HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-23, Page 7• WEDNir►SDAY ,AP • n:.R 23rd, 105$. ion ESSO DEALER Leavy Duty Batteries •« Generator Exchange Fuel Pumps, as • low as. Voltage Regulators: THE LUcKr1OW 'SENTINEL, LUCKNQW,, - �- r _ $8495'. • $2.85,:- $3.98'; Brake Shoes Exchange,., fu"11 set tirt ___ ' $7,90 MUFFLERS, AT LOW. COST steel Alignment and Balancini o ores e . eater ` •Phone 3, ' Lucknow • transfer $600.00 from Mainten- •, a nice. Roads iton Construction Brig g es concerning' the, � 1957 'annual N ZZ• returns to'the Highways. "'Dellart- merit. • We . have installed' a new'.. , C LET cow R...GRAVE1.LI:NG W. •Wawanosh Council Minutes• The April meeting of West; Wawanosh Twp Council Was held on April 8th, 1958.. Af 1 mem- hers presert' • The minutes . of the March. , meeting were adopted as: read on a motion by Councillors Mc- Fhee and Culbert: On 'a , motion by` Councillors McPhee' and Culbert,, 'Township: Council decided. tofr' #ccept. •the tender of George E.. °Radford of Blyth for the'crushing and 4au1 'ing of approximately 7,506• cubic yards of - gravel in .1958': at the rate of 63 cents per cubic yard. It was moved by Councillors Miller and . seconded • by Coun. 'cillor 'McPheethat . Twp.' Council request .the Ontario Department' of Highways to transfer ' ,a- rtaitc-E Bizra es • Ti .. onstruction Bridges arid • also to FOR. FRONT END .CAR:.: ALIGNMENT now open for usiness -'prompt. service r. s Phone '355, Wingham• AONU ASCE-NTS For sound :counsel and .a fair; price: ori a monument correctly designed :from. qua ' . •S lits . material',' rely on.• SKELTON . hil .. Pat O'Hagan, Pr EstablishedY Over ...Slit. Ye ars .. .. Walkerton Phone ,.. 638=w' 'Ontario 40. .. , CiJL . . ROSS . CORNER - Achievement day was held in • Walkerton ori Wednesday' for the ;ladies. who ,made mats. :The local ladies were Mrs.. James • _Wraith', Mrs Alex Wh tock Y Mr$.. ford Wail: Mr'.'and : Mrs.'John.' Schmacher -• sP:e n t 'Thursday evening.at Browns;. The community was `represent ed •at ,„the variety concert in •Teeswater on • both Thursday and, Friday .evenings.' Everyone agrees that it -w -as. As this'is:' written our•: first real .;spring rain has become a :reality and farmers'. welcome it. At the. 'week -end' . the air ;was full . of clean' country dust: as farmers worked. on the land.. A real estate :deal was - closed last week when/Mr. Grant Walll sold his east .farm to Mr. John] Schurnacher.: , I. Mr;; 1. Harry Brown'' and Mr s. Grieves of Riehmond Hill spent Sunday with Mr.; and Mrs.. Frank Brown and '.Reg • Mr and Mrs. .Gerald Stewart, Of, 'Kincardine were Sunday vise itors with._-nd7.1�1 • -Mr..... "_.rs.3--Tom- Stewart , .Mr. JJoe Gant and Miss Mary Gant :of Bervie spent • Sunday with Mr. • and Mrs Jas. Wraith r • Mr. and Mrs. John -Schumach- er visited Sunday with' Mr. andm Mrs. W. * Wall; Kiinlough. B .Council agreed, on .a motion by Councillors : Miller,, and' Cull Bert,' to renew the bond .On the warble fly inspectors: The following accounts were ordered : paid on, a 'motion . by •Councillors Durnin.:and McPhee:- Leonard Brindley, two -fox 'boun- ties; $2,00; Niagara Brand Spray 'C.o., 495 ;lbs of warbicide .@;44.1ke per . ib , 220;27;' Robt. . E. afrvin,, cartaking Dungannon St. lights, 1957, '8.454.: Village. of Lucknowc, relief account, 13.45; Dr, J: E. Little,. Lwckt ow, dental care for indigent patient, 27.00. Highway. Accounts ' -John 'Riveft,:".cleaning catch. basins, $3.50; Lorne .Ivers, sal- e ary,: 157:50; .:Imperial Oil , Ltd:, fuel, tax-- and .motor: oil; 9-06 20 Daily Corrimercial'. News; ';gravel. _tender ,gdvt , 1.140; Co. of Huron;: •, bulld.ozing.snow;., 668.00.; Norman McDonald,, plowing 'snow,:, with truck,' •131;05' Council' adjourned: ;to meet on May,' lath,: .1958.: 3 F::FORAN, Twp,,' Clerk.. , Whitechurch Women's Institute The Whitechurch Wonien's. In- stitute 'held' • their annual meet-' ing on : Wednesday' ' p.m. in the' L`Mem'orial:,Conimunity Hall 'with:' :Mrs. R . Ross presiding.. After the'' opening .exercises,'Mrs.:C. Shiell read:.' the minutes of `thee March, meeting : • and, minutes treasurer's' 're port. Plans were made. . to:put on a dance' and give the • proceeds to the ball 'team to start\ .them. Off for the season.: Hostes$es. for the month 'were' M's., Lott".and Mrs: H. Laidlaw. ,Msical num `.' hers were .".•given' by Mr's:' 'Joe Tiffin and. :Mrs; George Fisher. Members of the :Institute ':for the coxri.rnittee were appointed. Mrs,'.George Fisher ',remained .' from._the'.old_comf`nittee-and `new members : are ,Mrs. Garnet Far- ier, ,1VMrs WM. Henry and Mrs. RusselRoes. Mrs. G Gillespie was appoifited •tothe.'Library' Board. Report. from: the stand Your , old Equipment ” on :New :PORTER -CABLE :POWER TOOLS PHONE'. 80 , LUCKNOW -.:. „..y,. 3, may, .� ►�yi►.Y1' �, ".,,i Portable Saws Table Saws Chain Saws Drills Sanders Belt & Finishing Routers Shapers Electric Planes. Bench Grinders Drill Presses Band Saws • Jointers DEALER. HELTON :ing committees; were. read. ,Mrs'.. George Fisher Was then asked to take the, ,chair for the' 'installs,'. tion.'of `officers. Mrs, Herb Laid law 'read • the slate:: of officers. Elections . were :•as follows:, hon. pres Mrs.",Frank • Ross; past pres., Mrs. George Fisher; pres. Mrs. Russell Ross,. ,1st vice, _Mrs.. I Garnet, Farrier,• 2nd vice, Mrs..' 1:44.6,c.: ex. R.obert'son,_...see.-tress,; Mrs.' Jas...McInnes; district 'director, •Mrs.. George Fisher; 'press:. re- porters, Mrs, D. -Beecroft,. ,Mrs.. G.4 Fisher; Sunshine committee, `• Mrs. Lott: and 'Mrs:: H. Laidlaw; Branch. directors, Mrs. Joe Tif- fin, Mrs. Frank Ross,- Mrs. ,H: Laidlaw;' +pianists, Mrs: G. Far, tier, kit., Joe Tiffin; auditors, Mrs: Albert' :Coultes, Mrs. R. .•Chapman; .program corrimittee, 'Mrs. ' Hug Simpson, .Miss. Jack Burchill, Mrs, Robt. Ptirdon, .Mr's. Wallace 'Conn;' standing 'Commit- tees: Heine Economics & Health; Virg, Frank Miller; Public Rela tions and ,Coititnunity Affairs, iMrs, 'Tom Metcalfe; Historical Research. and Current Events '„ Mr"sr ty. McBurney; agriculture a! id.C'ari:atlian industries; Mrs, R, • • ONTARIO g e s' PAGE; SEVEN• S • r. GENERAL INSURANCE .:. • . Established Aver' Thirty !Years. Ago; ' , .. Telehones; Bnsnlass .. ` • .. :: 39. HOWARD, AGNEW • ' Retidenc..e 138 BUSH LOTS WITH SOFT MAPLE AND ELM Will purchase bush properties . on farms. ease phone or'write: The Andrew Malcolm Furniture Co. ` Ltd. Listowel, Ontario • 1 'a trig Borley.Contracts We now Have our .1958 _ Malting Barley Contracts .~available: . ' or your choice of Montcalm, Kindred or Parkland ' Seed; contact us early;. Elevators' at , rLucknow and Ripley TRELEAVEN MILLING CO.IMITED DONNYBROOK • • The WM"S. and W.A.met' ,ori Tuesday'' afternoon' at the home of . Mrs Hardy'—•Nlrs 'Stuart Chamney was in charge: of 'the W;M:.S program and hymn . ,1`05 was .sung.' in, opening, followed :by..,prayer: :Sam Thompson read :the scripturelessbn. Mrs. E. 'Snowden read a 'Prayer.- Mrs,, Hardy read an; article.: "' House of Friends in the •' Faith",,. writ-: ten ; by Miss :Nancy Cameron, Seoul,. Korea. Mrs.' E. Robinson: read an article on Christian• ste- wardship ,and Mrs H. Jefferson read the '`chapter in -'the` ,study book: ,.An. invitation • t� -the . WMS; ,meeting at Whhitechurch• vias. ac- 'cepted.. Further' plans regarding the' bale were ` discu'ssed. , Hymn 86• was sung and the'. meeting closed in .the, usual mariner Gaunt; • -Citizenship and Educa- tion, Mrs.,:Owen.. King; Resold tions;' Mrs James McInnes;; Fed. erated. 'News, Mrs.' J.. Conn: The meeting,. closed :With the ..Queen.'" 'Tile W.A.meeting opened 'by' reading psalm ,: 726: .in unison. Mrs. S:.'. Thompson: gave a''read- ingon •Easter. .Mrs;; : _Tom' Arm-. strong read the. first: 15•verses: from the' •15th chapter :of St. Mark: Mrs IL ` J.effer§on-, offered prayer. ::Mrs. E.. -Robinson read the minutes, 'Mrs H.',.Woods. gave a reading, "Signs of :Spring".: Hytrin . 115 ,was: sung in closing, rurich' . was served :by :the - hos- tess s assisted ssis �� e d by J. .teddy. • and Mrs. R Chamney: •;''•; ' Mr. and Mrs.:Wm. Hardy . en- . tertained 'the- local .euchre club on Wednesday,.,;..eve'ning Pries were awarded as follows:• ladies • high and low, Dorothy Noble & Anne 'Thompson; gents high and low, H.: Jefferson and G. Foran, •BORN—in' Goderich- Hospital, ,. on Sunday, • April,;13th, to 1VIr; and Mrs; John Noble; a son. - : • / Mrs. A. .Smith; and :• daughter, Miss Eleanor , of',Bluevale were - Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs; H. Jefferson 'and.'family• .:.: `is' Your Subscription Paid?. . aszhoppo We all know the Fable of .the , gets danced Grasshopper who' gaily • the summer, away while. the Ant was busy • . laying aside provisions .and. Preparing for - the cold • winter. There are' some•people.who dance through .the summer•of their lives as unconcerned and - Unprepared as the Grasshopper. But other, wiser men and women provide funds against the cold winter day when they Will be urgently needed. You can still enjoy' . life, and you will have added peace of mind, knowing that you'and your loved ones are'safeguarded by a life" insurance Contract of the Sun Life of Canada. Why;not discuss 1/0111' life insurance problems with tris todayP• ' You will bj under no obligation• 4 .LIFE OF CANADA.. R.R. 2, LUCKNOW a hone :'tVinglani 11'l -11r-4, .5 •