HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-05-14, Page 6• • RIM*.,14. OW • w 1 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . • • • • siv 19 • 44 .1 re s goodo ear your voice ,agetin, !" meone you love would e to hear your voice... le hone tonight* •• THE. BELL TELEPHONE. COMPANY OP CANADA Disiance bezr'gain rates- nights lifter 6.pand all dawSitnifin fl PURPLE :GROVE. 'Mrs. ,Will.MontOrYfery, - • trait. • , • •Mr. and Mrs. Don' iileCOsh: and 'quite a number freni the Grove attended the fune*. of family visited at 'Mrs: ci!lwelPs • WERE GUESTS AT ,GRADUATION TEA: i ,(gno,41*. 4th KialaSs. News) I Miss Bell, iGraha.in was. one of the'sixty-Sig graduating nurses Of St. Joseph's.. Hospital School. of, Nursing,..who was honored at a 1, tea. ---at- the-nursee---residenCe. on Wednesday afternoon, Her guests : at the, tea were her mother,. Mrs. :DQigrasH Graharriz her three 'Sis- , ters, ..: mo: :Warren . Zinn, . 1Vfr. Evan., Keith.," and Miss Gladys Graham and three 'aunts, Mr.. W. • F. MacDonald" Mrs., R. gartin. and Mrs.: B. Sangster: Af- ter the, tea the guests were takeri on a tour of the hospital. Many • other friends' 'and, -relatiVesat, tended the graduation :ceremony .in Thames Hall in the evening. • CongratniationS" to Mr. , ,and Mrs, Archie Graham; the".former measles -which .have been Prey- _ Isobel e•ifid'716weteria•r-1al ertgauIrt4isdisdtict rieaat g4res:ive.united_Mrs_CathernereWiitieiebmrae_- aaiathttheho__ of er • augh er, rstie°. ham. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph,.HalclenbY of Toronto spent the week -end with. Mr; and. Mrs. 'W. E. Halden:- • W,Er)NESDAY, MAY 14th, loka , Under auspices of - the LuelciloW Braileh . " of the Canae n Leon • '' .. • - . . Recreation -11a11,, Lucknow •• Ian WI eel; 'Orcliestka° ' . • Mnision 75c • s'! William Montgomery on Stir-, d Mit" 1."5.133:fintgaramtigo,-- 1Vfr. and Mrs: 'Graham are . now enjoying a wedding -trip to the West C.oast. Those attending the wedding and reception from this area were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. MacDonald, Margaret, and. Mack 1VIr. andMrs. Douglas Graham, Mr. and" Mrs. 'Warren • Zinn, and 'I Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith. Bruce. ColWell• had', his post- poned tonsil operation. in Wing- . . . , Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Jim Halclenby On the "hirth of a baby daughter. , : , . We •extend ,syinpathy. to Mrs. Win. MOntgoinery. and family in. haw HosPital. on • Friday.' ' • the death of ,Mr. Montgomery,. Murray Douglas Keith , was who passed away.in Detroit on 'baptized at the Mother's Day Tuesday. Relatives from here at - Service in South Kinlosa: church' tended the . funeral, on .Saturday on Sunday. : -•' . : at .Kincardine. Mrs Montgomery „ . Mr...and Mrs. Harvey Houston was the former Susan .Percy. and . 'sons of ' Holyrood attended : -.M„rs: Gertrude Walsh spent' the the Knox Memorial ,Anniversary . week -end at her, home 'here, services at Pinkerton . cm. Sunday, Members of ' her family were, May : lith, ' ' ' . . , with. her for Mother's Day. IVIr. and Mrs: Ira Dickie ',and Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Breckles boys 'visited Sunday with Mr. of. Lucknow : visited Ori• Sunday and Mrs; Grant MacLennan ..arid. _w_ith11/1r-ancl : Mrs. Harold : 'Hal - family of 'Listowel : • - / ',, ' ,deriby arid, family. ' , • ' : Mr. and Mrs. George Camp- Sunday -visitOrs with ” Mrs.'. J. bell and Mr. and., Mrs,' William. W..' Colwell were Mr. and Mrs, C:rrie -Colwell, Mr.° and Mrs. pnITAEcoTWITiirmirVI4- 't, er Forster an their families , ' the Rideau Lakes district' 'Mr. and Mia. Charles' 'Suther- ' shown above Take the first " land of Toronto and -Miss. Mayme , step now, by, fillipg out and • Bell Of Kincardine ' Visited., on Sunday " evening with Mr., and, nlaing. the' ceuP°°"*.belawe Mrs. James M. Hodgins. .. . .- ., „,' . •. • ' mr. and Mrs Kenneth MeFar-"' ' . : • .' KNOW, • ' . Kincardine visited on ' Sunday Ian and M.S. John McFailan of with Mr an Mrs. Archie McFar- lari and 'Spence., BeTTER ' Mrs. Jack Hewitt, Will appear ' r4--,- :' . • . on the TV program. 11,11"Lady , on 1, . ONTARIO TIV*VEL, Ca.rripb_ell and four children were Sunday :giiests With Mr. and 'Mrs.' Harold Austin anci4amily. : . CULkOSS CORNERS Peter Petterson • . . . -.. , day. We, extend '0,11F sympathy to of''London Mr 'A T. -McGuire, t.Dr.' and Mrs. Don Willetts and the relatiVes. • , . . • ''' . ' Mr. and Mrs Wilfred 'Trailer .& family of Mount Albert were, - A. / Mr. and Mrs. • Frances 'Boyle family spent. the week -end at the cent week -end visitors With Mr. and family visited with the lat home of 'Mr. Affiltkfm,'St'ariley. ,.. and • MA. Dune . Thompson and . . . . ter'S' parents, .mr. and -, s. Ed- 'Mrs. Donald Mecosh .,attended other relatives.. . . . , ward Farrell ,on Sunday- ' a , convention at ". Guelph ' last Miss Alice, Haldenby. is " Spend - 'week. "" , . . ' ' • ' ing some time with •Mr. and Mrs ,...TaS. lialdenby• and Debbie. . Mr: and" MrS. -Levi Carter and family have ..rnoved into the va-- Visitors at. th, home co... Mr. , .,..• Mrs:. George Sr. EnierSOn,..arid at -, Mr. Joe' Emerson's were 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Vfill Armstrong and. Misses- - Frances an Jean Armstrong, Mr. stanley, on Saturday, in honor of cant house on Frank Thompsoh s and Mrs. Robert. Neville, Mr. gi--,,,_ his daughter "(Edith) Mrs: Pet- I.farm. , : ' • •„,.. , - • • Mrs Dick HOward;'Mrs. L.'' Tritis, terson” who Wass married recent- Miss Snsan Harris spent Wed - • Honor Bride A very enjoyable evening was held at the home of Mr. Milton' Uowwdl ONTARIO? Check your knowledge by ilientifying this map. • However Well you know Ontariokou'll enjoy getting " to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes Enid vacationing at one of its _—_modemresort=areatx.,„ _Like• m. .i afternoon, ' MaY '20th,• 852TP0ARTNI-01 Eti 14. ONTARIO S when, she' will speak on ' :the • • • • 'Send FREE Literature and Road Map. forthcoming ‘fashion Show which '" • I . • Will be held at: the Lucknow 1, Name I District High .School. • I ly. Mrs.. Irwin- Carruthers pre- nesclay •• night with Mrs. Cecil fi . • • .Add . . sided at the piano: Mrs Peter McNall. • . . ' Leeson was chairlady for the Little' Debbie /Haldenby Spent Johnny"' -Mother, ' jus( ' • Post Office r , GAVILLER, ° following . program: a trio • by a couple of days last week vrith knocked over the ladder in • the ' •of y • & P • • • ., Deportment rave Publicity MdNTOSH Bryan L Cathcart, Minister Vela'? Gawley, ikoSalyn Swan, her aunt,, Mrs. Don Cameron'of garden. L Hon. arrd Annetta r orste?. a solo. by Wingham. . Mother: Well. You'd better tell • • and WARD , .Valerie Stan1e3r; solo' bY Nancy: Mrs. "Midford Wall attended .your lather. . - .ivicKay; Mrs; ''71-a.n.eis lEoy•ie gave the. W.A. at .the home of Mrs::•1 • JOhnny; He knOWs. :He's hang- . The way to understand" is to • and Allan Traher a song. An ad- Y. • dress was read hi', Mrs: Howard mfr. and Mr§. Grant Wall and **--1"."!' "Thorripetterson was -faint,ty-ariir-IVIr. andMrs - • rie.cipient of. many beautifta .Wall; 8th spent Tiiesday•ev-.1 Chartered Accoutarits- :a readtrig; Dickie, David; Stanley, Howard.on Thompson, Purple Grove'eing from the bedroorh windovi- be understanding • BeR:.TerlephOne,41 Walkerton, Ont. Telephone. 633 Lunch•was served. On 'Friday, Mrs. J"as. Haldenby , ' . • HELPFULAIDS TO gifts which testified to the esteem ening .with Mr. and:Mrs: Morley '1 in Which the young eDupie are Wall, and family.: V' 4 4 44 t 4 1 4f" 14, FA1 44 44 • Your Old EqUitlinent On -New', PORrtPt:CAilLE. PO*Eit. :TOOLS and infant daughter returned home from Wingham Hospital. We extend . congratul'ationa to Mrs. Archie McFarlan on -win- Ping the: lamps in a dra* cat our 4 ,school last 1ViondaY.; . . • Mr. arid Mrs: Al. Irwin,. Luck - now , were Sunday_. visitors with. Mr, and Mrs: Midforcl -WaW-a-Kd pcinhie: ".* • KINLOUGH • • • • • !HONE 80 Portable Saws Table Saws Chain Saws. Sanders, Belt & Finishing Routers Shapers. Electric 'Planes '‘ Bench Grinders Drill Presses • Band Saws Jointers DEALER • —• leUCKNOW „ • . N.S Mrs. : Ardil Mason of Hurn' speht a day .with; her Mother, Mrs. J; W. Coilwell. • 1 The W.A, . Met ;ph, .Thursday. at the hoine of IVIirs. Howard 'Thompson. 'The meeting operied With- prayer: The .scrptiir. was -. read by Miss Edna- Boyle . and, Mrs. ' Bert Nicholsen .read .the meditationwhich was prepared 1?3;' Mrs. Ralph Hill, It was -der- , Icidecltp add to the Church' silver- ware:. The afternoon was ,Spent in ripiltirig„ Rev, J. A. Palmer closed the • Meeting with prayer And a dainty lunch Was SerVedi PAINT and VARNISH 0... , • for eVerk purpose PAINT. EttV$HS and mOr RoLtiRs GENUINE ENGLISH .CHAMOIS' for wiridow,cleanings. 0 polishing, furniture, siverware; etc, at $1.35 and: $18 Miss DonnaNicholson Of in- l 1. r n , Are Hav Them: ' I 0 • /.: ClIAN SPONGE MOPS -for 'washing Walla and i*oPPill•$.?; floors '6 $2:8p.. and ,$3 89 with plg. Spic and Span.:, DUST MOPSWide.:asSortmenti Ordinary-, and nylon . • 1, $125 id UP FLOOR BRUSH BROOMS:' $2..00 . and bp , FLOOR CLEANER -for. haidwood •floor -cleans and Cmith, 7 , tions floor " • FLOOR WAXS-Johnson's paste ' and liquid, Stride \ / VI..60R. WAXER i• and WAX APPLIERS .--• • -* JUBILEE KITCHEN WA -for - all enamelled surface:5 RITG & UPHOLSTERY .CLEANER -2 -your choice of 0-Cceipr, 1, • Easy Glainur arid. Magic , • . , ' . FuRl‘TritriEPie,-4..asri7.-0-detlar and .Slitioniz urdieLi Soli 1 cardine, spent last week at heti ' home here with the ,Grmary, . • t1 ,