HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-12-23, Page 12PAGE ,TWELVE steno ' +t,ort,cstoweiw*Ofret, Rtatigie?".noWe ithet/1+ 1001101 1i I THE • LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 011 0 't ' '.tAi '1#V100 10 tf '11411 0,Weeve Art WEDNESDAY, DEC. • 23rd, 1959, BORN FRANCIS - At the Winghant General Hospital, on Tuesday, December 8th, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Harold • Francis, R.R. 1, Lucknow, a soh. , FORLER—' in Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, on December 17th • to •Mr, and Mrs, George Forler (nee Shirley, .Moffat) a, son. HACOKEI1' —., At the Wingharn General Hospital,• on. Wednesday;•' December 9th, ..1959, to Mr. and .Mrs. Donald Hackett, R.R. 7, Lucknow, a daughter. HACKETT — At the W'ingham;. General Hospital, on Thursday,; December 10th, 1959, to Mr, 'and Mrs. Eric Hackett, R.R. '.3, Luck- now, a son. GREETINGS FROM HENRY FRUIT 'MARKET TAIPEI, FORMOSA S >g 1 '3etl iere l e len1i itizitrorbig `e ghwil ` • From Hugh. -and Donalda Mac - loliduy time 8in...and we take pleasure 1n wishing youand your. • loved cies a., full measure of ` good cheer! CENTRAL *GARAGE .. CHAS: •MAON . and JACK COOK l Milian of Mackay Memorial Hos- pital' in. Taipei, Formosa (Free China)., come greetings . to "dear friends 'overseas" • We . publish Rev. .MacMillan's letter .in part as follows;: I am writing this in our apart .ment,upstairs. overlooking Chung Shan Road, :North,-Tapei...On this thoroughfare • thee roar .of traffic ".never ceases,. with the excePtion , of about ` twohours.'" trorn • 2 to 4 in ;;the. early .morning. Great • American • cars in varied Colours and. with '.nigh tails like aeroplanes aiso ten Wheeled. military: vehicles speed as if to. a 'critical •. battle ,'front. •These fill the 'double.. traffic lanes. To • this' are added .numberless bicyc- les, pedicabs, .pull -carts .with their '.straining _ Coolies -and'per- spiring load. carriers making. their way in the side lanes, cros sing dangerously . whenever :...a little break appears. • Seriously injured ones :caused: by careless .. driving or crossing are brought into the , hospital, almost daily: .Here is .a motion 'pcture., of the Mixed-up World; Orient. and Oc=` cident, the Have Not's • and the Have's. A world: of, noise and .confusion,. perhaps .not so diffe-. rent ;,from •that, of the Palestinian town where thebabe lay sleep- ing in.• a stable. At • Christmas time we need" tothink on these. things.. •. j Looking Back (` 1959 will be: a year to be re= I membered.: In future it will no. doubt' be referred - :to: as "The Year of . the Flood" Biblical lang- uage.. On Aixgiist 7th, more than .40. . inches of rain . fell on the 10-13,000 foot mountains' in Cen- tral. Formosa within about nine hours. This sent Niagaras, of water ..carrying ;forest, trees and. rock's •hurtling; to the plains be- low. The devastation of .lands, villages, roads, bridges .. and. other. property was catastrophic:. •A VERY f.. MERRY CHRISTMAS •and a "HAPPY • NEW YEAR TO • ALL , O11AAR BROOKS , t onot ager o,w'few+f o Moth# atkiw airoceo , ie foe and Iessings • Wesend toall - our friends, our warmes wishes for Unlimited Holiday joy.and bountiful Christmas blessings.. We're on the right. track to wish . you carloads of joy and happiness. at CHRISTMASTIME! BAILEY. BEAUTY SALON Loss of life was great. Following 'GORDON FISHER • the flood. there was the earth wwwitgaitatibetatuopeftsmoitiobt,motol,smaiikaitan,011,04401,04-00,, quake on August '1.5th in the ex - I • /t Here's" a/ friendly v»ish: that you will enjoy the happiest of 'holidays.; .. E. H. AG NEW treme south. Much property was, damaged but' few lives were lost. The summer • months also saw many heavy typhoons, from BILLIEE to SARAH. 'To meet re- lief needs the churches through- out the island and South East (. Asia and abroad gave rapid and much appreciated assistance.. But the work of rehabilitation falls'. largely on the farmers ,and the vilagers themselves. They labour• from daylight till dark inthe fields 'and the streets, starting Iife over again. • • in the church here; and abroad 1959 will be noted' as the year in which the missions of the Presbyterian Churches ., of • Eng- land and Canada, after nearly a century working as "Missions"' in .the island, became "The Mis- sion Council of the Presbyterian Church 'of F;ormosa." The off i- cial recognition of thishistorical developrngnt took place on a day in February at the 6th 'Gen, eral Assembly 'meeting in old Tarnsui. In a simple but signifi- cant ceremony the Moderator r Y i of wood, handed a little _block ffice, to ti 1 03 01:100 1 'col lige 1pl l lot$ aepo l iia. the .Chinese SEAL of O ,.BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET w1oro1otteisvlorera:ofuoeigo1eitliviereoeerl�'l .F 11oe• �� case bt041011 -'' the Council's ecretary. , To the hayed• lined, tsee. ��4 c ' I' tG standing Assern 1y of ministers forget 1959.We' now enter a sear and. Elders• he • kldressed a few and challenging. p t�•iod of h:=• well chosen words, then led in tory.. p y For us who • Now,for tine gt�'trri;. la - a memoral?le ra er> ale have lived • through:. long: and I used but ever fre-za • stv troubled years • of missionary ; ,Christmas • and %lappr. • Life . and work this:Was ,a' day to ''i�'ear1''