The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-03-26, Page 5y. Dt , re, ' V • el er Ss • 1C. ' '74If ...,„%eiv.41114.. • AmAllisisuo • —,• .• '4.:7-4.nr • " - '"'"%ewx4.4-..tifylv•n , • WEDNMPAY; 'MARCH 26, 1958: yceum Theatre WINGIAM Two shows each night First at 7.15 , • . . • THEATRE• CLOSED. . 1VIonday, T.uesday. 8r; !Wednesday .each '.$m4,•„.• • • Thurs., .March 27-28-29 . . Robert .1.4,•ilchturi,.‘ Rita ,IlayWorth Jack Lerninon, in "FIRE„•DOWN 4 God rnelOdramatic 'entertain- . ',mer3t. ion 19Pation n.: -and ormirict Trinidad. . • • ; • 111111111110.1111110111=111 • • • UCK.NOW ,CtICKNOW, ONTARIQ; INCOME TAX' RETURNS; •r public ,Accountant a'nd Auditor :Since, 1945. • S J.. PYMM Box No. 74, bucknow ATTENTION FARMERS' 'Place your order with Hugill Bros. for a concrete silo. We are builders of , silos for 25 yedrs. Por fi.ill particulars write Elmer Hugill, box 40, Clinton, phone Hunter 2-9432. • " • • r • .THANK. YOU NOTES and Hasty • Notes available at. 25 cents per • package of 10 cards and matching- -'7envelopes-.-r-Don-Tnompson;--phone- . 33 or 35.... • , • • • • --• .7' „„ ire, • 4ot 21/2 ra'P gUi list e iow No ,• ••••• ,ine !eks for dis- tact , iar-iing • LUCKNOW. DISTRICT • CO -;OPERATIVE - Phone tuckno,W 71 IMPERIAL Qi.LT .Regis,tered Master Electrician PRODUCTS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR for prompt service; Specializing in • 'and qualityPr°ducts; Electrical, Wiring. and ,Repairs . • contact: • • B.' R. CHISHOLM Phone collect Dungannon ,19-r-2 ".1wiys Look To Imperial • Fox. The Best» ' • •, G. ALAN WILLIAMS . . 9Ptometrist:' Office on .Patrick St, just. off 'the Main- St in ' WINGHAM • Professional.- EYe Examination T. A. CAMERON' . Optical. SerVices • • , . AGENT FOR SPARTON TV. A11• Electrical Appliances Phone 46-r-25, Lucknow 04.0••••••••••••••••••••••#,4404.•••mom0000 I NSU RANCE .Lie, :Hospitalization. and • Surgical Plans , • ' Auternobile, Casualty and ,•• Farm Liability:. , Residential' . . .Farrn,, Fire & Wind Insurance.„ LUCKI4OW . • . Phone 770, WingIii11; -...0bonp Dungannon 78-r-10 • Oar Mott& Is "Service?' 'S * FUNERAL HOME. • • 'Phone' 76 ' •.', • . • • Day or Night "., • A0bulance.:SerirIcu. I VSE OF' FUNERAL HOME At ;NO Extra cost. Moderate Prices • . Established 1894 R. T. kILPATRICIC • • GENERAL INSURANCE • Automobile - Fire 2 CastialtY,, • ' • Ask i aboitt.our Special; •iPackage Deal 7,••LncknOw, Ont:. 'Thane Dungannon 77-2 • . . WINGHAM . • MESIQRIA4SHIPP,. We Have. Been.: Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven .*Years, Always.Using HE BEST GRANITES s • Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship. -PricerIVIOSt Reasonable • Cemetery Lettering Specialty , • . :RA. SPOTT.ON, 2;/ winkham, Ontario. • Insure .With .The • • . CULIZSSIMUTUAL .FIRE. INSURANCE •CO. • , • . , McLENNAN and / •MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE • • • Serviees • •conducted • accord,: • ' ing to' 'your,: virighei''.at Your.* ; • Home. your Church,! or,. at our Memorial.,.Chapel. at iio.. additional.. charge.. •_, r • ` , •• A ivitto,AScE. sERy1.0 • , PhOne:181,:tuknovv, -"Pa y or Night:, • • , . . . MaCKentie; OlitOinetrist • ; - • • ,LISTOWEL,',ONT.• ., 'at the former •Wrona ieWelery .,store.. RiPley, 10 a.m. to:9. imn.,. I - ` WEDNESDAY,. MARCH 26th: and every Second :Wednesday. • . • . Eyes examined,- GlaSSeS 'fitted- . for appointment ?phone Roy , 4. MacKenzie, ,96-r-24, .RiPley.. ''''''''''''4""'"4444.44.". . • ;4444#":"... ' - ., • . • • • " • ,M. .HARPER Chartered Accountant West Street, GODERICH, ONTARIO Telephone.5, 343J -343W Rea 141.1t1NA.CC OIL, STO,VE, ()IC, ,sonabie rates, sOUnd•prO,..*. ,tection & prompt, sagsfactorY ' • liEliOSESIlF, ' GASOONE• • :* settlement of claims. • • .PARISH MOFFAT wmr, 8:0;:sill:CI' HcaAllMil*/TON: Tont Local* Agent • R.R 3, Teeswater Phone ,ItckliOw .Thone Teeswaier 6/r-41 bjtrit'Agerit. f()t, Cities service ',.."M*;,44;#4,•••••,‘"ierio*-••04,i,o••• •'!44•44s#44seke'.‘". • 4 • ,. ft, •it WE13k.OR. STARTED 'CHICKS Place Ion; prder_tor ,the best in' 0 -licks from registered batc„11-, eries — producers or broilers,' Knechtel & Son, I.Aucknow, ATTENTION FARMERS Custom killing,:, cutting and• wrapping at very •reasonable rates. Welsh Meat Market, 'phone 41. • • • •MEAT FOR SALE • • Good beeffor sale by .the. quarter: Beef killed on preinises inspected by the DePartnlent •of Health. .Choice Hereford • year- lings. Custorn.butchering a sgee- ialty. • Raynard. Ackert, Ijolyrood: Phone' .2430; .„4.• ARTIFICIAL • INSEMINATION For artificial insemination, in- formatlem or—service—from all •breeds of 'cattle, phone the Waterloo !tattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 or Kincardine 460 between 7.30 and .930 am, We„haye all breeds cost. ; •• • -•.'' OLD HORSES WANTED .• Old horses wanted at 31/26 per lb.; dead' cattle 'at value.1 If dead, phone at, once to Gilbert BrOs.. Mink Ranch, phone collect •God- erich 1443.14. or' 148331. , • • - SCHUM1VIER.CIIICKS•Since 1939 • • . • Formerly Monkton : • "Extra •Profit" Chicks We specialize in egg produc- tion breeds oriiy:' Sussex k. Red, Red X Sussex, 1d x Rocl, Rhode Island •.Red, Le orris, Legh•Orn Crosses. ;Free. elivery.. ,Scliwn-• filer's Hatcheries?, Linwood. • •• • ',Agent; ^Stanley •Mcgratton- • ... . ....• phone •3008 Caw ' • itEMEMBER • • Your :feet are ..one of your greatest .assets,..and a breakdown. in the structure may cause pains' in . feet, knees,' legs, ankles'. or lower back. See J. A. Vickers, FootCorrectionist, at Queen's Hotel Wingham each. Monday afternoon H NSTOINE. • ' . , . . NOTICE CREDITORS In The Estate Of Donald J.' Me7 'Charles. .t • ALL PERSONS having claims, against .the :estate : of the aboVe mentioned, late of the yillage of LucknoW in. the' County of 'Bruce, "Genti*ah, who died on the 27th day. of February,' 1958, are re- quired to file. proof of. same with the undersigned. on Or before the Ffth day of April A.D. 1958. Mier that date th.e.,ExeCutor will .Proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to .the claims of which he , shall then haVe had, notice. ,-;--- Pated at Wingham this Twelfth day. clf March, A.:D...058. • Crawford & Hetherington, • Wingham, °Ontario. - • Solicitors, for *the Executor. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The • Egtate, Of Donald John MacLean. -"' • ALL PERSONS. having 'claims againstthe estate of'. the above mentioned late of the Village of • , • " • PAGE 'IV • ._„ Now riaying,-cASPBELvs 'Dirk Pogarde in a tale of the Canadian West. MON.,. TUES. #6. WED.17,-karch 31, Aril 1, 2, Adult, Entertainment "THE . • t 'A volcanic eruption in Mexico releases a science' -fiction scare -thriller that could keepyou.on the edge of your chair.. - Richard Denning, Mara Corday and Mario Navarro • THURS., •FRI.' ,SAT.,-7,April 3, 4,25 Jerry Lewis, PhYlliS Vat*, David. Wane'-‘and'..F0ter.'Lerre A riOtous fun show aboutan army misfit who involves two ._,.„unWilling buddies in -:some m-ig-hty-bilarioua-adentures.. "THE SAD SACK" • ,..• • • • Coming—"WEE-JEANNIE''---With. Tony Martin • and • Vera Ellen, 22•:, •• . •t • . • , • • . Lucknowin the County of.Bruce . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••••••,.... ,• , • Aetired Farmer, who. died On the • • • . ''' . 14th day of January, '1968, are . „ , . • ; required ' to file' Proof, of same • F. T. 'ARMSTRONG:- with the. undersigned on -or ibe- ' ., • , . • • • .• f,.: ,. . „. .., fore the Fifth, day of .April, A.D. .. OPTOMETRIST ' • . .- '-- . , . • , , • -,- ••', • ' .1958. After that date the Executors:, G013ERICH. will proceed to distribute the , • • estate having regard- only to the ' claims of • which they, shall, then • FOR APPOINTMENT haveteat td Wingham this 'Twelfth • • hone. •11..°°, day' of March, A.D.' 1958. ••• . • • • • . Crawford :& HetheringtOzi, • • Wingliarn Ontario.. •• • Solicitors • for'the Executors.:.' . , CARD OF THANKS_ .• Mrs..'It, Bisset and family are deeply grateful to all- those who were So verykind and sympa-: thetic • in their bereavement. These many thoughtful. acts •and. ,expressions' Of Syfrip,athy were' much appreciated. . ' •••••••44•••••"04•04•444,4041•04•••#•••0•04i R. W. ANDREW . • Barrister and Solicitor ; LISTOWEL, ,CiSTAR1.0 ...; . Every Wednesday and Saturday': .. • .• Afternoon. „ • Office in the JoYnt Biock • - • Telephone• : • '.Office ' 135 •••• Itesidence. • • ' STATE FARM MUTUAL. • AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing. 'REUBEN WILSON • GOderich . . . „ . • Phone :00-i7£1 Ptirigannon I NSU RANCE • , ''• t ' •• • • .. . ' • ' - „ • TIRE, WIND, CASUALTY' •AUTOMOBILk: AND 'LIFE To Protect Your Jack, . • Inside With ;lack Today: '- J. A. 1VIcDONAGH ; R.R: 3, LicknOvir, tint . •• 'Phone 61-5; Dungannon .ROY N. .BENTLEY , .• • . / PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT . • ' GODERIC11,•, ONTA.RIO Telephone 1011 Box 418' R. S., HETHERINGTON", QC• , , BarriSter,,Ete. Wingham and • Lucknow • IN LUCKNOW .EaCh. Monday :1 and ,Wednesday. •'• Located in the • '1Phone Office 48 1\;iltitiicipal Office. • Wingham P Residence. 0: 44 . •' Yes, Farmer, , have the Know -How to Produce • . . 1'. • to Make You Better.Prafits,. • NotTry Them? CONTRAcT$,.AVAMABLE:-:-.. • • r.,.. • 'tee tel and Son Ltd. LUCK1NOW • . I ' .7.4. 4 • • • r • ; ,' .. ' • . . , . 4,t • • • ' . . . r . . . . . 74 ' • • . • • • • • •, , • • ^ to .4 r •