The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-03-26, Page 158 th of rt s in. th w, Di - of/ •of on am •he on e 11 a, o. rs. WPTEsPAY, KA -13C8 198. : ALBERT CRANG LAID TO REST ' (1CINCOUGH NEWS). Congratulations to. Mr. &rs. Weir Ackenswiller on, the birth of a baby tor, Burial service was neld at, the, KincardineKiicardieCTerY n Thurs,' • day afternbon. 'fQr rthe late Al,: • bert Crang of: 'Toronto, who was well. kliown here, his ,' wife ;being • the fogner. Bertha'4iarrison of Kinfoss: Relatives, '14.* here 4.t. :tended funeral: Mr, and mrs.. Howard- Thomp- son, Mr, and Mrs. 'Bert Nichol - were, dinner Vests; of "Mr, • and iMr. 'Torn 'Hodgins on Fri - lay night of last week: . The A.Y.PiA. n, et. at the: church. last SUnday eVening.. Mr,7-antr.-Mrs.- 'Jtick ,Schnntach- er;of. Con. 10, IVIr. and . Mrs. Don "finlYeriSonand- Diane -of Hamil- ton 'Were recent. visitors: With Mr; and Mrs. Wm. • 7:The annual meeting:: of the ice„ -C was hel on e tieS ay evenmg at the lolyrood. hall. when -the followingofficers were elected.,' chairman, Harvey .Palinateer pf Kincardine; vice .chairman, Mrs.• Archi. ,C;Iven, "Wiartonr; •secret- , •arY-treasuret, _Mrs. T. J. 'Corn-. ish; Chesley ; chairrrian of-, prop.- - . • erty comMittee.," Reeve' '.Allan •,Fowler, Southampton;„ adrninis- tratr : of archaeol�gy,. Fritz Xneclitel, Hanover. The curator, Mrs. L F, Morton; gave the. re- . port on the .Visitors which total- led 6,180. There were, 94, articles' received, either ',donated. or. on J.„ F. '',•Morton 'gave praise' to , the' Women's instituteS' fortheir fine support There • will ' ;be ,alterations made to house • farm equipment. Plans were also" :Ingcle, to: rnoVe ' 'the log house lrom Co; 8,, Kinloss, to South ampton; • Mr.' Harold Percy Of. Kinlough • is :a _member' of .this . • Mrs. 1. W. Colwell *howas ,With her 'daughter; Mrs, Don MO- CoSh fot the past ten daYs, has' returned to her. home here. Mrs. Colwell has; not been ;enjoying • .the" best of health.. The Presbyterian Met at the home of Mrs. Frank MaulL: den:. 'The IlYnin...,.`jesus Keep Me Near The •Cross" .• was sung :and • Lyman . Sutton : read'the scripture: Miss Margaret' Ecrhert- , :son Jed: in" prayer'. ,The ,word. for. • the roll, ca4 was "Crueify7. Mrs. Jack Barr, was in •'charge- of the Easter program: The hymn :WAS, "When' I Survey: the INOridiOns- Cross". •The discusSiOn was tak- • en' by , Mrs. StwartI McDonald, and the hymns' "Go ,'TO Dark Getliserriine".and the. Cross of Christ .1 Glory". ,iteadings • were given by Mrs'. Edbert ell- and •,11./Irs.:','PerrY Bushell with hymn "Christithe_Lord is :Risen Today", A chapter • •frorn the sta.!dy ,bOok and a Bible quiz . *ere iiVen. Prayer closed' the ToOetihe., and. lunch, Was. served • -4Y4-he-icornmittee-71treharge. Mr. ,and. Mrs. Perry ',11odgins. and 'Sharon 'visited On' Saturday • evening with, 114ras. :Ethel James. ,Congratulations to Mr. Sr, Mrs. ''NNtalf who 'Observed their .42nd wedding .anriiversary on Saturday. • ' ' • 'MrGeorge kalcienby, .•Who. tendered his. resignation .as Sec." • treas. of ."KinloUgh acbc'c'1,. was • presented with a gift of money ata meeting of the -School ,bard. • Mr, Ilalderiby.: has: served in, this capacity for: oVer. 32.„ years .and; it 'was:, with, regret.. that.. -.this ,..hange 'A:1:mi With,: His successor is' Miss May • " •'11/1r. Tom Hodgins underwent' a plajor operation.' at 1,St:: Joseph's Hospital, LoridOn, onFriday last. ater. she. developed .prieurnonia. Her iparti 'friends, .hoPe for • a •8Pedy recovery. The• anntial meeting. • of , the will be held or c April3rd •at. 'the hall. Iloste,sses, •Mrs., Ed ThompSon; Mr's, William Eadie. P,aYinerit, feeS, • TO - t stariding committees, and' sec...treas, Election of •'offieert.. Jai bil-tctOri, Mz's Jim Smi/th, Mrs. Alcert, Mrs: Prank Ailauld- en, ivt . • 1193r Graham.• '1Anlier. •° and MrS. 'Harold lItild'eif- Y 'a"•Mr. ,,'Orid MI.'S. Clare 04. LUCKNOW SEM. ,r114BL. LitYcKNOw, ONTARIO Sparking entertained around 30 relAtivosi at the Ang,licari church PariQrS at a fatnilY dinner On Sunda/ evening. This was the occasion or the 37th wedding an- niversary of -their 'Parents, Mr, and, Mrs. George :HaidenhY„ and also in honor of Mr. and Mrs. • • . . 0. ..• ' „ ' „„. , '1, ,,. I . ,1 .1 . • .1 , I. 1- -J°}14. MeIntYre , (the former !Pah • nie 'Haldenby) who return this week to Culross, Manitoba, alter spending the winter 'with her sister, mrs. M. Dudley of LUCk- now and with her brothers, Win:• ' and George •Haldenby. and her ant an , cl uncle Mr.. and • Mrs. #4fiftrt;,10‘t1K4.0;,,... James. „Iiodglns. ,94-44. other 4ik0§ and nephews. The tables were ieveiY. in Easter colors and tie rq9#'1. al49 simllarily decorated, During the evening all 'enjoyed, a, sing song of songs AT4d qld fam- iliar hYrrins..Mrs. James Hodgins: expressed thanks., ow. behalf 'ot F'AGE FIFTEMI, •tho • guests who 'were Pre§ent from Walkerton, Wingham, Lucknow and KinloUgh dis- trict. • • • Many people could retire corn- fortablY on *hat their exPeri- enee has cost then. CAN WE , TAKE, A ClIAACE any longer on a, government:that, 1. Has stili no answer to our immediate unemployment crisis? • • 2. Threatens to gamble away our vital export markets and the jobs and .. •'dollars they provide? ' rausagnaffirim • • ,t:•• • • . „.. - • •"0 /AA: .04•444r-4-4'.• :THE TIME IIAS COME FOR ACTION in the present emergency. . to 'donow the 1 • thins that need doin no • - „Alar .4v • , • . BACI(C0AfFIDEI‘CE A,N11.401.15: , . . . , We Canadiansall agree that fir.it lob is to get almost. . a million people back to work,: .• • • . . • • „ , „ We want to restOreCOnfidence and START...C.4NAD HUMMING AGAIN. We .want. §ieaci.•incoineS'Ind: a secure future. We must make Up the ground lost through Months ; of falteringLand confusion rn our national affairsAnd we • must get started now } The Pearson 'Plan. is designed to 4;10just that: bold and - pratiCal.14.4ion for every Canadian who has had enough of'slowdown, doubt and drift. • . :1 „: ' 1 • 4'; , " • • ' "r• ° •' , 1 , t • , .1 • ° • . • , , • , . • '• • . • • • • • • ..• • • . • • . HIGHLIGHTS OF THE- PEARSON PLAN FOR CANADA FOR YOU . , . . . • . ,,.. .., . . , ,. . , , , ... . •. . • •• • ' • . ' • . . • • • • , . , • • ., • v r ' • • • 4 , • . . . , . .. , . • . . ••. . . . .... . .. . , „, , ,•.. .. . • . . , . . ' .. . ••, ' . . . . 1. MAJOR TAX CUTS to increase yetir income this year, create more jobs. You• save $1 of every $4 you now pay on your first $3000 of taxable intome. 2. THE DOWRY - You pay no taxes on your first $4000 income during first three years of married life-, pay • $9•0 intead of $480•if• your • i•ncorne is•$5000•., • • SICKNESS INSURANCE - IllYnnemployment benefits to • '' people who are out of work because of illness.: . 4. NO EXCISE TAX on cars. FOR FARMERS Development Bank to assist fatal ; proverrierit. • . • . 2. Extend support prices for wheatoats; barley, lye,: flax and butter. • • ' . Pay compensation to farmers -fnr cOsrof storing grinon their farms., 7.- • • . : . • 6. LOW DOWN-P-AYMENT" HOMES -- Change National Housing Act to make it easier to buy homes without large down.payments. 7. FAMILY ALLOWANCES -• Continue family allowances to the age 'of 18 for boys and girls who are studenis. 8. SCHOLARSHIPS; BURSARIES AND LOANS. -To give youth equal opportunity for higher education. .2500) • scholarshipsand INCREASED•SOCIAL BENEFITS• - Old age -assistance for:• widoyvs, and. Unmarried women to start at age 60. Right • 4.0 , ' •• ' . • • td transfer total pension when changing jots. . FULLER, FREER,. TRADE between NATO nations in6ud- ing U.S. and Britain. Increase food and other shipments to needy or undeveloped wuntrics7 Trade developrnzeftt --- not restridion or diversion. V01E LIBERAL FOR CONSTRUCTIVE LEADERSHIP NOW - . • • • ' • LIBERAL COMMITTEE • • ; ,".tr • • • • j • 8",,rite • 'Ye4 . • „ ' . 4 , • ,:%;"•-'' • • Pk• • • ,• .• 1".• • • • 4% , • • . • , . ' • • •• • • • ' • Published By Bruce Liberal Association • • issookossaimmuk, . 4 • • , • 1. ; • Published B3r.(.11uTii Liberal •Association a 47 • • • • , • 0 y • • •,:•••:•i• r ; „ • ; •• , 44' • • . ,04K4114 rr.