HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR ' A t • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, I,.UCKNOW ONTARIO-' FOR `;SALE T, sink and laundry WANTED -used 'electric crealn tubas unit with. taps...Mrs: separator, large size. Milvert Reid, White, Lucknow, . phone 91,, noR, 3', Lucknow;, phone . D.ungan. ., _..... �n. 69-r-2, ° FOR:SALE= 2 -,piece girls'' . green *, • ; v ;coat Set,:size 6; Mrs. Norman Mc- APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- ;Donald, phone 44=r-14,:' .Contact Mrs. Wellington Hender- son, Lucknow. CUSTOM LAWN ROt J G" phone .177. or 141 Lucknow; FOR, : '. LB colony Mouse,: ' Ux9,. . ino d condition Apply • to W; g �. F, MacDonald',; R. '6, Lucknow, Phone i17-16. Ripley; FOR. SALE -white Pekinduck eggs.r : Apply of 'Mrs.. Bryce El- phone�25 , Lucknow„ antitr Moncrief, seed. -George M , p lone Ripley 110-r-20. PASTURE is available for about' twenty '(20) head of. -cat- , ti.. Apply to William D. co*, phone .Ripley FOR 'SALE --14-16 plate Fleury • :Bisset tandem disc in,: first class shape; also. 2 -furrow Case tract- or ' plow. T. A. Cameron, Luck- now, phone Dungannon. 70-r 10:: PASTURE AVAILABLE: for • six yearling. steers. Eldon• Miller, R. 1, . Lucknow, . phone''' 64-r41., CATTLE- WANTED for ,grass. pots .of grass, water and shade. Phone Graydon :Ritchie, Dungan- F1OR SALE -country.. store situ ',ated_on busy . road, 41/4 'acres of FURNITURE select from choice -new,: styles at the Mildmay. Furniture., display • roon'is; , Also visit 'the `trade-in Dept.' Free• de- livery. G. E. • Schuett, Mildmay. CATTLE.' WANTED • FOR GRASS -can pasture • about. 28 head, ,good fences, plenty of `water. Tom' MacFarlan, 'R,,R. • 1, y- •-.8329.4,4 Hol HOUSE FORSALE ,-. modern home,; all .conveniences, garage, barn, ',hardwood floors, through out, ' priced, for quick sale. Own- er has other interests. Apply' to E. V. Baker, Lucknow, Ont. WANTED TO :RENT •- land to pasture 38 ewes • and their lambs. Must be, well 'fenced with good water and shade. James McNain,' iAmberley, phone 110-r-30 Rip- ley, FOR RENT -100 -acre grass farm. with spring creek . through it, or will take in 2:5 head of young cattle. ; George . Fisher, White- church, phone Wingham 747-w- -11, CQMING. EVENTS DANCE AT WROXETER Dance. In Wroxeter Commun7 ity :Hall; .on Friday., April 10th, Cartier. oats for seed Apply to Harold Austin, R. 6, Lucknow, phone ' Ripley . 126-r-4.;' TRACTOR TIRES;' • • We can fill: ' your needs Three lucky door prizes.. Spon- tor , uand' car s: sored by • w p E$DAY, APIR„1L ;1'6.th, ;'r• F.OR .S,ALE-'74about, 200 . bus. ':old the Wroxeter �Commun- at loesttires: pricestr, MckacMillan Brostire., ity Hall,"'Board Good music by Lucknow Elliott ' Carruthers. orchestra. '• Admission 75c,, • R REMEMBER! Your feet are one. ,of your ASHFIELD , SCHOOL ,AREA. greatest assets, 'and a breakdown in ,,.feet,: knees, legs, ankles or 1VIIJS1iCAL CONCERT in the structure may cause 'pains. Ashfieldusical!5p •Towns1'1 g. :hip School Area lower baarckec.. See ' J;:'.A Vickers,` 'n concent wFoot �C ill= be r ovist ' at Q• ueen's •tl , • , held 'at ,,the Lucknow District - Hotel, Wingham, :each ' Monday 'Hi h, School •on April 18th, 195 • .afternoon. • at, 8.15; ;p:nci. Admission , 35c. Pub lip School children free: .Every- '• • NOTICE one welcome, ' • Applicants ' who have' left their CARD OF THANKS:• Miss, :Lena Rollinson kwIshes. to express ;her sincere' appreciation. and . gratitude to all those. who so kindly, and, .'thoughtfully re membered her i•in various ways While she •was in the 'h'o'spital;. We wish to- acknowledge with sincere appreciation• the beauti- ful floral' tributes, acts, of kind-- ness' by neighbors; And ;• friends, and 'expressions of sympathy in' • our most sudden: 'bereavement, William Stimson and Fami1�; Mrs., Jim Curran wishes. to sin;_ thank all.:those who: cerely thank • . , SO" kindly,. remembered h'er•:and their' infant' ,Son,. .Paul, While, in the' hospital, .with .cards, gifts and in' other ways. All :,these remern. brances 'were. indeed appreciat- ed. names with George ' Joynt or 'ATTENTION LADIES' Alex. MacNay .for the -Beatty ' Start now! Avon cosmetics of- Ladder Factory, .kindly prck up Mr, and- Mrs. Charles-HaTiarh fess opportunity for mature, wo=•. -•application orn?...at the plant and. -family would like to express Bri.s , ,e;.,.a. .eci • h.t;.;. - •� :Gia., .' .: •amu •_ :. ' n� commission, 'Hours' Optional; ter- ' : . TENDERS ENDERS WANTED AtNTED ritories• available le in, Ashfield, ., , West •Wav�anosh;Kinloss, and 1TENDERSwill be .receive d until nt t Avon manager, Mrs. • Lourien townships..Contact your lSaaytiunrgdaoyf, a Ahpartilmi2x6ahs,ph1al5t8,flofoorr Green, Hanover. . i in the Lucknow Arena.- Plans :, . Land specifications may be receiv- BUY LOCALLY. The Lucknow i ed from: LucknowDistrict Lions Sentinel canfill' your needs in ' Club,. Rae Watson, President; R. all .• types of .business and contiri-- R. 1; •Lucknow; phone 64-r-5. nous forms,; Agent for Pak -Fold Continuous. Forms - Ltd.,, - phone '35,• Lucknow. NOTICE o he- Biakes. community' for • the lovely evening in their behalf- ' ' last Thursday andfor the gifts ' received, This thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. ur Roach wishe Mrs. Bt s. ' to acknowledge with ,grateful thanks the many kind acts by neighbors and other friends during Mr.' Lowest' or an . tender not: nec- Roach's ..illness and at' the time y essarily accepted. .of: this ' death.. The floral tributes, • � ' • • and • other expressions ' : of sym- pathyand kindness were apprec iated beyond words. •Thanks' also. to Dr.. Corrin and the Wingham Hospital staff. ATTENTION' FARMERS 'Custom killing, ctitting .and: wrapping at : 'very reasonable rates. Welsh, Meat. Market, phone 41: MEAT FOR 'SALE Good beef for sale. :by the RE HINDERGARTEN' CLAS •` 1 quarter: . •Beef killed on premises • children for` theFall Kindergar-jHealth. . Choice Herefford • year - ten •. class' niust do •.so Friday, `lings. Custom butchering a spec Parents wishing : to register .inspected .,by• the Department. of Kinder - Ma 2nd ,at 2.30 in the jalt .• Y Y. FOR SALE -4 -room house, bath- room; . sun porch, 'full basement and . oil furnace, large lot, l mediate Ph' L k garten Room. Children must bei • Baynard, Ackert, Holyrood 5' years old :as • of December 31..x' Phone 24-30,- Ripley [-ARTIFICIAL-- NS1rD,INATION ! TENDERS: _;; REDECORATING TENDER LE ood hard map 1e y - :FOR SA g P ::land,;; good, barn. Apply by letter ane•. 1a a possession. one; ` -uc -- '-to Box K,..Lucknow Sentinel. ' now 236 evenings., Sealed enders .will be receiv formation, r service- frcm all. i •Garr oats from i o FOR SALE D r ed •until 12 o'clock noon, April i breeds of cattle phone the 1 1registered se€d and John ee e ° NOTICE" TO CREDITORS• ( For artificia inserrimation in- 1 stove wood in;; truckload. ots;: . 1 .'Breeding As-' i I forage 'harvester, r will trade 18th,, .for' redecorating'one' class- ' Waterloo Cattle , . bargain price; ` MacMillan Bros, � :fQ g Qthe Lucknow Public harvester for tractor with man- room of loc anon at :Clinton HU 2-3441 • School: Work to be completed. 'FOR, SALE kiln dried shell ure loader: Warren Zinn, 14-r=15or Kincardine; 460 between 7.30 Lorne Luther,R. 3,Luck-:by August 30th. and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds Corn. .,Dungannon.... � � ' : • ' one. Dungannon 65=14. ; Lucknow Public School: Board,.: available --- "top . quality` at low now ph g ' --.. in- GOB CORN FOR BALE truckload` .lots,' delivered, or. at' FOR SALE• Donald Henderson," Sec'y> cost Used portable :. electric' tools. Can be:. seen.. any •evening, 'arid TEACHER• WANTED OLD HORSES WiNTED L knov� Public School -.Boar ' the farm. Cree Freeman, R. ,'3, a11• . day .Wednesdays ; and . Satur- uc O1d horses wanted • at 3%/ac :per •Goderich, ` phone ;.14-10 Carlow. requires.. for September a': teacher , . • days.: Chris Shelton, Lucknow, lb., dead Cattle at value: If dead; to teach; part of 'Grade` .III & ;IV, hone t. • once to Gilbert Bros. :;POR. SALE :a few. •bushels of phone. 80,p a .. : of: the. Luekioow Public Schoch Mink, timothy seed, 1957• crop. William nk Ranch, phone 'collect ,God - BRANT BARLEY FOR:' SALE- Apply stating experience, . quay- Hunter, it. 3, Lucknow, phone..one eneration 'from registered ificatiions, references anal salary. erich 1483J4 :or 1483J1. f 9--r=1 . Dun 'annon.' . g - g 'seed erminat on'9a percent,. no "expected:A•pplications,•will'be re-: ,'Something` to sell? Something ,g FOR SALE• boy's blue coat, •:size weed seeds;,, .noxious or other-, ceive'd"• until 12 :o'clock . noon, to buy? ;Phone 35, Lucknow. '. ` 42, Wand. lady's ; spring:coat,• • size wise by. Government: test.. A. W •, 'April 18th. ' 40. Apply Mrs ;Bert Ward, Luck=.Bates, 5 miles; west of Teeswater, ,Lucknow lPublic School Board,. now;.' • . ' '' phone 1374,-2. ', ' ..• Donald I�etiaerson, ' S�ec'y: FOR SALE=used Dearborn by-' BABY OR::'STARTED CHICKS The.L icknow Sentinel: 'has in draulic; disc, 3 years: old,- twenty, - Place. your order for, the best stock at all times counter check plates. Edgar Watson, R. R. 6; f in chicks from ,registered hatch- books and adding machine . rolls, Lucknow; ! eries - producers or broilers. Phone 35 ,Lucknew. , Knechtel_ , & Son, Lucknow - FOR' .. SA E garden tractor; Lou eliol�furniture, • Rangette al- 1.1,OtSE 'FOR RENT, ati Hol riew; 'also 1 gpod cow. R. rpod, • hydro, ‘bath, • all. modern B:4 9 -trance, R7-6,--EittaknoW-.--- -conveniences; gotod .garden: AP -- ply tb Ernest, Ackert, 'phone old. Apply E. V. • Baker; phone FOR: SALE Building & !property of Luck- , now Legion Branch, situated on the, north side of Campbell St. Contact Oarnet Henderson, pres. Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow.Phone .10-r-24 SEPTIC TANKS, cess pOOls, etc. 4 yard. 'Wide floor coverings, ..anteed. Lpuis. Blake; R. 2, Brus-,' • wallpaper, Kem. Lukor paints, sels, Phone 427r-6 Brussels. of Mildmay: '''2‘ TENDERS Sealed tenders; marked "Ten-, der .orit TOWriShip `Roof", will be received by "the under-. Signed up tO 2.00 p.m: on Men- -clay, --May con- strucfion of a new aluminum. fOof on the Township Hall, pair faCe *bbards where needed, •,FOR 'SALE -Brant barley grown frorn registered seed in,1957; 'also a , quantity of . red 'clover seed at e reasonable ,Price.' Harold Campbell, R. 6, Lucknow, phone FOR SALE-400-aere farm, Lot, Barley' contracts now available -for .Montealrn and Parkland bar- leYS. Ali small -seeds and graSseS .Cbmplete Stock- of Grade J. el: Ranger; pritario or Western and have :work completed by. Canada alfalfa , $24.00; Vernal June 2nd, 1958. ' .clear; 20 acres ,bu5h; also like alfalfa $37.00;, Red ,,clover. $17. new Fordsop IVIajOr diesel. tract- White tor Yeller. Sweat clover Tenders• will 'be considered as or. Both: priced right fer. $7,,a9f Timothy climax salo. Apply, at Sentinel Office. ."I'imOthY 411.40; Alsike $17.00,1'\",-rt‘ea•819waeoct°11.191,1;laeritey itc‘ebn`der nct • The- Luckno* Sentinel 'ean fill 29c, 13rozne 25c., Meadow Fescue •any of your need's in rubber 20c,: Reed, Canary "50c, KentuCky sternps, ..stamp pads, etc., phone Fescue 27s, Blue Grass 59c, La- - 35, Lucknow. '• dina 50c, White Dutch 55c; Tre- foil,. 85e. Gary. oats certified No. are buyers' of Red Clover and SURGE MILKERS - See the new 1958 model Surge 'tiers better. NeVv- 'looking glass ,finish, easier cleaned. Same Safe iqug and 'Pull" . cow. milking. Phone Lovell VIkkiire„ Wing - /lain 593, ccillect. acres; ,On. highway,: 1 milt' north 14teknOW, good , brick house, Tiniothy., aCtop, prices,. Cleaning floorS "`UPstairs and down,. :seven rib grass, from c o erst ec al- rooms, , newly -ec .r t „ r ss - R. Crainm & Son, Pinkerton neW colony hotise; also 1954: 1/i, • Phone: . ton. Chev. truck .„ 'like nevi', 'only 68,w-'8 Paisley .15.1-r41 8,000 tplies, OVAI4CE:1 Solicitors for the Estate. 'ALL PERSONS having claims against' • the. estate . of Louis Hogan, late ,' 'of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, farmer, . who died' on or'.about 'the • i8th day. of - February, 1958, are required to file.; the same with full particulars . with the undersigned by they 3rd day .of, May,'' 1958, as 'after that date the assets' of the • estate will be rill tr'•bitted rich. .in the. �rDATDD at'Gorier , County of Huron, this. Ilth day, ;of April, 1958. ST. �' S � and OREST, Goderich, Ontario ec natio CO-OP ,SEED -7-• CO-OP FERTILIZER Use Co-op and „ee the resnits , la your Take Your Fertilizer Now and Avoid The Ruth At Seeding T me Buying ,Co-op means •dealing vith. ypur Own • "Farther -owned" 'Organization. Phone 7 ric oW