HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-12-02, Page 5and ere bur, and r ibe• ties ;ola- ,hint • era Ised' ION PILE riled days day. oa moo • WEDNESDAY,. DEC; 2nd, 1959 HELD SEIOWER FOR SATURDAY :BRIDE (ST HELENS NEWS) :Miss 'Margaret .Rose Lyons, whose marriage to Gordon Nea- ble took Place on Saturday, was guest of 'honour at the gathering of friends. and neighbours in the; Community Hall on Thurs- day evening, Pianomusic by Mrs. Chester Taylor was followed ' by a short esided over pr b y Mrs, Elmer Foran and consisting of readings by Mrs; ; Andrew. Gaunt and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt,", piano solos . by Dorothy Taylor and Barbara Purdon and a duet by Patsy Cranston and Nancy Curran accompanied by Sheila McQuillan.• The bride -elect was accom- , panied to• the seat. of honour on the ..platform by the groom - elect's. sisters, Mrs. Shirley: 'Tun-, :ney of Holyrood and Miss. Judy Neable of Langside who assist- ed her . in opening the many .gifts.. Assisting ,also were Patsy Foran, Lois Miller and Marilyn McTavish, Margaret Rose thanked the ladies for the .lovely. gifts • and. a social hour with aurich' con- cluded a pleasant evening. SOLD SEVERAL • HUNDRED • ' DOLLARS OF 'MAGAZINES Students of the 'Lucknow Dis trict High.. School recently con-' cluded a, successful sale of mag- azines.. ag- azines Total- sales 'were° in ex • cessive 'of $1,200., with the 'Com. pany 'receiving . about. $825., and the ,students' fund• profiting by over $400.00 °ME I UCKNOW SENTINEL, DUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 LUCHNpW FARM SALE: HAS • BEEN. FIIe1ALIZED LEGION :NEWS ' The, sale was finalized "last The regular monthly meeting: Hanover office of of Lucknow Branch 309, Canad- week, in the tan Legion, was held Tuesday, Paul Starr Real Estate, of the. November 24th, with 24 members sale of the Harry J. Lavis farm ' present and under the guidance on the 2nd of ' Kinloss. The farm was . sold to Harold R, 'Cook of the Dallas Investments Limited, at Richmond ,St. W.,in .Toronto. of 1st' vice-president, S. Collyer. 1'he. draw for .$12.00 was not won, Clare Johnston being ab- sent. . Mr, Cook plans on using this ori ae draw -committee reported fine 100 -acre farm , with thev ry. successful November llth draw a and ' Were accorded a stone' home and the trout ponds, vote Of . thanks for a "good, job, as 'a summer home. • He, Mr. well done." A special vote of Cook,. was so impressed) with the .appreciation was to be sent to appeal and • potential of the farm that he practically had it bought before he even . came to, see ' it, Mr. Cook says, "It will be ,art ideal • home for the family during the summer, months," ' • Presbyterian Mission. •Band The Victoria Mission Band of the Presbyterian • Church held their Christmas Meeting on No_: vember 23rd at the home ` of Mrs. J. R. .Henderson, Donnie. Johnston ' 1edin reading the scripture and Mary .Finlayson gave a prayer. Wendy McKen- zie, Terry Taylor, Mary,: ". Eliza beth Henderson each played a piano solo. 35 members.. answer- ed . the '. roll 'call and presented their White Gifts. Two 'Christ- mas • stories ' were told lly. 'Mrs. Jack Pollock,' the guest speaker. Donna : Forester played 'her '• ac- cordian and Christmas carols . KINLOSS NEWS were 'sung. Sharon. Mowbray' • 'thanked Mrs; Pollock and on be Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cox and half of the members presented daughter, Audrey , of Orono; vis= • +both Elizabeth and Arleatawith 'lied with Mrs, . Cox's' mother, an autographed '. 'picture-. The ! Phone 73 • — meeting closed . with. prayer 'in • Mrs. John MacDougall and With • : unison. Mr..and Mrs.` Leonard' Maclnnes •-- •--- 1-. PAGE, FIS• MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price On a monument correctly designed from quality' material, "rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat *'Hagan, Prop: Established Over Sixty °Year* • Walkerton Phone 638-w ` Barbara Cameron and Wendy . and family, last. Monday, MacKenzie for their help : in selling poppies for •Novernber ,11 It; ' was decided ' to hold " a Christmas Party as usual and the • following committee were appointed tomake the arrange- ments: ents: William. MacDonald, .Stu- Stu- art Collyer, Bud Thompson, '.an'd Alex Purves. The new officers and execu- tive were installed with Ken. Cameron " as installing ; officer and Joe Kingas acting:Sgt.-at- Arms. Sgt:at-Arms. Jim McNaughton was ap- pointed, Sgt. -At -Arms:. ' The new president gave a short. "pep talk" saying ' briefly that all• members would be ex- pected to . work hard during 1960 and placed special emphasis on membership. Week -end guests -with Mr. arid Mrs. Thomas- Austin . ,were '•Mr. and Mrs. "Harvey Austin, , Mr. and 1VIrs.. Alvin Austin- and: daughter and Mr. and Mrs. F. Cline of Toronto. • Mr. J,:.J Houston of Niagara Falls spent the week -end' with 'his parents, '.Mr. and Mrs, Har- vey Houston, • Sympathy , is extended . to, Mr: ' and Mrs. Harold • Stanley, and family ,,, in the 'death of Harold's father, Mr. Garner Stanley.' Bev. T. J. McKinney, Interim Moderator, conducted the ser- ' vices. at Whitechurch, South Kin- loss and •Langside Presbyterian churches' on' ,Sunday: PLUMBING and HEATING ESSO OIL :BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Lucknow .: 0 Z-Nli1ION CANADIAN'S �.. �. 1959. YEAR ENDED OCTOBER:: 31st, FOR THE WHAT THE ,Baof M HAS TO. MEET :ITS 'OBLIGATIONS: CASH: The B of M has cash in its vaults and money on deposit with the Bank of Canada and •other. banks amounting 'to. •: . . CHEQUES and ,other items in transit representing • the ,net amount of the moneys moving between branches of the (Bank and into the B of M from other', banks :on account of customers' trans- actions INVESTMENTS: The B of M maintains a strong liquid position through investments in high-grade government', bonds which have a''ready market. Listed`, on the. Bank's . books at' amortized value, they amount to 0, , • , The. B of M has other investments — including. a diversified list, of'high-quality short-term issues. These investments are carried ,at .. CALL LOANS: The B of M has call) loans which are fully protected by quickly saleable securities. These loans amount to QUICKLY ,AVAILABLE . RESOURCES: The resources listed ,above cover 51.6% of all that the Bank owes to the public. These "quick assets" amount to'. LOANS: During the year, Many millions of dollars have been lent to business .and industrial enter- , prates' for production of every kind -- to farmers, f •ren, oilmen 'miners, • luitbermen and ra.r..hers to: citizens in all walks of life, and to Provincial and Municipal Governments and Sc/hoot/Districts: These loans amount to, MORTGAGES ,and hypothecs . insured under, the National ,Housing Act, 1954 - .representin ' •ail= varices to homebuilders . : .. . BANK BUILDINGS:. In hamlets,.. villages, towns and large cities from coast to coast the B of M serves its customers at 800 offices. The value of the : buildings owned by the Bank, together: with fur- nitaie and equipment,• �is,shown on its books at '3THER ASSETS: These chiefly represent liabilities of Customers for comtmitntents made by the, Bank on their ' behalf, coverwg foreign .and domestic ;-- trade transactions. . . TOTAL RESOURCES WHICH THE B of M HAS TO MEET,' ITS OBLIGATIONS .. ,• y; • • $ 302,015,952 197,816;881, ..680,591,333 205,646;327 :192;284,785 51578,355,278 r - , • 1:35 ..187.0-9 .6 227,153,2;6 47,009.972 .53.987,967 a - $3.259.693.572 11' 0,114E.OGUR0 WHAT THE E,' B of :M OWES •TO OTHERS: DEPOSIT& While many' • business 'firms, manufac- turers, 'merchants, farmers and people in. every type of business have substantialdeposits with' the B of M well over : half of the money on:. deposit with the Bank is :the personal savings' of more than two million private citizens. The total of all deposits is OTHER LIABILITIES Miscellaneous items, represent- ing mainly commitments undertaken' by the on ' behalf of customers in 'in their foreign and domestic trade transactions . • .. $2,99$,208;003 . 60,134,833, TOTAL OF WHAT THE B of.'M OWES ITS DEPOSITORS AND OTHERS , ' , . ' ' . $3,058;342,841• TO PAY ALL ,IT OWES, THE B of M HAS TOTAL RESOURCES, AS SHOWN bk. THE LEFT :SIDE:<OF THIS. STATEMENT, AMOUNT- ING TO . . • . . . ' 3,259;693512 WHICH MEANS THAT THE B of M HAS : RESOURCES, OVER AND ABOVE WHAT IT OWES, AMOUNTING TO . .. $ 201,350,731 • This figure of $201.,350,731 is made up of •money subscribed by 1: the shareholders and, to -some extent, of earnings. which have from time to time.been ploughed back into the business to broaden the. Bank`s services and to give added protection for the. depositors. BANK OF MONTREAL Lutknow Branch MILTON RAYNER, Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS- IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE .1817 nmuinstowntemagamok •: L_a • • •j1.: * erT ;4 1