HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-02, Page 6'1,)4GE six - • A .711,E 41...11X,NOW :§ENTITIPT:•;! 1.4176P1OW; oNT4140 " •I• • , . :ARE YOW :SURE' V, COULD fJ-1E IT ALONE? 11 cr, -9.- L >fifi '14 ke4 4 • ' • . r. • 1 r " r • As your husband's chief : .benefleiark,':wo4ld.y.ou know how to .administer • his estate, Po, you. understand Income ,Tax. • Settlements and Succession Duties? What of 'evaluation's and, liquidation.of_assets? • IneiperienCe,,''in Estate Planning and managementCan causeunnecessarylosses and untold worrY:. That!S, why so,' many wise. men. :,--.4X1:461;1g1M.114,436P.414.jcPffetenced-i„..ael:„..„0-01-- the Sterling' Trusts. Arrange .to see Sterling • T.rnts with your husband today.,,. find therapersonallY interested in -helping, you. • • -MRS. =WIGTON _WADS • DVNGA1,1NON PC.STITUTE-. • .0n. March Z'Ith, the ladiP. Dungannon Women's Institute inet at. Mrs, Omar rOoks' home with 21: 'Members ad 4 visitors present. Mrs- Errington °paned the meeting in the usual way and the, roll call .was aniivered •with "My -favorite meeting this year": It was decided to buy, six yards' of -flannelette tO make layettes for the Arabian children, also • make quilt bloCks- fox- the Sal- • adai- teprOect.-- An—invitation Was received from the' Jiger, DulOp-Institute to..attend their hobby show and tea on, April 8. After :snging 0'Canada,, there waS,. debate "Resolved that the men' of fifty years ago were bet- ter.husliands_i_tlian the men of to- day". Mrs. R. Finnigan upheld 'the affirmative with Mrs. K. K. Dawson supporting the negative. Sinking of the.. national. anthem ,nd-....aerking_oLliefreshnients CORPORATJON in Torogto • Can Mr. Parker EMPire 4-7495 , „ '• t . • • • , .041 114r.A1cotri PArkwaY 8-5181 • broug flied, mg to a.c Election of officers resialted as ollows:, pies., Mrs; -Errington; 1st vice, Mrs. -Hasty; 'vice, Mrs ' McWhinney, sec treas, Mrs.' Lorne; Ivers; District Direct - dr, .Mrs. IL Alton; 'alternate din= ector, Mrs. W; Stewart; Branch directors,:1VIrs. C. Blake, Mrs.. K. Finnigan; Ms. W. 13raWri;..Pian-il • 1St Mrs. W. Stewart; assistant, Mrs . F. Jones; hospitalization, Mrs., 83rown;*.auditors, : yin. J. Ryan and" 'Mrs. 'W.. Zinn;, press; Mrs, R. Finnigan., „ 1 Wginagl$DAY, APRIL 2ocl4 194 ave Your • KITCHEN CUPBOARDS BUILT. Without 4ist4rbino your Ho:oe! We will lake measurements. and -build, cupboards, stbre fixtures etc •in our own shop WE ALSOgtFINISEIT 1Tuitg • For further particulars and estimates, contact: .• • . , • - Lucknow WoodSpecialties BOB CAMPBLL. and BILL GRAHAM, Props, (In' the fOrmer Shelton Shop acros rom' Treleaven's Mill) USILLOTL'WITKSOFT:MAPLE :AND ELM' Will purchase bush Properties on farms. , • Please phO.%e or write: _I • The Andrew Malcolm Fuiniture Co. Ltd. Listowel, Ontario • _ rougall of Chesley on Sunday. Mr. Ira Dickie is employed at . . . ' KINLOSS NE .: . Mrs. John MacDougall, wbo Mike Thack's .machine shop at underwent an operation in a G°derich• London Hospital recently,' was Sympathy is extended to 'Mrs. able to return home on Sunday. Cliff R°n1ston in the loss of her. mrg. . Archie ,macint-3,re was brother, Mr. Harpld Purves of hostess nfor the South Kinloss -iiiicarcline* Easter Thankoffering on Tues- Sunday visitors with Mr- and clay at which Mrs. Wallace Mc- Mrs. Harold Austin and farnily Clean was gueSt speaker. ' were Mr. and'' Mrs. Mery Brown Bruce Colwellhad his tonsils and five children of Kornoka. removed in Wingham Hospital on Wednesday. , • i . _ _-% _ _, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Macpoug- It mayfrighten you at first, all and family visited at the but it's worth trying;' praise your home of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Mac- wife. ' • , - . • 411.. ,• • • ',v.v.,. 11• •• • • • nnounces ' • •• • . , . Ed S. I ' • • , . • • LU CICNOW and DISTRICT AGENT 7.95' up .Heavy .Duty Batteries Generator Exchange _,_, . „,, .. $8.95, • '. . ' . ., Fuel Pumps, as low as . - $4:85. I - .,... I , $3.98 Brake ,Shoes Exchange; • full Set $1.90 LangsIde • , . . Voltage Regulators • The. March meeting' of. the Langside W.IVI.S., Auxiliary was held at the home .of Mrs. Arnold Scott.- Mrs. Orr prepared the program. Tire President, Mrs. -Lloyd Moffat, presided .and .op7 ened the. !fleeting with the call! to worshp. The scripture was read hyMrp. Arnold Scott, The; meditation was given. by Mrs.1 Elmer .Scott. Mrs George,Shul,- er led in prayer: A' lettei- from Mr. and Mrs. IVIaicolin Was .read by, Mrs. Wesleyi Young: The East- er Tliankoffering- meeting is to beheld afthe home of• Mrs. Far- ish. Meffat With Mrs. ;MCKinney of Teeswater. as 'guest speaker] A reading, -"Conquest of Fear", Was read by Mrs. 'Farish :Moffat. Hymn. 521. was ' sung' and the meeting closed with repeating the /Lord's prayer in uion. 6 St Joseph's Church viL . • St. Joeph's'. sub -division CWL, Kingbridge, .held their March meeting in- the'parish club rooms Sunday, • March. • 16th. Several cards of 'thanks • were read" by the secretary. Mrs. Joe: O'Keefe gave the financial :rport:, Plans were. made for the Faster -dance to ---be Monday,—April Nomination rules were read by 'the secretary. Mrs. • Ray Dalton, Mrs Joe. O'Keefe and. Mrs. ,Leo Coutney were - apPointed inatmg committee. All nomina- tiOrlrIqUSt be annual meeting *ill be held on _ April 13th when all reports inust 1 be .given.. Mrs. Leo Courtney gave, a reading "Irish and 'Proud 1 of It". The- presidenti1Virs. Ray • 'Dalton,- thanked Fr. Van .Vynckt ,1 for the Work don. On the club 4 I rooms. Pr. Van spoke a le* - . words and closed the ineeting gi.•. with prayers. , •' . - ,. . .„. . : . • • 4 :BILL MARSHALL •NAWiED TO • I.STCpENTILEApERS' CLUB - The .princpal ,land. staff of 4 '•' LuCknow . District : High. School MUFFLERS AT LOW COST heel lignment and Balancing Motorcade Dealer — Phone 3, Lucknow AN ANGEL- 'UNAWARES IlUernber f Kinloss Township If after kirk ye bide a wee, Counil, is a member of the .A- 'There's- some/would like to speak ye, If after kirk Ye .rie and flee, We'll all -seem cold and stiff tO The. one that's in the seat wi' Is stranger here. than you, may All here hae got their, fears and, •cares—• ' Addyou*.your soUl,\ unto our • prayes; • Be you our angel Unawars. --Authr -UnknOWn. ' On •Saugeen valley Board The_annual meeting of Ahe Saugeen Valley,Conservation Au- thority- :was .held' recently in Hanover, presided oVer by Chair- man Irwin Lobsinger. of Walker- tionThe authority comprises committees. Wallace Colin; a - • •AUTO, ACCIDENT,' SICKNESS, BILITY; FtRE • Telephone • Wmgham 570-.1.3 Collect • ": have chosen William D. Marsh - ll to be the school's' representa- tive in The Free Press -Univers- ity of Western' Ontario Student. Leaders': Club. • • The l't7Year-old Liicknowle• ad- er ,is.S the sOn of IVIrs.Ann, Mar- • shall. He is a Grade 13- student and ranks, highly in- his class. Bill is :Vice president Of the Students' Council,' • His arabitiOn is; to beCorne an - engineer an in! pursuit,: of his hopes- to enroll at the University ot .Torrieto's school of engiering, - . Truth has otily, to' .• change hands • a eY1' times to become fiction. . thority's historical committee. BOEASTER CARDS for Sale: 14 cards for $1;00 Complete •selction' at all times of Sym- pathy, Get Well, Thank -YOU, -Birthday, Baby; Hasty Notes and Assorted boxes. Don Thonipson, phone 35 Luckrow.* • CO -9F. AUTO 'INSURAN•CE • Can Now A • Ccept, ',TOWN •REsiDENTs & • COMERCIAL TRUCKS • aiwellat the farm 4usiness. ..For infOrniatiOn consult • CECIL fALCONER Phone Wingliam 570-J3 '• JOHg. McMUItCHY, RIPLEY, • Phone -20•7-F-23• • 4alting Barley Contracts, . . • • We . • , • iloNYhave our1958 ;Malting •Ba-1ey • COntrOts available.. • For your . choice Of ..Manicalrii,' Kindre4 . • • Parkland Seed • contact .us early. EleVators at LUclinow and Riprey, , • . , . TRELEAVEN MILLING CO; LIMITEP., am now prepared to, db. Auctioner,ing :of . • tyPes in this area. -a „ • . , PUBLIC 2:ADDtsis SYSTEM USED. AT NO EXIA., CHABGE Graduate of :the Peigeh ,Atietiejieerhig 8601. 'LICENSED AtiCtIONEER .Luckliow, onto •, ; . RiPleY • •.