HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-23, Page 9• Wiriggariril,.641$111er .* )5$'.. +' th of of at rry er- of me. vas un red. her vil l 'WEDNESDAY,; APRIL 23i'd, 1958 ; ;DC yceum Theatre WINGHAM , .Two shows each. night '.. First at. 7.15 THEATRE• CLOSED Monday, Tuesday & Wedn",.esday, of each week.: E LU'CKNo .SENTINEL:, SCHUMMEE: CHICKS Since 1939 NS ST..; Formerly Monkton • "Extra ro Profit" . Chicks. We specialize, in. ,egg produc- tion breeds, only: Sussex x Red,, Red x Sussex, Red x Rock, .Rhode Island ' Red, Leghorns, Leghorn Crosses. Free ,delivery. Schuin- mer's Hatcheries; Linwood.. Agent, Stanley McGratton phone 3008 Carlow. Is, your subscription paid? Thurs., Fri:, Sat. April.24-25-2600m.mq/MI MIN IN IIMP ,, Jerry Lewis , David Wayne" in . . "SAD' SACK" A . highly amusing slapstick comedy about army life. THANK' -YOU- NOTES. and Hasty. Notes available at 25 cents per envelopes. Don Thompson, phone 33 or 35. • • age'„ . of ier /lay the colt.. of ap' all ave ser - son 'Al' cert, lan,' at :�..;. lge 'IMPERIAL OIL: PRODUCTS for •.rprompt service, .J and': quality product,,' • • contact:' • B. R CHISHOLIVM :Rhone collect Dungannon' X19 -r-2. "'Always Look To , Imperial For The Best". • G. ALAN WILLIAMS: ° Optometrist Office on Patrick St., Just ' •- ff. -the—Main St. in ` A WINGHAM • Professional Eye Examination •Optical Services • For appointment, 'Please Phone: 770, . Wingharn :, .: JOHNSTONE'S . ES FUNERAL`• HOM` ,Phone:- 76 ' :Day or'.Night . • :';Ambulance, .;Service USE OF '.FUNERAL HOME At •No• Extra Cost Moderate Prices b , Established 1894 R T. ;K I L PAT R IC K. •GENERAL INSURANCE • Automobile Fire .Casualty Ask about our Special`., Package ° Deal '•L-ucknow,--'Ont, • 'Phone .'Dungannon .'7?=2 MEMO-RI•AL SHOP, We ., Have ;Beers 'Memorial. Craftsmen fir Thirty -Seven Years, Always. Using ••THE 'BEST. GRANITES". Along, With Expert Designing and Workmanship,- ;Prices orkmanship ;Prices Most Reasonable ' eine tery Lettering a Specialty'. R. A. S POTTO N hone 250,. Windham,. ,Ontario i •I;,,,iT�IiNnw nsn.,rin�gi�.:. 0-' PERATIVE ,INC. Phone •Luckiiow 71 'TED` COLLYER`.: . Registered Master' Electrician• • ELE.CTRICAL CONTRACTOR . • ' Specializing: in' • Electrical .. Wiring and Repairs. r : AGENT FOR SPARTON. • TV and All ,,Electrical! Appliances ' • Phone 46-r-25,` Lucknow • . I Hospitalization ' and Surgical;' Plans • Automobile, Casualty and . Farm Liability . Mercantile,` Residential .T• Farm, Fire 8z • Wind.. Insurance T. A. CAMERO. N, LUCKNOW • Phone "Dungannon 70 r-10 Our Motto Is Service" McLE'NNAN ..and. MacKENZIE FUNERAL, SERVICE Services conducted accord • '. ing to your. wishes.: ,at your Home. : your Church, .or:- at, our Memorial Chapel at no, additional charge. AMBU ANCE,' SERV..1:CE Phone:181, Lucknow,' ' Day. or Night Kenneth . J. MacKenzie, R.4.. Optometrist. , LISTOWEL, ONT.w �at . the former Wrolia .Jewelery ' store. RiAley, .10 a.m .. to 9. P n., _._._„WEDNES.DAI'-,-=APRIL-30thb and, 'every.'. Second Wednesdays Eyes exatnined Gasses fittest: For`< appointment 'phone : Roy MacKenzie, .96-r-24, Ripley, insure With The. ° ' f, CU'LROSS MUTUAL FIDE INSURANCE CO. ' for. Reasonable rates,, sound proms 'Lection &prompt, Satisfactory; . • settlement of claims. PARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent ", 1LR. 3', Teeswater 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 M. HARPER Chartered..Aceountani West Street GO'DERICH; ONTARIO Telephones, •343J. 343W CITIES SERVICE „FURNACE KEROSENEi � STOVE u>I�, ASOLINE See or call • WMVI. A. "BUD" HAMILTON phone '220tw Lucknow . District Agent for Cities Service: OW, ONTARIO ' The Easter meeting of th. W.M.S, arid W.A. of: the Unite Church were held at the .horn of Miss W. -D, Rutherford; wit 15 ladies in attendance and *wit Mrs, B. F. Green,, the' president in charge of the W M:•S., • The e 4 e: h.' h, ,;. theme of, the, worship `service was '`Our Triumphant; Holy. Mrs: Frank McQuillin read- the scripture lesson and .Miss Ruth- erford, the meditation. An, ins vitatioz . : from the, Afternoon Auxiliary of the. Lucknow lJtt ite.d :Church„ for their ,ineeting on June 3rd was received and accepted. The treasurer reported that:$29.00 had begin ' forwarded to the Presbyterial treasurer, Mrs, E,: •W . Rice' read • a .paper.: ,on "What did Jesus Mean by the Kingdom of God" and,Mrs. Green read . an Easter. poem, w t.. Q'tt presl.e• for the W.A.,, the :theme of Which. worship was the Abundant. Life ---Contact with ,.the < "source , of power. Mrs. L:, Durnin read •the scripturelesson and. Mrs, W. A. Miller, thea•, iesson ' thoughts. The treasurer repotted $189,65 in the treasury. At the conclusion a pleasant social hour was enjoy-, ed •:with Lunch .::served by Mrs.' G. MacPherson . and Mrs. ` L. Woods. The May meeting of the, ''.Wo- men's Institute will : be . held in the 'community., hall ori. Thursday, , May' '1st at: 2.39. y . Roll'' call, 'What I left...undone to get: here; •.motto, Mother's..Day by' Mrs. .Ross Gam- . mie;' `•topic . in' charge of Mrs, :El don Miller;:hostesses,-Mrs. .Laur-' ine McNeil,.•Mrs:;,;E,. Barbour. ,. Miss ,Margaret 1Vlilier., ,Reg.N.; was Ghon e,from• Stratford for the week -end. . o FARM SOLD AGAIN Mrs J. Brock ` MacKenzie has sold the former. Peter Grant; farm on. Con. 4, Culross, "to • John. Penner of Madsen, Northern Ori= tario, a brother of: A. Penner of.. the: 4th 'Cori. East. ;The new. owner,with his wife and : three sons, 'loo'k 'possession ..of them holdings. •last. ' week.., Tlis'. farm ` was,: previously sold by Mrs. McKenzie, but, the . pur- chaser •:failed to pick •up,his 'op tion;••. and it ' was ,,necessary : t� seek .view bidders. •_•- Teeswater News.. • CO-OP AUTO . :I NS:URANCE Can ,Now 'Accept, TOWN' RESIDENTS COMERCIAL TRUCKS: • as Well as the farm business. ' For information consult` •CECI;L• FALCONER. Phone 'Wingtlam .570-J-3 JOHN 1VI'cMURCHY, ` RIPLEY Phone 20-i:723 P AGENT E004CIRt,;�. Now—Frank Sinatra & Jeanne Crain in `"The` JoiCer 4s Wile •`° Adult Entertainment . a relay :Matinee Only,—"Denver, and the:. Rio :Grant" MON: ... ., .... _....._.._. TUES. &. WED. Richard. Eyer, Lil and , Caine_. Harold .Stene -Present a., -fiction thriller involving a mechanical computing machine,, a super robot. arid a vanishing lad. • "THE INVISIBLE BOY" urral y--•(DIITs all fii% & frolic! A Double Feature scare show � is „ aided and abetted • by a' TROUPE OF LIVE: TALENT from down Connecticutt way. Admission Thursday Night Only —, 75 cents. FEL & SAT. - • George MVlontgemery, Meg Randall . and, . Keith :Larsen Deals with a gang of •robbers which takes on ar ` e .rYe 41'azd:` "LAST 'OF THE 'BADMEN"-'. .-r' Scope and 'Col'or Coming—"LES GIRLS"--M-G-M's Big Color -Musical. •. CARD OF THANKS: Mrs:. Clare Johnstone wishes 'to thank :all her many friends, who. 'Sent ;cards;: fruit and plants to her while .in Wingha7ri Hospital.• All these were very, . much ap- preciated. •.Thanks also to 'Dr. Mel . Corrin' and the•. nurses of Wingham: for their kindness • I ,wish to thank all: -thy • rela=; tFves .ad- friends who remembe-=•• ed me • with cards letters and: treats'; while .iI was, a . patient in St. .Joseph's Hospital, •. Loridon.. •These kindnesses .will long be remembered ;Mrs.,Tom'.Hodgins: :. We wish to acknowledge :with sincere : appreciation the beauti- ful floral,tributes,_.=acts:-of-kind-- ness by, neighbors' and friends, arid. expressions ;•of : sympathy • in our "most sudden bereavement: The • family of the late ' John' McQuillin • R. VV ANDREW.. Barrister •and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ' `ONTARIu' IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday • Afternoon • Office in the Joynt . Block Telephone: • • Office 135 Residence 31-.) STATE`' FARM: • MUTUAL, INCOME. •TA$ RETURNS, Public 'Accountant" .and Auditor: since 1945. • S. J..PYMM P.O.. Box No. 74, Lucknow UTOMOBI LE INSURANCE. Investigate. Before Investing REUBEN. WILSON R R. 3,• Goderich. Plilne 80-r 8 Purgannon•, • F. T. `:ARMSTRONG ' OPTOMETRIST GODERICH VOR APPOINTMENT 1100 S U RA NCE FIRE;__WIND,.., ;CASUAL TY AUTOMOBILE _.......AND .:LIFE . To Protect Your Jack, Insure ':' With' Jack Today. J. . YA.P`N'M O NA.. G. I - wOut .. 'Phone61-5, Dungannon RSAO ,. cD, BENTLEY PUBLIC CCOUNTANT GODERICHONTARIO • Telephone 1011•:Box 478 . HETERINGTO N , BarristerEtc. Winghah and:Lucknoikc • IN, LUCKNOW r Each Monday ant-'%nesday Located in the Municipal 'Office: 'Phone Windham Office 48 Residence. 97 • • • S5 : • AN. `EFFECTIVE SND ECONOMICAL venting Aid In IS NOW AVAILABLE. ':e11: And. Son: Ltd :LUCXNOW .ti 504,4 41,