HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-05-14, Page 14AGE THE LUCKNOW SENT/10E4 LU KN `N, C?NTAii,IO GOES'. ' TO TORONTO CHURCH Rev.. Robert Watt has resign-' ed as minister •of Mitchell Un- ited Church,, to assnine, the pas- tgrate of Trinity Church, •Tor- onto, as sueceSsor to Rev. Cross,. ley. Hunter,who has served for 47 years—in the ..ministry and _10 years . at Trinity.. .1 Rev.. Watt, is a son:. of Rev. and Mrs, W. J. Watt of White- church •and' a brother of Rev: George Watt, formerly. of ;`Dun. Bannon, ,, ENGAGEMENTS -nd Mrs. "ired Stanley of, ChMe:l.eYa‘,' annOunCe' the engage,' frednt.Ao4f ;,,th9ei.i::71,,aughter, me Mi. Donald Andre.W. and. Mrs:Andrew Milton' of Harr' - marriage *ill take ,place'on- Sat-. urday„,May 17th,- in' the Salva- tion Army Citadel, London. • THAT several members of ,c.the Lucknow District /High School TT E cla Will be vision, program •on Tuesday, May •20t1r, modelling' some of the clothes. 'they haVe - been TRACTOR "CHIEF CAUSE , _ OF ,FARM ACCIDENTS One:: `member .of every„ •fourth farm,;family. in Ontario, will;;be=. come an accident victir i this.'year if • our' accident rating ,continues as i ,has in the past. ' • . Nearly one-half • of Ontario's' annual" farm 'accident deaths. ar "Z'aTeerVy ca a ... , handling. farm machinery. . Since the tractor is used more. than any other :machine,' its careless and. improper use .causes more acci- dents r than any, other , single; • 1; SEE.. BY THE` SENTI N'EL THAT a, "farm for rent" advt. in last. weeli's Sentinel 'got quick. results for 'Howard McGuire: Ordered for two weeks; ;How- ard. called On" Thursday to' tell us; ','once will do, ,it's , rented'? THAT ,Ed. Ansley of 'i'hessalon was into the .,off ice on • Monday to pick up, a :couple of'.bbumper .W NES�DAY; M Y]4th; 1i A: CANNED, HANIS, IRACI:E'W IP SALAD DRESSING, 16 04: EINZ KETCHU SWEET. MIXED PICKLES BREAD:end BUTTER PICKLES Rose Brand, 16 4:1Z. Pricei offectiire. May 15,, 16; 1'1 three times the explosiVe dYnamite. Accordingly gaso- line. must be- handled . with ex- treme caution.- Sinee it is highly explosive 'when mixed with air, avoid splashing it , durng an - ,THAT Mr. and Mrs. Levi Carter the Canadian Legion is hold- ing 'a dance, 'in the Recreation. on • Friday evening to, intisie of Wilbee's 'Orchestra,. Don't sinoke near gasoline -and rhe.eipecially careful around the engine is running ,Or hOt.: DetailecQnforination on safety in tractOr 'operation is .contained hi ',Ontario 'Deimrtment of Agri - at the 'office of the Agricultural forthation Branch ,Ontari6 'De; Partmeht of Agriculture, ament_ Buildings, Toronto. • making., Thy • will' be accom- apied. by their iteacher, Mrs. tisirte formerly operated • • • Under the new _ownershiP MR. AND MRS. JACK.STIPAR A. Share of .Yonr Patronage will be appreciated ..... .p._ . ..._______. 1 .e. ' ore ".THE: eFfitIENDLILSTOR_E'i _ $ ,,.. . MkN'S 'JEAN'S—Snag-proof' brand,: 0' oz., denim,. sizeS- 30 LAPIES' FANCY BA1EF,S7—srnalli medium,, large, pair.. ',89c • and family have moved from the- former England reSidence tWo mileS north Of the Village, to the 10th 'Concession of Kjn= daughter of Mr. ond ,Mis. John C. carruthers. Of Sarnia„ plac- .teen girls in *the music. festival at,, Sarnia: qn 'Wednesday of -last.' week.' The judge.,was Earl THAT Mary Allin and 'Joan Mac- Kenzie' of town did dance • Lions Club Ladies' night. last week. Mary 'ineidentally, was "down" with the Measles • the, .next day. Bisc,iiit_and Candi. Wagon 'Contest.. Entry forms with Dare purchase: arket PHONE 2 THAT Mr. and krs. ilenk-Itragk have bought tlie .foriner Wen- . 4'. ,40d,A, pmrOilv.b,Hdeinthicerweastheen:irripliodydelde‘i. a daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Simon de Boer .of. St. Helens. • 11 • -FURNACE :8 -i -FUEL OILS' • ALL FARM PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AND TRACTOR AND CAR ACCESSORIES or Better Service Call ,Ph'pne 55 :the Garner Stanley farm .on. • Highway 86, • a: mile west 'Of - school. TeriderS, are being call, - town, Mr; Stanley, ,we under- feodr, intoth:itsrainssspilderoaftiotilheor ttieer stand,: has bought the . stone house on;; Gough Street, ,juSt pniAls to T..TS,S.• NO. '8 for the 1958-$8y terM. 7 -east Of the THAT bieli Kilpatrick. has- sold 100 . acres known -as .the "itivett . farm"' on the 6th Concession of ___Ashfield :to - Jack..1-Currari of Til.AT::icentennial year brings au Very gratifying. LoCal: work - Men are qUite ':and at least one party reportS having hooked all the work, he can ' dO -between rioW and 'Center', niai time. THAT, :Marilyn 'Armstrong,, dati- Armstrong, 'was..bitten on the leg. by„.a 4.19.1g recently, with 'sev,en stitches required to close Roddy' McSWeen last winter, is . being :rehuilt. this week. by Spence.,Irwin. THA.T Lion President -Rao Wat7 Monday night -- j3ut not With ,Lions prOblems, for he's:always on top Of therii; Rae Suffered a 'hip :ihjury while:fencing; and was dOtibled.'110 froth, the "dis,., location" and 'obviously suffer Area Board, 'has decided td 'school.' With 'the 'departure te pupils. will 'be enrolled' at the enter - tained some. boy friends 'on hh , 8th birthday last Tnursdar Susan whp was •nine ‘'her friends on Tuesday.. Ivan. Henderson, and attended the christening orr 'Inotning 'in . Riverside. United Church' of Ivaniand jean's WASHABLE Pi: a .Wide aSsortnient of ,Sifyics land, winner), arid ideal tor Street or house wear, in blue,', beige or bitle MEN'S CANVAS LEISURE, oxponDs •..... • in brown Or 'blue, thick repe 'rubber soles, $2,95 - ht a Choke „of Colors ,Sto roorii*Ait FOR Aa tot .VAMILY elloommommaloomoaavemoomove