HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-05-21, Page 2• ..,011,17,7ffleir I •••,.`•••• • ; .0 • , • • . • I • ow, ONTAILIO., ..1.^11bv ••••• At• glue Bonnet Yellow Quik Marg Inc Reg. 35c, ib. pkgs 2 for 65c Dr, " Ballard Champion , Dog -or- Cat Food, . . 15 oz tis * ' ' - : 3, fok. 3.4c BircIs'. Eye Chicken;. 'Turkey; Pot Roast ' Dinners 11 - oz * • ' ' • 79c Wagstaffe assorted Jams or Jellies,: .9. Oz jar ' ' ' . . . . ' for 03C Aylmer Cat,I, up,' 11' oz. bottles ..._....2.for 35c.. Aunt Mary's,Heed Bread, 24 oz. loaf '1. R & W Instant coffee, .,'5 oz. ,jar .......;...,9 Ayime Boston Brown' Beans.. eiSIEZIEMISMCIfitiraY. QUAKER MUfFETS•... ; reg. Z pkgs. 37c 2 for 330 r • ' ' -" lr''' - - - er"-"ri t_ '''-'71-'77:- '-•••tai,ifi”.*1. * .V...t.!•. . • . . .. . . • . . . WALLACE'S TURKEYS .. PIES ,-....RoLts . • .. ., .,, ... on hand always. , ' • • . •••• - ,..,. •,.,•„ , • ,. TIDE DETERGENT - large package 38c. • 1 1 1 1 1 _ BONUS BARGAIN! 2 -piece contour -fit non -shifting (Ironing 7.-Ilearxeflectipesiliebneltoiling-toire-raiidloaor „cushion pad: Fits •• all standard 54" ironing Only 99e per set with $5.00 purchase .1 1 ,an / 'PHONE 26 FREE DELIVERY . CULRCiSS CCi NERS • We are sorry, to report\ that our teacher, Miss Kig, was con- fined to her home la t week vith dren had a • the measles. The ch• holiday, . /' ' § • • WEDNESP,A• NKr 2,1st, ,i tiYORK BEE AT PARK . 'IrIIIS THURSDAY P.M. -Volunteer ''' workers ...re wanted at the Caledonian . rail* • this.. Thursday after- n11,1/4Y 22nd. First undertaking toput the grounds in shape for the Centennial is to clear off the, hill. • Bring a spud, .axe, spade or . sharp poin.ted shovel, a • tractor or a horse. In regards • the tractor or horse get in touch with Gordon Kirkland: or Ale, Andrew!. Many* hands niake . light work. .Remember, it's .this,Thursday afternoon. KAIRSHEA AIDS „ANCER FUND Mrs. Gib- Hamilton. was host- ess:for the May Meeting.of Kair- shea Women's Institute, MrS. D. L. 'MacKinnon and .Mri. Donald MacKinnon were.: in charge •of the meeting. The scripture was MacirktirPt.:,- During, the business 'period it was decided to buy a brief, case • for the secretary -treasurer. The proceeds from the Daffodil Tea of..$57.28, will be forwarded to 'the treaSUrer- of. Bruce County Cancer Society. Extension ser- vice coursewill be Hospitality Food, the committee. being Mrs. F.. Mackenzie, Mrs. Houston and Mrs. Hughes. A Red Cross quilt- ing will . be held in- the Sixth „mr. Jim, Milne of London via- and Charlene ofLeaSidef.' Mr* School House Monday,May26 Murray Aimer a Weston, 'Mrs. , Walter .Wraith �f: Teeswater and Mr. and Mrs.. Murray Henderson d children Of Lucknow. r. and Mr•Albert_ Shelton • of Parkhill :spent Sunday with Mr. and 1VIrs. Frank Brown'end • Sunday visitors,withMr.' and Mrs. Torn .Stewart were- Mr. & Mrs. John Stewart of isintard4ie Twp.; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ste wart an4 Miss Florence Pierce Of Kinca dine, Mrs. Ronald Stan- ley and Children of Kinloss and 1VIr. Ed Wilson." • Mr. and Mrs. -Ed Collins, Port Elgin, spent Sunday With' Mr. & Mrs. Midford Wall and Donnie Mrs. Ethel Wilson and Mr, Wm. Kidd' of _Toronto spent. the holiday Week -end with Mrs. Mary Wall, •Mrs..James Wilson 'and Mr. and Mrs. 'Orval Wilson and Susan. The girls of the Garden .Club met in the 10th Con. School on Monday• night . . • • • OBITUARy. ited:;TuesdaY evening, with Mr. and: Mrs. John Schtnnaoher. „ • Week -.end gues.ts at the of Mr. • and Mrs James Wraith were Mr. ,$ MrS.,ChaS. • • ji in amounts $100.uPwards . . for 4§.4 or. 5 years. 44% interest, payable. half- : • Yearl by cheque 7 • . • autthi•i•zed investment for all Cana i Insurance Compesandtrustfuds YOUR MONEY (NILES ITSELF IN 14 YEATISI 4. 1 wish to invet!$" in. ,D. :0 year 1 3., 4 • • t ' 44% Guaranteed 'Trust Ce ificate.--t-entInse-iny-thequafOr this ' ainoun( and in return yea Will make out, the Certificate in my name „ • - and inaiti ha -Me -by -registered -mai - - 4 •-• lof v a 1. 444.4 4. . • .. . . • d i ' . , . • . . ..., . ' • 0 CITY, or .To‘ifit,N 5, oo. ,.• o &:- ‘.. o'. '; e o: - . .; ..o' o . • \' . • . . . . • THE , = ' • "COFP�RATION • . • I I I 1 ,,•, I 77 372 ROY 4, : lASDtoilOp $i,, ' . -4. 1 . '113tono ', , . ' . Bartle ' : i. »• • ti4t4 0 ;,., 4-704 ' • .PArkWay. 8411:11:.: - — . (Mils Hodgers)'(Mr i Alcorn) I " L •• • goo .,. iraiik1/4,-.• • r • • ,. , 4. • HERBERT CARTER', After an •-•illnesS' of about a Year,'Jaines Herbert -Carter. pass- l• ed' away suddenly at 'his home in Kincardine, on April 26th He was born in Walkertoti'April 13, .1900; ,eldest son ,of the late Mr, ancl,'MrS: J. G. Carter Of Green- ock township andTiVed for a time. in the' Blackhorse commun- . at 1.30 :p.m. • The. District • Director, •Mrs. 'Archie 1VlacIrityre, gave a report of the April 19th directors meet- ing. District' annual is at Belmore 'June 1.3th, with registration. a 9.30 Lin, Delegates chosen were the -president, • district chkreetor, Mrs, W. F./MacDonald -and Mrs. -Herb Buckton. Alternates are Mrs. George Lockhart, and Mrs, HaroldXanipbell.'Mrs.,IVIacantyre attended ,the Spring .conference at. 42..AC., Guelph, for district directors and gave .‘a .,very fine report.. Miss .Dean MacLeod had , the topic on Citizenship entitled "You are a Canadian .citizen; What are you .doing /about it" It was Most educational' and en- lightening, Since.. 1946 one mil- lion peoplehave come to make their. home in ;Canada, Mrs.. Ira Diekie, gave a suitable reading for s 'MOther'Day.. - • ' ..Mrs.- Walter MacKenzie is to be 'made a member of the Bruce County Historical....Soeiety. Mrs.. Allister Hughes • gave demon- stration on'hooking.rugs and four rLgs made' ---by members. • Were on display. Mrs Ted Collyer. gave • the, • courtesy remark's; to which the hostgss replied:. Lurch was, served ,at ..the dose of the Meetingby directors, Mrs. 'Win. Macintyre, Mrs: D.' L.. Mackin- non and Mrs. T. Collyer..'1'Wenty.2 one members were present:: Ori Thesday, May-13-th, seven. members of Kairshea were tertained .at the, 'reeswater • .rneeting, A very' educational tour through • Thonipson's Brothers dried milk plant was Part -et the afternoon's program.,' VatiouS. muSical_rumbers'...._were_also The' June Itairshea meeting will be at theOiorne f Mr's, A1 • On October 2, 199:• he enlisted in the .Perth Reghnent and at- tained therank of corporal. Af- ter taking a _course at Fort.Knox, kertuky; he- went overseas. in 1941 with the mechanical div- ision. He was discharged M 1045; .are viiif„ Tan McDonrd: former Dorothea Brown,. two ".. sons, Douglas of Edmonton and Have You Renewed 'kor Sib Donald of London; also two dati- Scription? ghterP, Barbara,. Mrs,...Jack...San, Fi.Nk•Ar.,GUIEST ,AT'OATHIERINQ: (170UNGANNON,..NEWS), ,• , A gathering Of sixtytisix of the lAnderson and Jamieson families was held in Dungannon' at the hopie, Mr. , and •Ced," T.31.,ake and Mr.. on Sunday in honor of Mr.'John. IFinlay Of Edson, .Alta. John was .`born on the, .9th Cori. of Ashfield, • youngest Son .Or• the late Mr, and Mrs, Anson Finlay (forM01Y. j'an ie :Anor4pi), whomoved to gariley,...S.a0c,, in 1917, It...was.30 • 4 years^$1,n,*,visitedhe, -He *:! is a school and. at ent7 is taking a three weeks' course in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finlay of St. ,Thornas. ae,. •eoniPilriied him , here, ; • 'Mr, and Mrs. Chas.. Pierce ' Of .r. sielt allgovatana..• r,' an,arvey And; , • :.• Top Safe -Driving .Coiitett. ; • !Jerson of London and JaniCe at home.: A daughter, Wiirnai• pre- deceased him.: One • sister lMrs., Mabel ' CainPbell, KirilOsi and three brothers, Edgar of 'Barri, ••MedfOrdt of Walkerton arid 1402W-' art', of Grand Prairie, also stir Service' was coriduCtedat the MacLennan Funeral 1 -line,: W; R. Lake of Kin- cardine United Church of. Which • Mr. Carter. was a meinber, ;con- ducted • the srvice, assisted •by the Rev. D. 4. Brydon of tip- ley..Kineardine Legion' had charge Of the srvice" at the Cern, etery and LegiOn members from Knardine' and Ripley acted as pallbearers arid flOWer bearrs. At the annual safe Driving, rodeo. staged at. Sky Harbor air- port' on -Wednesday,!' May . 14th, Chanibr .of 'Commerce- in con- junction with imperial Oil Ltd.; Wayne Brown of Dungannon placed first witli ai- aggregate of 355 out of 400. Second was J. C. Mullin of /Plingannon with 354: andthird:4ack Simmons of God- erch; ''353. Thirteentried the skill test andeighteen: the Writ:. ten.test. Cups and trophies were, presented by LarryOwles;„ God- erich, preaclient. of the. Junior C. , • • of C. Provincial constable - Mor- ley:. Groves' of *Goderich acted as • judge.„. Wayne, rown :advances to the finals. in St..,Catharines On May 31st.. Wayneis the Son of .• Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown and J. C.,Durnin is the son of Mr. Emily Finnigan of 'Dungannon. ST. HELENS Holiday ',visitors in the emu mimity inCluded- Mr.. Wilbert 'Durnin of . London with Mr.. and,: MrS. James Durnin; Miss •Anna • Stuart'. ;of Tororito: With 'Mr. and Mrs. George 'Stuart; Mr. k Cal1uni.Carneron..and •-Carol of toetroit with:Mr.:and Mrs 'John Cameron; MrS':. Alex Murdie. and .l3ob and Miss -Donna WOods of Kitchener With Mr. ,and Lorne woods; Mr: andMrs. GOr- don Miller arid Larry of 'London. With Mr. ad.Mrs,. Chester Tay- • lor; Mr.. and''Mrs:. 'Ken Grevar',..1 and Miss.; Ruth Webb 6f .4rnt-.. ford *with. Mr. and Mrs.:11arvey. Webb • • .Mi. .' and Mrs: and Barry spent Friday ' in Lon, don Where,Barry;•who as leader Of thp'Wingharn DiS- tict School was, with other leaders' a western Ontario,' a guest 'of' the LOndOn Free Press for the day. • . Mr. and Mrs., Win...Bowers and.: Mr, and Mrs: Win. Brown,Blyth,:. were reCent guests..of. Mr. and.: • wirg. W.:Ribg and Mr.. g: . . THOMPSON--.in:e: Hospital, Windsor, on: Tuesday; May 13th, to Mr, tnd 'Mrs. ; Robert „ Thompson*. of. Windsor, a Robert Patil. : • „' • IVIcKI1Vi--to Mi:and---MIST A. E. *Kim, of Richmond.Hill, Ofl Thursday,' May 15th, a daughter, Jean ,Suzanne. t• We have installed the latest equiinent' for the production of homogenized' milk.' This is now available en the route Or from local stores. • • • • „ yvt • io • v • vi