HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-01-15, Page 5F. •
WEDRNSDAIrk JA, 15th, log
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TIE .1;14610W ,ZISOK.NoW, ON.TAR,10'
'&.07E. MEMBERSHIP 'GIVEN Christ. 4 letter was; rVd. fre4r, ;
BY •SCP).111 EPsilio•OSS wx,s:., Rev. and Mrsi. McKay loy Mis•.$;,
Tii, January,ineti,ii.o: of ,,014ttl. MaoLeod.: Our PraYer•*4re ai§k-•
..gcl that they may . faithfully.
IcinlosS' WKS'. ''''WP.• held In the: ,CdP;;Y: oh , drid also for the ,t•vo. • i_
church or)Wednesday,. .januair, of the family they left. behind to, .,.,
:8th with .lytra-• Wm. VfaeIntre. :he- edvh4ted, Thank you notes'
as hostess; And MrS.1410Yd AffaQ4"-wer.O'read fr‘orl'i ille:...rPciPient of 4
Dougall presiding; • . .• ., the Christmas ,boxes, pl.aps, were
/reet.ing Vehed • with ' made for :the. World's 'Day of 4
'Prayer ar,i0 -seriPtuye reachng 1.3,7.. Prayer', February 21st, also fdr e4,
the presiclent Business was dealt the eVcreUtife : meeting of the y.
with ahd, thank you :note $ Were PresbYterial -wh ie'll",'ineets " in `*
readg'. .' " •.' " ' 1 *...• -• Wingham on januarY 14th. Two
'Mr., .11'.''Nfac•Ihtyr,e, and Mrs; 'delegates Wer6 alal"Intd; Mrs'!.
Otirrie ' Colwell Were. '1113ini.p.feci Little .•ancl'i Miss Nellie 'MaJohlm...
delegates ' to 'attend the • donda,1 .1.'he atiidY book, Japan ahlY',
Meeting of Maitland Presbyter.. ''t)tese../Tv.t.,ed -10Y..-Mrsi,.i.::McOleari. - 11,
jai iri Winghain on Tuesday,. Jan-, was••••SpeciaIly, in'terestink. as Mrs.
Uar*y. 14th, Twenty-five ,inemhers. '1VIcd. lean's brother ,has .visited in
.answ9red, . the roll: call with a :Jaipan •and , has ' given' her 'pl,CtL-
verse.• , of.%•scriptiare--:.*With--.." 'the ).i_rgi of life there, alsoHa 0- eisha
wofd "'Come". . • . .: - dancing girl; -in a 1/4colorfiil and
The scripture and, meditation beautiful costume: The Japanese
on "-:"DOreas" was ably taken by are noted „for their love of. ;beau -
.Mrs.. ,T,;-..Collyer-.ThoSe - taking - ty,T.Japanris. described as ---4 fairy
part in the Prayer Circle were land. Mich of the. old .ways
iss,'Dean acLeod,. Mrs. .D.: L., seem to, have .been t sw- ct awa
isilis,,,,r, ,...... "-:,- ra iros ima
.4 ' bOrrthing • Of :WOW War. TI. They'
. Current leVelit-Sf Were .giVen. by are a hard iVorking ,and 'thrifty
. . . . . .
, rs.. Graham, Mrs. MrS_. MacDonald.' people ,and, ,9.0 percent literate:
and Ruth Steer, -' who -read. news ' There i not r plough foOdin the
letters iron' some .Of our .miss-- country . for . their . minions of
ionaries. , , ' , ... . . ' , ,people, Tokyo being' the,..largevt .
The chapter • from the study 'city; irr,.the.world. They are glad
book on .the ChUrcheSof ,,Ipdon-.
to,. accept help :fronr .any who. •
esia .• Wks, taken by•' Mrs. .1=tosS
sMaelVlillan: !Ily/nrr 74'; :Was sung ' °f f eI. ' .:'*it.' ti -i .' thetil.g: ' was clips'''.
after . which 'a . life membership ed by using.a hyrnh, Of conSecrea7,-
;.w.as „presented to Mrs Ross Mac- toil, followed by prayer:...0.. en -
Milian.' .The presentation was ,•joYe.d the social hour 'when o;:de.,'
ariaAo. by Mks. Win: ";‘/TdoIntyre ori
;behalf of 'South Kinloss WM.S.. liciOus lunch.was..*.seilied
, .. . ..
The meeting closed With , Pray-
" • .
er • and 4. dainty Juncli ':•was.- ser- ZlOrl W.4.S..
The • Afternoon ' Auxiliary- of Ved: by the directors, Mrs,' '' it Mrs, 'Jake i. Hunter ' held :tlie,.:
Carripbell: and Mrs.' • aprold'.,AiiS .. .1i114ai-.3r . .. OW -. ine.etig: "l't :her
the W.M.S.- of the .United, church tin.: , : \ : home with L4 ladies, one visitor
met on •Tuesday, January .',7th :in' , .and .one child present : . The roll'
the, • Fellowship, Room , of the rresbyterian Chureh'. W.M.S. call was ansWered with •a:,New
Church :.:'• ,The• President, ' ,Nir.. . 140i Mary' MacLeod was hos- :•Ye'org "ie§ohitiori .1Ce6p . tip to
Dint,i4n ., opened • .t1.4, • -meeting : tess for the January . afternoon Date. .•it only .conies One :day
with. ..tli'.e. , use'. of !Ili,rinir .574. ineeting. Of: the :WOMehrs Miss:- iri .: each 'month. 'Perfeet . attend -
"Sanding at tlie Portal, 'of the iOnary ,Society of the ,Presbyter ance for '155..17 goes 'td. Mrg. .dor-
crpening year". ' The theme for: ion ChOreh. •There were 2.1 preS- don 'Ritchie, Mrs.; 'Nelson. Ray-,
‘. the .devotional period :. was .`.`The 'ent. Mrs. McClean; Chairing the riard: and Mrs, ' Wesley. Ritchie.
•§P'cond MAW.% . The scripture k!s'' ineetirig,''oPenedL With••••,a:,.hyrim Temperance was 'given • by • ivir.
. son' was ' read . and '. commented and ;PFayer. The scripture read- Jiiii:•Ritinter,. and. devotional .by
.14pcn by • Mrs .: .W., 17:L.., Ailiapror:i. ink 'was., given by . Mrs: Nixon. Mrs, Wm. .0. .1-Innter'. with ' Mrs.,
„Mrs. P..1:foag read interesting .ex7. "Elizabeth" was the Wonla&-ehOs'. Wesley : Ritchie ioaclink , ti.I.,e
tracts about .the • .New Year with en or the study.•••in JanuaryseriPtiire and MrS.. Gordon Kirk;
lts ,Chall.ehgea. and Opportunitie0. Mrs.'. Little, ,.'reading from 'Luke, land. •the tiryer, ,I*S.: Jim Hun: -
A. letter received from Miss' gl.±. bpauitifuny :portrayed :Elizabeth ter ,•is 'in, eliarge• of the February, the' hoine of :Mrs; 1V1e1Vin: coll:•-•
. . ,
• missionary ..in 'Northern Rhode- -
. sle.;Wunner, ...a: United ''.Chureh• as .the first wornan tO. .COnfess .program. Visitors for - shut-ins ing for their January .meeting
. . .• • •
'PAGE nvit,
‘*040000,4,00,004w. •
and reverse charges:
,Liteknow United Church W.M.S.
Telep one Whigham.570-3,3, Collect'
are Mrs. Howard •rijarger. and .which was opened by Mis..Herb
,Mr. Allan Ritchie*.' Thank .',yeu: cl.aytc.n.:.Rey. Brydorx c(41 -
cards were i:Kei,:ved from *Mrs, ducted. the. Installation of ' the '
Wr.h- "O. rHunt ay and .1Vir.s. 'Allan: new _officers.' Mrs!, .Ross Blade.
Ritchie. Material for ' Supply. and '.-Mrs. .Robert: Osborne', the
quilt is .to be, purchased. Mrs.. new , -president and ,secretary;
Jack Gardner ,•sang a 'solo. and then' . took their . new dut,'
Mrs. a A:'-nackett gave a -read- ies.-'The'lreasurer's.• report show-.
4-1g. "Keep on Going": Mrs.. Wm. -ed that the allocatiOn.. had been
G. apd.Mrs.,,Nelson Ray7. met. Mrs.: Melvin ,gave
nard the nursing, TiOnie 'New. Years reading. Wal-
._LuckriOW, handing each one ter Deter opened. the, devotions
:With 'a bag of treats 'amounting with :Prayer: After singing a
to $5.0G as our donation : Mrs. :New • Years, hymn, Mrs. Jaines.,„.,•
Jack :Mcpcnagh read 'a, chapter :1V.faCTavish gave -a chapter ,froni.
in• the study: book. The next the 'study bcii* dealinig with
Meeting' is to be. held an the ,JaPen. Misses , Ruth Black s and'.
, Marilyn 'Finlayson, favored ,
World, Day of Prayer, February •
21st.• : •
4 • • a duet. Mrs.- Dotig, Henri read
the scripture and gave Ahe• corn:-
mentS after Which .Mrs..Doriald
Oli've.t. United Chureh..WAS• • MacTavish offered prayer. The
The Olivet W.M.S. 'met, 'at meeting closed with :the .S.
benediction... Lunch,. was served
and a 'social •hOurrenjoyed,..
sia, was react t;y Mrs., W. Ander-
son. 41eporting for .CitiienthiP;
• .Mrs, • Horten drew atteritidn' to
an article in MO Observer,
stainerS, ITnaniMoils?". in which
,verY,promirient Canadian .st4tes-
:, itien'.1estified,to, the ,benefits of
being a . total :abstainer. The
:Study. book chapter on. Japanese
Wothen Past and 'Present, : 'was'
cleScrihed .by 'Mrs. J. W. Joynt
and Kiss Ada Webster.' Mr.
-Meikleiohn..'ShoWed a. filti
-With • Me. After '• the.
hymn the ..fgroup'. of. 20
inOinbers -arid fp.to' guests „were
..sOried, lunch, by the "Comiiiittee.
in charge; 'Mrs. Drennan; 'MrsSQn and.'
.Miss Ada' Webster...
• icifilosi7United Churek.'W.M.SMrs.
',Wm.. .C'ampbell:. was hos-
tess:ltd the •• January meeting of
Eleven Members'
were, 'present. The meeting openT
ed, .with a wership.,service . con-
duCted by Mrs. James MpEwan
. All the menibers took part iii
the disCitSsiOn questions
were' based on ..th0'scriptures..Ms..
g4i§oji Hodgins, the newly, •.,
. elected, President; COnducted, the
busineSsR6II Call was.. ansWer-
ca:..by:,'pkvroop,t. of fees It was
r•,'".*:c�iti regular
,itiorithlyo •
-' V" "t S'ek and Shut...*
, s•
ins. :the study boak g1ven..in the
fonn of a; dialogue; wiaS taker '
by Mrs.` C'ampbeli add'
Wm. ,Stsialek. W learned'
ihore about 'the...Vrarrien, of . Jap-
an, ''1VIrs. Dean. •:iiewitj. read a
‘,PoetiV Mrs.' Lorne- TiOdgifis gave.
taiding oti 'tenciPerafite •Mrs:
•• .4ii461,4'.113antierinan.:$Or Cemintin-
, itY Priendshiti 'arid. Mrs.
Campbell: Thr suppiy, aVIts,'
ICOlweli gave a' it•Oeth with,
thoughts. 'for the 1\l'eW Year, 'MPS'.
1,Jalile'.1Vfotwati. read a letter
4roto Miss- Elsie 13tumeri new:-
lY apPpintod,
iNorthern Rhoclesia'.She. :told of
ii t:110:CObt56,rbeit: he preg-
io(oit osed ihd trieetihg with
t)r4yerp •
• The nurse is saving regularly e
for a vaiation, trip
, he father is saving for the thin s
growing child,Will need .
• .
ur ose for Sail
Nurse and father 'both agree that somethings
are tap inip'ortadt-to:lelVel67611,arke. Sp,
like most Canadians, each dses a chartered bank.
:for planned saving, Making regular deposits...
to acconii31ish a definite purpose.
Your own 'savings plan may be a short-term,
. • . .
modest one — maybe a vacation trap, or neW •
. •
drapes for the living room: Or your goal, -
may beldiag-Tange, like providing more
security, greater comfort • and independence..
for you add your family. ..: • • .
But Whatevefuse.You find for the moridY yo
.save; yOu'll,alwaYs be glad you saved itt •
• Save at. a bar* milli:we do
11 0 114* I