HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-01-29, Page 1IP" -10111r417-1111-iit"0.,
Z 50 .A Year $' .. H
Advance 1.00
•'�`'Extra To U.S.A..US
In .. • .
John Jo Yn Reeve During •
Reunion, Grandson Now In
. Office
JAN, 29,th
It is an interesting -coincidence
that the Tate John Joynt was
reeve: of Lucknow ;in 191Q, the
°. year of Lucknow's last Old Boys
arid Reunion. Forty-eight
years, later, with Lucknow to ob- on County
serve, its -centennial„ his grand-.
song George .W. "Joynt, . is reeve is chairma $ this of the Sepoy.' Town and, willplay,taut commit
t which a leading role , on the centennial
committee; . :
ith news , of the "'re -.opening
-Reeve .Cecil Blake ' of •
iss'erving •his third term; as. a•.
member' of the' Hur;
Roads •iCommittee and. this, year
n • o , very impor-
ee,- w ic� controls
nearly half of :the' County's '
my s bud.:.
get. -
•of the factory, and.plans being
,laid: for Lucknow's hundredth
,:birthday, the year •1958 bids fai
to, go .-into .the records as a mom
entous : one..
ous year.- -Besides being : reunio
year, it marked the opening an
dedication of the . Car,•regie Hall
Bruce, County., Council held thei
June session There; at .the: .tirn
of -the Town Hall opening, :and'
;then travelled by special train
as . guests of ' Reeve Joynt an,
;Mrs, Joynt; to visit Huron Court
ty Council in sessiongat Goder
1910' also saw Rev."D. T. L.
McKerroll; leave . the.: Lucknow
Presb , terian "Church for ornot
Y . �T r . o.
•to..he succeeded '.by Rev. J..S.
Duncan. Rev. J. E' •''
. Ford , of� the'
Methodist Church; was` - ap oint= '
ed . to the: Clinton charge.
Lucknow nd District Lio
tiib-' '"first .ir ,•ay was mar
n• :ed 'on Monday evening at the
d' regular meeting., at which. "the
ladies' were . guests.. Tlhe ' Women's
✓ Institute served a. delicious:, tui-
e key ,,banquet, _and: following: the
meeting many sof the gathering
, 'remained to get , an; enjoyable
d dance, underway,,. immediately to;
music. -provided through :;,t h e•
courtesy •' of , Elliott : Carruthers
The Sentinel carries many
weekly and' monthly reports of
the activities -of civic and church
organizations' in the community.
For the- .mist, 'part they. are : fair-
ly well written. The sante can't
he said of: them, 'all, ;and.' if we
were not,, familiar to a degree
with • the - information, certainly.
wouldn't. be ' . able to. ' ' guess `. at
some of it; ••
We welcome these reports, but
`must insist they be well .written,
and sent in promptly, ; To hold,
over late , 'copy,: • 'just . crowds
something else out next week.
We have on occasion, vowed
(to ourselves). that we ' would
just- once publish , some .of these
Port th
they received. 'It:
is not -infrequent infrequent for us to have
-to 'rewrite --a- report. Time is
precious in meeting. newspaper
:deadlines, and 'with a centennial -
--and! • possibly an election—in
the offing there's' going to, be no
time ' for'decipherin rewritin`
,,of correcting ' g
press secretaries 're=
Ports. Please send them.proper-
and neatly written, properly
Punctuated, without abbrevia
•tions ,and • names' in full.
Also, pleaseomit such things
as the minutes were read" and
business discussed. Such has no
news value. Decisions reached in
the business: discussion have.':
MaY we count o• '
n your co=op=
enation:. •
• A• public ' Tri
eetin , „i
sl .. ,g , is: called
r riday-' evening of . this ' week
ear, the repor of 'the Cen
e nal ,Striking -Committee • and.
to' discuss•. detailsp
. .. _ .... , of plans for' .
the Civi'c•-.Holida . _w.
Y� weep -end. -cel-
ebration. o
and. This orchestra . - .
President. 'Rap ' Watson called
on. the officers. "to take a bow'',
;and• introduced the newest mem-,
ber," Jack Treleaven: .'
Brock 'Clelandav
g e a detailed
-report .of Squirt and;, Pee Wee
hockey activities, beginners 'skat-
ing, ' 'periods' and , figure; skating
instruction, all', sponsored by the;
lub,, and a'• ' cost of Iittle more.
than. $100..:The :,hockey program
is -founded on 'a basis "that should
result .in growth and , ;develop ,:
Ment, and provide the o -p portun-:
:ity for every boy from Town
and Country to play Canada's
national game, if he, • so wishes,
W: • • L. 'MacKenzie re `l? orted
briefly . for the Committee ori
Lions . education: The president's
wife who was critically .injured
-at-the time of the Ladies Night
a year ago, : was given a •hand:,
"A, 'mighty fine g esture"' was
the President'•s comment in re;
gard to the :purchase .of 25:chairs,
for...the Recreation :Hall :by Teen
Town Gorden •G don Montgomery
ported ' that: there were now
about 1.20 members of thisgroPu °
George Joynt for.his indust..
tial: • achievement, ' .Lloyd Asht
as attendance promoter a n
Brock Cleland as sports direct()
.were • given, the Lions Roar:' fo
their efforts:'' Some' members o
the �Goderich, •Lions Club, the co
sponsor.. of the • 1 -year-old Luck'
now ' group, : were ,in .-attendance
with their wives and were in
troduced. by Vice President Bil
Lumby. ,
the .'guest
speaker` was Mels
Hill of Goderich ,International
Counsellor -and • Sherriff of Hur-
ori County. He -complimented
Lucknow and District' Lions for.
their : many .achievements • during
the year,' and said we "had
something; here" in .:that every-
thing we do is always,'"Lucknow
and District".He said, '"You
' must .' have Lionism' in your
hearts'and 'are' one of 'the out-
standing Clubs in District Al".
He congrat.ulated' President -Rae
Watson. for "his work - and lead.-
ership. 'Rae.: is also District, De -
e-ty• • Governor; : and,' 'Mr. Hill
a ...
s d 'that .from _life,:. -.contribution;
-to Lionsrn --he - would be - ustl
entitled' to :the ' office :of Govern=
or, later tiff's year, and would, -be
a 'credit torr. the . position. •
Mr, ;hill i r
wasintroduced by
Chas. Short and was thanked by'
Morgan Henderson, who pre-'
sented h m with ; a laminated.
bowl, the product of the• -Luck-
now 'enterprise of Campbell" and
Graham.. '
M. .L:...'.Sand'erson . 'ave the
tr 's wi 4
eastirer s -report'. showing 49
Out • of 90 members• as having,
paid` their dues and and that• they
would be. "open ,for busines"s" :af-,
ter the Meeting, 112 1IY, . Corrin
gave the report; of the: Welfare
• mmittee. •
Cameron MacDonald :was Mas-
ter' of �cerembnies at the, dance:
Te Sentinel hopes,' •'ani'tt.
expects to, carry • a, weekly
"column", of :centennial new. s
from now until the big event
is' climaxed over Civic Holi-
day week -end.
We will Welcome letters;
and comments from former . .
residents• and'•the' home'folk
, of the community. No doubt
there will be an •increase in...
letter writing between fain,
'ilies in scattered .places, and •
Old . friends,.across the con-
inert. and: even abroad.
In • these letters . there"will.T..�
'ben 'some "human interest"
items that •willmake inter-
esting and pithy paragraphs.
for 'the n rat Column"
f a'"Cetiboutlhem, pease!
And, 'too,, start digging up:
: those old pictures. Some:, may
be "reproduced' in' . rint,
others will' add to. the ' pic-
ture gallery that will''. no
' doubt be ' of much Interest,
The announcement • that •Beat
ty. Bros. imited are to locate
their rtiroode -i ware: plant in
Lu:eknow, .disclosed..- the fact that
Wthghan - •'was• . one, a'-nang. otller.
centres, that, was' endeavoturin
to obtain the. industry; •
The' Advance -Times state . 4
� d last
week that Mayor R. E. McKin-
ney' had been; back: and ' forth
to Torgnto and Fergus several
times and `"was. optimistic: to the
last" of •'securing the industry:
'The Brown factory building rine
Wingham was,th'at..was:-
•being considered.:
The property oirners of ',Luck -
now are required to vote • on the
matter, ' of a , fixed , assessment•
•that has been: authorized, by the:
Village Council ' in connection
with the sale -of Lucknow °'Indus-
tries- plant to BeattyBros: 1.irn= '
ited. ° • • •
• This ,approval ,is 'being sought
at a. vote _to be held: -_on .Monda::; <_._
February 24th. Notice of the by-
law: authorizing this fixed assess-:
ment is required 'by statute 'to
bre, '_:.published: ---for -. three. weeks;- -
before the 'vote 'may be taken..,.
It' will be. .:a Straight ,"yes' -'Or u :
•no:; vote, and while approval
should be simply' - a formalit
errrig--i • .chance.
A. meeting of the ` Business '•.
Men's Association Was held last
night to discuss the pending . vote
and ways and means of clearly'`,
informing, the electorate.'of', the'
question, and the :importance to
the' community. of, approval.
Property owners are eligible
to vote as' well as:representatives:
of ' corporations,• :lodges, etc. The
only .,tenants who;' a• 7 .
m yvote are. , /
those, /if :'• any, ;who have a ' lease
covering. the -:term, of this fixed'
assessn-ient .by-law,• which: is''for
five years,
.A :two=third majority. ' is : nee-
essary to' carry thee vote,. but one:..
can: scarcely comprehend' a single;' :.
negative vote being cast: :
...It is .. interesting 'to note: that
a Municipal' Clerk, when eligible
as. an owner,;: has: the : 'ri ht ' to
.vote. ons 'li by-laws In the case:
of m '
uni al elections; the Clerk! .
has no 'vote., e ept in case of
a tie vote; • whe •lie would, have
the deciding ..allot.
The list of: those 'entitle
ed `to :'
vote ` on this fixed 'assessment is:
now posted at` the. Municipal •Of- °
frce, where it :may be inspected
to see if •errors'or ':om'ssions have
Representatives from the dis-
trict offices at. Stratford , of.. the
Canadian' " N 'tional Railways,.
were,/ scheduled ;to , confe,r with
municipal ,officials and' other t er in
ter,,ested--,aparties" this week..,, The:
meeting ' was slated to•' be: held'
late Wednesday morning at' 'the
local depot.
In : requesting•. the meeting , with;
Village officials, the purpose was
not made specific; •but it is pre
sumed' that another move to 'fur,. !
ether..." curtail -service' '
c an this'
branch line is '. under .considera-:
tion;" •
. Meetings axe being held
a' b g i,g„, 11
centres from Palmerston to in-
cardine. A meeting was held. in
Wingham: on Tuesday', here:on
Wednesday'` morning and later in,
the day' at Kincardine.
If further 'curtailment of ser
vice; is 'proposed it , 'can be.
pected to meet ;with strong. op -
'position. A. E. ;.Robinson;• `M.P.,
for Bruce has gone on;' record , as •
opposing -any.. reduction in ser
on ,
d. Port Credit. h 1'
Jan: 25th,,.
1.5$3 Centre' Rd,
r'' Dear Mr:. Editor,:
f' .:.I was
much interested and. •
;pleased to see by the Trost' re
- cent Sentinel • that Luckfiow is 't
planning a 'Centennial: The. old,
town' is celebrating :a century of
1 -life; the one' we're chiefly con-'
cerned' .with: I -remember . >.tne
1910 -"Old B lys • and Girls"quite b
well: Now', 'after almost a .`half C
century, • most of the. . participants
in that event have.;' departed,
some, geographically, most, com-
With .Ibest regards, yours,
J. S;; `,NEWTON.
Donald MacLean,, a descendant
of . one of Ashfield Township's
original families, 'passed away: in
Wingham General Hospital' :on.
Friday, January , 24th:: He was in
his 82nd year. Donald bad been
hospitalized -for over two weeks;.
after suffering a• fall°'at' his home.:
Complications developed;that- re
Suited •in. -his condition -becoming
quite grave a few days. prior'
to ;his death.' . "•
-A devoted churchn an•`,all his
life, one of Donald's last.` acts
when he realized:the: seriousness
of ;his ' ondition':• w s
,e , .., as : to make . a
generous donation to :the Luck
now Presbyterian Church, .•in .aid
of • a redecoration, program: 'they.
are , contemplating:
• Donald was a `son of Alexand-.
er MacLean: 'a d Catherine Fin-
layson; and; was , born . on; „ the.
jl2th .Concession" of Ashfield on.
the :farm taken' Op...by ;his grand-
father well; over• 100 years. ago
—prior, to 1850.
His, paternal. grandparents were,
John and•" `Mary MacLean, • :wlo'
with ; their` three:children,.! Sara
11, Alex :9 : and. Kenneth 7, left
the :Highlands . of 'Scotland, in
1844.:' to hew out'-a'new .home�
Canada. They landed' at 'Quebec
58 days after sailing from Green-
ock, and in this. new. land' the
son Kenneth ".died of Mac'
ok • Pastor Moti Lall of the : United
_ ,C -
Indi •
will' Speak e '
ak `i
P n r.
measles - shortly - after . disem
the' Ltit k•n:o-w Pr
o :C
Presbyterian .: °�`
tie :...:,
Wednesday nes
barking.• ,
The famil made their. er
Y Way
Iiarnilton, and spent . a .couple 'of ing
years, at • Zorra before`
ng to Lake Huron's shores. an
o Ashfield Township,- wher
Donald's • grandfather. took
up th
crown ' deed, arid, where • Donald
pent :''his lifetime , until .sellirn
he farm' in' October 1945.to "Wm
Hogan, ;when: e" and his sis
er 1Vlary, moved,, to' Lucknow . t
reside, • •
For years Donald was a. mem
er •• . of Ashfield:- Presbyterian
hurch, and ,a member of'the
choir. for '.half 'a -century,• sere-:
ing' as choir leader. for r.sorne:
thirty-eight years. and `as con-
gregational secretary for a long
-period. ;He. was ; a member of the
Lucknow. choir' • for a gime` after.
moving to'the village and' was
a faithful member• of the church.
Donald• was secretary of the
South; Kinloss • Cemetery Corpor-
ation and it was in this century=
old ,burial ground that. he.
lar was'
d to' rest.• on Monday with:
Dennis. Hogan, Earl Swan w_
ar!d Bar er : • i r
. • g...,,,-..,,. _-----.- _lIenderson. •.
Douglas- Graham . and 'Allister.
Hughes; -. acting 'as. allbeare r
p rs,
• The funeral''service Was.. held
at the Johnstone Fune
. ..,nal Home
conducted by Rev. Wallace Mc=
Crean. On , Sunday• evening
largely attended Masonic a
was conducted , by. 'Neil MacLen-
na'n, Ted Collyer and- T.'" J. Salk-,
when the last rites of the
Order were ' conferred and: of.
which he.; had ben a rneniber
since 1930.
.Donald ;eras one
r� .. . .., .of ,.a • family
of nines children, of which: an
elder brother ,'Duncan ,of , Calm
fortria is the sole survivor', ` He
was predeceased ' by 'two sisters
Mary and Sarah and by five bro-
rs, Alex, John; David,'Charl
,� es
February .5th at 8.00 o'clock.
Pastor , Lall a:� native-�
of India,
d alias been': in: the ministr fo
e1 about 25' years..He . has recently
e .been on missionary work in..'Br -
tisk Guiana,•and 'is :now in .Can
g:: ada for a: time With the Pres-
-byterian Church. •
o- :
.Rev. Lall will • h •
ave •.:a .:mess
age well worth hearing,and .
, a
cordial' invitation is, extended . to
-: everyone in. the ..'com '
unity • to ,-'.•�.
attend _next' Wedn
• esda •
The ; Striking, Commit ee hits
: ended t a
endeavoured to name ,key men
and women t
mid women
o ..the various corn-
and held'another meet�Y
ing . on Tuesday ,night to. further'
enlarge the . personnel o .
eommtte f these
es iif order dto get the •.
l rolling: .
There ;will be sub committees
to 'bee .appointed
-pP nted to no' end, and.
there appears td be • many ser -
ices that will be required; hof
all willing workers
. Er�thr rs.
. usiasm •is running high
ad nee ,_ . 6 g
'riiU v
r have,' we heard"` so
111tre"h optimism- about
'taking in The Se t any:under-
man poy , Tow'ii y or so
y offers .of "I'll
1 'Gan tolle1,15" do anything
The -Lady Foresters held their
:monthly , meeting :' onMonday.,
January:: 20th. It was decided' to
hold • .future meetings"- on the
:first -Monday - of= ea
• : ch month: � ,.
After rhe business,•
.Bro. W.
Matzanke,. High .Chief
;.. g ..• . .., .,Ranger;_
installed the: officers ,for 1958, -as
.fol•lows: tires., • Mrs: Violet, Arn
old; vice president, •Mrs. Shirley
Brooks; Y treasurer, Mrs. • Gladys.
Hamilton, ' ."financial . • secretary,
Mrs. ,Pearl Jamieson; sec., Mrs:
Dorothy Short; Warden, Mrs.
,Agnes''' ,Alton; °'Chaplain; Mrs.
Jean' Irwin; Conductor, Mrs.
Eunice' Fteid Inner Guard, Mrs.
Ruth Mathers Outer guard, Mrs.
Mildred:' Leader; "' ,•
1VIrs. Eva Blaclt 'was presented
with ;a ast ' reside• '
p P tits pin for
three' ears in Office '
y e as ,firiarncial
secretary. •
After 'the meeting, lunch was
served and a, social half hour
was enjoyed;
Mrs: ' Ken. MacKay of Ripley
'secretary of the Bruce :County.
Tuberculosis Association,: h a s
released , figures On 'the givings
to the Association; from the vari-
our towns., andvillages,
• the
County. The 'objective .of the
cornrnittee ' is. to 'raise:- 13
.s x,000:00:'
gh h
,through'the. ,sale of Christmas, •, .,
seals.:,,To date
. ,.�._+..-.._. _..__ $.7.847._7.8.: ';�� ...::.•.,.
. ' -. face been
subscribed'., which is u
._ : - T '._ e . P: about_:
$1•,200 over. the same period last.
ear.` D
y orations
are still being ..
received, and those, who have
ne le'cted the
g , , ,Matter are request-
ed to make their . donation at •
their • earliest convenience. -
:.The surrimar . of the . �' `
Y .••,towns in
the county and the moxnt
scribed . is as follows:
'reeswater, , ;
{ f .281.00.
C1 esley. Y1 . }:Y:1 �.,. /••
YY•• 75
Sotithampton ,•Port Elgin
and District 1381:50
Wiartgn, Tobermory
`and District , Y
Paisley....Y.Y.:..i.: ,:. ,...,:;. , ., ., . 491.56.
Lucknow • �,..,,: .::.,,Ra 6 le" 13,50'
Kincardine aYYY. g69.
rdmay .,Y..e„ 419,0