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5g; 'WEDNESDAY, NOV.. lath, 1959
Notice IsHereby Given To The Municipal: Electors Of The.
And Ratepayers in Union. School Section 8 in the Township
of West Wawanosh, 11 in the Township of Colborne, and 4 in
the Township. of Huron, that the. Nomination. of Fit and.
Proper persons toserve. as Reeve, Four Councillors anct Three
Township " School Area Trustees, for the Township .;of Ash-
field, for the year. 1960, will take place at the TOWNSHIP
HALL on •
- o
'FRIDAY, NOVE M1BER 27th 1959
At one :o'clock in the afternoon, • for one hour, at which tin);e
'and place all Electors of said Township •are hereby notified
to ,attend,: and that• should a Poll be required, Polling will
open on
Monday, December 7th, 1959
FROM: 9,00 . a.rn. to 5;00: p.m. Otthe..'various Polling Sub.
divisions:' .
Ratepayers in the .above mentioned ..Union' School. Section.
are eligible to stand for Trustee and 'are entitled to vote on
Trustees .
Sub -Division
No. 1, Dungannon
. No. 2, S. , S. No. 9
No. 3, Orange Hall William Helm ..., Al Irwin
No; 4, Port. Albert ,,,...:,: _ John • Tiigert .,...,.. Melvin Dickson
No. 5, Kingsbridge ......... Gilbert Frayne Michael O'Neill
No. 6,• Farrish Home• .... Howard Barger....: Jack MacKenzie
No. 7, .Laurier' • Frank Hamilton . . Henry 1VIacK'enzie
DONALD` M.''SIMPSON, Returning Officer
.D.RO. Poll ' Clerk.
Ben Mole Allan Petrie
William Clare ....,.:. , John Curran
Kinloss Municipal 'Council met
in the Hall, November 2nd, 1959,
as .per adjournment. All mem-
bers . present.
Conn. and Conley, that the
•minutes of the last regular
meeting of • October 5th .as, read
be approvedand. signed;:
Bushell -MacDonald, that • we
holcl the : Court of Revision on.
the • 1959 Assessment -Roll on,
Mo y.at 2 he 16th day of . Nove-•
' m
o'clock in the after-
Conley - and 'Corm- ` that. we,
giye a grant of: $10:00 •to.. the
Children's Aid' . Society .• of.
Bruce County •
MacDonald .and Bushell, . that.
the'. clerk write the Engineer re.
Button Drain.. • e •
•. Conn• and Conley, . that the
Clerk write the Maintainer "op-
erator re insurance.
Bushell and 1V1acDonald. , that
the clerk reply to the Township
of Crowland re Welfare. Resolu-
tion that we . endorse' the same.
.: Conn and Conley, that . the
clerk . notify , the Bosco Metal
Products, Co., that. the 'Depart-
nient of Highways has. 'approved
the contract re. Borr and Collyer
Culverts. • •
• Bushell' and, MacDonald, that
William Scott • be paid, $200.00 on
account assessor's salary. 1959..
Bushell • and • Conn,: that
Gordon Wall be paid $25.00 on`
account Collectors salary, 1959,
Bushell and Conn, that Coun-
cillor Conley .be ,paid $75,00
Commissioners fee . Hutton drain.
,MacDonald and Bushell,that a
by-law be '.prepared appointing
Deputy Returning officers and
Poll Clerks for '.each poll.
Conn and Conley, that we do.
now .adjourn to meet •again on
Tuesday, December 15th, or at
the call of the Reeve.
Cheques Issued - Mrs, Violet
Thompson, • caretaking; ,$13.00;.
Albert. • Cook, work on 'J. W.
Henderson Drain, 12.00; Child-
ren's Aid Society, grant,. 10.00;
Municipal; World,... supplies,, 8.32;
Sari, "FFrmer,::°supplies at Hall,
9.32; Roy Huffman; 1 lox bounty;
5.00;' F,' G. Moffat; °'sheep claim,
20:00; George ' Lockhart,. Insp.
above, 4:00 Village. of Lucknow,
fire call, 2 iR,S,D.R., ..100.00;
Public Speaking ' At ° Holyrood,
Miss Karen Carruthers, 1st.'prize,.
5.00; Miss' Marilyn .Thacker, 2nd
prize, 3.00; other • contestants,
2.00; Diane Hewitt, Velma Hod-
gins, Madonna .Q, raham, Carol
MacIntyre; 'Peter Steer.,. Donnie
Hodgins,:" Brenda Eckenawiller,
Sharon Stanley, June Ackert,
Jean . Sutton, Allan Cornish,
'Janet Riseborough, .Helen Camp-'.
bell, Michael. Ritchie, Elaine
Murray, , . Donnie McGillivray,
David.. Wall,. Trudy . Thomson,
Allan Colwell; Wnl. A. Schmid,
prizes for. ; judges, 7.85; Ontario.'
Hydro, .Whitechurch . St. , lights,'
84.33; Lucknow . Convalescent
Hoorne, nursing care October,.
200.00; Mrs. Jean Henderson,
nursing care October,. < 100:00;
Carruthers 'Convalescent :Home, .
nursing care October, . 255,00;
Harold Percy, telephone calls,
3,00; • William Scott, on account
assessors salary, 200.00; Harold.
Percy, selecting jurors, 4,00;
William Scott, selecting jurors,.
4,00; J. R. Lane, selecting jurors,
4.00; ' Frank Thompson, postage,
5.00; Gordon. Wall, on account
Collectoii's salary, 25.001' J. R
Lane, Clerk's fee, H=OC Drain,.
50,00.; Robert Hamilton, allow-'
ance 11-+C .' Drain, '10.00; Town- •
ship ; of Kinloss, ,allowance' Farish
Drain, . .100.00; Russell: • Button,
allowance ., Button . Drain, 124.00; '
J. ": W, H eriderson, allowance
• Button .Drain, 24.00. .
Highway • Cheques. -E. Car.
rathers, • Road,' Superintendent,
183.00; mileage,. 72.00, '255.00; H.
McMillan, operator, • 173.50; R.
McQuillin, ' 9.00; George 'Tiffin,
6,40; , John McInnis, :inspection,
102.40; J. .McGillivray, 36.90;
•Harry .Colling, trucking gravel,
819.42; Webster and 1VicKinnon,
wrench, screw driver, 6.15; Ken-
neth :MacKenzie, fence bonus,.
150.00; , Kenneth 4VI+acKenzie,
land for road ,allowance, 100.00.;.
Ontario 'Culvert Co., new pipe,
112.22; H. 'H. Bannerman, !bal-'
ance on . gravel, 11.34; Dominion
.load Machinery Co., ;bolts and
glass, 50.39; Bosco. Metal Pre -
ducts, road sighs, 47:50; ,Joseph;
Wall, cutting weeds, '9.60; .Ont
ario• •Culvert " Co., new pipe,;.
154.56; 'E. S. Hubbell, `,.grader
blades, ,20.50; Haldenby's Store,
shovel, • 3.65; ' William Scott,
blasting ;stumps,: 32.50; Hewitt's
'Haulage,; 'drawing fill, 364.56;
Unemnployment `.Stamps, 6.88;
George .Lockhart, gravel, 117.20;
Harry Wall, spraying' Weeds,
9.00; :Huron .and ... Kinloss Tele-
phone Co.; . Construction Con- •
cession 4, 200.00; Lawrence Mac-
Leod, gravel, 88.02; Frank
Brown Estate; ` gravel 8:40'
• ` J.. R. LANE, Clerk.
Fewest Alcoholics
Ontario . has 2,210 alcoholics for.: every 100,000
persons 20 years of age and over.
Ontario ;adds 5,000 yearly to its total of alco-
holics. (The Alcohol Research Foundation not long
ago said .4,000,but has had to ' revise this).
The number of • alcoholics in this Province was
. announced recently as 78,000: Each victimaffects
detrimentally about/five other . persons in Ontario
the equivalent' in population of a great city. ' .:,.
The Alcohol Research Foundation for .rehabilita-
tion costs $250,000 annually.
In a condensed reporton a ,1956. survey, the
Foundation 'said' 600 of • 1,000 clergymen made
general comments.' and attribute d..to the use :of.al-
cohol: ' marital discord, . poor church attendance,
juvenile problems, drunken driving, crime, demor-
alization of women.
The number of alcoholics in Ontario has doub-
led since .1946, when :cocktail bars 'were establish-
ed. The more
outlets, liquor con-
sumption . and the moree numerous' the resulting
Huron, under the' Canada Temperance Act, .has.
750• alcoholics per ' 100,000 population, half the
next lowest total among the Ontario counties sur- • '
` veyed.H. .
�y thoughtful person
vote to impose
upon Huron the Liquor Control Act
with ' its eight
-('at present) types of liquor. outlet?
FOR THE REVOCATIONanimmilmommimmommosmommima
Voice of Experience:.
Keep TheC.T.A.
Many citizens who have .`lived under .both laws
• testify against the Liquor Control Act. ` Here:. are
passages from a few letters:
`Success, : to you in Huron. .1 live about eight
rods from a hotel, and I ` wish .:the : repealists could
see what I see daily. The attempt to repeal the
C.T.A.• 'is only another move, on behalf of. the
liquor interest to widen their scope." E. C. BOOD,
Waterloo' county.
• I have not
"Having lived in conununiti scontrolled by the
L.C.A. ' and C.T.A., I know that the `adoption of
either.. will make little difference' .in the obtaining
of . alcohol , by the youth. The boys and girls of
Grand Bend can. obtain alcohol in 'their community
as ,easily as can the young people of Exeter:" BILL
POLLEN, student minister.. "
"Living' in . Huron, under the Canada Temper-
ance Act for the' past year and a half is*a welcome
change from many years. spent in areas under the
Liquor'' Control Act. It is good to be able'to walk
down the main street without being accosted by
- an alcoholic, . and to know that our girls can walk
in safety in the evenings. While: drinking does exist,
for Huron is not "dry", the evidences are not con-
tinuously thrust:under'our eyes and noses,. in long
queues before the . doors 'of liquor , stores . 'and
' warehouses, and loud and unseemly con-
duct about; the doors of beverage rooms.. The num-
ber corning to our door 'seeking help in. problems
involving alcohol has been greatly reduced and res-
pect �ct for law and order i in this community is pro-
P y ,g
gression ' to bringHuron. wider the Liquor u Control
ortionatel higher.
g �'
Act." REV.. T. GARNET HUSSER, Winghain.
" been living in Huron for over two
years, but I hope the voters, of Huron ' will uphold
their record for keeping the, best interest of the
rising generation.. always in mind. I enclose $15. to.
help winthe battle." WM. A. CURRIE, Granton.
Published by Huron. C.T.A. Committee
Mayor Burton Stanley of Cln- '
fon tossed: a : "bombshell" last
week when he. announced his
intentions to withdraw from not ',
only municipal, .politics but from
his grocery and 'butcher business, • •
as • well.,
Burton was born • and 'raised ,
on the Boundary West. His moth-'.
+er resides here and a'sister, Mrs.
i ' Clarence • Irwin •'lives on the Se-
.cond Concession. ..
' He has. served' • for - several
years , as councillor, reeve and
mayor of Clinton where heas
operated' a successful . butcher
and grocery:. store ..for about4•11
I years, employing' a large staff. ,
His intention is to sell out his
stock in ,the store, enter hospital
'for • surgery, and: then' with his
wife, to travel . to . Florida for a
winter's . holiday.
SIGNS FOR SALE -7"' o Tres-
passing", "For Sale" and "For
Rent" signs available at The.
Lucknow Sentinel; .•phone. 35.
O p.
:•kSiy:4't:N7�•� v
with_ every seeded typing fester
. The
phone 35.