HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-05-28, Page 2'PAGE- TWO • 1 • " MK* 111-1=OCIWARAWT" • • • • • ;40 1 0 , • 0. At. • . THE .LUCICII91 ,SENTNEL; LCKNoNv, oNTARio "O. 0 .11,0 41,..b....b.-Ab.••••• • • 14.• • • ••••,41.-•••• A‘,. 61. 'Al...1•• ••••• ^.1. _At...10,44.1...k, . • • • NARKS, 840 RIRTHD. ek.tend best es Mr. Sainuel. Reid of 14icknoW7 • whO, ,celebrated -his- 84th birthday ..on4 May 2001, A family party. wasi held •in his boPor at the home' of his ,dauhter • and .son-ir-Aw, Mr., and Mrs. -.:'Peter -t ook .Of field an Sunday, • • ° . He still enjoys:fair health., He .recivecl Many gifts ',froth the faiily. The grandchildren sang "Hppy Birtday" to him.' • • • 4 • • LIBBY S SlIAGHETTI ' •A Save. 9C, 20 e -Oz. . 5.' tins4.89c Green Giant Fancy Quality. Peas. Savel2c, 15 6 for 99c Saire 9C rolls 59c 5e4 Hand Billsfor.Anpiverary Values. Rose 'Brand Margarine, save 4c, 1 ib• • pkgs. , ' • ' foi 49e Kngsclale; party assorted Biscuits,-; 27 'biscuits Pkg• . .... . . 33C • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hippy -Vale Cream Stile Corn, 15 oztins, save 50e ' 10 for $1.00 Libby's Deep Browned Beans?. 15 oz., • tins, save 6c . . , , • , '45 for 7.9c • FIVE ROSES FLOUR 5 lb. bags. save 4c -- 37c* -FRE4Almurrs' & VEGETABLES Plum* select quality Bananas 2 lbs. 29c Finest quality Cuban Pineapples .... 2 tor 49e • Flavorful, naiad hot house Cucumbers,.2 for 25c an 'INE 26 c urdhs 2 Kellogg's. Sugar Corn Pops, save 1.6e, 4 for $1.60 R & W Pure PeanufButter; 16 oz. 4 jars.$1.00 W EvaPorated Milk, tall ▪ tins $1.00 R & W Tea Bgs; 5e off pkg. of 30 35c . 10c off pkg. of 60 ' • • 65c :R, & Wassortedjelly. Powders 4 pkgs 29c Early • BiSer Coffee, 'lb. bag 69c Fluffo:Shertehlng,':,m- York• Homogenized Peanut Butter, •16 ;oz. ice box jar, save 4c • • 39e IRONING SET only 99eswith; $500 order ite Foe Ti FREE I)ELIVERY 16 .PARAMOUNT misTrruTE • hips, iCIIAS. STRAILIMEE:. MET IN LUCKNOW • DIEDIN' TORONTO, The May Meeting of the Para.\• mount W,I. Was held at the horne\ . of Mrs. Dan Nicholson ..with 17 members, 3 Visitors' and; seven. children present. The , meeting opened With the singing ,of the Opening Ode and repeatng. the Mary. Stewart • Collect.,•Mrs. Emle, -MacLennan :Mrs alter' Dexter and Mrs... Al •.Irwin were appointed .delegates for the Dis- trict Annual .' A report of the • . District Directors was given by Ktchabaw. A reading, "Vacationing Time" by Mrs. Jim 111interN was followed/by two Very nice rntisical 'numbers • by Mrs.' . Mary Jane Webster and Mrs. Havens. 'Mrs. Fred Martin gave a reading' "Recipe for a Good Disposition". - Mrs. Al Irwin' had ,•a nickname contest. 'Mrs. Jim Ketchabaw • and .Mrs. Wellington Webster 'gave readingS. Mrs. Or- . -•-•'—''—latitrRicliardS-Tgave a reading • on • Conservation. The meeting cos- ed.With."thesinging of the Queen and the Institute Grace: A 'very • dainty lunch' Was Served by the hostesses.' The June'meetng will be held at the home of'.Mrs. Sob Campbell. • • • . • , rhe death. .of , Mrs. , Charles Stratheiee. aCcurred.in Taranto on. Friday, May , 23r4 in ..her 79th: y41. ,She Was the former Eliz-, abeth Anne Co, :and was born KinlOss on' October 21st, 1879.,. • The funeral service Was con- ducted ,at the:MeLennan,:Funeral Horne in Ripley on Monday by Rev. :13:, A: Brydon' of •Ripley United.'Church with internient.in, Ripley iCemeter., Mrs., Strathdee had made her home for some time in Toronto with , her daughter Irene, Mrs. Go'rdon'' Johnston • • • • , •• •.tEAN ,DOUGLAS PASSES' The death a miss Jean Doug - occurred at the Lucknow Pri- vate Hospital on Monday •even- •irig: She had been ill far a long, period and .her condition. had been gave. f� r •The past c'oule--- f. weeks. • • . . The funeral . will be held on Thursday afternoon fat- 2.00 p.m. at the residence of her brathr, Wm. J. .DOuglas; where ..the 'r - mins are resting. Interment will be in .Soutli,•Kinloss Cemetery. r4, 41 11 4.4 t, • k), 4 - 11 11; • 44 24 1 157 pLY1VIOUTH SAVOY S • covers washers back -u DA; radio, spOrton, •wheel lights, eto. $2,250.80" .155 PLYMOUTH SAVOY EDAN radio new tires, • $1,495.00 1955 -PTINIC,4760TFI'' PLAZA- -6Verdifire, two-tOne, white walls,. etc:. . . ...... . . . .... . ..$1,375 00 • 1954 DODGE MAYFAIR SEDAN, radio f tinted glaS, covers, Arlin rings, -'etc, sharp . . . . . . . $1,275.00 . , 1953 DODd-E REGN'I' 'SEDAN, radio,,etc,'9;000,true miles, • -the cleanest '53 in Bruce ,County •1 , 1 5 0 , 0 0 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN. 'S arp one ' $ 75.00 5 this ( 1950 PORD CUSTM14I1NE COACH,being, recOndifined.,- • 1947 DODGE 1/2 -TON a' heap one,: runS- body 1949 CIIEV. COACH,?;$4,w sills, paint, etc. ....:-.....$ ,350.00 rough 9 $ 125.00 , . 1952 FORD SEAN DELIVERY; refinished; etc., runs well .,, ......, 4 4 , $ .575.60.. ,t • • . • Bake•• : kiCAR,DINE — *HONE .147 Your Chrysler 'Iilymouth, Fargo' Dealer' 6 • 4. m4 APPRECIATION' RECEIVED DEGREES- F,ROM • WESTERN ON SATURDAY. Arnong those •receivingdegrees at Western University .gaduaticin: eXereises on .SturdaY were sev- eral Of sPeeig local interest. The only local boy Was. jack MoKiin sson of' Mr. and: Mrs. A. -E. •McKim who received ,his doe-: sr rsTiTe-drt'Th'e'rde-g.ree Qthers, wti Lticknow associa- tions; were BiL1, Hnlon, son of Rev. and Mrs. G. S. BaUlch; Bar- ry Attridge, son of Mr and Mrs., Cecil Attridge; Biil Murdie,son of Mr.. and •MrsCarence Murdie;' Mrs. Nancy • (Bil•wen) 'Roberts, daughte' of Dr and—Ms-R Bowen • • • ST. HELENS The St. Helens WOmeres Insti-' tute meting. On Thursday; June 5th, will' feature • Grandmother's Day. The roll call will• be Wered by "What I admire,MOst elderly Women".. HOstesss are •Igis. E. W. Rice, Mrs. Ross •Err- ingfon., R,oss GaMmie. • ••• We would like • to .expresS :our • sincere appreciation to our friends CULROSS CORNERS and neighbors fbr. the 'many acts mis. Wm Wall of KinlOugh is; spending .sorne time with Mr. Mrs: John SchUrnacher, and Mrs. 'John Ross and and • Mrs. DaVia Ross• were in:Tdronto recently attending -the 25tli,wedding anniyersary of Alt. and Mrs. William Brewer. "Mrs. B1evier is the former peroo Ross of:this cOmmimity.. Mr. % and Mrs. James Wraith spent Sunday with:Mr.- and Mrs, Sam Swan, ToWnline. . Mr. and .Mrs. Alex WhytOck were :the 'guests of Mr. and Mrs: Win.- Stanley, Kiitioss on Sim MesSts. Larry, Husk;. and Bob Me..Donald : visited :SUnclay with Carmn and Harold •WhytOck. of kindness show!): -to us when we lost our daring little son. • Mr. and Mrs. John Hoekman. HOWARD HAR RIS ;DIED SUDDENLY The community was . Shocked and Saddened by., the •u4de0 death , last Tuesday ' of Howard Harris, popular HolYrood'district farrher, in his .53rd year. • Howard had been admitted to. Victoria Hospital, London, Sunday, suffering from a;kidneY stone„ ailment that •had struck him on Friday.: Surgery did not becomenecessaryi and Mrs.. Har- ris: returned home! the ;next, day. Howard was planning tO. return horrieori--Wednesdayge—WaS-up- on Tuesday, when a blood clot truCk the • lung, •and • he .suc- 7 cumbed in about twenty minutes, Mr: and .Mrs. Harris lost their only. child, Latrarie, due to the smile Cause..She was convalesc- ing, froni an appendectomy and died suddenly,: on December •17; 1948, at th-age of nine years.. Francis :Howard Harris' • was the son •of Thomas H. Harris and Agnes Erriir Palmer and was born'.,on the Harris farm; Con- cesSiOn :8, KinloS, on December' • • He was ,genial and popular in • the community. His violin, fish- ing and hunting were his hob .• hies. HOward gave generously of his inuSioal: talent and the "Hat': •ris Orchestra" did' much for the suOcess• of Teen Town aetivitieS at 1-1o1Yrood, ••• - Mrs. Harris is the former Mar- ion Jmieson, daughter . Of, the iate-MrTarid-2-Mis7-John7iTainieS-OiE. A wealth 01loral tributes and the many' who °extended their sympathy tstified, :to the gen- eral sorrow of this berayernent. The remains rested fitthe family residence until:Friday When Ser - vie was cerldticted ,bi Rev. T. J. McKinney of Kinlough Pres- byterian Church; at 'the` McLen- nan and, MacKeniie MemOrial Chapel. • • Interment was in Greenhill Cemetery with Jack-Ackert,.Ry- nard Ackert, Max Bushell, Or - Ville 'Elliot? El.WOod" Elliott • and Sain Farmer acting as pallbear- ers. • Surviving besides 'his wdw, are his mother and two brathers, Leslie Of London and. Earl ,of 4o1yroOd„: His father died in 1050, and a brtherdied in in fancy, as + as the'grievous Joss of their ,daughter ten years ago: • • • , WEPNESPAY;: MAY "213th, 1.95a WELCOME HOG M.ds:illtKETIN9 VOTE. An1101,4110ethent last Week Olaf, ,TuY'25t11,1rought the follkn,.• comment, frOM Bert': Lab, prest:, dentof the Huron .County Hog, POduCer4. Assocition:' aoeepted tlic 'challenge and Were ready for it, vq paid -for srtiini ne w. 9%11;1.. ww:3c,7t111(Ye• 1111a-70t9e* t, where we are 'at, it shouldclepr7. up Lobb 'feelS confident pr0-. dkiceks endorse e pro- gram of the. Ontario: assoiation. eertaiD W'll -get the re- quired two-thirdspercent appro.. val. We're getting More 'suppot all .the time,•even frotn men Who . - p An . • • ,r. ';obb said a 5eries of meet- ings would be planned through- out the county /to discuss the pro - grain before. the • vote is taken. •'Approval by 66N :percent of those voting will be -neceSary to ;;continue the single saleS •2'." PulSory *direction of hogs to specific asserribly •points. • •' Agriculture .1‘Enister low Said, he believes a "clear-' cut" decision Is . necessary, About :70,000 hog prodUcers.in 420 southern Ofitariatownships are eligible. cast 'ballots. Polls will ,be :open from 9 ,to. 6' p,:,M:F.I•idit.al‘ .time. at.). voting day, a , , The plebiscite, pastp.oned on tWO previous .occasions .because •litigation, will provide the first opportunity for :hog, 'pro- sllcers to indicate their approval • dis priroyal •of the marketing: plan which was inatigurated.More' than five years ago: lhe single-sals. agency ;sStern Was ,started among' hog producers in January, 1953.NeW regulations, enacted int Septeniber 1957, com- pelled •PrciducerS.ta Ship. their, hogs tedesignated assemhly. points to' preVent Sales direct to meat ,Packers. • In announcing : the vote the Far/iv Products. Marketing Board. said. municipal Clerks pbd sses sor4 in each. township be, asker to act as returning ,offacers ancipoil clerks as Well as' ssiSt in, the: preparation of vaters4 * Weather -tested before yo/u buy • Stays fresh -looking for at leastfour years a Comes in a wide range of non -fading colors PAINT AT tRutoNE:The Exterior SUPER WFIITE Now available in•••three - tirilt4ing. :types., • •.... • . . • • •,:t—Regular Truetone White Trttiu:tt:•• White •• ... • • •• erfr.47-1111101111 with arnazing 11101E11 IDB, thenew exclusive ingredient in C -I -L Trutone White House Pont, makes 0 the whitest ever. •THE PREMIUM PANT AT REGULAR PRICES and PhOrie 21e Lti;aknoir.';'. . A ' ..„