HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-12-23, Page 3WED
MEM 2,1rdt, toto
am rat:1'6MM 5ENTINEL,, urcBacow. oNwatroi
..firgimarars tiresetip.antE oar &Cricks. to.
6120- ..F1Talartik paztroir.age: tiar,41; 'SO; '
'417044 t .14frireag ageinV111ati.tearii wishes few • , • • ,
hal:4E19y frsal et Vas*,ja teull ,gatuf cheese
. ,
kr. ...and. 'Mrs.; Harry f,avis,
R. c'ckiligh.en thidipma
, Watlierine CarapbeIl'e Tringhaira
. . xasae4,,..., --sbikihi- .:mini, jviiii..spent .4unday eveniii at ' the
firaaliS, axe, Spindu4 .*war werOlis't hon te ,�fEti-s. Wagon, *ctqlts: . .
WLL/t! X. 151EactiOLVALD
Students of ttier.,,uckancr Dis-
trict ffigh. 'Schaa1 were, predo-
minant a the large congregation.
'that gathPred in the United
Church, on. Thursday afternoon.
for the. funeral serVice or
. at:maid 'a raerab-er of
the High School. teaching starf
for. twelve years, having assum-
ed his duties here in $e'tem-
ere 1.9r.
•F/ractiorrad died sadder-.
ly on. kcincray everrirrg from.' a
heart ganditiori; "whieh was d*
"cavered some fiay.ears- ago at
a. time who -rt he underwent. a
• a:War operatic*. Fie had. .been
livmg"cal hcf-trP*Edi #rae47
fact that was known. to birrT and
to his immediate farifiry,: •
I k
The ftmeral servid :was con, -
•ducted• Heti-. Gordan. Geig.er,
asSisted:hy.- Rev G W aiser,"
and interment. follawed in the
Esunily Ed'at. at Chesley.,. ,Iyhere
WgerThiTarcf. 'was. torn 011
Chti..4111a5 Day•18.94.rid was
w±thi &•few- days , of„I.Tis 6,7ili
birthday: . •.
The euickgity: was given.hy- next
callege as5cre.jat6: of'
Mi..ivAiont •it had
be* Fria knn
oW• i
the ITIO.rainta-rf- everthig of hi
li Rev..• Kaiser said: that thrir
first Meeting since calrege dt
•had been. on . thia
r' StrtS of• this
_village, FR. Paid trilitite ta hiryt
, as a teache.r ancT the opportuni.7
prof:Eissinn to, lierp.
yciung men and worn*. •
kactlana1d Was lla sq of
WilliarnElfaeorrard. arid Iv
absePhirie• koss, daughter
Rev. WilliaM:kass;.;at arcg
.the FIfiithodist ininiSter atRI.
•halid4YE thtEe..r'' ‘frome" hem • •
The rrwin • haS•reCeived word • c'
val._ Father of the dee ed
°f 'Thew Ches1ey':•:RYnterpris. or
as r many ears e •. •
ef:111Ta. gliarilairi_ a.fr auct that his ! ttrotlier Ernest triv
• represeataf.tre,, TriternationaL.W11111' S'aSk”, regefitlY 1Lade5.- member- of Parliament for
waisitmgytz.; -,,Rk...a.tcotat;. • is /7ent. surgery and is 'criticalLY..ill: tie Ertice and North Ecruee.
'El4EErmthig his ha -14. lass with Ins lvrrs R. E Thara-Pscar, . ancE Mac" as he was af-
. par,erstia, kr. arid 1xtrr tam. Kea- Fih:gs Fic4Itrr Tilampson, o town fectioriately •known here ta
toir• • • ' and AtsS Ur/1i Campbell. of dents andaciatts'alike;:gractuat-
Tara;gri. are spending the Christ- ed iri inchistrial chemist4y franx
Mas 'holiday :in. Windsor with Tort:Arta University in. ,May of
bert iTh WOE, and overseas the.
.1Y/fr.: and. Iffrs..Ra . ompsan. , , went
it Presbyterian Climik
• ''
- Make /rani a' distance attend,
ing the "ftmeral. qf W,illiar. n ' Mac-
Donald 4last week 'were:.: Mr
•Kvelyn'Ireelon, 0Slia.wa;.ffIrr. and'
if Iteviz **I1-41'91:5'.. FireCreiteL ' k Mrs. ,r.' C. :MacDonald; Orilliai.
Islas.. (Dr.) a whitEk,y, torrie; post graduate course in 'Clreinis-
If gatF-41tair, PEERMIlaut 2!7; F 1/fr:' and Ms: A. EL:: ka.C.Donairf, tES1: and physics ' phYsics at Glasgow
k .. ..
Mrarning Nwclising- ' 'Qiillia.; ilt::' 'and ars- s A...' MC-. redinIC4 College.. •
.••e* ' •
.... 0 .icknyie, n&-roit; .1VEr.,* and Nts. EEe tau t in Oakville ,ColIe-
• ,
1.1:CKY am,
giate, before establishing the
.E. Kenip, Tbronta; Dr. and 1VErs.
'MacDonald Eliachemical Labora-
l-2:16. 4it.4,.. siirtth... schaa p D, it ' Eirdayson: Toronto; -krs.
tories in Taranto, doing research
(Dr.): K. Ef.- Simmons, 'Lroranto;
3rorrhea an. d gastric
"'and kri. Alan NeettIllire-, w°1% in P
, /ca... and duarlenal ulcers.
il • ., .i. vale; 1v/fr. Theadare T
kr. rifacDonald later returned
Armand 'Ilbat and IVEsS;Derrise '
to the teaching profeSsion , at
• • • Talbot or St ''‘Terome, Quebec; "
.Jarvis Collegiate, and as a lover
' Miss Nicale Degagne, k'a.n
of the out -doors he forsook the
same year with the Canadian
Engineers.. After his Military:
clischarge he•returned to the Ord
Country-, where. 40 reeetired,his
Iva. Degree, • batting taken.' a
1) inAgionkraLitry P.. krs. Armand kalette, kr.
City: to accept a position here' 12.
#a'1Xitalette, Desaulniers; Ont UNirrigat CHURCH
. ri•-• • ,
.41 , leftist= • •,
Ordort IL„GeigeZ 7111-
• Lyceum Inatre
.44Nvits5; EENEBI wiErcramsc1
a,n•r, churchsehoori rms.' esefr night ,
a.nr, Divinei Worship: . 'Fit at.7,1.6
Sermon theme ,-..:Huilitegor
7.L Nursery during church:raeLvcsEust THEATRE
Legion members were pall,
*Thought rar:The, week' 0) bearers,. BobSidney
6j Wintry t . December- iketi. 2$ ancli-25 .Whitby, Harold Ritchie, Kenneth
ga,t Cameroxr Stuart COIlyer, Et. D.
jie!rair it wilt give youP rdER,y: CEIRISTHAtc
. oinething:to do, but it worst ML
• get Yo•u- ,anywheru. t,
. 11M11.01111111110111.1111111111111111.1110*.:
, •
alt ourelnyar friend*
.and patrons we send.
this Holiday greeting',
with ihe,wiShi that you
enjoy all the delights
of thiS feitivE. cP%son.
Ladies'. and Kees Wear'
. .
No, matter haw. we try to say it, we 'find the. old fashione:d
• I ;
way is the best
A Very Merry Christmas t& One and'AIL.
• ,"
ilton,,Tosepli, Kemp, iClifford Webster• of London.,
Wing. • son of t1t7e., late Eif.r:. and Mrs:.
Members of the: Etgli School James t. Webster; formerly of
Raarci attended the service in a this connnunity, underwent
body . • , . • major operation recent.ly: •
1Y/fr, -MarDorialId. is survived by Mr. and Bi,ris: Robert NfacDon-
his wife;' a son, Kenneth ,at ald,. Mary Lou and Peggy at-
rfarknortv- School, a .broth- tended the Lamont--'Turribult
ex',. trohn, reeve' of, Orilla and, Wedding Port Elgin on, Satyr -
:two Sisters,' Ws. Evelyn Neelon day- Peggy was flower -girt for
of Oshawa and Mrs. (Dr.) Mar- hew' cousin Betty who. is a niece
lorie iirtraysorr. of Lucknatv: of IS/Ers. MacDonald. • .
• t'
•• Now Playing "A Private's Affair:* --- In color with
Sal, Mineo and Barry Coe and gary Crosby.
Monday,. Tuesday,: Wednesday,. Dezember 28i. 29, '30.
Doubfe. Bill
• t R:ex Remori— Nap; Leslie and Betty Gerson .present
and to round, out the second half of art action -packed
r double feature program, we :Offer
kacDonald was. an ardent Wdhard Parker — And!" .Dalton and Grant Willinnts
fisherman, hortiCulturist and 1 "THE LONE TEXAN"
• .1
gardner. JEfe was 'president-elect .
time of his death,, and members 1 •• • • ' •••
of the Canadian Legion.. at the Thursday Friday Saturday,. December 31, San.. 1 2-1
r r
of the •Braneh held ca meniorial • - 'Start your New Teat witlt a brip•ifid bushel of merriment.
setvice. at the ivreLennari and jerry Lewis-7.Marie.Bitacnon ami.S.essue Hayakawat
'MacKenzie Chapel on
day night night, conducted by Stuart Produce a truly hilarious riot as A, small-time magician
Colyer and a D. '1'hompson. i°ir15 US' a unit in JaPan'•
— lit Vista-eolor
•Thompson: Honorary' pallbearers ' Camin• o. — "Carry On Nurse -7 The current comedy
were Pt. Iroag, Gerald liath- hitt, Adult Entertainrnent • •
well, A. E. Vrer:ir7l, Watt !Tim- 111110.111. 041MiliO4116114111110114;M*11111444111111014111111004111114.111100416140100.11,n40,6111111MAII•04/01.0411101
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