HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-18, Page 10?AGE, FOUHTEEN
1.Iugar. an ice
By W. B. T. Smiley
]Don't anyybody ever .try to tell
me again that weekly newspaper
editors are dull old sticks, ad
dieted. to sitting on the fence in
their. own (backyards. Not after
What, I received • in the snail to-
day from the . Ontario .:Weekly
'Newspapers Association.:.
gracious living .for years.•''
And how about the charm and
beauty at my command to: enjoy!
Isn't Acapulco where all those
Hollywood babes go to mend
their broken hearts . after they
get a' divorce?' *By George,. I.
think .I'll take some guitar les=
sons . and start calling . myself
I see we have two days at.
ulco. ,'I wonder what would
happen if a fellow just hid when
the bus was leaving? Just bought
a serape and a • sombrero and.
leaned against the :wall,, while
they frantically searched • the
hotels and the '. bars and the
swimmingpoels? .
Well, ' that's *enough glorating
about the trip, I• don't .want tO
WWDNBSDAY, NOV'.. 18th, 1959
make all you characters who'll
be up to your .navels in snow.
about • that time , too unhpy
Let's, see what: the whole thing
costs. YOU! All right, Mother.
Never mill& . Don't weap.. We'll
go to Mexico the next time the
weekly editors go, instead.. About
1994. Or do you think we could
get a third mortgage on the old
estancia? .'
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"Ybu'd .never IgiteSs what them►
:divils are up • to. • Th°ey're going'
to have „a convention in.: Harrill-.
ton, Ontario, next February.
That's harmless °enough. But do
..you know what they's going to
do after 'the usual two`. days of
• business and booze?. They're go-
ing `to : wade. through the snow
to.: as airplane, and they're going
.to fly off into the sunshine.
Yep, ,we're 'all going to Alexia?,.
and. I can hardly wait: When I
. gotthe news, I took one disdain-
ful look at the dirty November
rain pouring' dolwn: outside, lean
'ed back in my chair, closed my
eyes and Was off ; into a world
of 'hottamales and cold tequila,
the Sun blazing' . down , on the
• bullring, and Me lolling by' ; a •
switnmingpool, striking( up an ac-
cluaintance with Ava : Gardner
and a bunch .like' than who. hang
aroundT'in Mexico in The 'winter.
• bike us weekly editors.
;One thing that won't bother
me Is, ,the ` language. . Z've .read
several Hemingway. • novels, , 'and'
a . lot of ' westerns, and. when I
was in prison Camp I took the
• first.. three lectures of a, course
Spanish. Let's see, it's com-
ing back to me now: "Como etsa
listed?" Or. is that the Italian
eourse ; I started?
Anyway,, the F ,f rst 4iY th%ng °; ; I'm?
going ' to do' when I' hit :Mexico
'City is order .me a -great big
plate of creamed • colones, with
a side order 'of • fried muchaehas,-
and lots • of pobrecita on my
salad. Han!: You' didn't really be=
lieve I 'could • • talk the language
ell? Es verdad..Anil all the 'time'
I'nn there, quien Babe?, xhaybee
';I'll beYnuy hombre. •
Now, let's have a look at. the
schedule.'"February 7th" it says,
"arrive Mexico ,City.. '.4:45 a.m."
Holy Old . Quetzalcoatl ! That's a
pretty rugged time to arrive' any-
where,except home from a pok-
er game. Then it says "Our
guide. will call for you at your
hotel for a trip through Mexico
City." . Not me, : he won't, Buster.
Not at that hour.' Not unless be's'
got the entire Mexico ' police
force with •.•him. •
It 'says 'here ;we're going to
visit the Cathedral, the National.
Museum, some Pyramids, • the
Toltec Temple, and a Shrine:
They'll have toinclude me out.
, • of that little jaunt. • I'm going to
wander .clown "a • side, street until
•I find a sidewalk .cafe. And I'm
going to sit : there in the sun
and sip' a fe'w pesos worth of
° pulque, arid watch some of those
fierce, proud Latin women walk
mildly' and .fiercely by.:. The
heck with the pyramids., ,
But after a couple of days of
getting ,the real• feeling of the
country • like'' this, I see 'where
• they're going to make us' move
on to Taxco, where we will "ad-
mire shops, churches and streets
• as 'they' were over. 300 years ago.
Lunch and dinner included."
That food's going to be mighty
cold after 300 years; so I think
1'11 settle for some chile, . with.
or without .carne.
Ah, wait a minute: This sounds'
• more like it: "you will :continue
to Acapulco, where you find.
gracious living mingled ' with
charm and !beauty at your com-
mand to enjoy.,' Now 'we're -get.
ting somewhere. I've been try
ing to ,get " in on • some of that
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