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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-23, Page 2
qE. TWO THE; LUCK SENTINEI,,r LUCKNOW 'WEDNESDAY, -413.RaL 23rd, 195a Perk Up' Your Appetite Wth Our Birds .Eye Springtime ,FROZEN: FOOD `SAI BIRDS EYE PRODUCTS French Fried Potatoes, 9 oz pkg.,. 2 for 37e Broccoli Spears, ' 10 oz. pkg... T. 27c Green Beans, 10 oz. pkg.' Strawberries, 15 oz pkg.; Grapefruit Juice, 6 'oz, tins, Lemonade, 6 oz. tins ,' Brusse su. pio n ,..,p� ; Cod. Fish. Sticks, 8 . oz. pkg.;:.,, : 33e Mix "Era — Match 'Em Green Peas, 12 oz: ' ° Chopped Spinach, 12 oz Leaf Spinach, 12 oz: Squash, 14 oz.' 0' • HEINZ BABY FOODS Complete assortment;, reg., "3: ,tins •3lc 10 tins for 14:00' r Libby's Fancy Tomato Juice Reg. 33c, 48 oz. 29c. E. 6. Smith Cherry Pie Filler, 20 oz. tin 35o Libby's D. 'B 'Beans, 20 oz. ' 2 tins 39c Libby's fancy `Tomato. Juice, 20 oz., 2 tins, 29c �-s� } ,. �',0 may_- k•Q�n- ly, , +y P.1.,,'�, ,'• � � -.0-- Grapefruit, ru R & W Artificial Vanilla Extract, oz. ' Grapefruit,, 48's , =6 for 39c PLASTIC PAIL PREMIUM. Unbreakable Plastic. Pail, reg, $1,29, save 50c Only 79c. with $5:00 Purchase FOLLOWS, CENT PLANS WITH I EWS' A,ND�VIE..W • ENNIAL • :NAMES STUMP US' NTEREST "For' .Auld, Lang Syne';, MrR and. Mrs. Earl A,, `Morrison. of ' Penney Farms, Florida, .are com=, ing back for the Centennial—for a day at.least, if not all of them, She sends the names of',brothers arid sisters to: be added to the. list,. Mr:. arid. Mrs Emery :Morri- son acid, Mr. and 'Mrs= . Charles . Budge of V,[innesota and Mr, anct Mrs, Malcolm `Buchanan; At „ the ' moment the na»ies don't "ring a• bell','- for the, wilt et. but 'that doesn't: matter. The" ' : ihnportant fact.. is that 'here. are more "old •boys and girls" ,from the - "four `corners" ',of. • United States, who are feeling: the urge• to return: to the. Old Home Town,' In sending a donation to the Centennial fund, Mrs. Glenn Moore (Gladys Hodgins), Ham - 1 ilton, writes Thank you '.for the invitation to the Centennial celebration ,I received 'some time ;ago and I hope to . be able. . ,to.,he there •.I' have followed with interest `the account, of plans andprepar ations, ; also the letters . from. friends, which have been print- ed in 'The .Sentinel.. -"SURE ARE COMING'". • "We're sure looking forward to i coming to ,the big affair", say Carman: 'and Jessie.. Beaton • of Detroit, in sending . a generopus donation to the Centennial. They t 's vaca-• !tion in Florida, an' • wan a Vaca - [ .say, hello to Uncle Tom and Aunt May Burns. , _o- ROPES ' TO LEARN •OF "OLD . /TIMERS'';: COMING BACK' Editor, ' -The Sentinel Dear Sir: ' ,1 received a short time ago, a circular' letter. • concerning the Centennial celebration , , planned' for August 1st 'to , 4th, " • I hope to '.be able to visit the Old home.. townfor this occasion, CENTENNIAL' PLANS (Continued . from Page .1) the treasurer, ,statedx _ at. over $900 had. been raised to date from "various sources' `with. the- fund having a current credit of 535. He stated . that 71 donations had•`- averaged. 'over' $7.00, and: that 42percent of.them had been received from "out-of-town peo ple. Mr. Rayner : asked that '.the various committees,' submit:, est-, imates:. of expenditures at the earliest .possible.date; so a' bud get Could be struck. • , • Lloyd , Ashton brought', , : the meeting up to date on 'what the Concessions Committee had done. ONE 26: FREE DELIVERY Meals• will `, be' served. in the ' Re- creational' Centre with: the var ious organizations joining forces in this ;rdeavour, and , With bands and other entertainment tuba • 1 , _. bein handled -r `groiPs, P. ,, �. Y centres with, mem-: at, nearby. , � .. hers. of rural Tnstitutes looking after- these arrangements.: Mr's. Philip ,, Stewart ' w h, o heads up this"' meals'committee, said' they had Visited Atwood for information: as to :how ,they had' catered for -r the Mina Township ,centennial.. ,The local plan is'. to de this. catering on a non-profit, basis. Reeve ,'Georige Joynt' . stated that. arrangments had b e e n' made to' .have. 'a quartette of ,M, • .CENTENNIAL BRINGS ON POETIC URGE the Vill�- and ;would be interested to know Provincial officers police 55 •r f4 cd 1 i • es, nes will be -fine!" DOctor.. `�Ved day When :it's ° time • to have the'. ,dentit .check ': r' dau htes teeth,"Urs.. Smith` naturally `reaches •for the teleho p ne that helpful "member of -thea `' family" with the -habit of getting things done, When you I6ok back over your day, it's some,: time ' surprising . to realize'. girt just how many surprising little ways the telephone. has lael ed• ou .. h'ow Y� P , Y itk .cdrivenienc and comfort 'to . acids so Much: e, everyday living:' .. •. A14ABA. .`THn ©L`-,L:L.TELEPHON� COMPAPIi/�F t: rovinci ° ion others of my, time : of residence, age during the reun o d residence, who 'are likewise, mine an Bob MacKenzie said .'that°the ma ho' a to m eet par- ticularly l y •p ,, Public, Library would' be used as icularl from :about the• years t Y registration headquarters. The f893'to 0903, ' • ' cornpletel re - .has been p, y i ea':f r building . .. ... - :It would be.�_a ' :good.__., d.. - _Q�- decorated: over the.past two or old-time .resident$' to advise .The. three years, ' and is . a credit'' to sentinel ' of their 'intentions, and the community:,' ilt will provide , i ho • es -that. they'will . do so I ?z p rest. r-aom T a avatory acilities have The . Sentinel *>,o ,.pa,St,•a_ Yours would.,lke to in - conjunction.:witr tion Centre Outlines Program;;`. W L.: MacKenzie gave . a day;:-' o outline' that, will ' by -day' program • SENDS BEST, WISH. FOR' start .with, a garden. party,at;•the • CENTENNIAL SUCCESS expressive poem from Mrs. Alex Smith .Of Owen. Sound, which , we .have ,captioned `"Centennial Reveries" . Mrs. Smith, though not •• a'^ Lucknow' native, resided here for •a time and. is just. as thxil;led• as her husband over coming back to his old 1iome town. Alex, -who. is a school inspector, with head: - quarters. n . ,Owen :' Sound, will have a part to play in the "Back- to -School" program on.`.Satuiday morning, August 2nd. To_ C NTENNIAL• REVERIES Fs., -(By Jean Smith; Owen Sound) We geta `wee bit" letter, That has ,touched our hearts to day. ;It says: ".C`ome- back• to :Lucknow •On ' our;. •Hundredth Birthday e . promise that' ''rhe ''ll•trcet With the ,same: old :welcoming.. truly, "' hand . •(Berson) Armstrong.' That has kept• the . littre •Sapoy High School=ori Friday evening, torchlight parade, bands and' dancing. • • 964 W 37th y Ave Vancouver, B.C. • Saturdaywill, feature. back -to- Dear Mr. Thompson,. mpson; school, in.the` morning, a child- 'Greetings. see it's that time ren's parade in the „afternoon' to again fer''renewing my 'Sentinel: the 'Caledonian. Park ' where. "a , Received 'my invitation .to the Sco tish _atmosphere will/be pro- . nounced, . and', the. program will feature numbers that .will. have a touch of, what was enjoyed, in the. days of : The games..`There .will • be another program in the Centennial and the picture on the envelope 'really brought back fond -memories. I've enjoyed so much,. the; letters sent in and of- ten get a chuckle..They so often express .my; ovn sentiments.` Am. park at : night. The Churches will afraid ' much ; to • my regret •will each have 'special plans for' Sun= day morning.: There Will .be a Legion drumhead service in the afternoon followed •by ,memorial, services 'at both. cemeteries. `• In the_ evening • there will'; be an open .air gathering and sing- song, with- a-- top-- on ccert- ba d- and' organ music, :• to. ell n y old. fri.erids. . On Monday , m,ornin mos s 'Si? cerely, . everyone , will be getting ready Willene Radford... for.' the gigantic Calithuinpian raised the question` as to arches, not be able- .to attend. Will cer thinly be thinking about it. We are.. celebrating ' our ' Centennial here and as you: may expect lots of doings already in honor of, 'it. .My .'best Wishes' for a wonder- ful do with success in all your projects and a friendly, .greeting parade 'to get', underway early after dinner, 'and end its' march around ` the Village' at the, Cal edoni'an Park, ' Where, an ..after • noon's program will;.be';held, fol- lowed .by another show• in°, the evening, terminating with ,a .fire_ works delay and.':a "shirt-tail parade">.' ance of a village -wide; cleanup Miss Helen.Thompson gave de- of :all properties. -to-School pro- New Lighting.Planned tails of the • Buck , gram. Reeve Joy t congratulated the Gigantic Parade inee-ting:,Mfor _their..enthusiasm.-ands. • Chas. Webster said that Mont,predicted that ;the' 'C'entennial• day's parade would be the best was going over with a bang.' He ever seen -1.n, Luck;now• .'Out -of- said that Alt public buildings town and rural district floats' were earmarked for,: centennial. have' already' been promised, ' use as was. seen fit, There will he ' palaminos, five . ate, said an east entrance • to bands, clowns lie ; expects every business -place to . enter a float: They will •be,•non-commercialn.. motif..and. there wilt be no prizes.. offeiYed..: ' • 'Ct• e r' a 1 cl Rathwell: reported dances were being arranged for each. night' and will all be held. an the new floor in the arena. `There will be a Sunday midnight dance, and the' windup will be Beloved. 'throughout; • the land. They ;tell :us there'll :be 'piping;. And jig and Highland'. ree}i,, Arid Scottish hearts will thrill..:'. again :. To: drum: and :glockenspiel. They say, should we be peekin' In the"wee sma' " hours of night, Unless we're "awfu' .cannie" We may see a ' fearsonie; sight For. Donald' Dinnie will be there, And hosts with, lesser names, All. sporting: on.. the hillside, And competing in the "Gaines"'! - Ayer we'll: corne back : to Lusk:- now' tOi yon, -Centennial D'•ay,, But •loshi ye .heed na' urge us We could :na' ' ;Stay away: CORDON TOWLE COMING , , FROM' VANCOUVER',O and if they would be .permissable -on the highway • The special events -' committee. has yet to decide on the various features,. , but decorated homes and grounds will be among thee; and this points up ' the import the park off . Willoughby Street would be opened :and that Vill- age street lighting' would "b`e im- proved -with "a florescent type" of lighting, to greatly improve the back street lighting. ,\The 'Reeve congratulated H, ••,D.' Thompson on his' work . as chairman as ' he. as president, would have found it irnl)ossible to: curry the load with his. municipal 'duties, • the ;the Centennial ball: road and illumination .program, ' .14 a r v e y Webster • submitted in addition to 'his efforts' to as, plans .for welcome banners . at ' gist the Beatty Ladder Factory, tA.e entrances to the `Village, and to become' happily located here. d;Gordon \t Towle of. Vancouv er. writes: `YWe •receiVaddtl�e let ter of the good • news, that I;u:el now w 11 celebrate its: one: •nun=' dreth' birthday. MVly• wife. and 1 will be • there, We ; will motor .;back "I wish; the committee; every success and I •hope for dole' iarig •syrie to meet 'a :good- number of the old timers, whom o' I • l.nevr '` when -1, was a''young. man Mr. 'Towle•is a•son of .(hs' 'late.': ,Mr, and Mrs.:. Albert Towle' .G.or-. don • left ',here 52 years .ago.' but: has been back since:,. Just a .fQW,' years .ago,the' To,wles,got togeth er fora family reunio%i. • Mr. Towle says he i.e embers •. Dr. .Garnier very well and, has a copy •of', the book h 'wi"ote,, • "Prince", Which he , priZss. 1?edro .., . very ,much: �ti;'�a+,'r" � mow" �•'�• ,• r' e•ri�i�dbt�� . .' Expect ,To Be' ,Here 'Sid and Ruby 1plo vr•il;lit. of i c' •"',finoe Oshae w :d to renewwawriourt'paasperfolloagain We Y o enJ'getting itto keep •In tbtich with old friends. Wi':received the ntennial letter. ani iry } ,,ti7aiGeed '. to get up 'for a '.'day of tva• if , , possiCeble, Please give th .der of the money to, the ft fid,, •°,1 Best of luck four the C 'ten of i�oii. nialy. says Bill en'ipt�on d'on, .