HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-23, Page 1•
$2.0 A Year In Advance --$1'.00 Extra :To.
eview Cen t� h
nll Plannin
EventFast Approache
"Do you realize that fourteen
weeks from tonight we will' be
winding things up'', commented.
Chairman H. • D. Thompson „on,
Monday night at 'a "round .table"
conference of the Executive and
Committee, chairmen,,
Over thirty men and ladies;
• representative of :almost#very
committee' presently' functioning,'
•,held' a three..hour sesison to c
ordinate planning' so as to,. -pre
vent Overlapping, anddiscover
any` omissions of duties and,to
familiarize the, entire group, of
been done. This was a revelation
to many, and as has been the
case a. since the ...project: was
.launched,.. 'enthusiasm .,is high
• and the general effort and co-.
operation is most stimulating..
Called on by: the chairman the
•varieus• committee heads gave
their .reports. •
Kenneth . Cameron reported
close to 3,000 names on the mail
ing' .list. . Envelopes • are . being
addressed for a second mailing
:Which will be done` before long,.
when more detailed; inform ,
will, be..included: • •
Kenneth,.Murdie :re orte
p ed that
to• date there had been :few ...re-
quests for .billeting and • few. _of-
fers : of accomodation.' However,
they: have, plans laid: to deter
•mine the needs and the accomo `.
dation, and a complete list' -will
'eventually ` be 'Compiled: It is
expected the ..next: letter will
contain a questionnaire as to
billeting • requirements: if ' neces-
sari Hotel .accomodation will • be
. available in • neighborint towns,:
•';with;: :H. D.-, 'Thompson having.
...some ' definite information. on. this
•:,so far asWingharn is concerned;
Mrs. :L. 'C'. Thompson reported
the progress :in compiling the
historical book, and. expressed -
the '. Committee's conviction'' that
' •it ,•wil1 }. be both: historically .and The death of ' Mrs • .Thomas
An,• effort is• -being 'made tofinancallyprofitable, Robb of Amberley,. the former, record
Some . , of Lucknow's his-:
No Memorial GatesElizabeth' •
Jane Elliott, •occurred. tory 'over the centui
i :. ad. Friday, . April 18th.' She `was ' in a -his:.
Kirkland Of the .prop-; , ,• . ',funeral.
'torical book that willbe.avail=
;erty committee and 'president'in
of '.her- 70th .year.. The ,funeral•. able (we hoe) at Centennia
the . Agricultural Society; Said was conducted. by '. Rev.. J., ` C. time
• that the memorial gates `idea • at Hutton on• Monday . at, the' Mc-
. St is proving to be 'a treinend-
the :Park. dropped for the. Lerman, and .MacKenzie iMtemor •
ia.l Glia ous undertaking in: so, limited 'a
present. When art 'Agricultural•. pelf .with •• interment in:, tim,e,• but 'the Historical Co
:Society. -reaches". • its hundredth Greenhill ,;Cemetery, m
y receives a govern- • 'worthwhile effort, and if Luck-
ment gr•ant .af •$1,000; earmark how's historyis, ever'. to..be re
ed • for memorial' purposes and STAGE' WORK BEE
corded 'the time ' t
The- .tempo increases fin getting
the • Beatty Ladder' Factor ready
for operations, after the initial
stall • was •made last ;week. •
-An. _engine -room test', has -pro
video •the good- news .that the
boiler is in good: condition
Miss' Dorothy: Douglas, who • has
served for a good: many, yeark.
in the girls. ,school. at. Tamsui on.
the ,Island,,,of Formosa, isdue to
` Donations to the Lucknow
and- District Centennial fund;
keep coming. in steadily and.
generously. -The past Week*
nine donat oris were receiv-
f r o. m„ former residents
and rural,.resid'ents,g.'totallifi•
$65.,00; to send •thea grand
:total,, to ~$524:00. •
Three. other generolis-:`-4o- ..
nations • were received the
"first of the week by,'' The
Sentinels which. Will be ack
nowledged";• in next - •week's°
list of donations:
1 barn.
•,Rev,..Dou lass son of
g the -late
• Rev: George L; Douglas of
Knox Presbyterian ' C h u r eh,.
Woodstock, has been elected
moderator; ' of ' the Presbyterian
Synod of .I-Tamilton 'and London
at its .84th: meeting held at
- Mr. and: Mrs. George H. Doug,
las of Lucknow, was -born and
raised in- the Village and is one
-of three young men who 'entered
the, ministry from the localcon-
gregation. The others 'are Rev.
•Wni. A. Henderson and • Rev.
• Douglas` MacDonald ,
• • Rev. Douglas has been. Dasfpi .
OF -eleven, years.'
from, Calvin McKay, °Wind,=
sor; .Harvey A. MacDougall, •
Toronto; Robt. Fisher, Harri,.
Ilton, Mr. ; and ' M:rs. Carmen
commence a furlough in late, ..
;Beaton, •Detroit;; Mrs, ,Dori-
June ; , aid ` Douglas, . Gramm, Alber
She and = an ether.missionaryta; • Charles Hallam ' R.R.Ene o Lucknow , 7,
friend, plan to • do some travell- , D. Frank and Mary
ing° •before returning to Canada. �o Johnston, Oshawa; Douglas
Graharh,..'RA, • 5, ..Lucknow;.
• Ethel; . and . Bill 'Blue; De-
troit. ' •
On the first lap of. the tour they
will fly to Bong .Kong.' . '' ' •
Miss Douglas'pre arranged
'plans will not permit her to. be
home for the 'Centennial-. :She eiz.
pects .,to be iii,° England at• that
Helene Graham (Sherriff) be-
loved wife ..of : George: G rge Lavis of
Tham'esford,; passed away at St.
Joseph's: .Hospital, •.Load"on, .• on
Monday; �Apral-st.: •
•• ..former resident of the Vill-:
age, the funeral service' will be
held at .she McLennan ands -
Kenzie Memorial Chapel, on.
Thursday afternoon :at 2.00 p.m.
Daniel, James Rose Of Loch-
alsh ' has been. "appointed, student
assistant.: in Huron ,_County' from
April .28th until s •hi'return to'
College :in September. Dan •••is , .a
graduate ,of the'Diploma' Course
and has completed: his ' .second
year towards . his. degree •'at the
Ontario--Agrieultunal College,
Most df Mr. Rose's work will
be in; assisting A, S. Bolton: in'
the 1Jurior :Programme in • the
County,, with the' Department;, of
• Agricu.iture..
conducted by 'Rev.. ` Wallace Mc-. .
•Glean, ,with interment i 'Green-
hill C'em'etery.
birthda it
rrrittee is . 'convinced it will be a.
,''. it SOW •FI:FTY • ACRES •. wha.shortcomings
tcom n s or the `
this .fund will not•be' available ter 'what .the shortcomings of t
for a few year's as the Society
is • about. seven years ' away . me..• . kindness that lies
its centennial .•
deep roote• d when the •'occasio -
teem, -advanced to change the' last week in •Ashfield' Township -
Be stated, that a proposal :had arises, was much v i 'av,idence
park layout, a matter 'that will -when' about . twenty farmers
be discussed:' by' committees con staged. a' .wort ' .bee, and before.
cerned. nightfall had seeded Mrs Louis
L C'' Thompson reported for Hogan's entire crop. of :fifty:.
Don Thompson on .publicity,• out- acres. • ' etc Th ' H t' 1 C
lining the response to .the: sale.• •
of publicity .stationer and bum ' Mist' Hogan _ . _.. _ ,, _ _,___ to
[,: ..et y5. which
- ., ✓ �- Cdt9PY1 children
book' "may' :b e.
The book will carry a`` 'pre-
hi'story oi: the ::.settlement. °. the
-stony.O1-its founding and growth,
of • its ' cY urches ' .schools, fratern
`al societies, • service and, civic or='
ganizations,: •publicservices; in-
dustries, people. including :'firsts"
in the village, sports; characters,
•; • etc., The is dries ominit
view the progreSs to date:
we as b
:to many distant points, The Sen huShand and' fatliqi ' lagf Fel:In:I,. ible,'• therie has been a generous
artirn" and •daily .. papets, radio It: was' TuesdaY. of Iasi v„.eek and other' "outSide" eb-ntacts haVe
.and television "are' being Made that thist. gang .of ' Men went to I b°en made with firms,. enter -
,118° of. Letters ,haVe gone to vv.b.-ri.c .with • a .fleet ' {..of „fifteen ' pr.ises and inuniciPalitiog' ' thPi
; for novel mean - ,f ko , m14.- 'cession.
9 Publicity.
.f ' p.i.ail , ai..e in . . d and at the fairn on the 10th ,Con, . Many of the- stories" are al-
ready compiled, but advertising
.copy has bc.:pn a bit sloW in com-
ing in. The Sentined would 'ap-.,„
,preciate an immediate resPonse.
'in, this eonneetien—We .are .pre-
tention oh 'the event as -the: time Aill`png tlictse with the
'draws closer. ' • • job. were: Leo Courtney, Prank
many ttingS 'of cOlorecl lights Marvin. arid Frank Scott,. Keith „
Were aVailable , for main street Johnston, Gordon Johhston, 'Bob' .Pargd t° . write the , ads . , we
all b4„ites8 pia•des arid homes • Hogan, , Lloyd 'Robb, John Varl 'It has: •,ber16.• .8.tiessed ..ti -at ad-
,I.,.vill .he 'Warmed later, in order to Osch, Girvin ,lieid,, AndreW Iiit_ Vertisements , should Carry in',
hav6 wincloW lights and 'Porch chic, .Joe CaurtneY, J:ohri and formation' of the pest and Pres -
Lights aglOW all night during- the'
finance, stated that t ' date it
u'e town, and Jim Henderson '
..• ,ontinued Oh Page' 2) , ledge her: thankfulness.,
Vincent Austin; ,Bud ,rarrish, „Tim ent interest, for the rnerhants
Nelson, ; • • in buSiness here: today Will be
the history Of tomorrow '. •
net' and supper '`at the Hogan This book must get relling off
' the presses very soon, and .ariST-
MrS. Hogan is deePlY apOrec- ono who has any article, or ad-
iative . the kindness of these •vertiSethent to be Mcluded. in
mem, and words fail 'to acknow- requested to ,,act at • once'
The war on 'starling's has been
resumed riy. the . students` of S.S.
No. 3, West•Wawanosh (Town-
Ship Hall School;) under :the dir:
ection of their teacher,' Mr., Ross
Errington : ' •
,prizes ate_ awarded in the "kill •
the starling" contest which ruraa
the end of May.• Proof . of
.'the kill is , the right leg Of the
dead bird which is ,Worth., two
points. ` An egg is,. worth•one.
point. >
The . destruction of this • pred-
atory.'bird aroused .a: controversy
last Year when „a , Londonlady,
-aid• .a forrner Goderich resi e - ,
.took strong objection ' to '.,.the
"kill" . •
• Last ' gear°' the stu _
�__.._.......-. dents..
troyed about 400 • lairds:
On Monday :When .school open=
ed, 'lo and'behold; what. •did they'
find but two : starlings and some
undesireable "decorations
I'he • bird's,-; if defiant ': of • the
war -on thein, were certain'ly "un-
wise; .for they added' four. point's
to the contest, count...
Daylight saving . time 'will g6
into effect in Lucknew, in• com-
''non" with;' • other centres, at the:
••end of :the week;;Locally • the of
ficial hour 'for ` moving on' the
clocks is `2:0:0: •a.m: Sunday morn-
ing, s •
So, if you. ;want: to be on time
fpr church. on. Sunday, aon't 'for' -
get . to ;advance the.tirrie ,Upon
retiring Saturday night.
D.S T.• . :ill continue in effect.
in''Lucknow until September 28:
:41.1.ghter of.
Arid, Mrs: 'Russei. Gaunt 'of
Kinloss,•,has taken a position as.
stenographer at the Knetchel
Furniture factory' in Hanover
and eommenced ••her dirties on.
• Janet is -a graduate of Canada
BuSiness COliege. in Toronto,
cornpletel her course •Jaat
Miss Beverley Ashton, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs,; Lloyd Ash--=
ton, has been engaged • as; an
.additional 'teacher on the Luck
now • Public School. •Boarol,V 'r"eis=
• ingvexl• the staff to' ser .
Steadily`. increasing enrollment;
that . may • jump more sharply
with the opening of the factory/
forced the opening of an addi-
tional classroom upstairs
the ,engaging of, another !teacher
with duties to commence .in Sep
tembec. • • .
Miss Ashton, a.' graduate of
Stratfo "
eac ng indergarten :in Han
over this term, In 'here .home
school next term, she. willhave
Grades 3 .and 4 in part.
She -was one of sixteen appli-
cants,.mfor the position, with the
.Board 'meeting on ' Friday night
to' -make the appointment,
Bob: Finlay was ;,assigned the. -
jab of redecorating the class-
room. that will be opened. ' '
The:: Sentinel wishes to
again , emphasize that reports
of church ` Meetings, Insti-
' tutes, 4 groups, etc., must.
be in this office:. the week
they. are held_. Failing, .this
we cannot publish, ,them,
If .received promptly they.
are put into -type 'for the h:
"'.`first run"'' of The.•riSentinel
• 'which is on . thepress ort
Monday •lf such reports are •
not :' in by, the end of the
week, they. .can't :make this'
•" first run and so .give way;
to other Brio. priority rat,, stories: •To
hold • them over; fust crowds
Out ,something else; ' . , next
• week. .
With space ata Pre:1141M
every week, :late reports just
don't • stand a chance ' of . be
..ing published and we ::,again.
.appeal:: Sto;.•press. correspon.
dents to send 'in their,reports
• at. once. .
.. A N
Bob . MacIitosh got operations
.: g R. at3ons.
be 40x160 feet:
west ,of and adjacent to the Cal,-.-
edoniair park. Hatold 'Kerr
vy an Moving equip7
Anent_last week tO start 'cutting'
down the hill to the 'sauth '
the ''property. to provide fill .for
the flats: UnfortunatelY it is a
sand pit 'and will „not .proyide .
.eripCiunterec-I in the hill. ivhich
provided soine operational
H. Fleming of' Haii9Ver. baa "-
the contract .for the -barn 'arid 'is
cooi Staf
In keeping with soarMg,salar- tise for applicants for ,these
ies in 'the bid to Obtain second- I positions before°, contracts . May.'
'ary schobl teachers, the ,,Lual- be renewed. Replies to the ad-•
'now District High School Roard'I Vertiseinents have. been nil from
recently approved a $600 per an- quabified applicants. •
ThiS is- Made up 'of an increase
of- $406' in. the miniMum Salary
Seale •plti.s the annual 1$200 in,
crement. • • . Board negotiates 'personally. with
lied froth. $3,600 tp 4;,0(16 arid.; ".A. isS'IVtarguOritc Salgeon, !iA*1-10
$4,26a. , • was Still . on the sick ligt this
With ,sciine , ot the • week and,'Nfrs. Gordon Johnston,
staff teaPhing On ."letters.orlYer. was Te-engage'd to continuo sup -
Me,. it .is 'necessary -tot) adver- PlY duties. -
Staff Members Whose eontracts'
have •alreaciy been telleived ate
Mr,' Wm: MacDonald, Mrs. Eliza-:
beth Suter, mi.. Reith Laur and
Mr. Ronald. • Kelterhorn. The