HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-09, Page 5".• • • R. • 3. .41 9th, 1954. . I „ 1 1 rA14% V I iriT6i1 I WOW; I Ail LHE LUCKNO* .SENTINEL, "IXCKNOW, ONTARIO. ajpi8wer to swine Wornopr Problems 'Feed Treleaven's Pig: Starters with HYGROMIX THE FIRST ANTIBIOTIC WORMER Ali IlIgLIEAVEN'$• PIG STARTERS either Pellets • or Mash .110,1V pontain IFYGROMIX., What Do \Treleitiren's Feeds With 3,grOlnik. Mean To Farmers. • • . HygROMIX—is ail antibiotic -arid •it'S .not toxic• • • .HYGROMIX—controls worm damage ,before it st4rtp, HYGROMIXworms early long 'before they row to maturity: • • 'HYGROMIX--provides continuous protection not merely. one-time:worm-rernoval an s ar s as soon as the baby pigs begin to eat feed. • HYdROMIX—stops worm egg. production. .• ' HYGROMIX rotects 'oling:p_igi,atainalaucogai ' 3t. 0 siffarthrive in issue amaged by worms. t:o HYGROMIX—does not affect ,the.taste or smell of feeds. ss , HI*OMIX—eliminates three of the Most Corn/Mori. swine . _. worms, not • only . one. • . • ft? rt., • Stop your losses due .to .swine Worms now by feecling.L. your pigs. aryy 6.-f-Tre1eaven's Pig Starters with Hygromix. Treleaven'i Gro -Mor Pig 'Starter Pellets.1,8% with Hygrornix, only, cwt. $4.50 . .Treteaven LIMITED Phone :WWTECHPRCI:1 . • , . • ' 'M i s Mildred NIcClenaghan fleW to Cleveland, on Friday. ev- ening and spent a few days with ur • her' aunt, . 1V1i.s. Hazel McClen: nrn "aghan. From there she will go n's est !TS.' od- ar- us. ing Tor.onto-7antl-will .spend: a few •Miss Beth. -Dowling and: Bob AitchiSon spent the : weekend with his brother Jack of Black- stock, Ontario. ' . Mr.. and :Mrs. oss Sinith and, Kathy Lee of Toronto spent the week -end- with her. parents? .Mr, • and Mrs. Ruesel, Chapnian..' ••• Miss Betty Hamilton, who tea- ches ...,School. at ValIey View scheol, Niagara Falls, 'Visited', her grandparents,:. Mr...and Mrs. A.• E." Biickton. s, •• • and Mrs 'Don, /3erisori of North Bay visited Mr., and Mrs. H. Liaidlaw. over the Weekend. A Frank--St-oekhill River visited at 'the:lion-1e of Mr.: - arid Mrs. Torn Morrison oVer the Mr. and Mri. Walter. Jamas, Roy arid Leonard Of Woodstock spent the week•Lend With: her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Art •MOore... Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falcon- er: and Sons of Sarnia. spent ..the week-end--LWith--"Mr:- -.and • 'Mrs.., Cecil Falconer and relatives. Mr.. and Mrs. H. Hawerchule of 'Toronto spent the , Week-endat . the hOrne-/Of•Mr. and Mrs: 'W." Henry. .,• Mr, and Mrs:. Jack Gillespie and family famlly of'Sknia are Spend. ir'ig the 'Easter .bolid43"a with Mr, .and: ;: ••• Miss Marilyn Morrison,: .Arriel;-• .ia Carruthers; Frank StOCkill 'J. R. Murray. spent. Saturday in. Kitcherier visiting at •the''.:hOrne of --Mrs. Dunlop • , • 'Mr and Mts.:, Jack Kerr . and fainly: of TilliOnhurg visited .and. Mrs. /LaidiaW over the week: -end. • • : Miss :Winnifred:Farrier of .Tor- onto is spending -,the Easter...114, idays with her parent,§Mr. • d. Mrs. W. -R: Farrier. , • 'Mr, and Mrs, Gib Harnilteii:&fainily visited• ,JyTt. and Mrs. -,A, E Buckton . on Sunday, • Mr. Bb •Henderson, , Jr:, Who is working, near BerVie, viSited, ,his parents, ..Mr. and Mrs::: R614. Henderson • over the week -end,:' Mr. .and Mrs: ,Jack Mitchell..& family spent; •the• weekend in Kitchener.. • • Mr A.. A. • Pln-•cWt'- of Lucknow visited • .Mt. and -Mrs:: Cecil Fakoner.�n Sunday,.: • • In Father's FOOtsieps. - • When 0. W. "Mike" Weichel defeated Norman • Schneider by .a majority .of • oVer 9000 : Votes, itisthe, first time , in 40__years that North Water100has return- ed. a Conservative. It was Mike's .father, W. G. "Billy'', Weithel, who Was the last • Conservative to winijt.,_WhelLheLdefeated:W: L MacKenzie King by 315 votes in 1911. . • ' • aiting 6rIey , • +. We noW'haire 'our 1858 Malting. Barley ° Contracts available.. . . For Your choice of • Montcalrn, Kindred. or,. Parkland Seed contact us early. Elevatort •LucktioW and Ripley ... TRELEAVEN MILLING CO'. LIMITED .7"47.****444444•-•-•-•• .10'•-•-e-.44444-.44,40-4-.-;704 .44 44-.44-.4' . .• ikuig CREAM SEPARATOR LIBERAL ALLOWANCES on TRADE INS RepairS to all makes of Separators W. .1,.C.LARIC, WINGHAM , Phone 141 ReOdeitee 186-J YOU 'can't, go ;Wreng With a Viking • LEQU)N.: ..,14AROLIL) PURVES. only a short time, Harold Alexander Purves passed away Westminster Nospital, 'London, Friday,: March Pill. 'He had been 'apparent good health 'prior to going ttt London for examination when the seriousness of his nessbecaMure •mr.pycsnOt.s• .forty-two. years old ari :Wag thorn: 'on May 18, 1915, in „Kinioss Township) the son Of the' late Mr. and Mrs: AlexanderPurves. ' His 'mother; the former Estlier Cook, passed ,away only a short time. agtO, Since goingP Killeartlin6-114t. P.urves. sold life insurance, a position which he' again took over on hrs.return:from, 'theLSet- .onr-World War. He enlisted in I -December 1939 and received his •discharg,e in 1944. -sOrviees 'Were don- 79rigrair7111-1T the Linklater.Funeral Home; Kiheardine, with members of. the' IVIactionald Branch of the Can . adian Legion in attendance, Mr: Purves had been an ardent mem- ber and -• keep' worker iri Leg- ion endeavours. .Service was cen- ducted.- by Rev. F. A. 'Cook of Kincardine Anglican, Church and Chalain , C. Hutton at the. graveside. • • . Pallbearers were fellow' Leg-' iOnnaireS • 'and • veterans ;Bill'j Parkinson,. 'Ralph Fry,.,Perey• .Pearce; •Gebrge Webster, Norman Clinton and , Lon Burley.••• Surviving f are his wife, the former Elsie RoulstOri arid tiro. daughters, •of Kincardine: arid Mrs. ',James •WeStell. (Doris) Of EganVille one son, Terry. of Kincardine; also tWO, grand:7 children:. is also survwed by two. sisters, Mrs. Alvin Miller' .M (Jessie) of Strathroy and.rs. .Clifford. RoUlstorf (1Vlainie) of. Luckrio,W and one brother Elliott Of Lucknow. • • • • OBITUARY. wirpLuivi VOOK Funeral services Were -held •�n Monday, 'March • 17th, at the TJn ited Church in Yellow Grass, •Saik., for. William Cook .a nat- ive ,of • this community.. Ile' was 71 years of age and passed aWay', on ,Friclay; • March 14th in • the Grey Nuns Hospital,; Regina, af7. ter a: 'lengthy illness.' 'Interment was .in Yellow Grass cemetery. rCok. Was. born at Luck- now. on June 1st, 1887, -being a, son -of Writ .1-1. Cook and..ireariet. MacDOnald: He went . West as a young. man in .1906 • and settled. at Yellow bras.',(wbete he was Married. in 1912. to Mary Kauf- man of.that• connUnity. ,Besides.•his ,wife he .is surviv- ed: by 'three sens...Hal; HOward and :Jae -lc -and -One 0-tighter:Mrs, ,ToMm.y Davis. (Donna): all of. Western,.. Canada. -, There • are seven. grandchildreni. • Xi_ Cook was Predeceased: •by twoHs-trs,, • Purves • (Mary'):.: and 'Mrs Alex 'Purves He was an^ uncle of; Harold Purves whose, fUneral, Placejest week, PAGE: wric; MONUMENTS , . For sound counsel And -a fair price on a mohkunent correctly, designed from quality -.material, rely on • SKELTON- MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop.. Established Over Sixty Years ' Walkerton Phone 638,w, Ontario • We haVe installed 2 • FOR FRONT END CAR ALIGNMENT • N • • 4 -it • • I • • ...IP • $'• ' 4 • 4,1 IC • ' • • • • 4,mlwr.4.17.6=o7.76tm. 6,66,r6162.-4,creggrzroal,grarzz,v.a. 7+61=7.6:prepr7gc7, now open • forbusiness ProMPt'serviCe : • • • ••• en Zinn Phone 355, Wingham , ••••••••••••••••44...•4 news INSURANCE Agency GENERAL INSURANCE IN$URANcE .• Established Over: Thirty :Years ,Ago • • Bitsiness 39 • • Teleliones; • ••• HOWARD• AGNEW • ., . • • Residence 138 • ,; • • •04•..•••••Nre Cori: of West' WaWariosh; • Visitors with Mrs. • NI, • Shack: and w: A.cuth6tt, On lewere Mrs. Norman Shack-; . , ;and. son Billi -vsited. Sunday with • • • su • leton. of Belgrave for' a:few days : Mt and Mrs.Len. Crairford of Wingharit , . Mr and Mrs. WTI). Reed and aid Mrs. Jas. Wilson attend- tharriage•of Mr and Mrs, Edwin Post, Galt, . on, Saturday. The grown is the nephew 'of Mrs. 'Reed and Mr.. Wilson. Mr: and Mrs. Tom Giiindori of Bay City, Mich, visited for. the • week -end with Mr.. and Mrs. . - • .'• , Nelson 'Pearson and. Mr. Gordon Congram • ; We are 'Sorry to say NIrs: Cen- gram is at Present in, Victoria Hospital in not very goodhealth. Visitors :recently with Mrs. Abner Morris Were Mr. & Mrs,. Ken .Knight,' Allan,: Kevin and Carol Ann, . Detroit. • ,The L,O.L."•-'on., Friday , Might sponsored a euchre party atthe High_lwitinera Were.L_Mrs, George' ErringtOn--. and Mole:, Seeoncl:high 'Scoring, were Lorne IVers, and: Lorne. 1,Iackett. • ,• • last :Week ' and. on Sunday, Mr. Arnos Cornelius, Goderich. • We are glad to -know • that, ,Mr. Thos. 'Park, who :has iheen. • ill for about, three weeks, is able to he; out again a. little. around, home; • . ' Mrs., A. Norris spent the Week- enct With Mr. and Mrs , Ken 'Mpr:- • . ris, :Berimiller, Mr; :and Mrs. Douglas Freeman, Freeman, Clinton: . ancl ',- doderich friends: Visitors 'Sunday with Mr and Otte Popp wereLM.t..'Lancl Mrs. Brian Hallam of Water - ...down and Mr: and Mrs. Murray • Pcipp- Of .doderich. Profits, 'net the. future. . rOpliets;' foietell; CLARE -._at Alexandra Hospital; Mr. and' Mrs; Walter. Clare,: E.. • 7, 'LUcknow, a son. (Baby died died .' on.March 31). • -• • . BORN • • . • , • 14 ' • 6 • • • .•••• • ' 60. • , • ' • ••• DUN:GANN:ON. (Tow Late For Last Week) • gigs Barbara Nyilson, riittse-411-1.;* training. at Victor:la', litisital; tAnd,on, rotui'ned after 'a 'three -keeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Tames. Wilson 'and Murray, A..visitor ar.their home for 'the „week -end , WaS. :Miss Gladys kilRatricic,. also a (.nu,r,Se: trainee at Victoria " Mrs; Arthur ,Staw'art•wa5 taken ill at •the. home of her parents,. Mr. and'' Mrs, Richard' Park, 'While attending ..their golden iwedding celobi4tiOn on :March 22nd... Showing, no TrnprOverne.nt after a few days she was admit-, ;to Goderich Hospital and bY 'medical. advice VaS removed . to 'Viefotia Hospital, LendbA, for treatment and possibly surgery • thiS,,imeek,, ' • ,Jones on Thuksday .last 'enjoyed thvday with Mrs, 'Oeorge.„ Baxter, Colborne Tw., who obServed that day her., 90th birthday quietly' at herhome and is still (luite' actiVe . and bright. She and her late hUSband and family larmed on the 4th 158. PRICE. LIST . — . . r ari :Per - .Comrri. NO, 4Reg.N�. 2 •• I,ttg.: No. 1 ,; ‘ s $1„40, • •175 1101)1\1:EY OATS 1,40' . •• • HERTA BARLEY . • • • ; 2.25. :BRANT''BARLEY . 200 r, 2.30 . • ' All Coarse Grain Treated • ' • ' 'MARINE.; - RAJA- FLAXSEED • '• • contra:, No, 1 — $4.00 per bu. 1 • • • All prices quoted are LueknoW • and include bags °'• • Oats 3 bus. per ' bag Bar1eyL'.2 bus. per bag ; • 'NO PART .BAqs erson • Flax Products Limited I UCKNOW PHONE 21-W. • • 4111111M. • • •