HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-05-14, Page 4E LUCKNO.W .S1+ tTINEL, Ll~TQ NOW, .ONTARIO ICQM ING EVENTS ik FASHION SHOW AT L.D.H.S, The .Fashion Show of the, Home Economic classes of Lucknow iw ,f R ;z? 4 • t• li h�. t District High School will be held *OU'S$E ,FOR', SALE— six ,roomsFOR SALE' — •1Q tons: of baled and ,bath, hardwood floors., •Call,I ,hay. ,Duncan A. 'Finlayson, A. 3, 146,'Lueknow." Lucknow, phone ' Ripley} 12 r -1i. FLOUSBFOR SALE7- ill. Luck.; now, ,Phone ' evenings,. 236. 'WANTED'?. ` used' windmills, pinnPs and 'pump' .'jacks. Irving Keyes; ` Glamis, , phone,• Paisley 'FOR SALE' good hard, maple stove , wood„ '`• i . truckload lots, bargain ' price. ,MacMillan Bros. FORSAL" E-- Dual-purpose Short- horn . heifer, .3 years old, due May 22 "'with ,second calf. Apply Arnol •' Alton R.R. 7 Lucknow, )li)ne' n . • WiAANI(k —house to rent, ivitI stable, hear, , Lucknow. Write Box G,.ucknow•••Sentinel: FOR SALE: --one, Fess ori burn-' er, in. good` con'dition,' 'ir}ay. be seen at. ,Legion Rooms; Apply to. XV rs.. RbY Black, phone; Lucknow 170-w. I'NITERSTED INA BUSINESS• of•, your own in door-to-door sell- ing? Join now a 25 year old Can- adian Firxn Openings in your: "surroundings. Write .for free in- , 1:600 'Delorimier1. Montreal., FOR,4SALE-2 "furnaces lone for .011 ,and: one coal' or 'wood, both, in good shape: Apply, Tom Aus, • tin;: R 3,." Holyrood, phone Luck; now ,PO,TTAG,.E FOR SALE • For. quick 'sale; lovely furnish- e4.:2.bedroom'cottage., Large liv ' ing room. $600 `'.reduced iri •price:: Now only•;$1;600; cash ` Located on •:Amberley Beach,' 'John Bos,, veld, Realtor,,`40 Wellesley Street; phone 1108; Goderich, •Ornt. FOR SALE-' s fall kitchen range; coal or Woad, heater • like • new, cream' •separator, household . furn-- iture,` : kitchen 'cabinet, 'also,; , three good cows ' and 125 young hens laying' well:, R..:B. Oauance, Lucknow: FOR SALT _ and 36400t,good barn her; ' t m, also 14� <•square good used ;steel 16 -foot' wbarri ,posts, - 24 -foot rleyafter.s, ' luinber? and 40 , good `weanling pigs.: Contact Allan Ir- win Ripley" phone 113-r-5= Rip- FOR • SALE—several:used milk•- • ing machines` .of various makes: Let , us install. one ; of these . or 'a, new Woods; in ,your, barn on trial. Prices given', without ob- ligation.`. ,Irving •• Keyes, , Glamis, phone paisley. 114-r-4. • HOUSE =FOR SALE 7 -room insul brick dwelling ,in Icknow, on :;large : lot, close. '.to Public :School, all: in good': re-: • pair,, price'$3,000.• •Apply to 'Lennan-McKni;ght;` Real Estate and Insurance, Listowel,' phone 203. PROPERTIES FOR SALE • Nmber of houses in Lucknow, all : well locatedcomplete :with baths, 'ranging in . price : from;. - $1',500 :to' $6,500. : • Also, several farms in the Lucknow district and .throughout WeStein. Ontario. , Lake Property .- consisting of • three:. cottages and store,• arid' lots ',for several more :cottages. Priced for quick • sale. :JOHN HALL Lucknow Salesman for . W. L. *Stev'eien; Real Estate Mount Forest '•. > MOWERS SHARPENED Lawn mowers sharpened; two cycle arid .four-cycle motors re- Paired./ e- paired ',E. , W. Rice, R. ' 2, Luck now, .phone ' 21.1-r-31. ; AUCTION: SERVICE ' Allan Maclntyre . .Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow—Phone 10=,r-24 Ripley HOUSE FOR: RENT '=- at Holy- rood, hydro, . bath, all modern conveniences, good garden. Ap-• plyto' Ernes. Ackert,hone 101- • t::..p r-13.‘.• SEPTIC TANKS; ,cess pools, .etc: pumped and cleaned.with • Mod- ern equipment." All •,work; •guar anteed. Louis •Blake,' R.:'2,; Brus- sels, phone 42-r-.6 Brussels.; T1ie 'Lucknow Sentinel - has , in stack. •at all times counter .check 'books arid adding machine rolls, 'phone: 35 Lucknow. , 'TRAP O TIR We can ' fill • ,your„, ,needs in tractor tires, truck 'and car tires • .at lowest •prices.. NtacMiillarx . Bros.; Lucknow. : HOUSE FOR SALE. - . modern ,home, all conveniences, garage, b'arn,hardwood floors ':.throaugh Out, priced ‘for quick sale. Own er has .• other interests.' Apply to E. V. 'Baker, Lucknow, Ont. CARPENTER; SERVICE'.' ..Can provide proinpt; efficient' 'service on all kinds of carpenter'; workxbuildings, .,garages Clipboard .-workew, or, general repairs 'by contract :or. hourly rate. .4/l•ur- ray .M.cliougall, ` phone',' 632-w-2, in the auditorium, -at 81.5 p.m' Thursday, May 22nd Admission,, adults; 35c, ,children free... SCHOOL CONCERT p' The; spring musical school con, cert . for :schools , in Ashfield .and Huron will be held, •in the Luck- now District High' School, Audi- L tbrium on Friday, May 23rd :at. re 8:.00 o'clnocf;ee Adults 35e 'School child N �, 'iDAN CE•' �A A D PL Y St.�'Helens Wgmen's Institute on will .spsor. a (play and • dance in. the 'CornmunitY° Hall,••St: Hel- ens, on. Friday, . May 16th at 8.30,. .Belgrave L.O.L. ;Will present the 'plays, 'Dressing!' . and ,"Dress; acts. Dance -after Jto Bruce's., or= chestra::' Admission .50c and 25c. Ladies please .bring lunch, BRUCE 'MUSEUM 'SERVICE See Bruce History' in its Third Dimension at the Bruce County: 'Museum, Southampton.Open daily from May :17th to Septemr ;ber , 30th. Visiting hours' for. May, June. and: ;Sept.,. 2,.p,m.-5'. p.m.,, July . and August 2 P.m. -9; p.m. Admission 25c ;..and 10c ,School and group'' tours by. appointment •with the `Curator..• . w L.D.I S . ON M'LADY.' 4 a. l Hewitt'• and pupils Urs. Laura p A of the Home . Economics class, Lucknow District . Hugh ' School; will; stage a fashion 'demonstra- tion of - garments • made. during • 'the . year,. on : "M'Lady"•, c,KNX TV, or . Tuesday', • May 20, •at; 3.1'5 .m: • t ,The regular Clild. Health .Con- ference will be held in the Re- creation Centre, : Lucknow, • en Tuesday, May 20th from 10.00 to 11.30 a:m. „Baibes, and; ` pre-schooll. children welcome. e change. of : place. •' NOTICE A .. meeting ' of- the. ' ratepayers of : S:S. ' No. '3, • Kinloss, will be held, at the school this Thursday: ,evening, May 15th at 9 _o'clock, Frank _Murray, Secretary. NOTICE All members.. °of Ladies' Aux iliary;, Canadian Legion, .-Zone Rally to •be held in Blyth, May 21st. Bus leaving:' Legion Rooms 6'.45 p.m. D.S.T. sharp::You are.' Wiigham. • 'requested 'to -attend. WEDNESDAY,, 'MAY 14th, 158, 11, CLEARING::: Livestock and, Implements:• and uantity of ,Household off acts Will! lie Held At The -Farm, Of ELMER REAVIE. Con..4,: Huron Township,• on L,ot! ONDAYMAY 19th . «• • at • 2.00• o clock � W , CATTLE' T. . rt n Co s -•rebre 2' Re stared Holstein w , , , d°* �s .Holstein Cows, •Yfresha. g,. 2 •Holstein Heifers,'' springing '1' Ayrshire ,fleiter, .:springing' 3 Yearling Cattle, 7 Calves; Registered',Holstein Heifer. Calf; PIGS , .:• A 2 •York Sows in• pig POULTRY ;100 Rhode' ,Island Hens, 10 months old. 7 -ft. M' -H Binder; 'MVIoCormic -Deering. - rop" 'ea'"�"d Day `Load-. er• 6 -ft. •.Cockshutt Mower; 3 -furrow McCormick -Deering: Tractor Plow Rubber -Tired Wagon and Rack;. Colony House .and Shelter.• . r Quantity of 'Household. Effects, Kitchen 'Range • nearly .new, Many •:articles too; numerous to " mention, TERMS—all sums ."of $25.00 and under,,' Cash. Over that amount'6 months' credit on Bankable joint notes bearing DONALD, : B; BLUE, Auc. 6 percent. %ELMER REAVIE Pro • ' p' APPLICATIONS:: WANTED • Applications for the .position of caretaker 'for the for Town- ship• Park, will be ''received by the undersigned up. to Saturday, May• 31st, 1958. :Donald M. 'Simpson, �•'' Klerk -Treasurer; '•Kntail. MEAT.. FOR SALE Good' .beef far' sale : by the quarter. Beef -'killed`' on premises inspected by , the Department of Health Choice .•Hereford year- lings. Custom butchering a spec- ialty. R nard Ackert, 1►r ol and ay l Phone 24=30, Ripley: LIME :;KILN' LODGE INVERHURON, ' ONTARIO. ,NOTICE. ' ; :TO 'BICYCLE °:RIDERS ,; ' From May 15 to July 1 the facil- Bicycle riding on the sidewalks ties 'of • the lodge , are available ,of the Village -•--of Lucknow is :for Weddings; Banquets or Meet- strictly prohibited, and offend-. f ..FARM,,, FOR -SALE 100 • acres, 8 room stone house, with all ,modern conveniences. , ydro ti ugkiouLhouse_and all buildings. barge' barn; --•riving. shed• and, farrir pond suitable for trout. •itu-ated3 e ` :rom• town. mil s f . All enquiries should'be addressed -to:- Mr Harry Lavis,i, R .R:• No. 5, Lucknow. Ontario, . This advertisement published free .as one of •our many benefits Ings.. ':Dates : are also ,available from Labor Day :until Oct. 1. Ac-' comodate up to ' 110,• persons. Call -Kincardine 169=J.or write to Mme. Ida Parry, Box 238, Kincardine. ers'. are warned;• that theyare liable to. prosecution if they •dis-. regard this regulation;” Havens, Constable: NOTICE I:RTIFICIAL INSEMINATION : ,.TO DOG: OWNERS • orartificial ,insemi nation 't i o tice is., y given vice or more. information •tele- : Fa oh ser -N here dogs • that all dogs within the ,Village must be phone the Waterloo Cattle Breed- confined • ,or on a' leash' during ng socia. ion :co ec = - the. months .of:. May,, • June, July i A t` ll t at Cl'in • ton•' HU 2-3441" or ;Kincardine 460 • and August, according ' to' the between 7.30 and '0,30. `a.m. We ' Municipal by-law.'in .this respect.. supply service to ,top quality . M. ;A. Havens; ,Constable. bulls of ', the. • Holstein, : Jersey,. • TRANSPORTATION,. .TENDER„; Tenders will be received by the' undersigned until June 7th, 1958 _ . for -,the transportation of pupils , from S.S. 9 to U.S S ' 8, Ashfield' Township,, for: the 1958-9 school, term.' Lowest or' any ten- der. not necessarily accepted:' R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas. Ashfield. Twp. School ` Area, , R.R.' 7, Lucknow, .Ontario TENDERS . Sealed. tenders 'will, be .receiv= ed by the; Undersigned up to May 24th, 1958, for° the cartaking of St. Helens United Church.: Board secretary, Lorne Woods, R.R.. 2, '.Lucknow.. -Apt Gu r se :.Br. own B cwxss - ..: - :NOTICE [Red' Poll, Hereford •(ppiled and hotned)J Beef "Shorthorn` (poll- • Notice is • hereby.- given that ed andhorned), • and Dual` Pur' -:the carrying of, firearms, inched- ose Ati _Shorthorn,:.•, gus and` in air guns wit n the Village Charolaise .breeds: The cost is is strictly ,prohibited, and;offend- loVv.' ; ars in, this regard will.be `pros= DESTOCK VERS ' ecuted, AD OG •• A S O $15:00 and up paid for old, sick A. Havens Constable. • and disabled horses" and cows.. • Highest cash - value paid .in sur-' rounding district for. dead ;stock. P in p t.. sanitary . disposal in winch -equipped trucks.. Phone' LEROY ACHESON, Atwood; 153"' Collect. THE, ALLIED, FARM SERVICES ,:t,• .• ,. - .OF• CANADA 1629 Dundas Street, 'East LONDON,, ONTARIO' AUCTION SALE • Auction 'sale• of real estate and household effects . of the late Donald Mactean, at" his,;late res- idence, Havelock St., Lucknow, on Thursday,, .May 22nd at ':1.30 'o'clock. Property • offered sub- ject to ;reserve bid' at 2,30`^sharp,• See bilis for list and terms. Fred Jackson, Jim 'Henderson, Execu- tors; Allan;,Maclntyre, Auc, • RE FIREARMS SURGE MILKERS See , the new 1953• model Surge Milker. Milks 'low, Uneven Ud- ders better.• • New . looking glass finish, easier cleaned: Same 'safe `Tug and Puil`' cow milking. +Phone Lovell McGuire, Wing - plant ing -p pant 693, . collects CO-OP AUTO - INSURANCE ... Can Now Accept. TOWN RESIDENTS •' & COMEItCIAL 'TRUCKS as well ,as the farm business. For info"rrnation' consult' CECIL FA ON FALCONER •,. . Phone' :Wingham 579-J-3 JOHN •MeMt RCHY, ' RIPLE Y, Phone •20-r-'23 your choice of A11Mt Rod Spools HEAVY: VY' CANADIA1W Pal 6 �nt c rSpopl ,7�5 Tombs. p HEAVY ENGLISH Y i 1Y/2 Gau e-4.:`Poin't 4-- �5/a ID Per GHT CAN/DEAN ,' 4 Point 6 50 lbs. per Spo6 LI.GHT ENGLISH' 4 :POINT' — `40 LBS. E'ER 'SPOOL, •? )1 Also:Staples, BraceWire,Posts, ' Etc:' Steel all at Reasonable Priceat .Your Co-op. �• ' ..:... 6 ..gRED FREEE Have your Fencin. Supplies DELIVERED on Route 'Days. Lucknow 'Distric - Phone71, Lucknow