HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-12-23, Page 9159, • WEDNESDAY, DEC C, 23rd, 1,959
May every
joy .come
your way!
✓1 i i l'J
Sugar' and .SpiCe.
By R , 1, .Smiley
When you Write a . weekly
column', and' . Christmas is ' upon
you, ' and you are just getting,.
over the 'flu, and it's too late to
do ',anything sensible except hit
the sack, Satan lurks. "Ali," he
smirks, • "why• don't, you . reprint
one 'from last. Christmas? They'd
never know the ,'difference:" •
* *
Shortly after O•Id Nick .. has:.
said his piece,. and the• sinister
sweetness . of the' idea, is soaking
in; 'another advocate speaks up,.
From the bottom .of • the stairs;
• the Old Lady suggests: "why
. don't you reprint an old 'Christ,
blas column? Aren't you, ever
Doming . 'to bed? :Nobody • has
time to read lt,• anyway, around.
Christmas. Besides,: they'd never
remember they'd read it. before.
After all, it's not . exactly death-
less prose, you .know."
I am proud to say 'that' I sent
then' both on ,their way., ,Not
that it, wasn't a -,fine idea, if I'd
had it :myself. But I'll frequent
the company .of Old Nick when.
I feel like a• fling, notwhen he
does..: Arid I'm too stuborn to
admit . thatmy` wife has ever : had.
a good idea in her entire exist-
ence. ' '
It's difficult to write some:
thing sincere and original aliou t.
Christmas, because there is one
story, repeated every year,, that.
makes every other :piece. of lit-
erature about Christmas, look
feeble' :.in' 'comparison; . So this
year, : I'm going toe make it. simple
and just say "Merry Christmas
to a whole lot, of People..'
* s
At a roughguess; there are a-
bout. 250,000 • people .who read{
tl}is column. At a. dime each for
cards, • andtuppence • apiece. for
1,dot,e eibm ouv 14,441. if el, :stamps; . it would cost me $30,000
to send you all a card.. After e''t+"e'o"#aPet
careful study, L decided .not to,
.do, it. It isn't that I .don't have
the money. It's just the thought.
of licking all those : stamper ,
Obviously, it's pretty cheap to
drop from 530,000:• to a. mere
• . "Merry Christmas to sone and
all" in, my. 'column., So .I'll have!
to single out a few; ..with the l 'r,
hope a that' they'll' repeat : it to all i
their 'friends,and all their •
friends ' will repeat it :all .THEIR•
friends, until the whole English�.E
:speakingworld is one:great boom-
• So it's' "Merry. Christmas", to
all my friends ' in the weekly -i_
newspaper • . business. Just... for
example` Fearless George Cado
gan of , the Durham. Chronicle
and his ;' wife Elda'Gene Mac-
Donald of the ,Glengarry. News,
the .last of the bigtime . spenders;.
Pete. and Leila IHvidsten. of •Ux-...
' • bridge, the, night -owls •who,. pub-
lish, the Times -Journal; Don 'Mc=
Cuaig of the Renfrew Advance,.,•,
biggest hunting and fishing liar,
mirth of •the• Rio.
John McNabb and Al sone;• Rev, • .., w"�` ;��•,a; •
'of the.
Alliston Herald, a • clear Gasp of • q.%
the pulpit's' gain being the, news-
papers' .
papers' losfi, .And all you other + `` {Y
{ti•` S
go'AbromoioniOnirra1010.114011!+114 ! :and warming, Just for example:
Willia}ri . Graharn,, ;retired rail-
roader .. of Winnipeg, for his
a blasts of fresh air; Hugh Fergu.
r,son, former newspaperman, of:
Florida, for ,his clipping and,
comments; Andrew Galloway,
retired ,banker, of Toronto, for
his lively reconstruction`of things
To all the .odds and sods every-
where`, with whom Fve consis-
tently • . refused to exchange
Christmas: cords. 'Like Punchy,
nice English lad • who was in my
squadron overseas:,. Got .a card
from Cornwall three years in a
row and never answered. Like
Tony of California, with whom
I shared a hilarious and hazard:
ous journey from Poland to the
lovely sight Of a, Canadiantank
and crew, complete with Sweet
Caps, in Western Germany. And
all the .rest of you characters in
Australia. and Alberta, ,,Belfast
Bulawayo. r never was, much of
a card -answerer.
To my brother; in Pararnaribo,
South Arnerica• "Deck the . hall
.with boughs:. of .mahogany, old
boy" ijaveii't, got around. to an-
swering your last -four letters,
Haven't got around: to getting a
present off for your' song my
dear•nephew,'But we'll be think,
Ing" of you, sweating and racked
by fever,. as we sit down. to . our
turkey iri the • • middle: ' of our
crisp December day.
Finally," to all of : you, wiio read, •
this. column may you know,
peace and joy on; this • Christmas,:
may you remember why you' are
celebrating • this day, may I ;wish
you, with all • my heart; a merry
• Christmas
I, the very.'
bast it
what we
all out
good friends.
Y . .
Our hest
'wrslies to you •7i • fir,, ;
fora holiday sea- . 4
son that is ;an open
door to all good things!
To all the. public relations iioys
who have suffered . Amy presence
With amiable, slightly frozen
smiles, on occasion. Just for !ex-
ample: Ron Everson, whose poet-'
ry ,is 'as impeccable as his man-
ners, as 'Witty ,as . his talk; as '.
piercing as his. eyes; 'Colin • Ha-
t tooth, wbose drawings are as s
shaggy. • and interesting „as • his
eyebrows,; Toinmy. Lee, the .last
so f t -spoken . mayor in Canada; .p
Paul Gormley, the most elabor-
ately-disguised beatnik north of
he St. Lawrence Seaway. 'And'
all. the rest of you characters.
•s # #
•To • those • retired gentlemen
�vtlose. letters are a' .great plea-
ure to "receive, whose criticisms 1
and encouragement are "'salutory
. s
lahhtme Digo if rsd +t, ,It, r f,0o
We' have a to
longlist of warn' wishes
for all ourfriends for $
bright and joyous holiday!
The dominant • colour. of the
view, from my study: window: is'
white. King :Winter'' inter. & Old. Jack
Frost ;are with us again.. Most of
us will' 0411 remember `:what' 'rite
ground 'looked' like ;before: the
snow :came. If the winter'' were
as steady as, the winter last -year.,
we might be excused if, we '.for-
got what the . bare ground look-
ed. " like:
Yes, the' snow provides' .a won-
derful: covering.` Not • •only is
there beauty; there isalso- pro-
tection : for plant and •animal'
life. Inthe afar . north,. Eskimos
make, igloos of. snow' and : ice,
and have, reasonable living
My thought this morning turns
to. the idea .of "covering up
j.' That is what . the snow does to'
the ground. Is; that not.: what 'lye
often . try 'to dti with .our....lures:'
•We "cover ' u_n"; and preter d to
be what, we are :not: We. are one
tiring When the preacher calls.
and another thing When, our,
neighbour calls. ;•
In• St.' 'Paul's letter •-to ' the
church in` Corinth; there are
these words•:. "I am made all
things : to all. men." I' fear that
these words "°have•: been.misin-
terpreted so as,;to .. provide good
excuse . • for' pretending to be
what' we are'' not. What St. 'Paul
had in mind was a . willingness.
'to . experience the difficulties of •
other people:: Thus- .he could be
of 'assistance to peonle no mat-
ter what condition thev were in..
• It will . be, a' few months be-
fore the snow,'is gone' • and.. stir. ing
growth begins: But there isno
need for us to''Wait any. longer,
to 'remove , our cariiouflage, • our
preteime. Chrigt came • down. 'at
Christrnas` that we ,see
ourselves as " we ate—that we
might see ourselves as we can
become. His bower is• available
Mr. and Mrs..Steve Triin of
Ripley .announce they engagement
of their daughter. Myrna . Louise
• to Mr: Douglas James •McFad- :
yen of .tyron son of Mr. and
Mrs. G. E. McFadven, The Mary
riaee. to take place Jani:'ar"y 15 Iin. St. Antlrews United'. Church.
Best, wishes of the
season to all our friends
We hope that Christmas
will be for you a time
of great spiritual'.
enrichment and,
heartening joy.
i f tiles le:+t t i t, t.4.*
ust a .cheery
greeting to wish.
"you, 'and yours
all the Toys
of this. festive . Y
season! • Hope you
have a very
r.; iia: %caos,trtt .n&ma hoot " i,ex►a of Ripley. 2002 f t0/4,e 4t f, : Q,t ,. s,e: i dict
r, •
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