HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-21, Page 8•
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. ' South Kinloss• .
The South KinloSs C.O.C. and,
Explorer. Groups met in the
•• church, • Tuesday after SchaQl.
. There were twenty-six children
.• present, , lyTpalCvnz.le was
Chief Explorer. The meeting op-,
ened with the Explorer Purpose,
. Explorer Hymn and prayer. Mrs.
•,gave the talk on prayer.
•• Jinuny MaoKinnon, ,Gary Austin
and Walter Dickie recited a
Thanksgiving poem. WO Dean
•IViacLeocl •was guest speaker and
religWShie C9M11.4ttee and • Mt% ber Meeting, ,To et the pro -
0. ,s.Richafda - for tile catering' gi•ani for November is Mrs, Pete
committee, asking to helpers for .Cook; Mrs. Gordol Kirkland has
the Bruce Presbytery Rally to Samples of Christmas cards ler
, *be held in our church Ottober, anyone wishing to order. IVIrs.
1.5th. Business pertaining to the Pete Cook gave a 'gall() instrti-
anniVersary supper, October 271inerital and 11/iit Allan Ritchie
was dealt. with, All members 'a reading "On Thanksgiving." A
cbritributing in some way tochapter from the study book was..:
this our largest project of the- taken by Mrs. Jack Gardner.
year. Mrs. Wigthtman • capablyi The November Meeting will
reviewed the chapter in our i he held at the home of Mrs.
study book "Stewardship of the i Earl Swan. • •
Family," Readings were given! '
by Mrs C. Short and Mrs. W. B. rreSbYterian Mission Band
Anderson. Mr, C. Bristow gavel The Victoria Mission Band of
us a 'short but interesting_ out -1 1the Presbyterian, Church .met on
fine of their:. trip to B.c. this OctOber 13th at 4- o'clock in Pie,
'surUper , and " showed many I Sunday .School Room, With 21
lovely Pictures which were most , members • and two visitors pre-
! ft the o ening hymn.
• had *•an .inspiring talk for the 'entertaining and instructive. • .
children. The.. story of . Leo ;of Mrs• J. W. Joirrit' thanked' Mr.1 and the motto repeated in. un' -
Alaska was reviewed. and con, Bristow and' all those taking son, the scripture was read by
tinned. Several action. gospel Pa_ irt. Hymn 582 and the Miz- Minna Forster. A prayer by
songs were sung and'Miss Mac- Pah benediction closed the meet- Terry Taylor was followed by
' .11..eod closed the meeting Nvith ihg after 'which a social time a reading by Joan McKenzie.
'maker. We all enieYed-the treat was erlicYed. . ' Janet Carruthers. and Jimmie
of Macintosh apples provided by . .. Henderson each played a piano
Mrs. Evan Keith.• Zion Unite4 Church W.M.S. • solo. Mrs, Howard Agnew, the
11 •
ily.iFoisimiDA,T! OCT. 21st, 1959
croup w vir.4. rs. D. A. Raekett held the guest speaker gave'the mission -
October .8th meeting at her home .arY storY. Peggy ' .McDonald
Group IIIheld an evening with .17 ladies and 3 children thanked Mrs. Agnew and Mary
meeting at the home • of Mrs. E. present. The meeting opened in Finlayson ' gave . a prayer. The
Taylor with 29 members and 2 the usual Manner. 1VIrs. Graydon meeting closed singing the
• visitors Present Mrs ii. Elliott1 scrIP-
Ritchie gave the devotional and theme. ' . •
ing with a Thanks'giving prayer. I tures.' 'Ilhank You card wai. readl OliVet UM
nited ChFreh 'W..S.
. .
presided .and opened the meet- also 'read the different •
"Pewer and Depth" .. was the from Mrs. Nelson Raynarcl • On The Olivet W.M.S. ' held their
theme of the devotional period: a recent death. Visitors for shut- Autumn Thankoffering meeting
The scripture wasread by Mrs. ins are Mrs. Eldon Ritchie and. in the , Church witha good at-
, E. Thom and the meditation and 'Mrs. Howard Barger. The . sec- tendance. Mrs. • Ross,. Black pre.,
PraYer 'by Mrs. P. Hawn- Mrs.; tionaj: meeting of the W.M.S. is sided* During the business meet -
Elliott welcomed two new mem-1- to be held on Octaber 23r4 In ing donations were made to Sing
ben; mrs. R. Robinson and mrs. I Dungannon United Chur•ch af_ Time and. Toronto Telegram Milk
•. E. McClenagban. Mrs. E. Wight- terneori• an•d.„ evening. went. Fund. Mrs. Jack McGUire read
i favoured
Beth. comments,
• •
sole. • Mary Roulston gave . a
T.hanksgiVing reading. A. chap-
ter fromthe study book was re-
viewed by Mrs. Herb Clayton.
•The-, Meeting.closed 'with a
Thanksgiving' hymn and prayer
by Mrs. Ross Black, Lunch Was
• served by 'the conimittee and a,
••oial time enjoyed by all. •
Your JohnFor• • :tractors, see
narrow of' scorn should,
path, to turn. aside and seehow
the rest of the world. iS living.
Do we ever seek to put ourselves
• in the place of others to sit
where they' sit? As Oliver Wen.
dell Holmes once' said"The
greatest thing in this. 'world • is
not so much where we are,. but
in what direction we are 'mov-
• find it." • •
• 1 • cannot help thinking • that
while it is important that Man-
kind learn to walk in a straight
line, as this `i -elates to human
• conduct, that it is a mistake to
apply the thought to all of life.
There is always danger that we
,•shall "get in a 1 rut,"., that we
shall lose . ourselves in a ' set
news' INSURANCE Agency
' .k • Ashfield Presbyterian W.M..S.
Business 39 HOWARD AGNEW Residence 138 , : • Mrs. D. A. McLean opened the
• '• ' ' . . ' .,`• meeting of Ashfield • wakks.-- at
• ' . •• ----... . _____,......,•_.,' the home of ' Mrs. Ernile 1Vici..en-
0.0.0••••••••••••••••.'...."•••••••••••!"-"--"--- -- - –'"-- - ' nan en ' ThUrsday, October 15th,
• . , • - . •
., . • • with meditaticar, repeating of
A 4
ze lipme".7 ,
Welcome voids at meal -time! '
Usually a phone call„,or two among the neigh:. •
• bonrs.rounds them up:
flow many cold meals and frayed tempers and
moments of 'uneasiness have you been spared be-
cause your telephone. was handy many
“inan-hunts''when'small ones have wandered off?
•• Thc telephone helps 'kaki a neighb&uly commu-
nity—helps us all to live More securely, to get more
things done, More easily.
• Yeas your telephone is a wend wbndifu1ly
wonderfully efficient servant. .
the W.M.S, purpOse in. Unison
, and • a prayer by 'Mrs. William
Ross. • 'rhe theme of the entire
program. . was "Thanksgiving."
• Mrs. • Dave McDonald had the
scripture reading,.meditation
and prayer. Mrs. Hector McLean,
Mrs.' Hugh McKenzie. and Miss
Sadie, Johnston each .gave a
reading ori "Why Thanksgiving,"
• Mrs, 'Dick West had charge of
•• our Mission Study . and gave a.
splendid. account of the Life
and Work of Caroline McDonald
• of .Wingharn, the "White angel
of Tokyo" Mks. Ewan McLean
gave prayer. Florence McLennan
• sang a •sOlo. Mrs, D. A. McLean
• read an article about the 'Re,
formation and explained the dif-
• ference ..between .Catholic belief
•• and Piotestant belief. Mrs. Van-
• derlay inforrned us that in, 11°1-
' land, they set aside a Sunday
•in the Month • of :October as a
• . "Reformation Anniversary!' Mrs.
Reuben. Wilson read aPoem
• "Gratithcle." Roll 'call was an
•'swered 'by' a: Thanksgiving verse..
• Mrs. William, Ross after Welcornv
• ing .all visitors conducted the
business of the meeting. •Mrs.
1•Warren Wirlds has been qppOint,7,
• ! edleader of . -the : Explorers
' group: She alid;•anriounced the
• :vacancies on' the • Presbyterial
• .Staff. Mrs. Dan •Wylds chose the
hymns and was the pianist for
the ,rneeting: • : ; • '
• Mr, and Mrs. Clifford tjung
of Kinloss .observed their silver
• or 25thwedding anniversary on
Octolber 8th, and on October 10th
relatives gathered'. at their home
and tendered :..a surprise party,.
Mr. ..and ivirs. young. were pre-
• sented with a beautiful set at
silverware. The visiting ladies
provided a hearty flinch.
• , —Teeiwater News 7
• HaveYou Renewed \ow ;.•;..t.
We w,ould do. well from time
to time, t6. get off the • beaten scription9
• •
• .
• • •
For a number of years,, one of
the standard tests of sobriety
has been proven ability to walk
a Straight line. To date, no 'suc-
cessful efforts has been, made tb
remove from the •sales market
any product sthat would 'prevent
an individual from .walking in a
• straight line: We work with ef-
fect, not with' cause. •
• The pl-a-a-se "walking the
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