HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-21, Page 10• 'HE I'UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ON'M 0 • MARK ST. HELENS ANNIVERSARY. • (sT. HELtNS :NEWS) Congratulations and best wish- es go to Mr: W . J.` Humphrey : who recently obseryed hisnine. tieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown • .of Kitchener spent the •• week end in, the .'village. Mr. . and Mrs. john. Sparkes and Donna of London were week -end . visitors iii the , corn- munity and visited Mrs. $i arke's• brother, Mr. Eldon . Miller who • wEoNvSDAY, - OCT. 21st, • Registration' Fee — $3.00 ourseS ; Will: be held in the following, providing there sufficiero enrolment:- ; * SEWING' WOODWORKING. • CERAMICS FOLK DANCING - 'OIL PAINTING ART METAL, LEATHER, TYPEWRITING 410011 APPLICATION FORM 41174 .9f peeked • • flowers, including a basket plac- ed by the family in memory. Of Rev.' NV. J, Taylor of Dorchest- taught 'in the ninth school' and attended church here, •was the guest speaker. , At the morning serviee he preached on the sub- ject, Guardsrien. for Christ. The choir sang the anthem,. "0 be • Please send applkatiqn to secretary by October 30th. -Mrs. Wilfrid -Steele, RA 1,:Ripley, Ontario., Sec.-Treas. Congratulations •to , Mr. and 'Mrs. Mid.degaal (nee YO Van Mr. and. Mrs. Frank 1VIcCarthir ,Osch:) whose pretty, Wedding and dj,lijghter wary., of London, toek, place at St.'JosePh!s ehurCh -betrOit visited With the FraYn Mrs' ;Tack Kinney of DetrOit *13* during. the past ' Week. • is sPending, . few daye at...ber 9ther week -end. visitors to, a 'the late Jas. Doherty; 4.71:1O7'di,•ed.dUring the paet week this.. community Were Mr., and Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Rice favour - in the Goderich Hospital? with 19Irs. Moran and children of ed a :dliet `..1:GUd's ,is interment in St. Joseph s Cerae- tery here Pcrry and son of Goderich, Dr: Joanne Thompson. spent the Mrs, ,Catherine O'Conner . 'unday *t9:' spend the' winter Detroit, Mr. .and Mrs. William and. Mre. Allan Miller as the CornWall.. guest of. bOuglas S. K. Graham, Miss Richards and Miss McElwain of Ford - herd" and "'Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling." At the evening service Rev. Taylor chose as hisi theme, An Old Traveller's vice. The choir sang, the anthem,. '"He's a wonderful. Saviour" and rui ar YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND MARGARINE SALE. L L Delmar. Special low price. pos. TOMATO JUICE SALE. 29c Tin. L • HIGHLAND, PRIDE COFFEE. Our Exclusive Top'Seller. Pound . 59c LARGE FAB FREE With purchase of 2 large Ajax for ICE CREAM SALE. Save 10c. Silverwood's for quality. Half -Gallon . 54c HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR HALLOWE'EN SUPPLIES ' APPLES,. NUTS, CANDIES; GUM, ETC: E 4c We' Sell ftir Less Values Effective October 22, 23, 24 Ste. Marys, 1VIr., arid Mrs.: William the .Best.,,,,Way." , • Augustine. ie with. her MCKinnon in NVingham. ••• Congratulations to ,and" aunt, Mrs. • .14ais licgan and•I SHORTHORN , SAiLE HERE FRIDAY. OF NEXT WEEK The eighth annual Iluron-Perth Shorthorn • Club's Consignment , sale of Scotch Shorthorns will be. held in' the arena ill .1-alck- I now . on • Friday of next Week, Twenty-tWo. head ,Of cheice cattle are•beinig offered compris- ed of eleven bulls and eleven females,: A number of the bUlls Are performance 'tested, Andrew Gaunt is sales mana7 ger from. whoni catalogues. may be obtained or at, The Sentinel Office. ..-1...‘ Hospital, Goderich on ,OCtol i'Der 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin. have gone to spend the winter months ,,with their ‘faiiily in BORN • October 7, 1959; to Mr. and•Mrs. .Chester NicholSon; 11:1t. 2,, Luck- NICHOLSONAt the Willem*, General .Hospital, on Wednesday, .Phone 119, laucicimiv BUTTERMILK ROLLS PAY 0 N LY 25c, PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION FOR • ALL AGES., CLASSES START IN NOVEMBER 10.00 per ygar ,For Inforination Write To:' BOX 249 WINGHAm. • a/rdware Npw IS THE TIME TO FIX THOSE • BARN .AND' GARAGE DOORS 'HAVE A SyPPLY OF BARN DOOR TRACK, ,TROLLiirS AND, BRACKETS ttliq • LECTERN DEDICATED IN HONOUR 'OF DR. NALENS At the JhanksgiVing Morning serVice in I5hox United Church, dated:to the memory of Dr. -John The church calendar referred Ito Dr. Valens 'EIS a nian' of many friendships, His wide , interests ineluded devoted . service to his patients, his profession, his com- • Ile was 'a valued elder of the congregation from' 1908 until his MIME 'SKATING SCHOOL, ,TO OPEN DT NOVEMBER cEMENT .LWAYS .14. STOCK • W.t.:..HENDERSON. LUMBER:::LTD.. LAST: WEEK'S SALES HAVE 'RESULTO "NEW F,4CES" ON Wit .tapi cmt LOT They Are .COmin'g And ..,doing,,Every Day THERE'S 'JUST THE CAR FOR YOU.HERE! Come In And iee and Price. TheM The Wingham Figure Skating Club plans to ,restine . activities that town for the 8th 'suCces. siVe season. Last year the Mem:- bership wai 78 and this year the' Club aiming at a figure 'The OA has engaged the in- structional services of Mr. RaY Warden; a"' professional teacher, as a skater. X. 1 WelWood of, The ',Market Store is president, of -the Wing-, And, Oh Yes, Do'n't VOrget• Our Tremendous/ ire ale . ON QUALITY FIRESTONE TIRES Bill'.s .Firia Service,: Bill Hunter -- 'Phone 55, L.uclin' ow