HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-16, Page 14 •
• „
$2•50 A Year In ACIvance-41,00 Bxtra, TO
•-"' • .•"440
• Work started (m Mondayat
•the Beatty Ladder • Factory,
.put: the plant in orderso that
production operations,' can get
underway at the •earliest -poss-
ible date. That -this work, was
not commenced earlier •,,,was 'clue
to the fact that unforseen -tech-
nical details arose in obtaining
a clear 'title to the . factory
which haschanged ownership at
various times over the Years:
OnMonday a few /nen who
. ,
r loll 114/ToliTs11113!sitl[3,71INNG
PULleIT 4 * • ,
have been engaged, as well' as,
two carpenters, commenced the
initial alterations and renovation
Of .the i.i4erior, under the dirt -
ion of Plant Manager C R 13riS:-
toW. Machinery in the plant is
being .relocated and , additional
machinerYwill shortly be.mov-
ed' here from the Fergus :plant.
In the meantime a. Beatty en-
gineer will check and
boiler in the local pl-ant. •
The Jtter' part of • the week:
Mr. Bristow was accetrip,anied :to
town ' by the personnel manager
R. L. Kerr, when plans were
-finalized, and - w orkmerr engag---
ed • to 'startthe renoiration• pro-
- An advertisement. in this issue
advises alI applicants • whosub-:
mitted their name to George
Joynt or Alex MacNay, to pick
_up an applicationLfor-m-at th
plant` from. Mr: BiistoW.
Enthusiastic • yo ung ,people
from ages 12 to 20. gathered in
the Dungannon Agridultural.Hall
• ..on Thursday night to organize
district. ,4-1•1 Clubs for the com-
ing season. Arthur Bolton, as-
sistant agricultural rePre§entative,
for Huron County, chaired the
meeting and outlined the do's
and don'ts fOr prospective mean-
ie , bets. He tonimenced. the Meet-.
ing With 'the showing of a, sound
• filin on, accident preventiOn on
as. •
.\the highway and farmr . • ' • ••
:Mr. ,Bolton explained the op-
eration .of Calf; Swine, Grain and
• Corn ,Clubs „in. the county. Each
• club.must have a minimum Of
ten inembeis before it can organ -
Members must ,keep ..records
for the -.montlii of , May,: -June,
• ...July' and August, 'and:these re-
cords are; sent monthly to 'the
Agricultural.' Office .at Clinton.-
Following the initial instrtic-'
lion "the gathering broke into
groups 'and 'organized their te-•
Leroy. Rintoul President
• Leroy Rintoul was ..'elected
president of theLucknoW;"4-171
Beef and Dairy .',Calf Club:, ist
vice Pies. is 'Margaret ...Lyons;
sec., Crawford McNeil; 'press 're7'
• Porter, Jim Watson. '
Lucknow Agricultural' Society
- Will again sponsor this, group
with club leaders ..being Andrew!
Tom Todd; Murray Gaunt
• and •• George Kennedy.: .Those
signing for ! membership , on
Thursday were. Margaret' Lyons,
Joanne Hunter, • Gatti. Gainrnie,
, Bob Watson and Jim Watson all
••-.,:of R. 1, Lucknow; Gary and L-
rdy Rintoul. of Whitechurch;
• Barry Menary ' and Ken Alton
.of R.R. 7, Lucknow; Crawford
McNeil of R.R.2, Lucknow;
• Ross Hamilton, Allan MacDoug-
all ',and Donald Hamilton Of R.R.•
6, Lucknow. •
• • • •
Lorne',Hacket, Evan Keith and
.,. Fred ,McQuillin• will act as lead-
ers for the Luck -pow Swine Club'
sponsored by the Lucknow Ag
• :ridulttital, Society. Ten %members
are required' to form a club and
,on Thursday night only three in-
, • dicated 'that they were ,interest-•
ed. The boys are' Denver' Dickie
Kinloss and Donald' Kirkland"
and Delbert'. .Nieri. of Ashfield..
• Several others •are reported to be
• interested. • .
Dungannon Calf Club
• Chester Finnigan and John
. •
Clark will. again act as _leadersfor -
the‘:'bungannon Calf Club.
Six boys. iidicated their inten-
tion of joining this club • so Dun-'
• gSntien will also have to recruit
four members before a minimum
`ot ten is reached. .1/Lemberg' are
Jainieson Ribey and Doug Fish-
er of Rst:'8, Goderieh; George
!tinnigan, R.R. 2, Auburn; John
The death of John Alexander
occurred suddenly .oh,
aturday evening at the home
his,daUghter, Mrs. ,Carl John -
•Ron 6f.Morris TownShip: He was
fl his 80th. year: The' funeral ser -
trite was held on Tuesday with
,interment in Greenhill .Cemet-,
• OY,. •
Andrew, H.R. 7, LuoknoW Bob-
by McNeil and Leroy Sowerby
of H.R. 1, -Port.' Albert. .
Heads Grain
Bill Andrew was elected pres-
. .
ident of the Lucknow Lions. Club
4-H Grain Club. .,First 'vice pres-
ident is -Doug Kiliaatridk•, secret-
ary, :Jim Blake; press.' reporter,
Robert 'Austin.
Leaders of the .club, will ,again
be Vernon, Hunter, Blake Alton
and Jack; 'Ackert. This club is
also 'presently short twOmeinbers,
from the minimum for -forming
a' club. Members 'are John and
Bill Andrew, Doug Kilpatrick of
7, • Lucknow; • Jim Blake of
.Dungannon; *Barry Johnston.: and
Bob Austin 'of R.R. '3; lidlYrood;
Ernest Ackert-of--lolyrood.; 'Ter-
ry Wilson of R,H. 2,' Lucknow.
All ' those .'intetested • in join-
ing , any of the 4-H ••Clubs- are
urged to contact club leaders
immediately. ••
••••• Organize at Kinloss
Eleyep....donations ' the,
Lucknow and District Cen-
tennial Fund were received
'last week to 'send the total
• climbing • toward,. the., .$500.
mark—to be exact, $459:00:
Last week's Contributors.
were: :Tom McFarlan, R.•1,
Holyrood; John; McHae; Mrs,
Gladys Moore, Hamilton; Sid
and Ruby Plowright, 0611-: •
awa; Rae'WaiSon, Miss Janet • `'
McDonald, Mrs. • Christeria
MacDonald, Malcolm McLen-
nan, Barrie;' D. G. MadDon:. •
•ald, Ripley, MrsFiera 'Mac- •
-Lean; Brussels; Miss• Helen
MaeIntesh, Vancouver • B.C.
•". Donations,' to. the Lucknow '• and
District Red Cross, annual ap-
peal stood; at $681,59 atthe 'first.
of the Week,- representing returns
received to : that date by the
campaign treasurer, . A.. E.', Mc-
Kim. • •• •
There -are a titi'rnber ofn-
On Wednesday •night • •of 'last vassers •who have not yet report
week '.the, .Bruce ,County : 4-H ,.ed. The-,fund•present is .well,
. • .
Cliab- of ,'RiyerSdale-KinlOsa was beloW thek objectiVe, but it is
organized at a meeting in -Tees- •hoped that' when. the "ibli$z"'. is
t.orhPleted and all-. returns
that -Luckno* and District will
have maintained their fine „:re7.•
cord in support. ,Of this worthy
caUse. . ' •
The ' canvass ;:was 'arranged,
through •the 'Lions 'Club and at
Monday night's •meeting S. •E.
Robertson, president of the .Red
initial meetingCross, repotted favorable results.
'Water. •Offieers elected were:
Mac McDonald,, president; Don -
aid Barr, vice president; Gerald
Mutray;‘Secretary;• Donald ,Ged,
des, press reporter; •Duncan
jUnior• leader; Elmer
Weiss and Thos. McDonald, sen-
ior leaders.••• .
There were 13 members at the
esu ollecting Bills
At Bank of Montreal,
•Pyou, are morally responsible
for safe- driving" is the, theme
of a province -wide traffic safe-
ty _campaign being conducted by
t h e Ontario Department • o f
This responsibility; be
stressed from church pulpits .of
all . denominations, and will • be
the theme of sermons in Village
churches on SuridaY . •
Hon. James, N. Allan Ministe
of Transport, points out that re,
ligious.leaders_have be n out-
spoken, in their belief t at many
lives and much sufferin will
valtrti,•e cat on o
fundamental religious beliefs to
day-by-day behaviour • on the
Streets and highways. "
• d- •
The third $50 Bond in.the Cen-
tennial fund raffle, goes to Tor-
onto, the winner being Eirelyn:
Colhan of 333 Windermere.
The • third " draw was in charge,
of M. L. Sanderson and was
made at:,the, Lions meeting on
Monday night. A guest At ..the
meeting, • Norm 'Siegrist, drew the
• ticket. ' • • .
• 'Tickets on the 4th . bond' are
now available in local business
on Tiiesda,y morning ; by 'Milt
Rayner. • •• .
• •
• 4• •
Mrs. Donald Andrew 1VIcCor•-•
miek,2the fanner Catherine Mac -
Lerman, • whose. marriage took,
place on Saturday, was honor-
ed at a:series of pre -nuptial pre-
sentations. - •',••• •
• The Belmote School Section
(S.S. No. 12, Culross),'•where ,she
teaches, presented • Miss. NfacLen-
nan with a 'mixinaster,' and • the
students' of • the 'school • gave her
a casserole and salt. and pepper
shakers at the close of the ol
prior to the • Easter holida3.,
At the home of Mrs, Bob, Mac-
Kenzie • last Thursday, members
of Miss • MacLennan's Sunday
School class of the • Lucknow
Presbyterian Church ,presented
her :with..a• salad "bowl.' and cake.
plate. • • • •• •
-Members , of S.S.N.a.-17, West
Wawanosh, known as the "Dig -
gins", ..gave 'Catherine a, trilight,
She previously, taught at that
of Huron and kin- it was:pointed out that to. Mail,
loss Telephone accounts has been a ,cheque feurfifties a year, in -
resumed :at the 'Bank of Mon- volving exchatig, postage and
treal; Lucknow, with the Com- service:7-charge— WoUlcitTeXeeed
pany assuming the collectionfee : : , •
for :the time being.i Jeast. , Arnold Alton, •pesident of the
Commissioners of the.; Ashfield Federatiori;..presided .and
parry made this Clear at a public Bill Hunter acted as Secretary in
meeting held in Ashfield Town- •the absence .or HOWard••Blake,.
ship Hall on Thursday evening,. who , was ll•
attended .by .about fifty phone f The Presidentnoted the lack
users. • • 'o • chairsto accomoda e the at-
The meeting, was call‘d by the tendance,, and hinted that more
Ashfield„TownshiP' Federation of chairSfor the TownshiPHall
AkriCuitUre .a s dissatisaction', might .prOvide,a Federaton.Pr
gteW after. the•Telephone• Com; ject. , • ,
pany discontinued having: tele- , Mr.'Alton-referred-s to the ban.,
phone bill payable at the Bank der Society canvass Which Ash -
'of Montreal, Lticltnow field Federation was again car -
The iftiron and KinlOss Sys- rYing olit, and Which last Year,
took ovr the :God- had resulted in Ashfield' thaving
etich Ural System.. Rates were the highest per Capita 'donations
inreaSed'abiSut $0,00 a year, but :in Huron. • • •
this: Was net protested particu- He said • that the Township
larly, Chief cause of , contention Unit also was considering road
Was the fact that no longer could 'signs for Ashfield. ”.
Ashfielcl f9Wnhp yes'idntswho • , Eltplains !Pause of •Meeting
consider Lueknow.:their ghopping s Arnold brought the meeting
centre; pay their .phone bills
her. Payment was stillaccept
able at the banks in Dungannon,
Auburn and aoderich with the
Phone COmpariy paying the 10c
colleetion fee 'to 'these banks. --
Phone acCourits are payable
fOur time S a year, -whih meant
phone users' WhO previously, paid
their, bills., in Lucknow, would
have to go; or, Send paymbnt,
to Ripley, or to One of thesonth..
eni .cllection ,
up to date on what had led up
to Thursday's Meeting. •At the
jarmary meeting the'. FA .' dir-
ecters had authoried a delega-
tion to attend the annual meet'.
fig, ot the Iiiiren And KinloSS
S3i.5tett t with a .viW to: having
collection centres, re -opened at
tAteknew and Kintail, At that
Meeting it WO sugge'sted by the
CoinmiSsiencis'Atiat if collections
Were' accepted at the LuditnOw
• • (Coninued on page •
•A :miscellaneous 'shower was
held last week in the Auxiliary
Rooms, to add many more Jove
gifti thog-e: which the brid
elect had already reeivd. • .
A ge,neral meeting or the
otia#Inen,s,eoretarieS. and Outs
chPikinen• of the, Centennial
committee, which-ma:4' ;originally
set • for Friday, has been set
ahead until Mondav, April 21sf.
7 F ' •
Itwillbe • held 'mi. the Town•
Hall at 8.K..p'elock when coin-
plete reports ot what •has been ,
done to date will be given by
by • ••
the-liead of--eachcommitte-e, Sp,
that progress, and future Plan-
ning may be do-ordinated.
At Saturday night's executive
ported ,that they now had the
entire program scheduled asto
times, with details and `.`acts"
yet to be worked 'out. However
they have 4pin-pointed' the hour -
by -hour activities, even, taking
into consideration and providing,
for, if necessary, the. caprice of
the weatherman Which . might
force some of the progiarri in-
doors. •
• • • ,
,. Plans for the "crowning brthe
Centennial Queen" are also: laid,
but .are not yet ready for pub-
lication, gthought is assured,
that .;this • Will ;be, a novel' 'event,
with no similarity to the',run-uf-' •
the -mill beauty contests! -which
feature youth.- and •.curvaciotis•-:.
. , •
• • -,' •
41 ;4,
ar=-' • ,
,,The,,I.,yeknow and.District
Centennial Committee will.
extend an invitation to the '•
MacDonald1Clan: • to hold
,their annu al reunion •
• •• • . • •
Ludknow' this mini/net.: . ' •
Held. each Yea r , at .the •
MacDonald Cedars, Ash-
field, on. the. Saturday pre-
Civic Holiday, the • •
date .this ' year, August 2nd, . • •
coincides with the Lucknow , •
Centennial.' ' •• • -
8Peakin unofficially to • . •
some of. The Clan:, the idea •
of -Meeting in LucknoW.,was
received With. favor, and an
,official invitation is to be -ex- . ' • '•
tended to the officers of the
Organization for their .c9n- • ,
sideration.. • • .
' It Was felt that many ' • ,••• •
be 'conVenience for them "
new A that day, and ' it ivotild- '
these folk Woul.d. Luck, •
Ito have facilities available
for,them t6 meet as a group
in the late. afternoon as is •
their' -cust6m.. • .‘ ,
WiTllliefea'Ctuernet'eannSiaOlottijisrh6gPrrT.' • ,
.gratt On Sa-triirdir37-75iterrioo.n.
, •
• •
• ' •
• ;i••
„ • ;
• , •
Lions Call Tenders For
Asphalt Fioor In Arena
.• 'Thearena :floor cominitte Of
the Lucknow Lions Club' Was
ernpowered to call • for tenders'
for • installing a hof nux aSplilt•
floor in the Arena. Tenders will
be • • received' Until Saturday,
April 26th • •'`
t t t
I Was a case cement ver-
sus asphalt; • with the .hat_ mix
winning out to al in a bal-
lot.: Some. •Mernbersrefrained
from voting because there was
conflicting information about the
merits pf the two surfaces as to
how they Would stand up, and
they hesitated' to vote On a niat
ter about which !q,noy did not
know the'.sdore": •
• ,
However,' the black -top' wills,
be • a. „great deal' cheaper than
dement, arid 'the "big majority
took 'thegaMble that the cheap -
r 'surface, ,will meetthened.
lire•sident Rae Watson 'outlin-
ed information they had receiv
d in connection with the hot
and GeOrge joynt said that
he had Ohtained advice from top.
contractors 'in Toronto and none :.•
favored asphalt.. for this • job. • •
They pointed outthat therewas•
wanhich' °xiWdiozualtdgo i°nwdietahd withoutsllkalt; •
traffic: He added that the
County engineer. would not re-
doinniend asphalt, . •' •
Drainage.: and:. -Many ether. ,
angles entered into the disdusS-
len, before the vote was taken. •
i4Or,' the asphalt' surface the prei
ent drainage .;was officially •re-
garded as quitesatisfctory,
Vt. Mowbray, a ;neither of
the corrimittee, felt in spite'. of
their investigation into the mat-
ter, they Still didnt have' the
answers. Harold. Percy said that
a foreman of big •construction
company felt that asphalt would:
be quite suitable,.
..; The asphalt liver calls for' a'
base of crUshed roo, two
inch et 'of No. 3 asphalt as used:
bh the highway • and A one -inch
finish of a fine, SinOoth oat of
Sand and asphalt,
• •
.• ;'