HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-18, Page 4PAGE' .row,. • IPA THE I.UCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, . 'ONTARIO • ti • «il } • 4 ••r • • FOR SALE' , CAR FORSALE-- ,. , .. • � 1950 Pontiac sedan, Apply to Mac MacLen- nan, Lucknow. ' • PPR a�R SALE -,- well bred Scotch T collie pup, male, . • •weeks old, .black with white collar. Jas. .Forster, R. 1. uckriew, • .phone • 43-r-12; FORSA*. . .cora dry maple, • body, wood. Apply Herb ; Ensign;; It.R. 3''Lueknovir, phone' Ripley,'. ' 164-r-12; KEEP, ,DOGS from shrubs; rose bushes . and garbage cans,; ' get Ridz ,dog repellant :at• Wm. Mur - die and , Son. FOR ..SALE. --125 red and rock hybrid pullets, 5%• •months old. Charlie McDonald, R.R. 2 'Luck.: now,, phone 210-r-12. WANTED. WANTED - good, young work horse; around 1,300, . must . be sound and quiet; also a, set of double team harness. Frank ' Mil- ler, phone 46-r-5, • LOGS WANTED'-- of all kinds. We also do custom ,Sawing. -Luck - now Company Sawmill,. phone 291 or 268. WAS7--child's' playpen,. Al , vin Alton, phone . ' Dungan. noxi 67-14. ' STORM '. c ,' OWS FOR SALE, 3 windows, 29" x' . 55" and. 5 'windows 29 xf 63", ` all freshly. painted. Apply evenings to Leo- nard ' MacDonald, ., phone 28, Lucknow, FM SALE= -kiln :dried . shelled corn, also' 15; tons of rye at ;$40. a ton. Lorne. Luther, • R. 3. Luck now, phone Dungannon . 65=14: FOR SALE-- washing . machine, :bed,. springs and mattress,., rang- ';ette :and book case, all 'in •good. condition; baby carriage and combination: car bed and car seat,: like new.:MVlr•s. Ken Jardine, : phone. 227, Lucknow FULLS'• FOR SALE •-- Oliver avIacC. harles' has sconsigned two bulls. in the Hereford Sale . at • Clinton : on Thursday, November 26th., :.AnYone interested aim.,•r asee theseVan.yrnasnpri to the sale. Botha are . dark. red • and eligible for• : the Governinent. •grant of . 33i' •OLD HORSES WANTED . Old horseswanted, at 3%c per lb.; 'dead cattle at value. If ,;dead, phone at once to Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone collect God-' erich 1483J4 or 1483J1, LOST• LOST -yearling Shorthorn beast from Lot 7i. • Con. 9, . • Ashfield Twip., : Frank Alton, phone . Dun- gannon 67-r-15. LOST --a, grey hat; size '7%,: taken in mistake from the. Le- gion Hall' check 'mornon. Mon- day night. Please exchange :with R,aynard Ackert, , Holyrood. LOST -polled Angus. steer calf, on 6th of •.Kinloss, 300-400 lbs., Delbert Hedley, R. 3. Holyrood, .phone '127-r-20, 'Ripley.: COMING • EVENTS ST, ANDREWS BALL Keep in mind St. Andrews ball under Kairshea ' Institute auspices in -,Lucknow on Friday, November 27th. Scotch piping and dancing. Carruthers orches- tra. Lunch .counterwith home- made pie. , RECEPTION AT LANGSIDE There 'will be a reception, at Langside Community Centre on Friday, November 20th for, Mr. and Mrs. 'Hugh MViillan . (nee, Colleen . Tiffin) newlyweds. Lad- ies please • bring , lune], ' .Tiffin's Orchestra, STRAYED -cattle beast strayed to the farm of Frak Ritchie;.. Ashfield Township; about' two weeks .ago, 'phone 69-r-12,• Dun- ,gannon. . ILLUSTRATED TALK ' A • missionary.'' 4service with an illustrated talk on Northern. Canada will • be held in St. Peters Church, . Lucknow, under the auspices. of the W.A. • on Wed- nesday, November 25th at ,8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. - RECEPTION AT DUNGANNON • A reception will: be held in Dungannon Agricultural'Hall on Friday, November 20th in hon- our of ' Mr, and Mrs.' Walter AUCTION SALE` . Clearing Auction Sale of farm, farm 'stock, implements, hay and grain. Lot. 17, Con. 12, Turnber- ry, 4 miles north of Wingham,. Highway No. 4, on. Friday Nov- ember 20th at 1o'clock. Terms all suins of '$100. d 'under, 1 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18th, j•959. TEACHER 1NANTE D Qualified Protestant teacher required at once for Lochalsh School, U.S.S. ,No. 4 Ashfield Township, School Area. T. Kilpatrick, Secretary, R.R. 7, Lucknow, caSh . o er that amount, .6 months NOTICE'. - CLERK'S NOTICE ,OF POSTING I1VC.a 'OF 'VOTERS' LIST Voters' List. 1959; ' Township ••of West Wawanosh, Co., •of Huron credit of approved joint notes bearing interest at 6.% per an-' num, .Mrs, Alex Campbell, prop., S;' .0. . Bryce, auctioner. MORTGAGE SALE of valuable • ' - FARM: 'PROPERTY consisting , istin 'of ' 160 'acres` of 'land ., , Will. be offered for sale',under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage Which will be produced • at. the time of sale, subject ,to reserve ' bid, by Public Auction,, on SATURDAY, - NOVEMBER 21st At '2 o'clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Offices • in Ripley. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE: Notice is hereby • given that I have' .complied • with Section . 9 of The. Voters List Act • 1951, and • that' 1. have posted up at my of- five, R.R. 2,• Auburn, on the' 6th -day of November,. 1959, the list• :of all : persons • entitled ,to vote in the. said Municipality at Mun- icipal . Elections and.that , such list remains there . for inspection.. And 1. hereby„ call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to• have any omissions • or' errors corrected according to , law, the last day for. appeal be- ing • the 20th' day 'of November, 1959: Dated this 6th day of Novem, Arnold (nee Lorraine, Aneca). All and • Singular .those ver- ber, 1959; • • • ' Glen Boyd's, orchestra, Every- tain parcels or tracts of land. and J. F. Foran, 'Clerk of Town - one welcome premises' situate, lying and being chip of West Wawanash. SHOOT PARTY . \ in.' the' Township of Huron, in the County of Bruce, and being. CARD` OF . THANKS hoot Part will 'be held, at ; halves Charlie. Anderson wishes . to sincerely thank' neighbours and friends. for` their help in sO` many.- `ways during :his recent illness.: •• , A S Y composed of the•North, Zion ;Orange Hall• this Thursday., of Lots , Numbers ' Twenty=two. November •.10th. Ladies please twenty-three (23) and (22), y bring `lunch, Everyone.:-welcoine. Twenty-four (24), and the Nor SHOOT PARTY ' , -therly Ten. acres of the South The ' Ladies', 'Auxiliary to the Half of ,the said. Lot Twenty- Canadian Le ion • will hold •• a four (24), all in the' First Con- card party in the Legion Hall, cession' • of the .said Township of, on Monday, . November 23rd at Huron, .containing :160• • acres;. 8:00 p.m. 'Lunch and prizes. Ad; more . or less. 'The sproperty :con mission 35c. sist5 •cf ;160 acres of good farm- ing lands;. spring creek at the CASH BINGO: wit a held in ' t rear; , drilled well arid' on the proper y' is a: good ,brick. house Hospital.' in good state ;of 'repair and large• A -cash bingo I. b . the .Lucknow Legion Hall.- on :STEERS.' ASTRAY -Bill Harris Thursday, November 19th' •at of Ripley has 'lost, _ two ' . steers. :8 45 ;p.m' 12 • regular games,: .3 • 'One about 1000 pouds, last seen Septemiber . '26th, strayed from '7,"` 'uron -Township; the ': other, about' 850 lbs., • bast seen • October 6th, strayed from Lot 12, Con, 6, Huron Township. Owner . can 'prove identification. SPECIAL. Anyone knowing' whereabouts• of Gurney • combination coal or either steer will be paid expen- wood' and .gas range. pricedses and reward: Call collect. for quick sale: . Ripley 141-3 Greer , TV and Electric PERSONAL COUNTER CHECK BOOKS -=we' sell them singly or in quantities WHY FEEL OLD?. Ostrex. Tonic and take'orders. for books sped - Tablets help thousands of men;' ally printed to your, require - women past' 40' feel younger. ments. For ' prompt; • service, Only: 69c. At all; druggists phone 35,. The.Lucknow Sentinel. APPRECIATED' GIFT It`s tirrie to be making;up that cutting and wrapping; meat sold Christmas gift list, and M , doing by, quarter: For appointment so, don't forget that a subscrip-. phone 54,' Lucknow. tion to • The•. Sentinel, new or re- BUTTON 'MEAT. MARKET • newal, makes g y : an appreciated ift the ', ear round. • SEFTIC. TANKS PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS, Septic . Tanks, cess pools, etc., this : year, have : the '. photo of 1 pumped and cleaned ' with mod your : family, children,. Pets; wed- ern equipment. All work, guar - ;ding, on a, Christmas Card. Add anteed.. Louis Blake, R. 2 Brus- a personal ;touch.: to your Christ_ Bels, .phone. 42-r.-6 • Brussels. ,CUSTOM BUTCHERING :.: 'share -the -wealth games, : 12 games for $1.00, extra . cards are 25c' or' 5 for ` $1.00; .Jackpot of $60.00, will be, played for with. 53 ' numbers.' called. Bingo is sponsored: by the Lucknow., Le gion. . SPARE . RIBS, KRAUT 4 . Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Night at the • Commereial'Hotel, Formosa: mns . Card Mailing . Bring any ; CHRISTMAS CARDS. negative to. The Lucknow' Senti= Personalized . Christmas Cards: nel, phone 35, Lucknow for :the most complete selection. ELECTRICAL' - repair . work, of samples with your name prin- radios, toasters; irons, electric ted on phone 35 or : 279. • See, .the fences, anything in the electrical budget.' priced printed cards at line, prompt service, •reasonable - 40 for .'$1.50, and also the corn- , -prices; Lyons Radio Shop, php'ne plete' line of boxed cards and 84, Lucknow. ,. " Christmas accessories. Sarrtples will he left at your home' for a FIELD TILEperiod- of time for your inspect' " Dealer fcr Martin quality. 'tion, Don .Thompson, Lucknow. tile., 4 -inch tile • always . on hand at. 6c.. Free delivery • on 1.000. or ! • ' DEAD STOCK , over, Lorne Eadie, Holyrood, r Farmers, we have the fastest • phone. Ripley '24 9. ',service ~and, highest 'prices, 7 1 days a week, for ,dead• and dis-, • TIRES! • TIRES abled • animals:. Cows and • Horse's, For best buys in tractor tires $'4. each; •good meat horses, do and any other tires, contact, a lb:; At no cost to your call. Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow, long distance operator and 'ask MEAT FOR SALE for Zenith 43900,'. Lorenz Dead' Good beef or pork in . large or Stock Removal, Durham. small . quantities. Meat slaughter- ed on premises inspected by the Department 'of Health. ,Custom killing by 'appointment. Cattle killed every day 'and, hogs every Tuesday morning. Typewriter. • ribbons for any make of machine are now .avail-' able : at the • Lucknow Sentinel. No matter, what the machine; we have;; the ribbon. • Phone 35, Luck: RAYNARD ACKERT, Holyrood Phones , 24-28, Ripley, and 10j -r-13, Lucknow NEWLYWEDS, bring in any,- negative ny;negative ''and order thank you ,notes with : your photo' printed on. Adds a personal touch to your replies and is appreciated by those receiving them. ' The Lucknow' Sentinel,. phone 35, Lucknow. 11) EAP :STOCK REMOVAL FOR: Fast Pickup. Service and Highest Cash ' Prices ' call • . RIPLEY 40 COLLECT An associate of ' Darling ' Co..,, Chathatri; Ont..: Mrs. John' T. Blake wishes- to say : a, sincere thank youto her many friends who ; sent cards, letters, 'flowers and treats while a patient in ° Hospital also. to Drs. Pedley and Corrin and -to. the nurses:. and staff of • Winghsm barn, straw shed and hen 'house;, TERMS 'OF . SALE: The.property is .offered subject'\to reserve. bid and detailed, conditions of .:sale will be read •at. the. tirne . of the sale; if sold, • ten per centum, • of the purchase price shall be paid SERVICE. down at the time of the sale Phone 320 : Goderich and the balance in thirty days. • No. 8 Highway For . 'further, ' particulars, and conditions . of sale, apply ;to --- Donald. .Blue, A. H. McTavish, Auctioneer. Teeswater, Ont., Solicitor • for the Vendor. DATED at Teeswater, Ontario,. PERSONALIZED LABELS -300 this thirtieth day of October, with your name and address �.in. A.D..:1959. plastic dispenser, only $1.; ,Don Thompson, . Lucknow. DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid .for. Sick, Down or 'Disabled .Cows & Horse •also • ' Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old .horses'4c' per pound CORDON TAYLOR . Phone 44-r-24, Lucknow l;.R. 2 Lucknow - 24-hour service AUTOMOTIVE Gass--Steering-Body Repairs: Lubrication, • etc. For. Quality Service, see, DAVIDSON'S' TEXACO AUCTION. ' SERVICE Allan Maclntyre - Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow; Phone 281 WANTED ' . TENDERS ' WANTED 'For sale by tender 1957 two-tone' Pontiac, automatic, 6 , cylinder, good condition. 'Tenders' to be mailed to Mrs. Clarence Becker, secretary, Children's . Aid Soci- ety, Walkerton,' iby December .7. Highest or any tender not neves sarily accepted. MALE HELP WANTED Large United States and Can- adian. Manufacturing Company requires district/ manager in Kinloss. Township. • Exceptionally high 'earnings. Guaranteed re-, peat :business. Automobile- essen- tial. . Agricultural or farming. background most important. Sales :training given. •Reply to Box 84, • London, • 'Ontario. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where ' Better 'Bulls 'Are Used" ARTIFICIAL' INSEMINATION :. SERVICE FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE Farmer, owned and controlled Call us betv,reen, ' 7:30: and '10:00 a.m. week days and .. C':00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday ' ,evenings at. Clinton Zenith 9-450 or Collect. Kincardine 460. , at Market This is your chance to fill your freezer with Top Quality Meat I... , HIND QUARTER 55c lb. BEEF, only . This price includes cutting and wrapping:' All , orders will now for later delivery will be at this price. OUR -WEEK-END SPECIAL Oven -Ready PICNICS,Ib,45c mut DRESSING). •