HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-23, Page 5`iS�DM.SA V A•01% 234 d;,.19.58: . `'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUcxrrow; olv'rARIO PAGE FIVa ' 4141 . ASK APPROVAL. OF, NEW 5 PMO ELINE.,; a � .,. Huron Township :Council °met. ,'4141 �.,..•.:..1ib present. - DAIRY,PARMRR$ OF CANADA, 409 Huron' Street, Toronto free! Mane Frasers new Milk recipes. Write today ' 4141... �,. •' 4141.` . District High School Board to Clerkbe instructed to write to build a ,two .room" addition to the the County weed in p Con - present building. 4141.._. , . �pector.. ter/ling the Russian 'Nap weed Lowry,. Walden,. that the Coon- along Con; The following motions were passed: Moved by McMurchy.-Carnp ibell, that the . Council approve of . a request . from. • the . Ripley eir approval of estimates of the Huron & Kinloss Telephone System< for new lines and im- provements and for permission. for issuing of debe'»tures•'to cov- • er . same: ' Campbell NlcMurchy that the �vr IN`• LATE MODEL e f 1957 Pontiac " Hardto a to p,a ii uratic, fullg_:equipped ......7$2i595 1957-P ontiac _ Deluxe Setlan,— •:automatic `transmission, . fully equipped ,:4141. ' $2;495.•. 1957. ()hey. Deluxe Sedan, *fully equipped 1956 • Pord Customline, . automatic, fully �, $349,95. •1956 Pontiac . Coach, `•automatic • $1,9s5 1956 "Chev , 'Standard Coach:,' 41 � 4141 $1;795. 1955 Chev., Delgxe: Coach �...' •, $1,650 '' 1954, Dodge ' 'Sedan. $1;395 • 1954 Meteor Hardtop,. automatic 41, fully • equipped $1,495.,' 1954 Chev.Standard Sedan,;fully equipped •81,295- 195i. 12 5 - ,9 4141. � ► 95 1953 • Dodge Sedate•' $1,195. 1953 Meteor .Coach ` 195241.. 4141..... 4141..,. .,' .' Pontiac Sedan . S an /, 895 Two 1951 Plymouth Sedans, low �rilileage 695 •., ' 1950 *march. Sedan$ „::$ 595 Anuinlier of 1952, 1•951 and Older 'Model ' s ;A 'REAL. BARGAINS' TRUCKCK S 1941i, . 4141, •��.. •:4141 ., 4141 , 194$.,Ford...1=ton Express ,' e• • russels Motais 295: Huron'. County's . Foremost Used ,Car. Dealers '• Cash, TradeTerms Open 'Evenings ' Until 10' 4141 , Cities•, Service Dealer ° :• Phone 73x. Brussels ?'.s lowing accountsbe paid Ivan Pollock, 'care Garage, repairs to spy of cemetery, ; Franks , United Church Evg. Auxiliary truck, 107.40;..John S. Ma Don- The April meeting was p•, alb, care of hall,,26,50;; Frank'sided over !by Mrs Vernon' Hu Cowan` Co.,.,torkmeri's coinpen- ter; who conducted the .busine satiion. insurance, ' 27,25 Ernest Iperiod•; .Mrs.. Black'•would li-_ Walden, ,.work on ' Spray' truck all articles fgt.. the layette. a. and' mileage, •.32,75; Eugene .Dun- supply list in by . May IOP, , work •on spray truck, '.1870: summary •of •the Bruce. Presby Bob Love,. repairs', to hall, 56.74; 'tenial held in Teeswater•• was . gi. Telephone 'System,. rental and en • by Mrs:' .Hunter and Mrs., tolls, • 14.05; Registry .Office, , listj Webster. ' Mrs. George Whitb of deeds,' 1:.83, Hugh Cameron t. had charge of the program: Th assessors spring ,meeting, in Ari main part being a film 'entitle thur,'. 10.00, Post Office,: unem- "Wattari, •Interview":4141 Mrs. Wa: Ployment • stamps;. :15.60•. : • tori is : a Japanese'.lady • edu•cat Road Accounts ed in the` famous Freedom•Schoo Steve I:r-,win, •road' uperintend- in. Japan; and 4141 who now : teach erif, n its staff; ..She was;• first . se.. $303.55; Gordon Stewart; (•to. U.S.A: for "stud iii 1936` `b grader operator, 241,35; John y ` Blacket, :.lobo ,,36.00,.:_Niareh . snow fence removal 45,964 -Gra, •, ham . Cook, haling, gravel and bulldozing, 3:450, ,Roy Marsh= all; . snow ',plowing, . ;3.50;. imper-. ial .Oil Co.,', • gas and oil, .274.07 ;'. Morford 'MabbKay, welding;. :33.50; County of Bruce, .patching"pave =: Ment; 24.15, : William :. McLean, hauling gravel; 204.75; Norman Barnard, hauling gravel,,, 218:40;, Johns Masville, Oliver*: 164.10;' Harry Culling,' hauling:. gravel, .18,0.75CColling Colling 'Brothers '. haul-. ing (gravel, :21'1:.20, D ' G.- Macy Donald, grease, • 19:75; " Frank Cowan Co,:conpensati�n insur-' ante,, 12000;;;.Leonard .Courtney., snowplowing, °500,. Wesley :Robb,: mileage, 2.00;, : 'Jainss ,` McTavish, gravel, 153:30; W. I: Shantz, :'bull- dozing, 503 05;''Walden':•Brothers. snow •: plowing,.' :;147,00; ',.Howard.. Hodge; .grader `repai'rs, ':.14168 John A. MacDonald;, digging post holes,' •30.00: Moved ' by. ; . CCalipbell-Lowry,') that this Council., do`now:adjourn� to' meet on'May.. 5th. • EARL :TOUT, Clerk: • Pr United Church Hi -C' • 'The, meeting•• was• opened, with the theme song. In the business it was'•decided to have .a taffy. pull on• April 21st, Dicke Mural; Nancy Webster; Joycebeing., MacNay and Jean, Richards being the. • committee - in " charge. It "was planned to go bowling in Wing ham on .April 29th, •Dick Murd ie' took the eye opener and ap pointed Joan Crayyford :for the, next -meeting. The worship ser- vice was opened by singing hymn 394 followed by, the' scripture. Questions were asked on the fea- ture, the topic • being "Horne is What We Make ".It". • Concerning this topic we discussed having a parents night and. hearing thei opinions • on • the topic. Games were ..1. e!' wl aps, " •4141 The C•T'gvernment Deficiency. Pay - 'Mot ' .:applies ' only on' properly . graded wools. - • Secure the utmost by patronizing I your 9wn 't rganizat on. S.iiIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1. . Weston, Ontario .obtain sacks and twine without;charge from PHILLIP H STEER • • •lt:R. 5, LUCKNOViy°: . 4141 � or. by writing to CANADIAN' CO-OPERA.ZVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street; Toront :: 0 Canada,. A : • hi. ss' nd. A ke cooled To • Repair All Makes Of ' v`. Tractors, Machines & Shop Work '' H:' • y 4CETFLENE. &. ARC WELDING. a KI N LOUGH GARAGE° W BRECALES o t. -Phone 18-r-20, Ripley es sen Y -• her own government and :retain- ed in :1951 anima- �scholaxstripW-from: ,Princeton: 'In .1957 she was a.. six• month guest '' of" the /.United. Church in Canada. 'She also. helps edit a° 'Christian women's' mag`,`., azine In.. Japan. We all , enjbyed a ,.vocal. 'selection ;''by Mrs. Robt. •Campbell: Mrs .Bryce. Elliott read: the. scripture. and Mrs G. Whitby led .the litany "of praise with members all joining, in the Prayer.. Lunch was:'., served by the:., corrirnittee , in 'charge. Tt's usually . the ;eager beaver Who::can.: come up with the .Mink.. • You::.can roves -$100 or. more for 1. to 5 ,years in a safe ,and - guaranteed' • .British 'Mortgage. certificate, Don't delay begins -the, clay you make the investment. e For fullinformation: about thesewise and safe._ investments,. fill out the coupon below.. and sendit to .us. British .Mortgage and Trust • Founded lo 1877 .' . 1 , . To British Mortgage .&.s Stratford 'Pl4 convenient . ease Send, me, information .about your'Safe and co 12 % guaranteed investment cert�flcates. • ' 'Stratford • aimmio am, Name Address Mrs. 100.»41Hi!Iw,x�. ,..iww:...ami.pwwh .»..w.«. ..ww.:wNY. ✓ 4141 mMISS .»;.....»,,.,,..i,.,1,.,,,,»,,.., 4........1........... 4141, .,..�.».«...�i.�w.,►.«».Ni:«:1i.nw.«.+«M.I..G«i�.:wi«:N 4141 StJoseph Church �_•C.W L. St. J o 's.p e hssub-division . , ub division CW'L held ' their annual . meeting in the . 'parish club ' room .`Sunda Y. April 13th; with. Mrs.' °Ray 'Dal- 'ton, president,, ' in • charge, Mrs. Joe O' eefe,• chairman: if'.the. nominating committee, read: the names of the new officers: dir- ector; Rev. H. Van . V•,ynckt; ores., Mrs, Ray. :Dalian; .1st : vice .pres., Mrs.. Leo, Courtney.; , 2nd, vice pres., Mrs: 'Dennis ;•: Hogan;, 3rd .vice'.pres, :Mrs: John Austin; sec:, -Mrs.: Mark Dalton; 'tress:; Mrs. Joseph 'O'Keefe:, •Conveners 'are to 'oe ..appointed— at the. next meeting:: Reports, were given by the treasurer and 'various : con .veners : sh'owing a very sticcess- ful .year. The diocesean• corven tion *to. be •held, in Leamington •May 20th. and 21st Was 'discuss- ed ,and plans' made. for ,five Or six members to attend if poss- ible.' Plans were also started for the annual garden party to be held this, • sunarner.' Fr.. Van`. Vynckt : spoke to the ladies on the, necessity ' of taking their, new duties seriously and '; •doing their. best at all. times. He . then •closed,. the Mee• ting with prayers. • TI3;ANK YOU NOTES .and 'Hasty Nates 'available .at. 25_ cents _per, package of 10 Cards and matching. ,1envelopes. Don Thompson,' phone 33 ,or 35; �•N'ATIIEOE HOLYROOD • :DIED -Ai NIAGARA FALLS •FIST—at the Greater Niagara General Hospital," Niagara Falls, Ontario, on'.Thursday, April lOth, �, . 1958; .Daisy Ann Baker Fisk, wife Of. 'thee late • Charles ' • Frederick Fisk dear , mother of • •Mrs. Rob- ei t He:rirn r (Marjorie), . Chip- awa,` Ontario; sister of Mrs', !,p'Sarah McDonald. Detroit, Mich. Mrs, risk is. also survived by. three granddaughters. ' ` ' A son 4rthur,,, pr;edecoased her lour- years' ;ago and, a, brother, • THE HOME Of QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS Richard , ..Baker .:of Lucknow, passed away • two years' ago.•• Mrs..: Fisk's : death : occur�'ed within one day. of her 84th Birthday. !BROWNIE NEWS ' Brownies opened'. with the: .` Brownie 'circle, where the fairy goid 7vas • collected : and 'inspec- do n WO carried but. Following this . Tawny Owl , taught• the -1 -461d - en bar . Brownies while Brown, Owl 4141took the . rest .' and. taught them• the proper way to Set the•. table, then they tried• .their 41. • dancing. test -Next week les :the Brown' ti .are. starting to take ',their. collet ' fors. badge: ;Mrs. McKim carne to exx- plain to the girls; what she want= ed i .them to bring :. next week::. For this badge the girls ' .will col lett stamps and in. order' to, coni- plete the: test :they. 'must : have. fifty •different' : types of stamps:, On Tuesday evening we wail have a special •guest coming to speak to the , `Br' ownies . Girl Guides, .Cubs. and Scouts._Braw4 Owl . explained.' to the. .Brownies what part they ;would be taking in ,the meeting. • For, Automotive '.Safety' Glass. Auto Body Repair Wheel Alignment and Balance • DAVIDSON . 4141 • VISUALINING" A$111 COLLISION SERVICE Huron; Poad 0.`o':' 8 Hwy Phone 320 Goderich, Ontario' . A'VILLER,_ IVIcINTOSI and WARD' Chartered Ateoutants • Bell Telephone Bidg. Walkerton, Ont: Telephone 633 • . A • 0:: • • • D • •