HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-05-28, Page 4• •-• `.? 'AGE-11mm'. • .1r,111,,r• LUCICNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, (*TA* :EVENTS-, •,_ • • !. OARTTS:IPARTV • hold a gar- dery party'at the.church Tuesel'ay, ".• June 1.0tb• Supper Served from • -6- -to Pre -school -children CUSTOM WEED'SPEA 111111N1d. -71 FOR. SALE' .--u ten -room brick free, children up to 12 years 50c, • Al.irwin, R. 3, I..uck• now. I, house, ban with cement 'stabling „adults. $1.00. • ' • I. and 10 acres in haY; situated- PASTURE for,3 or head' immediately north of CNR depTit, DANCE AT WROXETER ' of cattle, running water. Sam Cliislett, phone' 179, Lucknow.. • ,Lt.tekriovw • - Private- Hospital. APp/Y" to • Har- old 'Greer, phone 129,11'. ' SALE—cedarirOod. Apply' to Lorne Farrish„. Lucknow, Phone ‘Dunganiion 82-T-15; roi,-sA4F,—hardwoodi.slabs •and., sawdtist. James StevensOn, Luck-; • • FOR.,SALE.,.--, 400(1. cedar posts, Apply Lloyd Whytock R.• R. .2, '" Wingharn, _phone Winghain 604- . . : -;• FcR.A41.F,4--registered Yorkshire '.',..hOgs Of serviceable age. Gor- • don price from $1,500,t45.$6„500; also • Apply, Mrs.: valerson, /min, 29.. A *Ince Will, be held in Wrox7 I: , Craig ' St.; Apt .9, London, or eter 'C°1nnluilitY• Hall on'`FridaY, phone London .81,1 5 , . .. ..May .,30th sponsored by Wrox- ____:,eoin ter_ '..c munity Hall, Board. • ,. 4, LUCKNOW , . '. Lucky spot dances; music .by El.- ... • HOUSE FOR SALE. Nott ,Carrt.rther . , .. %. ,• • Good .seven room. house (three , • , 'rooms ,dOi‘rn, 4';A110., *On' acre .lot. ' OPENING .SOFTBALL,: ' „; • ' ., poithip , garage. Heato hot air " Lucknow Intermediates will, , furnace.1 Excellent buy at $6,000 open the local softball .on Thursday,. ., . June 5th, with Ripley with $2;500 down Walter Engkat Realty Ltd the . visiting, tearn: Turn out and. 71*MTSU--- encoura e ,the ball team ,.dri,. to or Phone JA .2-0178 ariytitne. . t ... on d ' .1 1;1 .Por.tant.. „ NOTICE . • Inthirbiloc- ,A4i,:.roothod holho. riri= lield-,..,,,at. MaPle.iiGraYg:onTuesclaY,. ,-,'. PROPERTY FOR SAL°E A number of liornesi'located on highway close to. Lucknow with , small acreage; several homes in The semi-annual County meet- Lucknow with all' convenienceS ing of West Bruce, .L.O.L. will be June ,3rd at .8 30 pin .A good WhiteChurckwith large:lot, pric- attendance is requested. pd. for quick sale. Farms, for sale . . throughotit :Western Ontario. List Next meeting of Ladies Aux - your, ' property . with ,the W. .L. iliarY to the Canadian L,gi.oni Stevenson 'Real Estate, MOunt, will be held, on. Tuesday, June l'orest;, John • Hall, :Lucknow 3rd at 8.30' p.th. D S.T. in Legion . • • .1N.14.7*Jg$T)4Y,f. MY 28th, l958 Real ,Estate and .I- Effec-i‘ . his late ReSitlence; Plan101, Lots 13. to 16,, Ki/IllOSS. Twp. MHO Eatt. of. Villas*. of .1-meknOw • .• Off 86 - Highway SATURDAY, 11,147r. ;kti • sharp GENERAL • LINE 'OF HOSTSEHOL;D FVRNIT:(.1ni. ri:Epmi\la CARPENTER . TOOLS NEW'OA11,13tEf. Wri1:1; CLTLTIVA1TOR „CUSTOM .WEED SPRA.YING ,$1.50 'per acre; also, good wind- . mill ale, will sell; head sep- arate Gerald Walter, ' R. R.., 7 1 LuckrioW,' Phone DUrigannon' 77-1.1 'MUSE FOR SALE,— in Tjuel; ' : , '0 -' . ':rades E. :Robinson, M: McLennan, , now .' Phone evenings, 236.- - , itEIV1 It. . , . • . S Harrialton, M. Whitby. : Your .; feet are one of your ' . ' ' ' • ....' ' ..,-. • , 'WILL. Cil'IAllid.E cucumbers at greatest assets, and a breakdown: .Re Centennial Concessions ._ , pickling, . season for fiPliveri, per- ,in,the structure may Cause pains Ariy organiiation or iridiviclual 1,:ilials, 's,1111114,' Pte., , to land- in feet, 1 ,knees, legs, •ankles or interested' ,in having a meal or • se4Pe 'foi' 'Cenennial• "..'Mrs' IL lower back. See J,. ..A..: ,, Vickers,* booth concession at the Lucknow cowan,. Luelnew. • • ''' - '' 'FOof' CPrrectiOnist, - at . Queen's Centennial please contact Lloyd . . . : • FORHotel, ,Wingham, , each • Monday Ashton, Charles , Short,' William ''.' SALEused 'Bell plane, iii gaiict. condition: .Apply. to Wm: Ress,' R., 3, Goderich,. phone, Rip-, . . ...4.: REAL. ESTATE ..4,; ' , Pian ,101; Lots 13, 14.,. 15„ I..6„ KinlOss ToWriship,' on which is; situlated a ttCatenient.' Veneer 8 -room. 'Huse, iSMall Bath if. ^ Hydro, good .wa te,' .suPPIY, Lot inc U • PS aPP•rwcwriateli one" acre of, land...Pr„werly sells at 2.30' p.m., subject to Reserve TES-.1-lousehold Effects, Cash, Real ES4ate, 10. percent Day, of Sale,, balance in 30. .days. • Henry Carter, E. R. Gaunt, Allan Maclntyre, . . 1 TRACTOR TIRES , . We .can fill your needs in tractortires, .truck and car tires • at lowest prices; MacMillan ros., L k ow - SURGE MILKERS • See./ ,the new 1958 model Surge Milker. Milks - uneven ud- ders: 'better. • New looking „glass finish, easier 'cleaned. Same safe. "Tug and pun" cow milking. Phone Lovell McGuire' Wing= ham 593 --collect AUCTION SERVICE Allan Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer LucknoW-Phone, 10-r-24 RibleY DEAD: STOCK REMOVERS $15.00 and up paid for, old, sick and disabled horses and . cows, Highest cashvalue' paid in sur- roundingdistrict for :dead stock. P r o• rri p t sanitary disposal in .winch-equipped.trucks. Phone; LEROY 'ACHESON, Atwood, 1.53 Collect • . ternoon Sc mi or 'Russ. Button who are: Members of thi Commitiee. ATTENTION FARMERS • • ley 110-r-25„, • Custom ,killing, cutting and 'ATTENTION BALL PLAYERS!.. wrapping „ at verii. reasonable 'Anyoneinterested' in playing I rates. Welsh Meat Market; phone Pee' Wee, Bantam, Midget-or'Jun- ! 41.- , ior Girls ball this summer is re- ' • . quested toleave his or her name I • OLD HORSES .WANTED with Lloyd Ashton immediately Old horses wanted at '3%c per Ages are Pee Wee,' 12 and under; • lb.; dead -cattle it'tvalueif dead,' Bantam, 14 and under; Midget, phone at once to Gilbert Bros. 16, k arid under; junior •Giris, 16 Mink Ranch, phone collect God- and under; (all as of May ,lst)_.. \ erich 1483J4 or 1483J1. • LAWN, .MOVITERS low' as s. r39.50. Garden, and lawn • tool's, fertilizers and seed.' Canadian Tire Corp Associate Store, Wing- , Ont I , ^ WANTED . used .timps arid pump jacks. Irving Keyes Glamis • Phone Paisley. /— goodhard maple ' • ,MEAT. FOR SALE . , ;-. Re Adentennial Pictures,' „ . wood intruckload lots, „' Goo,d beef for sale by ...the Text Books an.d. Not.e, Books , bar gain price. MacMillan Bros. quarter:, Beef killed on premises Anyone h a v 1 n g interesting Inspected by the Department. of .•,,„ . . FOR SALE -7 .butchering a spec- . ' jp, ' due to health, egg Health. Choice Hereford7 'Jogs. Custom . a ' • year .1tool pictures is • asked to • take, or send these to Mrs. Lloyd Hair grading business and equipment '. , • or Mrs. Jessie Allin... These will Apply to Dale Produce, Seaforth, ialty • • • , ' . be used for '. display at ' the Back - Ont .. • , ,Raynard. Ackert,Ifolyrood .,. , • -to-Sehool-rirograni-'and-later--will- ' f Phone 24,30, Ripley - , FOR SALE -2 furnaces, one or be on general display -Wanted oil and, one coal or wood, ,both .-.. w RIP NED . also are old schbol tekt books ' .m0 ERS SHA E in good shape. A,pply Tom Aus- ,. 'and note books to , be. „taken or. tin R 3- `Holyrood, phone Luck- Lawn mowers sharptned, twp- Mailed to Mrs. Harold Treleaven ' ' cycle and four-cycle motors re- -now 101-r-24.- -. , , . , .• 2-,a,' or Mrs. j. L. MacMillan. The, . paired. E. W. Rice, R.. 2, Luck-lendees name, must be on the . ' FOR SALE — goad Jersey cow, now, phone 211-r-312 back of the pictures or books, 125 Young hens, 'cream separator, ' ._.,,„ . - as well as the year, name of tea- : TENDERS • . ••. household furniture, kitchen' cab- ' • - • cher, and- identity of as many . inet coal or wood heater, like TENDERS Will be received. by as possible in the picture. The ,Committee will take every possible ,care' of these, but 'can assume no responsibility,for loss. new. 9uanck R.'6„ ljuck- . • - the ,undersigned Uritil 6.00 p.in., , now Monday, June 2nd, .1958, for - the, ,. construction of the Luther. Muni 1-4 cipal_Draiti_Specificatioris_maY-be‘ surroundings:. Ambitious , m e n seen at Clerk's Office A Marked ' •CAlip OF THANKS . ' ' qtialify for this paying. agency.' cheque for 10 percent of con- 4 Write for .detailsi Familex, Dept. tract to accoMpany• each tender.' To my friends Who' in one way 41, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. r\ Lowest , or any tender , not nec- or another helped 'to' cheer my 'eserily. aepepted. : : • ; days WhileI was ill in hospital, D. IN/I. SIIVIPSON/ ' • I thank Yon, all; '. Puiriped and' Cleaned .witli moa- Clerk, Township of Ashfield,' ' Margaret 'MacFarlane ern--equiPment.,--A11L:work -guar,- -- tail, patario.., a -.: Mrs. Philip ' MacMillan tyviSbes ...'riteedLouisBlake; R 2; . . .: l;IrtIS- _;_, , . sels, phone 42-r-13 BrUsselS. ' -LIME KILN LODGE. 'to sincerely thank all. those who LE INVERAHTRON.,, ONTARIO ,So kindly remembered her with. , ' ' PROPERTY .---k0R-TSA7BY ti.iND.ta___frarne hntie .. in .viit...,From. May 15 to July 1 the • facii -• fruit, . flowers ' and cards,while 4'.. hospitalized: ities- of the lodge are: availableshe was ' . Of L-• kno ;' good location, • conveniences, For particulars see.: for Weddings, ' Bafriltets:'°r Meet- ' I would like to epress.my sin -s. ..... ings'eLDatesare, also available ure....thanic. to, all.. 4.1y._.,,,, fijoi.i.d,s; sin - posters :tr. contact II-. 1:- Arkell- ' . , - . Teeswater, phone 45-r-14, ' from Labor Day until Oct 1, Ac- relatives and neighbors for, the: . • . ;comodate up to 110 perSons.. Call , • • FOR SALE •,-• GeOrg , . lovely Oart1S4. letters. and .gift White Kincardine or write to Mrs . . during My recent stay in Victor- , • threshing machine ,with cutter, 14 Parry, 19ic 238; Kin.eardiP9' .ia Hospital, also for the flowers) VisitS„ goodie's and Many kind-' . , ' , . o. 5,,on .. pp, to Jim Nelson,, R. 7, litickiirb-w, phone Dungannon 614-2. • For artificial inseiriination ser- • A ARTIVI CIO itiSIIVIINATION nesses 'Shown' since .mY. return :Po . hoMe ..<-5. sincere thank'you.: , 4t :1,,',,,,,•''.''...:,, .. ' vice '• or More information, tele, • IDA TAYLOR. • ' . , .., FOR ,SALE -Several tiSecl milk- PhOne the Waterloo cattle Breed- ing machines of various makes, ing Association collect at Clinl Words ere,SO inadequate to ex - Let us install one of these. or. ton .1.11I 23441 or Kincardiri.p 460 press our appreciation ' to' 'bur • . a new Woods in yOur barn' on between f 7..30 and 0.30 a.rd." We neighbors' and friends for :tiiefr trial. ;Prices given 'without ; ob., supply Service to top quality expressions of syMpathy, beauti.. ligation. Irving Keyes, .Glarnis, bulls'. �f the, Holstein,/ Jersey, fill floral tributes and acts of Phone' PaiSleY 114-147.4. , AYrshire, Gnernc,ey,BrOwnSifiss, kincliiesS',,at the time Of our ,re - r . Red P611, Hereford .(polled and ... HOUSE FOR RENT, —: at, •Holy- horned), Beef Shorthorn - (poll,. rood, , , hydro,, ,b-ao,Otht? gaa.lrlenlo°dAer•pn. ‘ ed :arid, horned); and ' Dual Pur;-, It, orrit-1, and BO, T j,.. M„..cOriveniences, .0 t pose, Shorthorn,' 1 ,Angus a n d :KirineYt,. , lily to Ernest Atker , phone.19,, iCrOlaise , breeds. :Ishe, cost is IVits.,,HoWar,ct Harri,s, Mrs, Thos. ria. • „ ,- , , . 1,0,, , , , , , liarrig Earl and Leslie: L ''' • FINEST, household nedeS- sktiBecorne-our-dealer--in--you-r- f, tr, • Like— sEpTIc TANKS, ces, pools) etc. 4. '• Breeding,. oodManagement oo roduces -Champions • . 4,1 Cornacre Re -Echo Olive , All 'Canadian. Junior 'Yearling 'Champion. : • . Frifrrsstt Prize JunriliinOttl(aetarwlhiesgtellimcicern. jair,t/ ER:syoaxi.: Count /1":•tiir'• - Black and-.Wifite Owned by pienier & Sons, .717tibODS14:171. 9114411.1°. , Member and. Patron of Comber 'Farmers C0..014. ' This calf wascgiven, vigorous start with CO-OP, 4.;',..AL: O STARTER GROWER:16r Is:. She 'w then fed CO-OP DRY & FITTING RATION, and Ater gciovNencaEN16TRADTaiEry Ration mad(With 2,4% CO-OP 118TRY Today, the Co-op Feeding Program is producing "cellent • results at a reasonable cost .for' the whole Diemer O herd.: „ Co-op Quality Dairy Feeds can help your herd, g e max MUM production at minimUm cost: FEED 'CO-OP DAIRY FEEDS District cent sad. bereavement. Special thanks to Boiji,MAcKeri2le, Dr. M.. 0, • . . ' • ‘. 40 Phorie 71, ttickatic•vr