HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-05-14, Page 10r • X THE, LUCKNQW . SENTINEL ESSO DEALER heavy Duty ..Batte ies � , . ... -..._- eneratpri Exchange - �r :_ . $8 ?- :�: • X95: ue1Pumps, as ' low' as, ;., Voltage Ra that ra"�.. 3. 9 rake ShoesExchange u, :se ...9 ._ _ 9 .MUFFLERS AT LOW COST( 52.85 otorcade' •Dealer ' --- Phone .. 3, Iuckfow .100.0.100040,00400. ey ;cs t 59a .1i sr 11 2 q! New Location:. 48' EAST ST, GODERICH. Chesterfields, Chairs, Etc Re -done RE -STYLED IF DESIRED ao ering S ulb . � y .0 v g -,=; 30•, •Years. Experience. Phone .1534 ►TTEND•:LONDON GRADUATION. (ST. HELENS NEWS) Congratulations'' to- Miss Isa- belle MacPherson, who.. on Wed-„ nesday• last was a member of: the graduating class of St Joseph's, Hospital, London. „ Among .. her guests for the occasion were her varents, ; `:Mr..'>'and ":1Virs Gordon MacPherson, Flt [L, `:and 'Mrs. C. K: Black, ,Mr. 'andM.S. Bill Mac- Pherson; Mr. and Mrs. Will' Reth- erford, 3 ohn' Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Raynard and Bar- bara of Brussels, Ross MacPher- son, Anne Todd;- 'Raymond: Laid -, Irma Forster, ` Miss Mary. Maclntyre, ' Reg.N. and. Miss ;N: Venning,,.of Lucknow Mr: & Mrs: Henning and .Mr, and Mrs; Gordon Miller .of London and L.A.C. ' Fred Thompson . of Cen- • . Italia.. • 1V r and Mrs. Dan : McKa and Mr.. ` and .Mrs. Roderick Martyn of :Ripley were recent 'guests :of. Mr: and Mrs. George Stuart Mr. Wallace Miller is .a; patient in St:.Joseph's, Hospital, London: The sympathy of many friends go to. the Foran family on the • P LUCKN'U* • . WEPNESDAY . MAY 14th; -'195a. Presbyterian ,Church W.M.S. -The 'Afternoon ---Auxiliary- ~of; the • Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian ' „Church 'meta in,":the Sunday Sehool room.' on! May 7th. The meeting was open ed with' a hymn and • prayer by, Mrs. McClean,Ewho. :presided, . The scripturereading, .,Proverbs. 31st chapter, the descriptionsof a vir= tuous'.'Woinan,. was read Eby •Mrs,' Cook, 'Miss • Nellie., Malcolm 'gave,I' the.. story of,:' Salomi, who with, !spices; :.`to others' brou�lt °syveet . spe c ; ,, annoint the. , . body of the Lord " • Miss Mary MacLeod contributed an : in�tteresting; letter. from Mrs. Dickinson. The. highlights of the, Synodical recently held: in Learn.-; C, Agnew, who was 'the., appoint= ed ..delegate.; A reading entitled "Mother"' was given by Mrs. Porteous. Mrd, "Rayner presented the: study. of japan in a splendid, informative •manner, After , the singing of a hymn the::president closed the Meeting with prayer.. death of their mother, Mrs: Cor Helios Foran,, whose ' death 'occur-. red: in St Joseph's Hospital -on Saturday. , : Miss Catharine MacGregor •of Luckriow was'.a Week -end visitor with. •"'her sister, rs. ; George. :Stuart ,and r t t Many old friends were sorry, to learn.. of •the death of Mrs.; G. A. Barnrd of St: ' ,Thomas ,, last Wednesday., Rev: Barnard was a former ''minister . in the United Church ;here. Christian Family,, Day was'ob-' served in:the °'United 'Church. on Sunday ' morning, when the - con- gregation was; pleased, to.'welcome Rev : r:: Green'. back- after, his illness.:sThee theme of the' service -was "Our home—a household for God'': The •scripture ;lessons were read 'by : Gladys McDonald and Nancy. Dorscht . and Miss N. ;II Rutherford told the° story: Rey. Green. `conductedthe sacrament cif baptism for: Debra Elaine, lit- tle daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Ross Errington and Sally . Jane,. little daughter, of Mr.. •and ' Mrs. Ger- aid . Dorscl}t, Mrs. George.' Stuart sand Mr. E: W. Rice saing a duet Is Your .. Subscription Paid? A. nounces •' WHITECHURCH, , ON as. LUCKNOW• and O'ISTRICT•ACENT.. AUTO.; • ACI1�hTT ° • SICKNESS, LYAB LIT ':y' Telephone W.inghaii S1 - yryy y , *Of, • Collect • BUSH LOTS WITH SOFT MAPLE AND ELM. Willi Purchage `-bush properties- on .-farms;, Please ,phone . or ' write The Andre..w Malcolm' Furniture Co. Ltd. • Listowel, 'Ontario ; after which. Nfrs.. Eha?er Osborne , . Mrs .Alex MacTavish • gave ' a paper • :on • the .."Sower_ and. • S'the Black offered prayer. u o and . the meeting closed • by sing- ing "Blest be the Tie• that Binds" and repeating the • W,M,S° bene diction. Lunch was.'served an during:. the social' -.hour a very United Church W,B :S. Meeting The May .meeting of Afternoon. Auxiliary of 'the 'United. :Church - W.M.S., v/as;. held on ` Tu:esdayf May 6th in the • church'.:The pres- ident, Mrs. Drennan, `opened the Meeting and conducted, the :busi- ness` part of the meeting: Ar= rangernents • were made: for •Con- ference Sunday,' June. 1st, when the W.M'.S. • will have. charge the; church ''service Mr. • Elmer, Umbach will ,be .the .guest: speak er. Miss Flora Webster introduc- ed the •.devotional program, with a 'reading, hymn and prayer. Mrs; 1VICKiin gave..::a sple relish paper on our duty :as -true 'Canadians in, extending • a helping , :hand., to. New :Canadians' at. every 'oppor tunity. This duty ' was, vividly presented in;:thee form; of a play in. which' a::lumber ..camp exe- cutive convinced •`a disinterested •and rather skeptical young em' ploYee` that many New ;•Canad- ians are ,well worth -helping and have much to offer :us In his.. employ: were: men and 'women eager.:to learn our language and customs: Mrs. W. B. ; Anderson and', Miss Fiera Webster portray- ed two. immigrant' women •from' Latvia and. ' Hungary • and .:.the humoroi.is 'angle Was much"en- joyed..; by the members. The meeting; closed with the . hymn, "Land •; of. our ,Birth,• We: pledge to Thee". Lunch ,Was served by the; program committee; Mrs. McKim, Mrs. T. A Cameron -arid -MissFlor_ a 'Webster substituting for Miss Olive Webster. who' was unable to :: 'bepresent: Zion W.M.S. Mrs.. ;Nelson . Raynard . held .. the May: 8th , ineeting ` at her. home. with 16.' ladies and. four :children present. Roll .call was..answered; with ' a •verse. of .scripture.. De- votional. by • Mrs, George..Hun-.7 ter with' 1VIrs. Robert Hielm,,.the' scripture. Mrs..Jim Huriter gave a temperance paper. 'Visitors 'for shut-iins are Mrs:. 'Harvey Ritchie and Mrs.. Chas. Anderson.. Thank you.cards'•were read: Tlree read-/ ings were given: • Mrs. Jack Me; Donagh: 'How we kept Mother's Day",. _:M-rs -•�:Ch-aries ' .•;prhders6ni. "Mother's, J,ob",''Mrs D,A. Hac- kett, "H•ow Mother's :Day was Founded": .Meas.: Jim Hunter . is', in charge of the Grandmothers' program. Mrs Kaiser gave a Chapter . in• the study' book fol'- .lowed. •by a the •"•My Mother .by Mrs. Wesley Ritchie. Grand- mothers' imeeting is :to be on 'the '12th 'Of.: June at Mrs... Gor'.don Kirkland's s Oce bake •sale . were held. South Kinloss 'The: May meeting of Kinloss W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs: G. Hamilton at 8.00 p.m., .Friday May 9th. The pres ident, Mrs L: MacDougall; open- ed the meeting' with prayer and Bible'. reading. -The rollcall was The special speaker will, be Mrs Balkh. 'M.rs..•Douglas m Grahawas! ' appointed delegate' to the .. Presy bterial... Y z• dine,, May 20. The Prayer Circle was taken . by .'Mrs. ,Burt,; Mrs, .Hamilton and' Mrs. Hughes. A very.line report of the Synodical at Leamington was . given ; by --M73 book,. book,, summarized by Mrs::' .Ira Dickie, was both: interesting' and.; informative. Mrs. W. F., MacDon South ald read a letter of thanks . from Mrs. Dickson oD Formosa for used Christmas , cards .which hadbeen sent t6 her. The, meeting closed with the ':?nizpah;benediction and •,lunch:was: served by the .hostess and• •directors, Mrs. L. MaiDoug : answered by 24 members by. a all and . Mrs. MacKinnon, verse of scripture containing ' the • Olivet United Church W.M S. The Olivet. W:11lLS. met . at the home of Mrs. Donald MacTavish for their 1V1ay,-meeting. Mrs. Ross :,Black 'and Mrs. Robert • :Osborne presided..The' roll c611 Was ons -1 veered by 23 members, Mrs. Alex' , MacTavish .conducted the . •pro- gram', Miss Mary Rouiston rend' e •red a solo' after Which Mrs. Ross 131ac'k gave a' Mother's' day teat# The,. Scripture was ' read by *•q` word "believe'•'.A Bible studypn Salome was ably taken: by Mrs. Harold'.Austin: The W.M.S. was invited to meet. w'itli :the' C,GIT on May 28th, at the: 'church' at THANK YOU NOTES and Hasty • .Notes .available :at 25 cents per' package'of 10 cards and matching envelopes; Don Thompson; 'phone • 33 or 35: , • 'Here is.a mower that gives you bargains in quality, features and performance. It's built. to give years of dependable, troubre-free service. Mows grass,.. weeds, pulverizes leaves and : trims close to : give youcomplete lawn care.: LOOK AT' THESE u}SII TORO . FEATURES Height -of -cut change in seconds without tools. Throttle, stop and start controls at your' finger-tips.• a Staggered. wheeldesign prevents. scaiping 'Leaf Mulcher attachmentincluded free. EASY TERMS 25.0 Down � 0 Payment Powerful 1:75 4 -cycle engine with recoh starten. and special Toro Auditone Muffler.. Lar er and power propelled models also available! • hone. 80,== L"ucknow