HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-09, Page 2PAGE TWO
. .
Clark's BEANS with Pork
iff-TOrnato Saace-
reg. 2 for 39c 20 o;.; 2 for 35c,
ilawes Paste Wax, reg 53c 45c
Clean Sweep Brooms, reg. 99e, each 79c
• •Lynn, Valley Apple and Strawberry
, reg. 79e 69e
R ""&* IV,Peanut Butter, reg, .35c 29c
Features _on Tea Bags— ••
Crown Brand,, pkg. of 100 , 79c
__National Brand, 50 to eello bag „ 39c
.• Libby's fancy' Cream Style • Corn, 15 oz', 2133c
Red' and. ViThite .Brooms,, each ;
• Velvet Tip Brooms, each .. $1.29'
Sanican Gairbage Bags, •pkg.,,of 20 33e
ltsxSugaszrett--;,.... „.„ rr-p,107..ry„.
Birds Eye Grapefruit Juice, 6 oz. tins, 2 for 37c
• Birds Eye Rhubarb, 10 oz.. pkg. „ 31c
Birds Eye Potato Patties, 12 oz. -pkig., 2 for 41e
Red and White Spring Cleaning Bonus Bar-
. 'gairi..SaVe 50c.. Unbreakable Plastic Pail; reg.
$1.29 value. • Assorted colors. ,
• . • 79c with, $5.00 ' Purchase
son's Hard, Gloss.' GLO-COAT
•reg.. 69c. pint ,tin 59c.
• AN
L' •
spOnsoied by
. .
will be held in .the •••„
CONCESSION 9,..AS1FI4, • 019.
at 8.30 p.111; .*.
. •
Commissioners of the Huron and'kinloss Telephone System
will be present at this Meeting:: • .• •
A `Nll dispission will be held ori the establishing "cif a
• •
IC011pction Centre at the tank-inieknow.
All those interested are urged to he Attendancet
WIPRIDSDAY, .APAIL, 9th; 19.5a,
pprove Plans ddition
Ripley District
Members all present at the
regular meeting of the Council
Of the Village of RipleY; :Prev-
ious -rninUtes were reads and de-
clared adopted,' by the chairman,
Mr. Walter Walden.,,
Mr. Fred Brooks inet.with the
asked Council.• for 'permission to
build an, addition to the.. sChool ' .
arid told of The plans that
now being drawn up by, the ar:.
chitect. He, 'stated that the
ing system and, the toilet faQii., •
ities at present .in use would be •
council asa representative from sufficient for' thO.''PeW rooms and ,
'the UnitetChurch and requested that the roamAf\Tpe to e,xttlici
along the 'south side of eastward frornthe.present,bdild-
the'cliurch and 'they promised ing: The Council will be asked • .
:tO try and build orie•asas:to sell. debentures . and: this. win
the l weather- wetilcl•,perrnit:,•Mr. raise the, High School ley:), • by ,
Brooks also asked tba:t!Soniething Only One-half mill for. the 1959'
be done to eliminate the 'Odor tax account. ' :
caused • by' • thevillage sewage Moved by Clarence Fdllock •
emptying into• ,his- field_ _before, ..and-:Secencled-by_Reg_
going into the, river and this the the .•ii,ipley.-Huron District High
gv;teirgllaitkiegiublolydy-;:nPl'tohmisede teoint; - Bo ho:41" dd bweitghivtehneirepllmplaisnssionastooukto-
future., lined by: Mr.' William Walden.
Lucknow Boy Scouts will hold
seconded by George McLean that Moved by George IVI:cLeanand
the account .be paid as follows,: seconded by George Tranter that '
Walter Needham, salary as, clerk
treas., $50.90; Elliott Taylor, sal-
ary as road supt., constable; care-
taker i 100.00; ;Wm. McLean,' gar
bage collector, 90.00; Ripley Hy -
We pay the Bruce County Mut.: ,
ual Fire Services, . Assoc. mein- •
bership fee of $10.00 and that
Mr. John D. MacKay be paid 8
centsa Trifle as the, reP-
dro, st. lights 85.94, power for resentative and • secretary-treas-
waterworks 54.86; J. W. Locking, :urer'.' for use of "car. Carried. •
Pvven Sound, repairing vault and • Moved by 2 Clar,ence, Pollock • •
typewriter, 5430; :Bruce County and seconded by .George McLean •
Mutual Aid Assoc, membership, that the Clerk ask the Bruce Co., • ;
10,00; • Kincardine News, printing 'Health' Assoc.: to inspect the '
and advertising, '36.10; Huron & "Thompson NursinwHomen, Rip -
Kinloss Telephone, r e n t of ley, in order that we may get
phones; toilsand adds, 29.40; ;the subsidy on all moneys •ex -
United Stationery,, typewriter pended or indtgent patients re- .
ribbons, 18:00; Ripley - Huron ceiying -Care in this home, Car,.
Legion, rent of rest rooms, 25.00; tied. •
direct relief; 0.00, •. , , Meeting 'adjourned:
William Walden r4preSeriting .• • •
the ,District High School Beard Walter Needham,• Clerk
a• 'waste.- P.aper • collection 'on. • . ,
Thursday ..afternoon.is.„..and._ w4th,--MOTHER I'ASSES MADE PRESLNTATION
housecleaning time at hand, it's • . , To ousu-y FAMIFAMILY
an opportunity Mrand MrsMilton tiayner,
to get rid of.yoUr .
. .: „ .
pagers,' car- Spent Easier week -end in Learn- A surprise party, was held.for
'Mr. and' Mrs. Jack iliussey,:•prror• •
to leaving their . farm in.. tile. •,•"'
old magazlnes and tons. - ' - , . ' '. •• , ,• ington. and ..Ridgetown. Upon re -
Set it out. at the curb for the. turtling .home. mr. Rayner learn -
boys, and if makes it much eas- ed of .the death of his Mother GOderich.area, .to move to Luck -
ie .• .'
. .p6.ktePa'hainn,dbooxifest.ied securely 0-r
which took place in,T.Tnity;Sask. now to. reside
1:- '. • ••• < .•.. . - • •`, ,'
. , , I Mrs. . Rayner was 84 years of
- ' •,. , .1 age . and ' had been in failing
'-"-' - • ' ' • • tliealth. Burial will. take plate at -
• • , „ •,... . • •
. . . , . • "
< •
Every .responsibilit.y is an op -1 A shall -OW talker se
portunity. . • • • . I a deep:linpression.
' . ' .•
o ma
LEGION *HELD • CRIBBAGE • • i Langley Prairie, ;i3.C. '•'-.
, : • ' '
, , .. •
IalloinOw Branch' Of the Can-, PRESENT AWARDS
adian Legion •held a special crib.-
bage tournament on Monday 'ev- ' . • ,.. • , •.. . .
ening with 'thirteen 'tables com- Lucknow United Chureh Suri
peting:: The winners were Al ' Ir- day '.Schinoi. preserited •seals and
• About sixty heighbo.rs -and
other friends. gathered ". •
-evening,: of cards, during which
Mr. and Mrs. Hussey' were pre-,
•rented with two step-up tables
and two matching lamps. The
prtsentation was made by Elmer
jaek' and his sori- jOhn left
•Wednesda.Y' fer Regina for a 1.0. •..•
,clay visit with members of this.
family in the West. • s
y .1
win and :Bill Tranter of . Ripley
and the'. runner's -Up were Keith
:Collyer - i n d Cameron ' Cook.
There were players from Tiver-
ton, Ripley arid7Lknow. "
Lunch •wa:.:, 'served by mem-
bers • el. the Ladies Auxiliary.
The Legion :has • ,:sPonsored
:Monday night cribbage through-
out the •winter, and will hold
the laSt•partrbf-the•season neXt-
week.- •
•• I
diplomas -.in recognition of good
•attendance`at.iheir regular meet-
ing hour. Sunday morning.
• Linda and Nancy
ghters -61---Mr: and—Mrs. .Glen.
Walden °,and Lucy Morrison, • The paradecommittee of the;
daiighter ef Mr.. and Mrs.; Mel Lucknow ' and . District Centen7,
Morrrisori;.had. a perfectattend- nial met last *Thursday and ad-
ance of '52 Sundays in .the year. vancedsome of their plans: kr ,
Nancy Webster, •daughter of Mr, August': 1; '2, 3;. 4, .1..,ettcts: are ,
dz71VIrs: 'Hary•er-Web-Ster, sent out to 'districrargan-
ceived the award for the 13th izations requesting that 'floats be
year; To 'qUalify. for 'a: .seal; or entered in th-e-Paradeg .at Cer.14
diploma, ,no % more than eight tennial- tme
StindayS'coald:,-be7-:Missed-•-•.-00-- :•Already-7,seyerat_..generPus•:of-:
ing 'the year. • • • ..• fers have: been , received trent -in-
Superintendent H D Thomp7.,terestect. groups and individuals
son ., had • charge of the service .in the area is eXpccted that
and secretary -treasurer • Gordon every, Liteknow. business place
Morrison •inacle„. the presenta will have an entry in the P'
tion First year, Nancy Walden, ade....Charlie,Webster is Chafrinan. •
Douglas, •Struthers, "jane'Joyrit,: of this Committee:
David ThompsOn, Douglas Port,- ,
. .
f .
0 •
t' •
Pictured,dhOVe Is Garnet Hen-
• itersbn"centre president of the
Lucknow- Branch of the ,Canad-
r •
• Ian Legion) presenting a ,presi-
,dent'S. plaque onbehalf of the
ocaI shranch 'to ,BP1 Tranter
president of the ItIpley brandh,
•, 1qtt will be , placed.
ItiPTees • hew. quarters to. record
the names of the presidents, who
prior to Bill Trariter have. been.,
1'947 • Murray .P61lock, 1948-49
Chester tipmexton, .1950, Donald
Mason,• 1,951 ;Herb Carter, •19(52-
52 John Blackett, 1954-55
•McCreath, '1956-57. Donald,,,Jt.
• ..
• Garnet wag ,teeohiparlied, to
•Ripley 15v" past ,presi.dent 1-tarold
Ritchie; vice president. Phil° Mac-
Millan, Alex Purvis; Cliff Craw-
ford .and • and .nin Webster. •
Pregent . froth Xincardine. were
Andy Robinson and -non Piot,-
president , of • the • kincardine
branch ,*ho ,is, shown on Gar -
',.net's, left,
Marguerite MacKeriiiei '•2n4.
year; Linda Walden; David •But-
• ton, Lynda .Boyle, Nancy lcirk:
land --Donna Ritchie, •:Deriald
Andrew, Roy- ' Button, Evelyn
`MacNay;'3rci year;. tleanor 1Whit.
•by,. Ricky Pritehard„Praser
ten; 4th •year, • Elliott Whitby,
• ,John •PilitfShard, •kerineth-, Kirk-
land; 5th, •year,. Laurine Morri-
son, Murray Mo.rrison, Patricia
Thompson,. Marlene 'Porter, .Joyce
MacNay, 13everley MacNay, Tom
AndreW.,. 6th year, lady' Webster,
..Eleatior MacNay, ,Barbra Cam-
eron, Elaine MacNay, H'elen Mac -
Nay, Lucy .Morrison; 7th Year;
Nancy. Irwin, ?Glen Porter; Louise
Jones; 9th year, Kenneth Jones;
10th year, Joanne Hunter; llth
year, Murray' Hunter ; .:1$•th
year -
Nancy Webster,
Rev G. A. Meiklejohn preSent-
ed bibles to Linda toyle, Sh•aron
Wagner, N'arie Xiritland, Elean7
Whitby,' trian Gardner, Tim-
my Collyer, Murray White, Ron -
• • 'Jr • •
. • •
George Whitby was r'e-e<leCleCt...,
chief Of the 'Lue16-iOW
pai.,..troen.t at their'
ing 'on Monday.. nightr'Gcor.ge
1\/161t6ttileaAdiidn.g.Fitrhe6A2BssTotht'elt:1).*1(01i :7-
, . •
Deputy -chief Bili,JohasionC., •
captains,' Toni, Anderson, ,faCk" ".••
• The annual requigition• kva
. • ••
prepared' and will be subnnttcd-
to•Village :Council .thoir
regular, meeting, " dbief.• WbitbY
• boar:dt'lle;°.rt:seildu60°t:orvpitsohis:titl Nho:i "if
mPyilsilibugt,etor,n •Etuidge. ne.. Pritehard,
by, *411 live to
"4, • • •