HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-16, Page 2LucKNow sENTINEL, LucicNow, NTARI WgPI4ESPAY'l, APRIL 10, 195a SAVES YOU:MONEY EVE RY.DAY . - . , Culve ho 'se -ungraded' . 'ea§ 20 oz 2 tins 29e- . ROBIN. 1400D. CAKE MIX . . . . , Orange, White, Chocolate. -..,.. Aligeltis MarshrnallOws, lb. wily ' .... .. .....,..- 33c 21 oz..pkg. , 3 for $1.00 R 8i'W fancy Tomato juice, 20 oz. „,. 2 tins•29c., Colgates Tooth Paste Aerosol' Dispenser, $1.19 -Golden . Hour Macaroon Buds, take home, 29e Sunspun Salad Dressing,. .... .. ,-..-,...... .. ..,...-.. ale & W Qrange Pekoe Tea, 5e off, offer, • ROSE BRAND • MARGARin,. pkgs,, 4 fOr...95:c ' 12 p g• — 24c g.PDY'S WHITE SWAN TJSI.TE '9 for 1.0.0 Kingsdale Cookies for $1.00: ccoanut;,,crean.i. s6ndwieb. Assorted.; Variety - Chocolate Grahams - • • .. . • ettip 9 ;Tim, Boynton,: sPeretary of the icid of,the meeting. Ontario 'Hog*Producers. ASSecia- Jack MacGU1vraY pf, tion, addressed a group 'of, farm- President f the BrUce Co. diqg , ers, from the townships • of Kin, PredticerS AsSeeiation, who was loss, 17111,17.011 .4n4 Kincardine in at one time". emploYed in Luck - the toWnshio hall,TiiPleY.,* on new by Swart ,Taylor, spoke Friday, night: The -Meeting .was. EtirUee ',County's award or uiecalled by the association arid highest Grade A hog. productioti .vit4.ws_adas.vBeiQ'ttlisie. aci.eSsa.onfi..t.nilfqorcrii:nttir.0011_ A discusslon period, with both tdepfinniwteelrye.W.,..dhst- DIsCUSs10fl Period shippe..rS. aopptw :.,f,f9a.lomeerds,. cussed in 0. very 'genttPrnalllike. pini 'ewaaS'er the gn- eS oJ this type etisr4isieri.' centred around the , Gordon Patterson. of JiipleY,' per!'s, 70 cent chare for trans;• .was thaitTnah �f the Meeting and PortatiOn'.4-and yardage ieet- •()he' called firstly on William 'Oswald shipper expressed regret that bp of .Chesley, 6pereary-f1Odrna0 Of had. to. ,refund .the .49c transper- the Bruce Federation .of A:grieul- tation chzeirrgbercia4thhit's iyhaeidho'woh,eton ton. He paid hightribute to Mr, hint"W BoYnton's wOrk. which takes ' him ofhaving to handle the change all over the province to meetingsthat he was eornplainhig about, , such as this. Herequested that Mr. Boynton • • Mr,. Boynton expressed the make other, arrangements ' to, view that Bruce County farmers handle the. "change 'bO)c", ,still, 'have, the 'habit of Coming The .questiori was •raised as to. •to.. these' Meetings withetit their Whether the CO-,oP coutd qe WiVeS.,AlthOUgh:'hiS Work has its 'the' P:aekers who had hogs out: •he a dou a rterS in Tor onto, he exrkot nheat,i.ctpc'hir.1.:i;i3oneir4ipi ete..:etmcitrPihIlcoetynhntetryoalii, pressed the desire to still keep re- ke6tsad "orie foot •in the ground" D taining his .farm at .Chesley Wilat About 7.111Ontreal9 -where,. he spends his Week -ends. One farmer, said, "When' are. He. had . attended'• nearly ,:forty we going to haVe.. a full ,.clireCt7 such information meetings in .the ion program.. in Briice'" Mr. .EoyntOn; said that it •was past six. r e in xplatneci . FROZEN FOODS - • Sun Pep Orange Juke, 6 oz. tin .. . .. 23c State -O -Maine Rainbow Trout, 12 oz. pkg. 69e - a , Get your supply. of Dutch. Set , Onions, and Garden .Seeds 'PHONE 26' FREE DELIVERY 4. • t 1 t4 • : PRESENTATION AT BLARES • • wanosh.-Charlie came let Canada FOR HALLAIVE FAMILY. from England as a lad of nine. On Thursday ,evening . . • • A :social 'evening_ was held at Chris •Cook -showed . pictures of Blake' Hall on Thursday, when Harald...Cook'-s trip to Mexico. a." Presentation was made to Mr. and. ,Ms : ' Charles Hallam and, OBITUARY family. prior ' to. Moving from ;their. Aslifieid farm to their home Lucknow. The....7 address of • best wishes was signed by Gordon ',Saunders., Xeith Cranston, Mrs, Geo. Twain - ley an 'Mrs. 'Warren and this was aceompanied. by the presentation of electrical appli- :ceS, including a toaster, iron, tea kettle and clock. • The "liallams have 'faiinect in Ashfield for the Past. 18 Srears and prior' to that .resided op. the Second Coneession of West "Wa- WEET CL.OVER Does well on poor 'soils. 'Ideal for,. plowing down for •• fertilizer and is 'one of the • first forage plants to afford green --feed in the spring: -White . Yellow, Blossoin Government Standard .1 Seed " 0 DR.F!NIYSQN Pirne. LtieknoW CALVIN STIMSQN. • • " The death of Calvin Stirnson occurred-, Suddenly at his -hoine Lucknow-. on Wednesday, April.: 9th. '• He was ,six days past bis 37th birthday, _on April 3rd. Calvin WaSt: the 'son of WM s Stimson and iViargaret 'Anil Mac- Kenzie and was born in Kinloss Tewnship. 'He has. resided in, LucknOw' With ,his since 1939. 'Mrs. Stimson died- May of 1953. • , - Calvin's father" has• been a 'pat- • ient at::FreePort, Sanatothini and arrived:. borne ,for a few' days early Wednesday morning, and it was . he ••• and his daughter .Bertha, who discovered that Calt: Vin •had pased away during the night,. when they went to. his .NOMLNATED FOR GOVERNOR The:, Lticknow DiStriat 'Lions • "Club has nominated President 1.4a,e .Watson. as a. candidate for I the position 'a --DistFict. Govern-, or •which .will he. ,cori.tested - at . . "Some come to these meetings ed that some hogs in Priice have • as., spectators looking for a rous- been going to MOntreal. .edurt is said to be ship-' ing fight",, he said,'. "thus weak- caseof a sirnilar figure •against ening the entire farm inevernent a shipper who ping sto 1VIontreai presently by their lack of. interest": ' •develoPing in Southern Ontario. Net DietatOrs The . result of this .will largeiy • - He Stated: that board Members -determine What aktiOn:wIll be of 'the 'assaciatiOh tvere not die- takeri on a similar case'in,Bruee: tatora as some would 4Ve You oneman questioned why Ham -- B convention m beli ve but that they were el- Men always seemed 16 give a the North ay e , • of Deputy Governor a.11c1. as ers throughout the ProvinCe. He the 1 ected rePreSentatives of the.,farni-: • June., Rae at 'present. 11016. :ljtliocieshtthe :LucknoW :Club/at :their, to .19,51 a io*. as 643 percent, of will pay" his official visit stated that for ten' years prior next meeting; April 28th.. , the hogs were reaching the open "Vice. president . Chas. Webster market. Since the introduction- of ' •ed Rae's visit at Mon-- ihe I -log Producers. Association day night's Jneeting, and calledthings: have .taken "a 'turn. and on all the. Members: to be out now 80 percent of the hogs reach in full force. .A.guest.:perforiter open market: at that ...meeting will be , Merle. The 'Ontario, Hog Producers,' Tingley,' London:Tree, Press 'car- teo-operatie now • do • business toonist,„,nand. tops in Canada. , With 49 processing , planta. • Some Norm Siegrist,. a riewcOMer .to of the packers -are in favor and .some are not, but the small pack- er in most ;cases is very happy with the setup, . Was the com- ment: : the, ,speaker. ' Mr. BoYnion.. stated that • at the . , co-op- now comprises 40,000 hog producers across Ontario'. Dele- gates' On the board are in rela-., tion to the hogs produced in that articular. area.: One delegate and one alternate is allOwed—for • every 8,000 .1ricig 'produced. :Five men on the sales board • control the pricing/ Of hogs. They work the previous week le get informatiOn: on the movement of hogs : in Canada' and -United State's, and on Monday .morning they announce their asking price. lower grading than any other -point'. It. was questioned if grad-, Ang could be accurate consider- ing the nu.rhber of. hog s that are scl'One in an hotir. Graders are supposed to be rotated to .differ- . , ent plants periodically, .and so The funeral service was held at the 'Johnstone Funeral Horne on Friday .conducted by .Rev. L. Jennings of St. Pefer's Angli- 'can Church. Interment was in • South Kinloss Cemetery, the pa117, bearers' being Sandy MacLeod, Ed. Baker, -ski Gardner, , Inn irelton;Philip-Stew artiL-joe--Cori, ley . • •Besides his father, Calvin is • survived by. two brothers; Wil- • liam of .KitcheWer, Donald of • Goderich. and • a sister, Mrs. Bertha Lougheed at home. the . business life of the yillage, was a guest , and, was introduced by K. C. Murdie.N W. B. Ander- son was called on to tell of iiis. impression.s of ..I..ionism in rot., ida. Jack .Pollock sank the Solo' M ' y ,God How Great Thou Art", n A. "E. .1VICKirn reported • on -: eanor Reed's -success in the. pub- -lie Speaking contest and: • her father, Allan Reed, was. called on for a few. Words. . . ' • Harvey' Webster was .norninat- ed as.a :candidate for Zone chair- man, an office that will be con= Teited-rat-a---ineeting in Clinton the end of • the 'month. Bill Schmid- repOrted on a Zone meet- ing in. ..Winghain and Russ. But- ton reported :for the 'banquet committee to the packers. Bids are received \ The Executive with the addi-. and the prevailing. pric&-iis set. • Outfit Your Car At west rice COthpAete• Selection. At000106 e Stip14104 BONDED BRAKE. :SHOEAND PIPES, S; .MUFFLERS cAR:,& Tmdtoit tikmatitk OIL FILTERS , CAR D: ANTRUCK JACKS — EXTRA 1SEYS Everyone needs extra keys,, for their car; hoMei d. Keys, made ...while you' .•SpoWtg...AND:AO:T:g..SUPPLy' *04. ably coincidence:• • ' Luekno.W 'to .Harriston? It was asked by a .farmei.1- there Was a:trucking: charge.from LiicknoW to Harriston. It *as ex-. laineci -that no trucking charges , were made: from Lucknow, Tees - Water and 'Kincardine .io Har7 riston, HOgs . are rarely unloaded.. in Harriston and charge is. based from Ifarriston' on: One' shipper - present Suggested that the reas- On for n�- charge to. Iiarriston"", WAS the • fact .that there. was' op- position in that area from a ship: per:marketingln:Montreal.ob- ' the Hamilton question wa tion of V. A.- vv. -AY • . Hear lEklrid Ai en - L. MacKenzie, were named the Eldrid.,- Aiken ofAllenford, nominating . Committee for the .chairman .of ,,pyie hog i3.1:..0d400rs. new , slate of officers,: ,marketing board, ,spoke • briefly,. 'The, third. Saturday in, .May, if Heencouraged those . present to the arena :floor is dri, was set for ask questions and giVe ',suggest-, Any Hogs Held Over? Ur. Boynton ,Was asked if.the t.co-operative hold any hogs over for ..another . day. .,1-16 explained that, this, neer occiarred:iinleis- the case of a very late. arrival in. the' afternoon.. the rummage sale and K. L. Mac- - ions ,dur ng the discussion per LANGSIDE, NEWS EaCi16.11, (gBruadt4)1aCtri°01)wssitte°nthMr.e.e8ilon.':Mrs PCI:t s• e• P• etchgclo: no41::::;14r1XcdY.Ille't• ns Mrs. lohn, Kenzie suggested that the Mem- • berS it tip", •'• Club 7 is .. entitled: to.' 'nine . delegates at the .North Bay con- vention and the memberS were polled as to who could go. • The President announced that hehad received' a letter With V newspaper clipping stating that the Atwood Lions Club had 're- cently obtained a doctor to lo -t cate .there. This matter Alvin_ .•be discussed at a Meeting of the tkocecutive. -" 1 It .'waS, announqed by Kelso McNay that K. R. ,Wing- tiarn 'chiropractor, had, offered. • through the Lions Club to give some free treatments to needy Children' who thigltt benefit • therein:into Ilave voi4.,Iteil6wO4 Yout. • Under auspices of the Lucknow 'Branch ' of the Canadian Legion Recreation Hill, Lucknow ' riday, AprU Wilbee's Orchestra Admission 750