnis ac-
companied' him and is staying.
for�..a few w days:
Miss A. Carruthers of Rile
Mrs.' WiIda. •Irwin' of :Lucknow,•
Mr J.. R. ;Murray :visited: at the
hone.. of `l jr. and Mrs:, ,Torii Mar-
rison : on Sunday
Rev. and Mrs.,, Watt quietly
Celebrated their'5"1st wedding' 'an-. on . May 24th g an=:
y when
members of their'family werec
:home "'to.: celebrate the occasion
froth .Oakville; Flesherton• and
'Tornnto.' •
Mrs.: Collins,: is.. planxiin .~
ake a bus load' of . her, g . rs
q Toronto'on May 29.,
. Thursday, May 29:.
Miss- Olive Terrf returne to.
r gme; in the v7 lage�. o on, -
Easier because
by , a elation*'' process whir guarantees
rmax.lmum power.in every 'gallon; .
'Easier •1r4Cause tis consistent (ryy y
Cans tk>rat Iwbenever the 'h ivy' pull
.. •, . sf C ,(lP a�olxni�
,�► ' iv y
s a ass ,read' i' .
n the load: is' easier =when you, tiwn your ow'n
istrhuting .,
business and sari ;keep for yourself the earnings it, niakesz:. .
ew;s al?ersnen_from Bruce: -and . mora
,Grey Counties and.a.representa-
live from the' Owen. Sound radio
•statIon were guests of. the On-
tario" Tog >Produeers <Assocatpn
when they toured their establish_
T, ee t , in Toronto last' Thursday.
h +Luckno:w -Sentinel
among . those ° re r w a $
, presented from
The: guests were taken to. Tor
onto by merribers.of the,.Asspci'a-
tion aha followin dn. her' the.
group'prQCeeded to: the ' board
room where members of . the.
hoard were in session. ;Pliairman
Eldrid Aiken ,of Allenford 'intro-
duced` each member,: and spoke
briefly ; of their wark . •
to th'
�' '�' a, dam. �, • a
was oisou sin: the forthcoming
hog vote in .July whicah had just
beemset a few days. pretious..'Mr.
Aiken' explained .the aims and
purpose .of, the hoard.:
Charles `McInnis, president of
thea Orta_ rio_.Hog._:.P,roducez.-.::�
s'ooiaton further 'Outlined the
work • of 1the board,
*The •second flooj' of the build,;
ingis,, entirely ' taken, upp by the
sales .agency .of whicha
J ke •Koh-.
ler 4s; manager., This part of the.
operation: completely .controls the
buying and selling' of hogs : for
alk' members._ Mr Kohler:.and his
associates.' start about. Thursday
to work: en the hog sellingfor
the next:. week. °Daily contact-
kept. With Eastern .and Western
' Canadian. and U.S.A. prices';t
Conditions p and.
t s and the . agency has •a.
•staff,.of men and women that do
nothing else .except compile' these:.
vital statistics:
Set Asking Price
• With information from the .past
week at their • fingertips,
. p , the,
board members meet -on Moiida
day `'after' spending .,the winter-
g the .:winter
out.in .Western .Canada:
Rev: and • Mrs. Cox, • of Brant-
ford rant -
ing-and decide their asking'
price, Contact is then made .with
the packers. who make their 'bids,
and from this. a settlement. is . .
he'j, Mr; Kohler stressed the •
fact that there is very little de
.Iay at the assembly yards as has•
been, suggested a.nd• that,.
. is never done carry
ing over hogs
e wth.-
the exception:•
he . Uflievery
'arrivals inthe. afternoon,.These; always thefiston
the .floor in' the, morning
Telet pe Comm
anica,tion . •'
..The .ag-cy has teletype coni-
munication . with'. each assembly:
point, and accurate .figt.ires of all
hogs across:`° Ontario are• at •the
agency at, all times: A. huge sales
g4, JO
ay, sales .4w
yesterday, prevailing
conditions and "other Canadian
and U,:S, markets and. ' their
Prices. The sales agency is, new
selling about 90 percent . of On-
tario hogs It is estimated' by the '
-Co opevatzve ihaShere r s:40 090 1:
hog, producers 'in .Ontario,.
Complete Organization
All presentwere impressed by
the complete ,.organization :9f the
Toronto offices and. 'their, link
with •the assembly points., is
proximately 1'9;5 Alpo`
, OA cheques'are •", •�
mailed from , the office, .to the'‘
farmers each .Week., The agency ., .ncy `'
: ,
is handling `between; 86. to .90 mil-
lion dollars `.worth of ; sales per
year.: . .
Thenews a :-.._ �_._ . • • •'
p permen were very;
'much • amazed o . the •'
,i� y affairs .be-
ng' Put '.forth: by the "Ontario Hog,
. •
•Prod og
uee '
s '
sociation It' is -:a
system that cannot; be ,explained,'
in. words. : Every 'hog . producer in'.,
Ontario:: should visit the. 'estab-
lishmerit and 'see thee, o `.erat"
p cans •,;
'.and, how their :hogs are convert
ecl ito casks
of measles and r co p
n?Plrcat4ns�'. .
Your: other pupils' ..left. cla
duringsses ,:.'
the day. ; - ..: '
Fraiik Eedy returned to r
inch '
ing in Wyoming, `•U S.,.;last week.
• Franklin . Stingel of Bradford
spent ' the: .week-en'd • dfhis
Mother,. • with 'his :'. •:
Mrs L:. Stirigel ;' and
Vera ,.Barbara: McNabb Passes
,There passed::away at the Oak.::
Trafalgar IYIemorial Hospital' .
clay;, May `9i, Vera 'Barbara
,i beloved wife of'Allari. P.
bb Mrs. McNabb; was born
and' Mrs. T., E; Diurnin,
attended . Dungannon public
Goderich Collegiate
and the Co'llege.`of' Edu-
,in Toronto • She.taught
schools at Sheppardton
chomberg, and ' in high
at Essex,; : Fergus and.
nville, . before ...her mar -
b .Ai'Iar P. Mcabb, prin-'
sof, Landesdo'wzae .Public
in Toronto. They invade
orae in " To'ronto until Six
`go t rheri 'they ' inoved ..to
B esrte s--zrer--`Ii-'ti'sb
iirvived .by. a daughter.
n, -Barbara .and Allan, of
ry three sisters and 'a bro.:
s L, E. Durbin,. Mrs.. C.
ely, and .Mrs. I. R.. .-Rall
Crich' and.., T.' ` M. Durtlin
ford spent a few .days with Miss
Terriff, .
Mrs: Nellie 'Stewart
was pleas-
ed to: Have word from: her -sister,
Mrs. -Tana Edwards..of Seattle,
Wash., that she had- arrived home'
safely'., Mrs,: Edmunds : spent. Sev-
eral m'ontlis here visiting her
on F'r
• McNa
Dx- A- VV-ol e-s-,and-�1�lxs---rakes- a -t: J u
•have returned to Toronto, and `late M
while here sold' 'their property She
in, the west end to Mr and 'Mrs. school
Rob't. Mole,' -who moved there on: stitute
.• cation
I. Mr: and Mrs Ken Hodges had rpublic
as° visitors ori Sunday 'Mr.. and ' and S
Mrs. Earl Shinn; Kitchener.; ' . ,schools
1 .Mr. Dolton .Schultz of St Cath Bowsrna
arines' ' visited • recently. with his ridge t
brother, •Mr. and‘.Mrs. , Leslie -Opal
Schultz. They visited Mr & .Mrs School'
Reg Sch�dltz; 'Westfield: ;their h
Mr Pete. ' Glazier of London
years a
-zsrited -€tis- v�reek- with hiss-neph= �e-1a-rkson—
ew,' Mr: and Mrs. Harold Maize she ` is s
Other visitors for 'the. week -end • and, . so.
were Mrs. Emizrerson Irwin and . Toronto
Barry, Mr M. ,J Andrew;. „Lon-' ..ther, Mi
don. A' Whit
Mrs Harvey Maize;, underwent of God
an, operation last week at''T'orohta• of Dung
General Hospital and is progres
ing nice""Ty `Herusbazict and so
Gordon and J. C; visited her
Sunday _
ns.•COU.NT3t'.. 1,11$1P i;#LRD
Congratulations to 'Miss Bar
bara Wilson, whosegradizatiori. a
a nurse ,took: place. last Thursday,
afternoon from Victoria Hospita
exits, Mr, and •Mrs. James Wiis
one of 'the •.top show cattle
s ..herds in the comity, the Holstein
y • her,d-, of the .Bruce Co ' . '
unty, l'Iome,
I, `for the Aged, was sold by a:uCtion
- -on ?`ttesd`ay of". Nast` week,
London.•`Attendig'Were 1•ie'ir• ar
on Sales athounted to: $14,56'0 for
ace Wilson and . Wanda and 'M
nd :Mrs: Will Reid. They .ver
tor. entertained at the home o
Mr. ' and Mrs, Larry' ,Griffith
pringbank Dr:,' London,
TV .,fans watched 'CKN:K`' ori
onday evening when eight pup.:
s of the Dungannon ,Public
hoof Junior Room did a little
ncirig skit; coached . by their
acher, . Mrs, •Marvin Durnin.
e dancers ;were ;Caa..,�o1 Culbert,
th Kennedy, Doree'z Culbert,
Dc) Pentland,. Ricky Park;
ian..Black, Carman. Fielder. and
1 Henry.
icky Park returned to school
Monday '•after a heavy attack•
nd Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
the 40 aninnals ,offered. 'Average'
Mr Awns•• •$864, :-., ,
e Tye herd 'bu11 ,sold for •.$580
U'arol..o Iioiding o.1/ Owen Sound• .
,, .• Thedispersal sale`` was one of
the largest -hexa: . in the district,
for some time aria attracted a.,;
large gatheriniq.:of buyers ' froth
many Parts' of Ontario..
• Chairman of the County .Uoise'.
committee " is R'arold •Percy of
Kinloss Township,.' .
also . 'sel the, barn 'andd�Iprnen.Tteo
.• '
countir Jitirrie is going out , of
far ming as an ecorionly • measure', -.
ands owing� :to the recent passing
of` M 4 ..(,c rank lehrl,.. the farrn °.
manager, ' . . ..