HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-01-15, Page 9WEDNESDAY; JAN.. 15th, 1958;, THE I CKNOW SENTINEL, LT KNOW, ONTARIO.. CHIMNEY FIRE 141CeUMTheatre ENDANGERS HQt WINCRAly Two; shows each ni ht g First:0.7,15: THE T. A�RE.L C OED S ` Monday, .Tuesday,:, Wednesday ea¢h week; • Thugs,,. Fri., Sat, Jan. 1647-18 Robert Ryan, Virginia: ]Mayo, "THE PROUD :,ONES': A • taut .and suspenseful drama that captures• tl e "'Honky' Tonk atmosphere of ` a ' booming fron- tier town. in Many a man • keeps his nose to• the grindstone so his wife 'can:turn leers ' up at the neigh - hors : '. (• CULROSS CORNERS), Chimney. fire• at. ;the home .of. Mr. and: Mrs, 'Cecil Me all and Charlie on - • . friday morriin. g gave the Teeswater Fire Brigade a run to. the country.; The. ;fire worked. its •way between the. ceiling and; upstairsfloor. Smoke and water damage' was extensive. ' Mrand Mrs.. Cliff Robb" and Lois r ere, dinner guests of Mr. and •Mrs Cecil . McNall .arid' Cliariie on Tuesday. evening.. Mr. and Mrs, Morley • Wa11 Elda were , in Toronto on Tues- day Mrs; :Ceeid McNall and.- ,char- lie spent Monday afternoon -with Mrs.: T Frank Brown. ._. Lois, and Kenneth Wall spent Tuesday with • Mrs. • Clayton Meyer.. while Douglas . Wali spent the day with Mrs.. Everett White- head and children . , Peeswater.'_ . • • • I INSURANCE • Can\'Now" Accept TOWN RESIDENTS •& ' COMERCIAL TRUCKS • • 'Phone. 1100 ' •OPTOMETRIST GODERI•CH. a ; FOR APPOINTMENT.. • • as wehi as uie farm ausiness:.. • ' For information` consult CECIL :FALCONER Phone Wingham.570_J-3• JOHN' McMURCH'Y, : RIPLE 1' ;Phone 20-r-23 Appointm•ent` or I:nformation See Win.- A. Schmid,.' +'Ph',one I.d7-w,,.Lucknow • R...T. 'KILPAT;RICK GENERAL 'INSURANCE r \ Autom'obile. Fire'_, Casualty :,1 •1 Ask about our •• •Special Package Deal • • FURNACE OIL, • ,: 'STOVE• OIL, KEROSENE, GASOLINE • See or call ': WM ,,"B D" . A.. U HAMILTON Phone 220 or 40' Lucknow Distr c 'Agent� ;for Cities' Ser i xv ce A. M. 'HARPER Chartered Accountant West Street • • GODERICH, ONTARIO 'Phone 25r Win ham .' Ontario .. • Telephones. .R:R; 7, Lucknow, Ont; • 'Phone , Dungannon .77,2 • WI NG AM. MEMORIAL EI�C� IA SHOP OP .• We Have ' Been Memorial • Craftsmen for 'Thir6Seven • Years, Always :Using' TIIE BEST, GRANITES Along With • ExpertDesigning and • • Workmanship. • ••'.'-• Prices MostRe:asona.ble • Cemetery -Lettering :a Specialty RS wA ' P TT . .O O N.. LNSURAN'CE Insure : With The C! ROS T��iAL;. L, SS MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE CO. T FIR E, WINp` , CAsC L ALTY for Reasonable, r"ates soun ro= U d p A TOM I B LJ✓. �� O t i n'� . r .`,.. .:a._ :fay.._... ct o & p ompt, s tis. Story -,� AND LIFE .. settlement of.:clai:ms:. To Protect ''Your'� ack•r ' • In T PARISH MOFFAT ' � -. sure; With Jack Today.'' ' -' • , Your Local Agent, ' C harlie Edgar entertained..Bob.-: Wall after. scho$1 on Tuesday,' chile Beverly and Doris Wall - visited with Mrs. Jas. Wraitlh.. Mr., Harold; Stewart resumed his work in Kincardine on MOP - day mor'ning :after spending :his. holidays; with his ,Parents, Mr. &; Mrs Tom Stewart. - y F.U. MEETING. HERE, NEXT WEEK: A 'meeting of`.: the Ontario Farmers, Union 'wills be held, in. the Recreation Hall, ' Lucknc w, On.„. 'Wednesday of, ''next week, January 22nd,: alt .8,30..The • .guest speaker, will. be Abbert CCormaek of Arthur„ honorary. ,president'' �•of the Ontario.' Board.. This ---meeting; is' -one -of -ten --be- ing •held in ,Hu�C ron" ou. my next week: to mark Huron County Farnn Union Week. ' �. Arrangements' for. the: Luck-, now meeting were:Made .by Rob ert D. 'Taylor; director of Huron District ` Farmers Unions, ' He organized 100 new locals and has' reaffirmed its stand tosupport producer - controlled. •marketing, boards offering suggestions. so• as. to :.have these boards . Operate'' More' efficiently . in the •best in- terests of •the producers. - • Farmers, their wives and -busi- ness people are. invitedto attend next Wednesday ;meeting. :KINLOUGI. The :I�olyrood W.I.. met .at the heroin of Mrs. Jim: Smith. • Fol- lowing .the.. opening .' exercises thank you notes were read from. 'those' receiving the Cheerio box - •es at Christmas time. • Plans are underway'. for, • .the'..�purchase Of new silverware for the Hall Mrs.,, Ernest Ackert ' and Mrs. William Eadie,.„were judges for the' jellied. salad 'contest with prizes, going• to .. Mrs: Raynard ,Ackert' and Mrs:. Jini Smith' It. was 'decided to: start the .card parties for 'the winter,..months beginning'g' i ex t Tuesday. evening 'Reports were given by the', conveners: of , the standing c'ommittees... ;Mrs Lorne Eadie, gave the topic; "At: the. Turn of. the .Year": • The, 'Motto `What is good',enough for: com-' pany is• not too good .for your family, be .it courtesy or silver teapot". Roll 'ca11, New •Year's re- solution. Poems were .read • by Mrs. Lyman Sutton :and • Mrs.. 'Raynard ,Ackert.. ;Miss ;:.E d.n a, Boyle ,conducted acontest on New Years resolutions. The meet - nig closed: -with .' God Save 'The Queen', and Grace.w. Lunch was served by the ''hostess _and _dir- ectors in. charge. .• Mr.' John 1Robb, Con. 10, ' un-- derwent : an -operation at Victoria Hospital,` London. We .hops for R.R. 3 'Teeswater • JA McDONAGH. :: . Phone; Teeswater : 57-r-41. • y R.R. 3, I:ucknow,, Out. 'Phone x01-5 • Dungannon .;PUB.IC, • .� CCOU NTANT� . • GODERICH,, ONTARIO Telephone 1011 -' Box 478. ... v.vvJv.•ir . � R• S. NETI IERINGTON Barrister Etc. •• Wrnghatn ,and` Luckno.w' , IN LUCKNO`V Tach Monda?y and Wednesday, • ,Located .in. the Muxiicipal,.Office 'Phene• VI/Ingham'' ' Office ' 48'' . ,Residenee' 97 McLENNAN.and " ' •.MacKENZIE FUNERAL r SERVICE':. L. . Services ,Conducted: .accord - ring to. your wishes at your. Home, your Church, or at rtur Memorial' CFiapel of ne• ` • addition:al. 'charge: AMBULANCE SERVICE: Phone 181,; Lucknow,; • d �' Day or Night Kenneth J. MacKenzie, Optometrt' •LISTOWEL,i•Os- •N't:' at the former Wrona:'Jew9'r4 ele store. 'k ipley, 10 a.m•,- to , _,p.m WEDNESDAY JA•NUARY-.15 and :every. Second Wednesday Eyes examined! - Glasses , fitted Mr.. and.. Mrs:, George Haden - by and Misses Edna and _Boyle were dinner.';guests:,of and Mrs'.'Clare"' '.Sparling•, at Walkerton ' on :.Sunday. evening. The • A.V.P.A. ' ' :attended the Deanery 'A X.P.A. skating party t .Kin" r i ca d ne on Friday:even= ig: n • • PAGE SEVEN, Now Playing .-"SHAVER CITY" in; ' color •with Yvonne De • Carlo. and Barry Fitzgerald MON, T17ES. & .WED.—January 20-21-2 ' John Wayne,, MaureenO'Hara and Dan Dailey Presenting the adventurous; biography of • Commander Frank aW. Wead, ',a hero' in World War I anda- tactical Jr:factor in the second war; • • THE WINGS; OF, EAGLES" " . In -Technicolor u ' '•` THURS,, ,'FEL:. &- "SAT, -January • Charlton :eston, Kat Hy Jurado and . Jack Falang A TechnicolorSuper-'t?estern in which • a cavalry scout wrecks, -a -peace; treaty -and turns --an: Apache-rendezvous- into.'anambush. 'ARROWHEAD' • -Coming-Coming—AdultEntertainxnent=."Until. They,Sail=with. . Jean. 'Simmons. - TREAT YOUR .FAMILX'' TO A GOOD MOVIE 101 o�• :W,. Co-op is now. producing the .most effective;ah.d convenient pig woitmer;on the market . .` No'need no* to disrupt 'the:feedin schedule. g u CO-OP Pig Wormer is incorporated in a complete feed to 'give. a''Safe, 'Easy -to -Use One Day Treatment. Simply ' substitute the regular ,feed: with • CO.OP Pig_:' Wormer for. one dAy' only. ' ` Pig.. . 3 y- Ask for CO-OP Wormer � today at u Phone .71, :Lucknow •';The Young : People froin-1 here wereguests of •• the Kinloss• Y.PS., :on .Saturday evening when they enjoyed'art outdoor . party. The W.A. . met on Thursday afternoon' at the home of...'Edna . principal of the Moosonee• sdhool aekncwledn g_a the „ bale which was sent ; earlier. • Iri this' school_ there are. 224 :Indian children. A:. quilting was,..planned for. Tues- day afternoon;' Mrs, 'George Hal ' and Ma°y Boyle with. Mrs: How ;= denby gave the 'meditation. This and Thompson, presiding: The wa's: a devotional meeting. Triose hymn "Father let Me dedicate takino' -part were Mrs.• 'Don Mc - all this Year torThee”. arid pray- ers opened' the .meeting. The p scri �ture, .;;_Mi ' eah.�„4 was .read by Mrs: Ralph :Hill, ,who • also 'ex-: plained and Conducted . a quiz on. this' chapter, The roll •cal•1 ' was ;also from• Micah 4: :Visitors were 'welcomed. A . letter, . was` •'read from - Mits Dorothy -Thompson; 'Cosh, Mrs. -Roy Schrieller, Colwell, Mrs. To Hod- gins; Mrs. Bert -Nicholson : Mrs -r George Graham, •:Mrs. , ` Midford Wall, . Mrs ' George ,.'•Haldenby. Mrs: Roy Sclineller thanked the hostess. The meeting closed with a 'hymn' ;and prayer ,and : lunch was served Y Profits Can B our NEVV-LIFE FE . DON'T DELAY - START TODAY - CONTRACTS AVAILABLE