HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-01-15, Page 14• • • $2 5aA ar. inAdvance-$1;00 Extra To f: • Z,UOK NO W„ • ONTARIO W.r,)tNESDAY, JAN. 156, d Tuesday _ eve Joynt, Idle Ten Years Beatty Bros. • of Fergus,, a firm known 'coast—to—coast has pur- Chased,' the,' ,,Lucknow Industries factory • from Wm. Renaud oi, Kitchener. Reeve George . Joynt was .in• and sell'efrtogether,' and was in• Kitchener on ;Tuesday .to see the:, transaction. -finalized; Mr. `Joynt :has .had an exclu sive li in s stn on this property for over two years.. During. that 'time he •has .:been working persistently and follow- ing up• ; every. lead, in an : effort- to ; sell the • property for -Mr. Renaud and get the "wheels •of industry"'rolling again in' this plant . which' has 'been, idle for about. •tin, years=since: 1948.' Wood:Working Plant Established when ' this Village. was- • still ' in, its: , infancy as .4 furniture-factory;';ood working' is still .to' be its• Purpose. Beatty; Bros. have an extensive; wooden, ladder. ,business;• and,`'the manus: facture' of these :ladders; ,and eventually3 other wood P • roducts, will be ` conducted'. in eted • the Luck- • now plant. Their complete out Put of ladders . for~ ,the •Canada " '• - wide` market Will' be manufactur, ed • here. ; .'Ne gof . , sating 'Three Wee �: ,ee negotrat= ing' 'fore about 'three . 'weeks. for thee sale of the factory. One of the .requirements`'-rs :a ,fixed .ass7. me ess e. nt,• on which • the taxes on property and P Y, land will note• ex- '` teed approximately •.-$1,500 an- >nually:fora. period of A five,years;:. Tax'. revenue, . �at present., from ' the' idle plant is 1222.23.• well -as a;', -$300 -:increase ' in tax; reijenue, there :will:, be-..substan- tial e•..substan-tial revenue for the hydro and water ' utilities, to: say nothing of . the many other Community, and economics . benefits; that. will l result from this 'industrial "shot • the .arm" Approval: of.:the .fixed assess- ment will . be required:` by • a , two- third Majorityof .the.; property' .owners of ' the Village. Date.. for the . vote has not yet 'been set.. Sale ,price of... the factory is naturally • not ,being made public, but the transaction includes the adjacent 'liot and residence, know n e to older :residents . as4 the Tom Aitchison;. homer_ Probably ` 35 Men " Details of when the.: plant, Will start operating, and how many men 'will , be employed, are as ; yet not. official. ' ' Considerable work will be required to get :the plant . ready for operation = It is` suggested 'that in the neighbor- hood of 35, rnen may be employ-, ed in the early stages' of oper- ation.' A limited number : of key • Personnel and skilled Tabor, :will be required, ; as, we. Understand,.. i~liew :peri can soon learn .the re- -claire/milts of some of ' It's; ex • , the work. citing and happy ,news, • but no onewi_. ll:. derive "more per- sonal satisfaction fromit than ` Reeve George W _ .• Joynt. It's+. the year of the -.Town's , . . Sepoy one hundredth anniver- sal a ;. .r ,, . , Y and we could not 'have ask- ed,orhoe.., da p d for, a better . brbh= �' present. ,AGED LAD Y� PASSES' IMrs: Robert MacD• . 84, died : i , ..., •, onald, 'age n Ash field on •Tues aP last: , .. day. er , week.. She was, the form+. •Sarah .,C bhe.•, ne McIntyre,: at eri. ... funeral ':Frida ' " service• was" held on y at the 'Johnstone. � . 1�1om°. , _ .. With , ., Funeral•. c'ttirlrClbtkr, 'wi in•. i�rii • '• � ,,. , th interment.. tail Cernete C'OUNCllL, UN'ANIii/OUS' FIXED ASSESSMENT • . At , Tuesday night's inaug ural meeting • of the Village Council,• Reeve • Jo nt news o e sale 'of the Lucknow .Tndustries• plant, more •familiar t'o many_; as:.,:.the_ ' Lucknow Furniture, 'Factory'.., The. Reeve had re turned from Kitchener, less than two hours'' earlier; after seeing the deal :completed. '' Council gave unanimous•• approval` 'to ' a \ fled assess-'' Ment for a five-year, term on which tax revenue of 'ap- proximately ap proximately.: $1,500. per year•, 'will be received, or • about $300 per year More than is presently • being derived. >,Councl took immediate . steps to have.' a -by-law pre pared which -will` • have to •be submitted to • the., property owners: of the., Village •for • their sanction` of, the fixed,,` assessment. A two' third majority is required., TEEN �WN . Q MEMBERSHIP. NOW STANDS SAT 117 The first dance of 1958:. was held at -:the •Recrea. i"on r t al .centre.' There were 42..Teentowners • and 20 'visitors for; -'a grand total of 102 in:', attend•ance.• :The ''member ship of. Teen Town is now 117. Ripley's Teen Town has. >invit ed• •`.Y:e Lucknow •group to a :skating- .party • in Ripley .on •Jan- uary 17th: ZO . MANUFACTURE f:. WOOD 195.8: TEN PAGES. 'PRODUCTS HER. HOSPITALIZED AFTER, FALL AT HIS• HOME • • Donald MacLean .has been a patient ' in Wingham : , Hospital' - for the'past ten "days, 'since suf- . 'fering a, tfAll ' at, his home, on. Monday .of last week Donald fell in * the' basement e trlr r iu o wio•; He stepped on ,sorne sticks "which threw him off balance. X-rays have not revealed' :any broken bones, n we understand, but Don;= •old was•' shaken up , by. the r its `. hap, and has since been confin- ed ' to 'the hospital: • FACTORY WHEELS •TO START .TURNING AGAIN AGED ASHFIELD GENTLEMAN PASSES The deah of George G. '• I)ran- nen; age` 93'' years, occurred at his :hiorne,. in Ashfield on°;' Satur day. The : funeral .service was. conducted :on ,Tuesd •' ay afternoon' At the 'Johnstone Funeral: I•Home, Lucknow,' . -by: Rev.' Neil' :Mc Com.bie: of Ashfield . Presbyterian C'hurch.:Interment was in .D:un- ,annon Cemetery,. • Mrs <D. raYlnen-, was the='fora°rier•' Violet Barger. Ee ides his widow' five sons ' -survive, Bili, John -and Ray • Drannen .of. Duluth, Herb and Wilbert at home. Also •sur viving ..arse a :brother. and. sister, Tom' Drarinen'of .God-, erich ,and 'Mrs... Frank MacIntoh of Windsor et y ur ns landFr m •, �. o German , . 9. n .. s .To S' ecral►z� ln•.�11�eurosur er•• Dr. Alex. G: MacIntyre has re- turned to England • from , Ger- many. He • spent Christmas at. Oxford, .and ' had a . short visit with his uncle A. M Nicholson, M,P,' while : "Sandy" was ip .Lon - Alec has spent the ' past` 'year•' in the University Surgical.'Clinic in Heidleberg,' Germany, where he was fu11 assistant to the:fam:: ous German surgeon,-ADr. 'Bauer;' This month Alex-heglns his: -work in the • Basi Science tute of the: Royal. College. of Sur- ,geons:;in;;London,. with a view to:•: specializing` in neurosurgery Atex is the son of Mrs. Archie .. Macli tyre of Kinloss 'Township and the late Mr: •Maelntyre. • BEST WISHES, PROM KINLOUGII DR: ALEX . C, :M'acIN.TYRE : JOE :HOWALD JOINS' NAVY • Joe; Howald,. son of - Mri 'and' Worden•AHowald of Luck - 'now, has joined ' the Canadian Navy and- left on Friday to re- port.. for.: basic training -'at ` Corn wallis,' Nova 'Scotia.:.: Joe's parture was, on his ,. 23rd :birth day. An older brother,- - Harold; ' is attending Stratford Teacher's' College. this ' year to 'obtain' ; n his p.• . e' rrl anent ` certificate • KEPT''WEA E_ TH R RECORDS . . HERE FOR SEVENTY • YEARS'' Offit ial doll weather�. records have 'been kevt locally : for sevr enty:. years,.' with; 'niont'h1 s Mary reports `.submitted to 'the Domi neon weather .office: The first weather recorder was' the late -'Malcolm MacDonald;; who carried on these duties from 1887 to 1904. ,He was., succeeded by his son, Mr. Will 'MacDon ald'' in 19:04 and who served un- til 1920., T J: Salkeld did the recordings from :.1920 until. 1933: J. 1VI• Greer then took -over: the duties, 'which he still carries on. It will be 25. years in February since. Mel began recording the weatherr and that rates ;him as one of . `the longest, continuous observers in the ,service of ' the Department. Not only are weather 'condi- tions recorded, but "off the re- cord" unseasonable .: happenings are frequently noted, such nill. December 1899; hoey . +beess. in ' Dec.e�mber 1895, edandeliontc., etc. PU BLIC; LIBRARY VALUABLE ,ASSET:. The Lucknow Public Library- -;% is a community , asset.; that :is' taken pretty much. for • granted, and is ;,probably ' not being made 7' full use :of' in this day of ,many diversions. Many w+ho would do'; more ' reading find %the <dernands on their time prevent it:..Besides this 'business a. li. of `. •makin g ;vmg, there are civic, church and soc- ial activities that engross many, -w ih i 1 e others have tbecome chronic TV watchers., We . wonder. how many others • .there are ..like,... . us,' who. afer„ spending, a free evening, (if you: can. et '.it •' w t�hi '' the' .g : ).. a c.. irrg • TV, have n summed it up as a Wasted,. 1 evening,. wishingwe had spent it' eisurely in a, good book •or:''. Mad . •ne, or ' in . some • other i� ` . worth bile.'accom lishment. ' a But, to et:'. back ;;•to the get, sub.:. 'ject. The Lucknow PublicLib .. rary has . been 'modernized -and : is. ` stocked witha selection of books that rates it high' in Comparison.; . with other libraries ` in :.the dis-. trict. Elsewhere rin ' this : issue is' an advertisement focusing attention on the Library and listing many.' n'',/voIurnesWhich :Were . recent- ly placed on the shelves. Members of the Library; Board ' are: . Stuart �C;ollyer, chairman Mrs. ,W R. Howey, • secretary- treasurer; P:. W. Hoag, E. H. •Agnew,. Mrs. Jessie . A+lliri A. E. McKim; Librarian, Mrs. -Marshall ENGAGEMENTS Mr, ,and Mrs... Ernest 'Carter 'of Lucknow, announce the engage- anent 'of'. their" eldest daughter; 'Emily iCathrine', Elva. Carter of Aylmer,, to Aircraftsman Dennis. David McKinney, • .,R•CA,F. ,Station Aylmer, 'eldest . son of Mr. and Mrs H A M•c Kinriey Viking, I Alberta, the wedding to take s:'Your Subscription Paid? place early in March.'' ' `SCfheerio", .Lucknow, Frornyy_our:::..fxiends at old�Ktn.:: lough; • We leak you're goingto cede7 . brate,.. So go, ' ,go, go! Yotu've Sons .and daughters •ghters far afield; And neighbors to and. fro Who want to come and. have some -. fun, So go, go, go! You've many intellectuals;, . �•, Musicians by the .score; And .scores of willing wawkers,. • How Could you .ask for. more?' : So buckle up your courage And get • on. with the "show" Well, all be there, your joy to share, . So go, .go,.. go:w • uncil otes e o bac) entennal, CaII PubiicMeeting On Fri . The: attendance and enthus- • ourried• until Tuesda `' 5 y night, but. i • asm shown At'a public rrieeting !'not •befor.e taking prompt cent= calie.d for •.Friday •of this week', ; tennial actlori. Reeve—Joynt, pointed out that ,will, , de t .ermine • - . .whether or, not the 1957 Lucknowwill'" Council .. c ou' 1 d not -prop= ; stage.." ani' 4"Old erly compmit.the 4958 Council in. Boys' celebration. this .surrimer' to this regard; but iminediately the' observe its one hundrec'.th..birth new:: Board'.. took office he called da for action regarding a :centennial r'ite..tinig. SO- tha:t somethings:con- 7 he Meeting,. will be held • in .cre.te cou]cl"•be .offered at' such the Town 'Hall; •commencing. at a ' 'meeting,• Courrcil 'a and � :, , �, , , �, ••approved 8'.00 o'clock, anti men ',We-'.sPend.ing. up to One 'Mill for n'c- %nen alike ate urged.: to be..pres- e.S ar.,y expenditures . in 'marking. ,ant. , this .`hui�di'e tli -anni'versa'ry of'' .the :S o' .TOW.*„. :Ont:'•mill rep- resents be,tween:: $900; and $1000, it :was stressed' however,. • •,.t was . waver, that... the +C'ouricil could not run a ceht . ter•nial and that a • strong :corn rAit'toz frcnz interot citizens The, Village Council on 11Ionr:: day took tthe first,'„ a 'ori .`...- start, im- portant portant• step to start the ball rolling. Sworn, into ofifce that• r-orning, the • 13oar'd up . tir4Y . year-end.business and':'ad- ' and organizations would benet- ess'ary. •• Upon.. approving. the one mill a .g. expenditure, the .Board lost no time in setting'Friday night fo`• the initial public' meeting.: Reeve ,Joynt : had conferred with. The Publisher .before the ' end of: tahe •year in regard to such a • meeting, but felt then'''that Un- til ',such time as he Could assure' a Meeting ofCouncil's financial st. •port, there could be nO good purpose •s'erved'.- by a premature gag' therin .. ;and: so defer% i•. f . ecl action. 'until' Monday when . the 1958 Cooncil • officially took office.;'', Reeve Joynt's: aririouncenent of the • meeting 'at '.the Lions Club' 'on •' Monday night was, greeted" *lith; h^ rty app1:iuse. •4{, • 4j • •