HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-01-08, Page 5• .
' . • , A .
'' •
••• wiEDNESDNY, . JAN. 101; 1.950' ••• • T.4..WitblOW'SENTiNEL• Li.TCH..Nb*
• , • -
• KINSBRIDE :Qftore of London, Mr. &
Krese of Kitchener,. Mr. ',John'
(iniendo For. Ioa4t. Week) .-of TOrontO, 'Mr., & IVIrs.
MrS. Jerry ',C.Orinor ia'sPend,:. *19s. Reid of TorontO, Miss Fran-'
jag the holidays with •ther SiSter,.ces PeterI4erman of
Miss Anno meicinnon in Wing- ,Londori Mike Dalton, of Guelph,
hom, . , • . rs..Arthur 'O'Connor and dau-
• Norpan cycbrinor andghter of :Pickering, MrsJosietoe
hter Patricia sPent Christ
Of Wallaceburgm
with relatives.- in DetroitoresDalton of Dettait,
Miss Mar-
CongratUlatlofls to Mr & Mrs..
Jo,: O'Keefe upop ,the :arrial of
daughter on. Decerriber. 21st in
°derich Hospital.
Miss 'Betty. ,Becker spent Christ-
mas., a :her -home, in .MildrilaY,.
Rev K Sheridan of HamW
andhis,. sister,,,°Miss Mary
SOridan. of Toronto- visited.heie
• during the Past Week. L‘• courtncy..
Mrs; Fred ;Vassella Carl,Ell
and Linda
Mrs.,. Van VYnckt: of ;Toronto, ' • •
WI' motored to Detroit
iastweek-end for the christen- ••is Vending the-week-:erid wit
ing Of the infant son- of Mr and
Mrs. 'Jat. Sinnett. •Carl Vassella
and ,Eileen. were sponsors for
vdmund •Frederick...
Mr; John l?oherty aIso a000ln-
;. panied the Vassellas to ,DetMit.
Mr. and • Mrs., Dennis Dalton,
• T •,rio
her inother, Mrs. H. Lambettu§,
garet. Foley .of ,Str,:athroy, Mr. &
Mrs. Jas., Sinnett and bf.
Detroit, Mrs. • Nora •Sinnett,
and. Mrs. TrierWeiler and, child
yen of Detroit,' Miss Antoinette
Dalton of Wurtsrnith A,F.13., As -'t
• coda Mich; , ' •••
• Miss Mariori ,Felrows of CO&
%•- .
erieh was 'a week -end .gue0 ;at.
the home of Mr.. 'and Mrs. Jos.
:MrILUIPIP.4111,1re," "ti-• 41r, rr.W,:ii" ._.,_w.
Rev: .11.' Van Vytickt. andth
Lieiman family at the Rectory
• ..Corigratulationi 'to Mr. & Mrs:,
'Eldon Austin,: whose wedding
took place ori' Saturday, Decem-
ber '28th, at St. Augustine R,
Church. ,
, .
p - •
who attended the dinner at
A vote on a petition received from the Ontario Wheat Producers'
Association that a proposed wheat producers marketing plan be
,apProVed• will be held on Friday, January 17, 1958.
Polling booths will beopen from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m: •
. ,
In addition, polls at The -County Department of Agriculture
office will bekept open from 9 a.m. to 5' p.m.—Monday,
January 20th to Friday, January 24th, inclusive. ,
. • • ••
. .
• Ontario Department of 'Agriculture Office
motored to:it ICitchener 'and Ham- er piinlop Inn from this, district
Ilton to• visit with relatives there were, Mr. Frank Austin,' Mr. &
• during the past 'week., •••-' Mrs. John Austin, ivir and ..Mrs:
1101CMidnight Mass • Vincent Austin, , Mr. and ‘1V,Irs,,
Midniglit• mass. 'Christmas •Jos : courtnY'. and Gary, Wilfred
had an •:unusually large attend-. Austin and Miss Marion. FelloWs.
ance; Many • visitors from'neigh4 f GOderieh, •Mr: and, Mts. Cyril
, • ,
boring Parishes• •••., of .Goderich,
• Lucknew and St •Augustine were
present... ,The 'choir ;Under the
direction Ofs.Mr. Hein. Hendricks;
and Peter J'Jierrnari; are to be
... Congratulated upon their • °fine
rendition of the Mass and. thany
.loVelY Christmas' cari,ols.
Austin, 1y1r. and Mrs...Frank 'Mor. -
an, Mr. and :Mrs Jas: ' Keane,
Mrs. Irene Murphy,. Mr,••,and Mrs'.
.Alvin .Moran and ,Mr. , and • Mrs.
Wilbur Moran of London, .Mrs:
Mabel: Quigley - and : •Mrs. Mary,
Chisholm: of Godericif; Mr. and
Mrs: Ian Parker (Donna • Lari;-
, . • . • .•
in de_ nai-o: of London. . . ' •. ' .
ileN, 'Father Van VYrickt;
liveriffg his Christmas sermon . •Mrs. Ed :Oilmbre• 'went via:
'and, greetings '. to. the.:*.Congrega. plane, last Week!. to attend, the
tion,•fhariked-each and everyone •funeral of her sister, •Mrs 'T. J-
; who had. endeavoured ,to make Kirby. of Stettler, 'Alta; Mrs., Gil-
• this midnight mass *a very' .spec- inore;Willalso' ViSit'her son 1Ed-
ial occasion, land exhorted " all Ward and his family 'in Calgary,
those present , to . visit ' the Crib before returning to her home
and there 'mediate: . on • the Sib- 'here. early in the .NeW Year. •,.,-
Erne' lessons manifested by the ., • . • . • .
, • • Mr. and IVIri.. Walter:ad'
... . • • 4 ..
• 1101y0-1
Family ; . , • Clare. :* '
,'.14.. Win•.. Clare ' .spent Christmas
Day with.the .Ryan family in (Intended -For Last Week)
Congratulations to Mr: & MrsChesley.
Eldon Austin. (nee Mary Agnes'
Mr. and Mrs ' Cppperauld of
:... Toronto, ,..(34rs. Clare's ,...sister), .17s...tin leAonug)u•swtihnPe: wcehrtienlharorhied.oin:.
'. .visited•with the ,Clare 'family. for
., 6 few 4,43is.,,. . ,-, • :,., , . . eembei 28th. ori.• Saturday thorn_
: 7 The'. Chriatrna,s dance in the 'ing. A. large crowd' .4 relatives
parish hall on Friday ,night was °ncl. friends attended 'the wed.ding-
ell ipdriatirgohritiaewd,aradneddv:tthhee...,dprraizwe ,:,
Our . visitors who were home
Winnirig. quilt to Mrs'. ! Jas:''. Sillfor Christmas included Misses-
. • nett of Detroit, and• the ....needle- IVIcycaeonRpebarril,:fn...pcic,6,1 ' Burwell,Wi ,n 'd Windsor, Bern
point handbag donated by ...San-
. •.,dersinfi Ladies'.:Store; Lucknow, eaednetLee: ciBdoi.:1:f. ofwinljg%nadinQP,'idl‘1‘yaauri
. to Mrs. Rebt.: Howard,..jr: .. . ..
• , ,.
. • Chriatinas. visitors ' here from BroPhY or • • Greenock, Mr.., and
a''diStance :were Mr:* and ' '''Cv.irs(.. '11chri!"tblarj;n., 1Y1'.Nitilrb.ernayda:ndyitRs.it.461.2°sf
Clarence •Doherty Of. Toronto,
Mrs. -RingmaoitfinTeeosfvV,aHtearm, i:lIVItoinss:Kmilnsa...hyran; _aEriddwagrdies,haSeite'vMe,r.,Daal4de
Miss. Florence ILambertiis of and Mark ..V1ofa.,..B1c:99.stfoLn.749isT ,4Rigtri;'sNIBeIri9:::'
ilarnaltori„ WI. and Mrs' . d. Gil- '
,..nior of London, • Miss ...Prances iiis:, - mr. and Dlr.. D: steffei'6!
• • • .• 11Ve A are Sorry 'to renOrt ;that.
Mrs. John Bell.is seriously .111••
at !her home in Calgary... Mrs. ,.
Bell .i,s•••• the former Annie Red -i
• „. '
. • .
. • I.'
F. IC B. -Stewart
• .
. •
G. F. Perkitt
• Chairman
, • , •
• •
' • •`„
. •
• 4.•„
. ' t. r •
- • , • •J • ,
' t
P. 4
• .
She was, a 'sister. of the late Mrs.
George Brophy,. . Surviving : are
two nehevvs, Jos ,Brophy, Truro,
gclward,- St. .AugilStin;:
s(Vrtisla)'Mrs E Robitailla, of
AlbanY; .Agnes of. Boston,.
mass.. Ada of Toronto and Sis-
ter .17ramis' ,Joeph.; (Edna) • .of
CongratillatiOns" to Corinne 1.t.
Blair Redmond in PaSsing their
• ,
Chrittnias ekaws,', at , the Godep-
ich, •Collegiate. ' • • • '
, A. Happy New , Year. to the
Staff and readers, of: the ,.tuck -
Mrs. Jas..' Donaldson and Joarie
pent Christmas with her :dau-
ghter at Conn. ,
Mr.. and Mrs." Pete IvlacDonald.
and family spent spent Christmas :at
Clayton,' Retinger's,., Turnberry
TownShip. -;• • • '
Mr., Alfred' Ritchie of Luck -
now and Mr. George MacDonald
of Calgary. spent .Christimasat
Andrew. Ritchie's home
, Mr. George MacDonald, aVIi. 4,
Mrs.' Andrew Ritchie
and fam-
ily, Mr,. arid: Mrs, Pete MacDon-
ald and familsr,•:. Mr. and
new. Sentinel from St ' A.ugustine. Angus. MacDonald arid. family,
Sr. and. Mrs. .D. MacDonald
of Milton and Mr. Jack Gillies
were ,diririer. guestsof. Mrs
•• Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Retinger • •-..
and son and Miss 'Annie lgorri•
ion of ,*Wingharn;.0e.w. George •:.
MacDonald, 'Mr:- and Mrs. And-
rew: 'Ritchie, • were , 'New Year's.
guests., of. Mr., and :Mrs.. 'Pete • . •
MacDOriald. • ,
Mr.:••• and. AiIrs;1•iarVey..
lin 'and family are spending tbe.
holidays with Mr and Mrs.
ert Scott. • ' ' • "
Mr. and- Mrs.' °Leslie Ritchie'
entertained . relatives" for , New -
tears • ' •
.."...• •
„ • . • „
loor is for
. . ,
are/ tne only manufac-
. .
turerS. in this .'part of Ontario' •
of , plasS. rrionuitients
who imporCgra'nite from the:
.014 q64n'tt* in the rough by
the carload and,. process from
'the rough tothe finished
• nionuirient. N6,'iniddieman:
*hen choosing a' monument
toine and see selections in Ontario..
•Established over sixty Years.
Write or phone Walkerton 8 •
and reverse charges.
Died...,At 'Kitchener
Nkre .extend, our syrripathy:. to
the,••fampy, of the .late Jas.:
St. Marie :*(Sr.),..WhO died h1 -;',It
'chener; orr 'December'.
.was.,- held h ,the St,, Augustine.
Cemetery • •on TuesdaY'•triorriing,
December 3lst 'ather W.Ur-
b,anksi ciffiCiated,
Mr and Mrs Morgan , King,
Philip and Karen of Loridoil;viS-
ited• at the home. of their -.aunt'.
M.-Redthorid and their Other
friends „here' On Sunday. . '
Mr. and'Mrs. Ray ,Leddy,.Anne
Marie Elizabeth and: Danny- vis:
lied Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cour:they
arid family:.S• . •• • , •••
Mr. 'ard, W.' Will Kina• h•
13obbir. and •Genevieve, spept
ChristrriaS Day with. Mr. & •Mrs. ,
A. -Kennedy and family bf!;.Sea,••7 ••,;•
forth. • ' • •
Mr:. and Mrs: Cyril,
ited Mr.. and, Mrs. , Jim Phelan
• .• •
+ •
• f, 4 '
' '14
. • •
Mr. • arid' Mrs. 13ayniOnd Boyle
of .C.OlbOirie visited .,the R aY ' •Led-
•riv. farpily Sunday evening. L. •
Died .At -Boston t •
Mrs: •AchieS, Burns BestOri
W.A1.-KER717:9N diocl, Dec lgth,- in her.
year. Her hilsb.4nd
cicead her,. y5thio: 'ago..,
t. •.• • .• 1
. .
• • ,
bµ 4"
' .• r. .
• ,•
V •
This winter give your family all the warmth and
comfort they deserve. Heat your home with B -A SOLAR
HEAT—the clean -burning heating oil.
,ercier B -A SOLAft HEAT from
, • • • • „, ,
=know, .phone 55
Plione • •
. •
• • #••••;
• :15,1:
44 1 •