HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-12-23, Page 15WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23rd, 1959 ,.c THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, 'LLZCKNOW, ONTARIO bought for ' her and hid so care-' children, • in the house when. 1. fully, and she is not enamoured you're putting up the tree; there of that lovelpair of kneeling: �, � • �. � .. , . � I C � F g ' is a time that tests men's souls, Pads, • , and by the I'Toly Old. Jumping By 'W. Li.. T, Smiley . * * t)^ , Jeremiah, that , is one of them. DON'T leave all your Christ- It, is not the • language that • I inns shh pPing until' the last day, worry about at this " 'Christmas . is fine for kids, the selfish little ingrates And, it's pretty -good ;for old, people, be- cause somebody pays some at- tention to them for a change. But 'tor everybody . ' in those prime -of -fife years, it seems to be a time, of. tension, scrambling, worry and weariness. r• .,/ f hand; eco vides watches with' growing un- ease ' as • . the demands increase annually and be knows he'll be - in debt until June. The harassed housewife, • trying , to. ' cope with children's concerts, an ' ,ever - swelling list of gifts and cards, and an ever !increasing round'of pre -Christmas entertainments, along with the cleaning and fussing to do before. the big day, becomes' a study in exhausted asperity. * * * . However, ' it's' all our own pity,but C It's a great hristmas has got , out of nomiical- ly and socially. 'The Jamil y Pro - • time. It is then get a few. hookers under the fact that there is an axe too your belt and sally forth to wrap nano., • it all up in one merry excursion, Fellow I know did that last year, It took him until • April to get rid of the pony that arrived on Christmas morning 'for his four- year-old son. And he never could get back . the downpayment from the \airline' company on one of those "Fly Now -Pay Later" trips to ,South Americawithwhich he presented' his wife. ' s*'• Do take • the family out in .the woods to get .a Christmas tree. As your wife points out, 'it'san old tradition, . and soft of, well, fun. You' wind upwith wet feet, head colds, torn clothing, the ear all . scratched; and a . tree that looks as though it had been the locale of. he - Annual Spruce -buds Convention. But; you *can always buy one down at the corner the Get' up early and off you 'go, !next day. On Christmas Day ,inthe morn- -* s ing. allow . women and Visit your ' friends and wish them * * *•. DO make. •up a big basket and take it .yourself to the poorest family in ' town, on Christmas Eve. But don't be put . off if they're all sitting around watch- ing. television and the youngest. child ' looks at your basket . and pipes: . "Another • chicken, Ma, That makes four geese, . two turkeys and eight chickens," It's the principle that counts. . 'tit 2 • To top • off this recipe for a ti PAGE kit EN -1 .... w 1 ,.1 w —1 .. :.w w ti. e•- 1. PROCLAMATION At the request of the Lucknow .Business Men's . . Association, 1 hereby proclaim Boxing Day SATURDAY,; ••DECEMBER'26 m happy Christmas, I suggest you Z • memorize these lines, the only known fragment from ;the. works • of .Hugh Dunnit, the , great Welsh bard of. the eleventeenth century: Rather . than help the wassail flow, • Or loiter 'under .the . mistletoe, 1 DON'T • A ' CIVIC HOLIDAY:; IN THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW And all citizens are called upon to observe it ' as such. George W. G e . Jo ynt, Reeve, cheer; Add toyour wishes "A Happy New Year"; :Scorn all offers of rye or beer, And you'll feel. better, .I know, my Dear, On��nn:Christmas Day .in : the morn- ing, g, fault, and there's no need to feel; Riaunnn•na!■■a■nnnKnnAmnlnannpnhmtnmo mnlimmmi •rtflrt■in■n■iiinnnnPInna,■sf ,,iortlnnn■®nit■■'t i ahuf a>.niai0■aza , - sal • 111 '� l �• ! :AAA A �/ A. ■ lit•- r ■�•■ ■ —' —. ` n ■: a ■; sorry for: ourselves. People who have weak stomachs shouldn't ride on roller coasters. And Peo- ple who haven't enough . gump- tion to climb • off. the 'pre -Christ- mas bandwagon ' and make. it. 'a good and happy 'tune,deserve to wake u_v on 'Christmas` xnorn- ing worn out, hung over and 'broke. s *,. Despite the seasonal scramble and the high-pressure salesman- ship, it CAN be • a .happy; climax 1n our year, with a..little' effort, a little thought, and a good mea- sure of : tolerance. Just adopt the following simple/ formula, and you'll ;have,. the: happiest; Most rewarding ""-Christmas season you've ever enjoyed: a s s DON'T win a 25 -pound turkey at a , pre -Christmas raffle,' totter • up .the stairs under its weight at: 3 a.m. and .throw its triumphantly on the 'bed just' asyour .ball and chain is getting un on her elbow to :blast you. • . did one year, the •becl collasped, and .rhe Old Bat- tleaxe wound up on thefloor. in. the embrace of a cold and very. deadturkey. ,.This is conducive, to neither peace'. on earth nor good .' will toward nen. * s •• Do be as helpful and inion spicuous ' as possible around' the house :during. those hectic days before Christmas • Your wife is not .necessarily undergoing ' her change of life.- Those screams' at the children, snarls at you; and other-. manic depressive symp- toms merely mean that, (a) 'she lost her •Clirishnas card list from last. year, or (.h) Aunt 'Sadie and Uncle George have just' written to say'that they'll be' along for. Christmas,' with five. kids, or (c) she has found the present .you Education means developing the mind, not stuffing the mem- ory, CHECK THESE' RATES SINGLE 5.. Iri•oie� Mob) DOUBLE MMM Mr:t• Iowa) MTA • motel EM '11tE` Sroadway'at 63rd Stree' • At the '"Gateway to Tina Square" • 7O,tboins & stiles—.moat with AIR- ; ' • CONDITIONING; TV and radia` ■ • Excellent Restaurant—•Cot ee'Shop-- Cocktail tge . • Garage adjacent to Bote!• Pl.l.S haat special Ernplie +oonvenuncer:tech •' sail Sitters,, Physiciania S gl tse ing Buses'. . 'Valu ft PIa1 elleieerva tom. undo&TVTitiietr• ill "When the Snow Starts : To • Blow, We've : Got To Go t ■ re I Am Ate-- ■ -.4 NEW '59. PONTIAC ■ SEDAN Worth $3;100.00 CO1V1E'' AND GET ME FOR $2,395.00. . .I Am BIG; with 4 Doors, Auto- s • matie Transmission, Radio. -Clean . Appearance. ' Interior ■ Slip Covered since. new, and well .maintained by . one: own- ▪ er--• 1955 BUTICK SPECIAL $1,095.00. I was Traded In '•on a Neje • ▪ GMC . Pick-up, but I have.only • gone 17000 miles, and look a• like new. I must confess .Har ■ ' ley had • to grind my.valves :.. and set them • properly, but :: you should give me .a look for in . only_, • • • ' la 1957 DODGE PICK-UP ■ $1,095.00 - 'a • r. •• I thou ht I had the' best own- ■ ei po ible, but he turned me in for a 1960. I've given hili el 24,000miles of, .trouble-free ■ service •and I pledge to do the: same for the , next fellow if ■ he: gives me a chance! l • '58' PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF. •BLACK SEDAN,, with radio $1.,895.00 .. I AM A- BRAND NEW '59 ' GMC 1 -TON TRUCK • 'Worth $2,47.00. " . TAKE ME AWAY -FOR= • $2,095.00 WE ARE. BI lWLl D UP LIKE BANANAS FOR QUICK G+-- ' •' . 1954 CUSTOM FORD COACH Radio One ' Owner 1954 DELUXE CIIEV. SEDAN Radio -One Owner 1954 STANDARD CHEV. COACH Radio New Motor 1953 DELUXE' CHEV. 5 -Pass: Coupe Automatic" Transmission TAKE YOUR PIcK-L-• $7,95.00 I CAN DO .i DOUBLE- • • Di3TY JOB FOR: YOU! • I Ani A—. SEDAN DELIVERY I ' work like a track all week and look like a car on Sunday, 1 am old but good. GIVE ME A HOME FOR.: $295.00 I Am A—. " -' 2 -WHEEL TRAILER, S'x•1' ,Platform. Good running, Gear, .: and Licensed, ' GIVE •A HOME .Pays 'Up My • Back Board.'. $125.00 I HAVE A .STORY TO TELL!! I. Am A— BEA i v t BEIGE -COLOR 4 -DOOR SEDAN LOADED WITIJ ' EXTRAS. Ralph has driven me 7000 miles, and I halve. been : his faithful helper°selling ;'59 Pon times: My ' original : price was nearly. 53,,700.00. BUT N�1IE'LI.',. DROP E ' AS A EMEND' FOR ONLY $2,$95.00 I DON'T LIRE I'r HERE WITH MESE GM.. • PRODUCTS " COME AND. GET . ME FOAL- Only .$1,095.00' 1956 . METEOR COACH: I. feel the same as my •friend above - I Am • A 1931 MONARCH SEDAN In lovely condition BLit They'll Let • Me Go, For— $495.00 I am; one of the most popular model 'cars ever built. Here I 'a sit; clean as a . Pio.; .:looking and running like new. ' • , a, 1957 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN • • GI EMEALOOK 11i595.00 : ■ a a ■ ■ ■ IAmA BRAND.' NEW '•59 PONTIAC cOACH . ' With E tra.S--Wirth $3,10&00 COME AND GET litE $2,395.00 ■ ■ I may be ,old, but I .don't look ,1. it or act like it. I ,was new it a 1952, but had. •a good : home ..: until novo. ■ ae. GET ME QUT OF HER s . • .14 -TON .:CHEVr PICIK-tP .. ' $495.00 ■r 1 AM' 'THE FAVORITE OF; •'■a ' • .. ' ALL" They checked over any entire: s runninggear, painted nay face In red . and. told me I'm not. for . sale. So ail I con do • is say— '.' :A VERY MERRY • CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR . . Signed— ■ THE' JEEP. • 11 a Don't . Condemn 'Cain -Finance Until You Know What Yo• u're Talking A out! ■ ' 1 Can Finance A New Car At $76.00 Per Thousand Per Year Finances .Charges, Including Life Insurance ' For The . Amount Of The Note. - We're Never Closed Phone RALPH ADAMSON at 155' or -.134-r-21, 7$EESWATER: I YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC, BIJICIC, VAUXHALL,.:GMC "TRUCKS. DEALER • WI$G -IAM TEF:SWATER, BELMORE, GORRIE, WROXETER; BLUEVALE, JA ESTOWN,' LANG - SIDE, HOL•"YROCyD, GLENNANON, • WHITECIIURCI•I, ,LUCKNOW. P.:S. Don't .Forget NIe I am a 1953 ,PONTIAC' DELUXE SEDAN 1 EW.YOR '� r Sensor's . a 230.COlun►bus 5-7400 , .--, iiwiasaaaamaeaaimuca umaaanaireiaauninausaunnunsuinuraaununnim ouumin tinted 'gin .. -- A Beauty Jit .... ... Greeting's to Everyotte ,'ale' oamtr. anile a ".1e1f. it•-3arrr�;i •s. — —spit »