HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-09, Page 31
WEDNESDAY; APRIL 9th, • 1958
Rev. G. A,, Meiklejohn,,
B.A.,. B.D.
• r
10 00 :a m :' Church School!.,
1: '0 -Lam Sacrament of the
Lords Supper;
rest terian, Churcl
Rev, Wallace 'McClean
• SUNDAY; APi.IL 13th,
12.15Sunday• School..
3.00 p:m `Dungannon
7.00. p.m.;. Evening, •Service..
(Continued from page Al
was acceptable. Salaries of the
Grade teachers now range from
$3,200to $4,000,
The increment. of the Kinder-
garten teacher WAS set at $100.
The Kindergarten- class 'meets
in the morning, but there is the.
possibility that the future enrol
Ment could require a., full day
teaching; and in event of 'such
a:. condition arising :it would re-:
quire. the .?eviewing of the sal-
ary :arrangement..
The •Beard has set May, 2nd as
the "date . for the ;registration of
next term's. 'Kindergarten ,cla'ss.
To Beautify Grounds
• The Board decided, on a beau-
tification program of the flower
beds at the front of the school
property, for. ' Centennial.ear:
Y Mr; • and Mrs', Clarence Murde;=
• A price .is• to be obtained on and Michael of : London; were
pointing the brick ' work • and 'Easter visitors with', Mr., • and
painting of the outside wood
Local &General
' Cliff'_ Crawford left on Sunday
to loin his ship's . crew for the
start of the sailing season..
• Mrs. W '. C. Finlayson and
'Janet ,are spending Easter week
in Toronto.,
Mr.. and: Mrs. • E. H Agnew
spent Easter week -end in 'De-
troit with Mr. and Mrs.; Joe.Ag-
Miss Elizabeth,
Welsh has' re-
turned *, to her' home here' .from
Varna. where' she spent the. win7
ter;. .
1V1'r. an Mrs. : Harold Freeman
of Rochester; .NY;, were • Easter
visitors with Mr. and• Mrs.' J. W.
Joynt.:. •
George Whitby recently check-
ed the joist's in • the , upper school
classrooms, and 'verified. themto
be in :good condition
Concern„ Over Cigarettes• '' 1 Mr:" and Mrs. Ernest Harms
Concern was expressed about worth' of .Toronto . were Easter
students „bringing, y
"SANDY" NICHOLSON IN school, , posing g he ' question as : o I Alton withMr. and Mrs: 'Ro
THE ELECTION AVALANCHE how and `where theyto Alton-.
• are being
g -:
Obtained, as, 'there are • re ula - Miss Norma Weatherhead . of'
In :the Progressive-�Conser'va-• tions :governing 'the •sale of, cig. Woodbridge, is spending• the East-.
tive• • landslide last *eek the'CCF arettes' to minors;.er. vacation : at the home of her
candidate s were all but' :wiped In the future; students found mother,, Mrs. Charlotte Weather" -
"out , ,
in Saskatchewan A, M. Nich with cigarettes. will head° . L'adiee and. 'Men's Wear..
olson,'s many , Zucknow ;friends • Mr.
chair Board rold• Burns of ,/. ./.r
marc, • r
Chas. .Webster was ;Toronto and` Mrs. `Stewart Burns
.one: of the ..victims:• Sandy 'had , re ueste • � _
ci d to ,take. the, matter;'.u' r of Detroit* Mx. s. ;L .:C. Arm
:'and...Mr st��.ori
a e majority oven st 2,000 .in last; with'the.. to pwere:Easter visitors g with Wiltkof Listowel visited
•Village Council ,•, with. Mr. and :Mrs. Thomas H spent , Easter week -end with Mr. with • Jack' year's• election, but 'last.: week � • . _. u •
• thereaWas. c .s r .. •.: .y : Burn:...: ' :and:.'Mrs , Wilson Armstrong .. at .ori .Sunda W •
a w fig of some. 5,000 iY •
Wright'sghts' of ' Luckri
.T men's' In
!' Nobleton ,. , . • �.
• •votes to. give : the' Progressive- >U1rs'•' R. H. Thompson and; .Miss, he 'Lucknow ' Wo st•-
Consvonservative candidate. a .major- Helen. Thom. son ar tute,will hold their.arrnual'>meet Mr.••and ••'Mrs.. Al ••Martin and
f .over 3.000: ;.. p .., a spending l Ned'd of ''.Detroit •DA.::}
_ Ea, ter week . in. , Windsor' , with ng . and.pot•,. lUck . supper, in the visWith
were week UGHT)Er OF �,SUMM>8R
Sandy° has served fourteen M. r.. an ., Recreational Cent end visitors Gvith her " : ' anent RESIDENTS ••1'VED
. .. d Mrs: � .,.R:.,,• A •Thompson:. • relay, s,
'year �.,.. n four Parliarnen_ts' _.._.a W... _.. �. A - r Mr: and Mr E.
re •on Fr p IAl �STA�ES
�• s it ..11th at --3 00.. pin, s ;d`Thorn
the • representative • of the ;Mae siti.ors ' at.' the .home '. of Mr. Rosedale . .
• Gardens Presbyterian
Kenzie"and :112rs'..'An us IVi man r ram Curran'
ridiri in. northern ,Sas g cholson :Were
' g k. Mrs: Church, Was .the. scene " recently
• a ari , He .,vas unsuccessful, .M.`Bortz, Mrs:.•Hilda Schaf- ri
of:' a Candlelight . 'cer
'£er, Mrs, N.: Bondman and Mr.' g emony for
in• his •first hid far electron in d •
1935, but wori • the 'seat In ° 1940 'George• Oetzel, all' of 'Waterloo. and ,Mrs. A, M nd Mrs .Charles Pearce the ` marriage', of • Karen : Anne
Mr, arid Mrs. Roy•
L:' MacK'en-
zie and family of Oshawa -visit-.
ed• Mr. R. J. MacKenzie •at' the;
Lucknow Private _Hospital,_ •
A rare special purchase. of
Imported all -wool fabrics makes •
'possible .these tremendous, savings.
Tailored to Measure;
These fabrics are•
normally found
. for '$'75.00
2 -pc. Suit
t,--.71-.001 .to APRIL- 19th.,
• Mr,, and. Mrs. Reid McKi . d' Mr. •and Mrs.'Be t
Karen of , W rllowdale. and : Jack and boys of: London visited' rel -
McKim of', London, Were. Easter-atives• here. over., the'' week -en
visitors'': with gr r: a
E. McKim: of Brantford . visited" ' Mr° and •
Mrs. Tom Anderson and Andy Mr. and; Mrs. John L .'M • y
acNlil last week
lan of '' Albany, `KY:, Mr. .and'
Mrs. J. D. :a Cliffo d' '
Clifford' and Mr,' and :'Mrs,. N. rI. Hedley. and . Kent
Mrs Frank. Given and daughter visited recently with relatives `.at•.
1VI' D H'amilto'n -' .B ' antford';'
. , . fi Nia�'ara;
Falls, Ontario and Niagara 'Falls,
,and had held it since that'' , time, Easter visitors. with. 'Mr• . and
ex fept for the 1949=53 Session, .Mrs`• J', L. MacMillan' were Mr:
and • Mrs, Cliff.' 'MVlacNMillan' .'and
family,. Mr.. and. Mrs;,' Jinn Mac-.
Milian. and .family 'of 'St. Cath-'
arines,; Miss' Gail MacMillan' and ark' of- etroit were recent :vis -
Mr. -John O'Reilly, Monti
of itors ,with Mn and: -Mrs. J. L.
w : en he was defeated 14y the.
Liberal' :candidate` as that • •party•
made a. sweep, similar • to, .yet.
not so complete .as did'the �Co ori-,
ser`vatrve. 'party last week.
e MacMillan.
loreseent, adhesive. bumper : stickers, publicizing the.
-August 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1958.
will be, available thisr week ate w
2 . for 25c
Annab.elle Ritchie, daughter of:
. Mr.: and Mrs:: Lorne , ,'itchie;:R:
2; Ripley, had . her' 'tonsils t and
adenoids rmoved in Kincardine
:General' Hospital on;, Thursday,
April '3rd.
•• Mrs. 'C ".'Lorenz. 'observed her
83rd. birthday •';on • Wednesday,
April 9th, 'Mr .. and Mrs:' George
Derry, Douglas, George, and Bun
ny of Wiarton visited Mrs.. Ivor
enz and enjoyed.a `birthday din„
Mike' ' Hogan returned to his nen with her. Mrs Lorenz lives.
home here: last week after. spend -alone ;,.'arid is enjoying fairly
irg, the Winter in. London with good 'health._;—_ ,
1 his • daughter, • Mrs Hogan, will , ;.
,,` Mr: ..;and Mrs..•Bill Neable :and
family of Langside, ;Mr::and Mrs.
Julius Fisher and family of Lis:-
�• Mr. Joe ' Wasney of : Sudbury towel, 'Mr • and .Mrs: Jean. Tun -
.spent Eastei:week-end in -Luck- ney and Rickey of _ Holyrobcd„.
now. On Friday,' ,Mr. , and " Mrs i.. Miss Helen',.N'eable • and Miss .Jo
:! Wasney, Tom and. Karen, visit-,I.•anne • Benaways:et . Seaforth,
ed, in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs..;
T.-, Wilson. -
They are being sold to recover th,e 'bare cost and to
avoid any. _dissatisfaction in their distribution . Pit
. them on your car, your. truck, your window they'1.1.
stick. anywhere,.' .'Send orie ,toa, friend, near or. far.
He or she will appreciate it, and it will serve • to • widely
publicize this summer honecoming:'•
:return horrie in' a 'couple, of
Weeks. ,
—Visitors with_ .Mr and.__..Mrs
Harvey' : Wet ster • over the holies
day week; end were Mr• and Mrs/ • i
Richard Brumby arid daughter I. i•
Edith' of Toronto and Mr. and I a
l Mrs. Roy:` Bunt of ° Gorrie: ,
'Benson And''' John' E. Miller.
lP;alms. 'baskets .of white 'mums
and stock' decorated the' chancel
and • the altar vases were filled •
with calla lililes and carnations.
The bride is. the • daughteroe.
Mr. and Mrs:Irvin E, R
g Ben-
son of Rosedale Gardens,
and the' groom is the,sin at Mr;,
and Mrs. John MVliller, of West •
Seven, Mile Road. Rev. Richard'
Wylie "of Gobles,; Mich, formerly
of .Livonia, officiated. Miss Linn-
inn-ea: Denson • was . maid of 'honor
'for' her sister; ;
• Mr., and Mrs Benson and l`ant-
ily have. been ' well known .sum-
mer'resi:dents,.at Point C-iark and
Am,berley' Beach since 1949-.. .
,Among the' guests at: ,thewed-
ding* were 'Mr. arid Mrs. 'Herbert
Farrow, 'Chris ' Nilken, Don .,Hus-
son 'an'd Bill Mu/ley, ..of "'London
aia.d__Ron Wilkie 'of ' Windsor° •
Mr .and Mrs. .Miller will 're
'side in i ;New. Jersey:
S�?' iiili,�„lO�o�j>®60n�t�i r��,� (irFoti�,tt,l►n�11U�{I�/,wp�r
Kairshea ._Women's Institute;Annual
1VJ'r " . and ' '. Mrs: ' Alvin . , G:use,
Doug and Donald .'of- Sudbury;
Mr. ' and Mrs. Donald . Johnston 1.
of Toronto; Mr and •Mrs. Merle
Johnston Sharon and •Diane of `
------ ;.., `•. :Easter week end .'
' • with Mr: and .Mrs, P. M. John I be given 'for the.
.L, LUCK:i
• PRIZES OF $3.00 and $2.00.
PH01'4E, 10,ii1JCKNOW
Dr:. and Mrs. Wm. Swan and
'children Mary and 'Barbara .of
Port Coihoi‘ne were week -end
•visitors; With 'he.r parents, Mr,
and Mrs. W. B. Anderson, Miss'
$Mary • Andersen of Toronto. is,
spcndi.ng..the 'weeli,.` here.
• A yery' happy 'family gather-
ing was hc!ld 'at the home of
Mr.' and •Mrs:' Lloyd . Stewart in
Hamilton ton Good Friday:;;Those
present were 'Mr., and Mrs' Phil-
ip Stewart, , L icknow; Mr. • and
Mrs. Allan . Stezvart',: Itrin arid,
Leslie Ann, Montreal; Mr. and
Wilson, Stratford;
Miss Winnifred Stewart; London;
Mr. , andMrs.' E, A: •Reynolds,
Donald and Linda, Toronto; and
Mrs. Chantler, London, also vis-
ited at` the Stewart home' on Fri=
i-- 1.—READY-MADE, 25 years and under,
, • 2 -REAR x-MAI%E, .'26' years a.ricl.. over,: -
i3—HOME-SEWN, 25 years and. under.
_ .4—HOME-SEWN, 26 ' years . and • over.: ,
' 5 111•OME-S•EWEyN Special; for Lucknow I?istrict ; •I igli ', ..;
School Girls.••
. Pi•ixe
money' in Class 5' donated by ..,
• all's 'Red and' White' Grocery
• i (Winners of ;School Event riot eligible for Class 3) .
.: ALI.,,,,,,,Xitst Prize Winners in EACH . of the above ', 5 Claiies, , I
i , having purchased their dresses or vird goOds at As1-4ori's,. . li,
1 • will receive , Refund ,ef . their 'Purchase. z
Dress Pakad6 and Judging at 11 p.m. shkrp
••LUTCH COUNTER"-Sandwichet„.."Horne,,Made''' Pies, coffee'.