HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-18, Page 3wr„DNESDAY, .NOV. 18th, 1959 • ' TUE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, Lycralow, orivkruo WHAT WE GIVE AWAY AT OUR STORE IS PRICES u'll find Red and White Prices The Very Lo LOOK AT THE VALUES•TO BE FOUND THIS WEEK SUGAR • Special SUNSPUN ICE CREAM Half gallon . . SUNSPUN BUTTER No. I Grade, lb. . Maple Leaf SOCKEYE SALIVION Half lb. tin, • • • . • • • • • = • • • • 49c. (3 tins to a customer) RED AND WHITE COFFEE • 5 oz. jar 69c 's ed and 0 lbs. 78c Save .YoUr cask Register Slips For. * 7 . rs rn si rs ;.• as :r it DM vi ay • When your. cash register slips at Hall's Red and White add up to $25., bring them into the store and you will receive ABSOLUTELY FREE, one pair of ladies nylons. • posT OCE ADVISES "NAM EARLY", DATES NEAR • Christmas IS fast_ approaching and the Post Office Department has issued its "Mail early" cir- cul4r with suggeSted dates that will *insure Christmas delivery of cards arid parcels, . These •dates are as 'follows; United States ' (for distant States, • andespecially pareelS to allow for Customs examination),. mail before December ath; Newfound- land, before . December . nth; British ColuMbia, before. Decezia, 1 ber 11..th;. .Alberta, :before •De-. I ceinbet 12th; Manitoba and Sask- atchewan, before December 12th;. IMaritime Provinces; :before De-.• . . P ' • cernber 14th; Ontario and, Que•.- tbec.,-, •before Deceinher 15th., Lo- cal deli/very, ' before beCerriber :17th. i ' '' • • , Christmas Cards in unsealed envelopes may, be sent to all countries at .the rate of 2c each: 'Christmas. SealS AndStiCkers . . must not be placed on the, ad- dress side of envelopes. They may, however, be placed on the reverse side. Parcels. — pack and . tie your parcels securely — fully addres- sed with rettirn . address includ, ed inside 'and out. . • And; it's, not toO early to re, mind local. folk that when mail:. Mg ',cards .and,letters to separate local and Out -going mail, and tie them in 'bundles, Which greatly 'aids in. speedier handling. • : PHONE 26 • FREE DELIVERY 4..". • • ,4'.."•.."•.•,•./ 4/".../..../....•-4•/•• • •:." 4 • 4,4:••••••..A..."... Local .8i General „ . . Misses Mary Anderson and- ettY Tuer of Toronto spent the pek-end ,at the home Of the oririer's !Parents, Mr. and Mrs. .• a Anderson.,.. . . ., . . • ,Mrs. Duncan MacConnell re, urned to her home here on Sat..., iday in iinprOtred health, after ing hospitalized . for six Weeks Winghain with a 'heart con- • Mr .and Mrs. George Halden- y of North _Bay were home the ast week -end and had a little isit with his sister, Mrs. Marg - et, Dudley of town.. He has 2 r 3 weeks' work yet but de - ends on the weather for ,paving onstruction work. aVIrs. Durnid returned to he home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom agoffin on Sunday afternoon fter •a month's visit in London id Granton. ' • - • Mrs. Marion Brooks, Ronnie nd Marilyn Visited. on Sunday iph the former's sister,', Mrs. lex Campbell of Winkliam. Mrs. Wellington Webster, oundary West, is a 'patient in irigharri Hospital. • •"m`;"*.....ir, • aii....***.mmo.aemo.i.e.Pli.4e/N • Liicknow ., Presbyterian Church, Minister: I. 'Rev. Wallace McClean I UNDAV, NOVEMBER zg 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 300 p.m. Dungannon • OKNX ChurCh Broadcasti from Luckriow Presbyterian Church, on.' Sunday, Novem- ber. 29th. 71.***i..:4164:41.o41.44ilmirom. roopo4iotteil.;imsi•tkrf i.amoteim04=041•12.6 LUCKNOW UNITED CH,URCH , Minister: : i Rev. Gordon R. Geiger, I 1 B.A., B.D. ' ' SINOAY, NOVEMBER 22 i 19:00 a.m, Church "tool i ,11:00 a.m. • Divine WOrship i Xursery in the*Church House • , Thought For The . Week. 1 Some people are so Heav-I eray that they are no earthly good. ' d minpoosooessIkinioolo.mostkomm, sses rley • and Alice Brooks, daUghters of *S..: Mar- ion Brooks, who Spent last 'week end at their , home, returned to • Toronto Sunday where they at- tend Canada EilsineSs College, They remained here' and attendL • ed the funeral of their uncle. Mrs. Gilmoro returned to her home in Ashfield recently after • being hospitalized at Wingham for some ten' weeks following a coronary' seizure,: • Mr, and Mrs. Packham of :0Wen --Sbund :were *guests of Miss Jean Lyons Over the 'week- end. • Mrs.: ,Jim ,MoNaughtOn add Mrs'. Leslie Purves have return.; ed to their. homes after being. 'hospitalized in Winghain Hos- pital. , • Mr. and Mrs' Russell Swan are moving into the living quar- ters in •the Sam SherWOod. resi- deriee; formerly 'occupied by the late Thonias Ferguson, Russell is •preseritly einnloyed • with a gravel• &infractor and. will d6 snowplowing in ' • Ashfield tKis winter. Mrs. M. C. MacDonald of, To- ronto spent the past week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Steward. • , • Mrs. C. M,..*JOhnStOn of Sarnia and Miss Flora Webster of KAI. chener spent the week -end with their „ parents, Mr. and • • Mrs. Richard Webster,. •' • Miss :Margaret. ,MacDonald of Sarnia spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, arid Mrs. W. F. MacDonald, and was acCornpan- led home by Mrs: 'MacDonald Who had, spent the week in the ',- city. . - Mr. and Mrs. W. R. ROgers Of • Flint, Michigan, spent *Monday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Cameron MaeDonald, W.W. Hill re- turned to. LuckrioW with, therri 'after a three weeks' visit with 1V(r. and Mrs. Rogers and 'Other ,friends at Flint. • Mr % 1 Hawkwood, ;wh'o has been '.visiting with, her daughter, . . Mrs. Johri Ritchie and Mr. Rit-. chie, left on Monday on her „re- turn to the West, 'where she will visit. at 'Frobisher; • Sask.; and in Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Ewan D, Mc- • Quaig of Toledo were visitors last week ,at, the family home here, They were actoinPanied by Miss Agnes 1V1eQuaig who returned "from Chicago, and on returning were accompanied by Miss Sally McQuaig who return- ed. to Chicago. • Mr. and Mrs. '1VicQuaig's scin, Jack, is in his pre-med. year at Toledo `Univer- sity. •tore 44NNNt-.44-442,~. Mina ...Graham, who has been i • n, themillinery business for I • , many years at „Chillicothe; 'Ohio, I sent. her Sentinel renewal with .. Have You ;Renewed ..)Loilv .t-. the :comment, "It is good to get si.iPtil(7419- 'hemp news :each week although many names - are straiyge. Was very sorryto miss Rev. Calvin Mackay." In •renewing ' their snbscrip- tiOn, Donald J. LOW: of Cardiff,' California, Saks they are enjoy- ing life there and the weather, is. wOriderful. Mr..:and ,Mrs. LOW Were fornier: Kinloss Township residents and • for .many years • had resided in Eastern' United States' before :moving tro Cali- fornia. . : , : .• '4 - Miss , Janet Rayner, • student nurse at 'Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, spent the week -end at .the home of her parents, •Mr. :ind Mrs. !Milton Rayner. • BORN PAGE TER.= • . • —.• . . • . WINGHAM Two shows each night First at 7.15 .....iv,..•••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.. Thursday, Friday, "Saturday,. , • November. 19, 20, 21, Andy Griffith Felicia Farr "ONIONHEAD" . • . . . • mirthful serVice 'coniedy. • • A Passe* Away Suddenly • The death' Of John 'Cuyler • occurred suddenly . at his home. in Kincardine on October 26tli: He was 57, and was . employed • at the Coombe Furniture Com- pany after moving from Kinloss Township 1952, where he had:"' farmed for ,25 years. , • He is survived by his wife,. • Kathleen Ferrier, three daugh- ters and three sons. A, son 'Clif- 'ton. died in 1939. / Also surviving are five sisters, • Mrs. LloydiConvay of Vankough- • net; Mrs. Glen . Campbell and Mrs. Thomas Bell of A.mberley; • Mrs. 'Bert • Nicholson of Kin - lough; Mrs! Ed. Healey of Kin-. cardine; and two brothers,. Geo. of Millarton and 'Wakefield „Of Fort St. John, . •• He was a, A'neinber of the Orange Lodges. at: ,KinloSs and'• R.B.P., Amberley. • • 4 • Notice Is Hereby Given To the Municipal Electors Of The TOWNSHIP Of WEST WAVVANOSH That the nominations of 'fit ',and 'proper persons 'to serve as • Reeve, four .Councillors and three, School Trustees for the Townihip School Area, for the Township Of West Wthiranosh for the "ensuing year, will take place at thetownship hall,• CARTER In Kincardine Gen- eral 'Hospital .on Monday, Nov- ember ',9th, 41959, to Mr. and Mr* Levi Carter, Luelpow, a daugh- ter. LANGSIDE COUPLE HEAD STAR LO$E ,Wet N.V..a-wariosh, on. • FRIDAY NOVEMBER .27th,.. .1:959 •4. • At one O'clock in the afternoon, for one hour, at which time and place all electors of said township are hereby notified '•to attend, and that should a poll be required, polling will •open on• • The installation of the Officers • of Hurcin Chapter 89, .Wingham,1• • Order ;of the Eastern Star was! held on Tuesday, evening, 146v - ember .10th. ,•• Mrs. J. A. Fox, P.D.D,G.M. Was. the..installing' Matron and Mr. James 'Walpole the instal- • ling 'PatrOn, assisted ,.by Mrs. 1, Thomas A. Currie, Mrs,. Andrew Lunn, Mks. W. W. Currie, • Mrs, Elizabeth • Fuller, •Mrs. George R. Scott, Mrs. Nor- man . Carson, Mrs. • Alex Coutts and Mr.. Murray ,Taylor. Mrs. George Guest was the soloist. The '.following • offieerS• were installed—Worthy, Matron, Mrs. Farish Moffat.; Worthy Patron, Mr. • Farish ' '1V1ofat; • Associate Matron, • Mrs., DOn Donaldson; Associate Patron, Mr. 4 Don Don- aldson; Secretary, Mrs, Roy Ben- nett; Treasurer, Mrs. ' Gwen • Adams; COriductress, Mrs. •Robt. • G. Gibson; Asseciate Conduct- ress, ,Mrs. W. E. Collyer; Chan - lain, Miss Mary 1Vicintyre; Mar- shall, Mrs. Alex Hobertson;, Or- ganist, Mrs. '' Morris Swanson; Adah, Mrs, Ross Vogan; Ruth, Mrs. Clayne Michel; Esther,: Mrs. • Earl Xing; Martha, Miss Norma Coats; tlecta, 'Mrs. Hobart kovitsell; Wardep,, • Mrs. K.. C. Leitch; Sentinel, •Mrs. Allen Ha- fermehl. • . Monday, December 7th, 1959. From '9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. at the various polling diviiions:. • - ' • No. 1, Dungannon , No. , 2,, Pblic LilDrary, Manchester. NO. 3, Township Hall No. 4, W. T. Hall,, St Helens • H No. 5, W. I. Hall, St. Helens No., 6, Parish Hall, St Augustine West ',Wawariosh, November 15th, 1959 • ' SUD_ • JOHN F.. FORAN,' • Clerk: - • •• 7.•!RY A WANT. AD .orrinioditopo***.aam-immotoomodmot*iimoilmegmaisainsompo.o..aiiaiimiervilk. • TREGODERICH Bill "Carry On Sergeant" and The Square Peg." I Now Playing November 19, 20, 21. Twin Comedy •Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, November 23, 24, 25. '11 , — Adult Entertainment --- i Neville Brand and pfttricia .0wens k Twentieth Century ox presents a preview showing 1 . .... of its newest November release; a story, designed for i 1 adult action fans. ' • . 4 ./ 1 "FIVE GATES TO HELL" ICinemascope -- n 1 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 26, 27,. 28. 1 DANNY KAYE :.•—• 'Barbara Bel Geddes and Louis Armstrong A cavalcade of music, comedy and drama as King- Konnic Kaye tells the life story of jazz musician RED NICHOLS, with the. hell; of Bob Crosby's orchestra. / "THE FIVE PENNIES" 1, In:Vista-Color • Coming SOOn --The Diary' of •A.hne %-Perkios and Shelley Winters. • •' . • itombosigoassoosoolisoltelemmam****e= 1 t