HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-14, Page 11•, WEDNESDAY,' OCT, 14th, 1959 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Sj SEE •4 s r :% ss }.:. { :f x rrrrr�r rot :4 r We have. IN BOTH. ranging including OUR . {:vis ! C?' :4ti• .n vh «C!tiw:C{%%in• a .complete KITCHEN in large •r%.UN i s ivJ�iii:�•'<'?y;::iri: CHROME FULL ;: ^ •: ti? . i?: cvgy.;!.. Y• r..n..r price . ;! 7rY+ rix from table SELECTION i: .. up SUITES: •f 4 r Y• 4 �0t4 sF> -to AND $75.00 and date six ., yr P x, -",- y stock HENOL up chairs OF: kN,, /.... xsr. }%. 4N } of . { We 'will begladto show you our complete stock of furniture at no obligation. SHOP AT HOME FOR BEST QUALITY, •k!. LOWEST PRICES. McLennant4acKenzie �c Phone ' 181 — ' Lucknow > ' C:FA•: VOTE (•Continued, from page', 1) "Advocates "of CTA repeal have reiterated 4lu • itis is `"out moded" because passed " mandr. Years ago. The •implication. of this. statement is. that . the' Liquor Control Act of Ontario, :provid- ing provid-ing for eight different Methods ' of sale,• is not .oitmoded. It shotiiId 'be',pointed out,• therefore, that newspapers all over the : Province Barry' news �• headings on items about. teen-age', drink ng, purchase byminors, raids :on youth ' drinking • parties and so ,'on—.a11 `under •the Liquor Control Act, The; Chatham News said editorially . not long , ago, / that Kent county .'has more :boot- leggers ; in a :week 'than Iiuron in a •' month'. and .that Huron should; ,not. vote out : the •Canada Temperance Act `under the °der • fusion that the 'LCA will auto- rnatically rid' the county of .boot- legging, : excessive drinking and drinking 'by •minors.' ' • "Certain' ,provisions of the Lr quos Control. Act 'complement the' •CT4 andwould greatly as• sista: -enforcement if . applicable:. These formerly, were applicable' in CTA areas; but in the time of the Drew Governmentthis valu- ' able aid was withdrawn: Effort has been made and will' be con-' tinued . 'to' have . Premier Frosts consent .to: removal of this 'dis- ability.: But even as' things stand, your committee.' . •feels strongly. that Huron is best served by the • Temperance Act. "The' public' will'. be told dur- ing the campaign that numerous liquor outlets would not neees= sarily be' established 'in this county upon repeal' of , the Act.-, The fact 'is ,that liquor stores and brewers' warehouses- could. be issued • at once --.and does any- one 'think ny-one'think' they, would not? The liquor trade 'is eager to ' gobble , up this, territory; now restricted. by the CTA.' Peel, ' a , county somewat similar to Huron .and With no large eities, was without licenses under the 'Canada Tem- ' perance Act. The voters repealed' it,' and. now, ,under .the Liquor q ntrol Act, Peel has outlets in Brampton, ° Bolton,. • Streetsville., I'AGE F.T�,1;VEN IINLO'Uc ._�. We extend syn4.athy to .`the relatives of the late .Margaret Nicholson who passed away on Monday. •Mrs. Dori Gillespie' is ^. _. .'. •-__ ,._ _ a niece •andMr. Bert Nicholson is a nephew. Mr. Douglas Haldenby was a delegate to the DiocesanAYPA conference held atS Stratford over .last week -end. Messrs. William and Keith Simp9n •ofMooresvrllevrs ted ton Tuesday at the home of their Cousins, Edna and May Boyle.' 'Mrs. Eva Stanley of London visited With Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and' with Mr, and Mxlf., 'Ezra Stanley'. Mrs. 'Davies aes. and' 1VIr and Mrs. . V. Wa . rw0 od'"and Jane of'Toron- to - o on to i i ted over the` week - e nd with Mr. and . ,Mrs. Harold . Hal. denb- Y and Mr.: and Mrs, Walter Br. - eek le s 'and their families., es• Mr. M. an d Mrs. Arthur Heiden.- by, •Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ben nett arid • Howie of Toronto Visi- ted relatives here over the week. end, ' • The W.A.met on Thursday afternoon with .the • vice, •presi f .dent,, Mrs, Roy. Schneller „pre- siding. ,pre-siding. Theopening hyin l was "Jesus : shall reign" followed by prayer. Miss • May ' Boyle ..Wel- comed •the .Kinloss W.M.S. ladies and 'Members' from 'the Kinlough W.M.S. •The scripturewas read by ' Mts. Gerald •Rhody.. Mrs George Graharn. gave the medita- tion. The . theme of. the meeting was 'Thanksgiving., • Readings were given by Mrs. ' Frank Maul den, 'Mrs.. William.' 'Campbell; ;Mrs. James. Hodgins ,: and Mrs., 'Jim Smith who also thanked all who.. took part . in the program: Rev. Benson 'Cox showed pic- - _ tures • which. were very interest - _ --- ing.. •The •offering was ` received, Albion township, Toronto Gore .by, , .Mrs... Roy Graham and.Mrs. and •Tororito. township,.' The last: Cliff . Robb. The ;hymn "Now named municipality /has nine • thank we all our God" and ,pray- '"Huron.:has :a• good record in er . closed the Meeting. Refresh- pronouncements..0 P.on restrictive ments -Were served' .'and :a.,social • 'legislation•',It lave 2,608 majority time was spent: for the Canada Temperance Act 'Congratulations . to• g Mr.. and in • 1914,. almost . 12,000 -ifor the Mrs,' !Ross Irwin (nee Beatrice' •.Ontario Temperance 'Act' (a pro-' Haldenby) who Were married on• hiibitOry: law) and when the beer Saturday, afternoon at Lucknow.' and wine '.amendments • of 1934 ;• ` We are sorry sto ''report that`. were put through the legislature; Mrs. Bert Nicholson has • been • '• : Ton. Cooperatveh;14edicai and Surgical. Services.' "The People's Owii Plan to Provide Medical and' Surgical Care' at Cost"' Patronize your County Organization wb li eb . provides • Major Medical and Surgicalc a I . ft Ben e i . s as. well as a ..100. Life. I ce. nsuran _ PolicY. Our. e m tubers • ma� PaY their Ontario' o T 4' Ho s ita 1 Services Premium m thr ou h us at t S rx o r 'Twelve we ve month • • P e pr• od sFor furthea>.�rnfrma i"oDnIRcEoCnt�OcRtSY r nearest director. r . MRS.. ANDERSON .B ER TRANM•KL PP • R.R. Wingham'..Zurich 2 urrch MR •S. LLCM TAYLOR O T A OR GOiRDON KIRKLAND ; Exeter e. L� :� uckno KE w ETH NN HNS �O L�f,' S ELL T S� BOLTON WOO d aJ h m Dublin R GORDON HARD ... SON •F ORDXC C.. L'AR K. Bruxe cef' ld R.R/ 5`Godere h ,•L OR1V`E ROD GES GES ' ' .. ROY STRONG R.R. 1, ,Goderich . Gorrie: RUSSFr:r, KNIGHT •BERT TiRWIN R.R. 2,' Brussels. C]Inton. President ' Vice -President Secretary -Treasurer, Roy Strong Fordyce Clark, Bert Irwin. . Babe, Waterloo and. Miss Mary. Collison, Galt spent the holi- day 'week -end with •Mrs.' Cath- erine O'Neil . • • Mr, ' •ands Mrs•. Dori 'Robertson and: family, Ottawa, : spent the holiday week -end :with'' Mr. , and 'Mrs., John Sehurri,acher. • Mrs, William Campbell and girls, Kinloss, spent : Sunday with " Mr.' and Mrs. ':'Alex ' Why= tock, Mr. and ' Mrs., Carman Whytock of Whitechurch. spent Sunday • evening 'at.' the :same home. • "Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. 'Wraith ac- corinpanied by 'their guests, . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knight and Char- lene, Leaside; Mr,; &. Mrs..Fred Aimer • & ,Murray, .:Weston &• & M.S. Walter. Wraith, Teeswater were`:dinner:guests' Sunday even- ing ' of f ' Mr. and Mrs. Murray' ; iend'erson "and farri.ily . Lucknew: 'Mr. •William, .. Wall,' Kinlougih, visited with Mr. and .Mrs.. John Schumacher. • Mrs. Ethel Wison and Mr, Wrr. Kidd, . 'Toronto, are ' visiting at the , home of the Wilson • Bros. '. both Huron members' ' voted: confined to her home . following 'against them. •• "If , all.the facts .can...be . ade-, ' olso quately .presented to the •public Do Mr. ;and : Mrs: Jack' Scott, Bill in Huron ' before polling day, the Canada • Temperance `Act, and Bob' visited on Sunday with should;' receive deci•sive endorse -: Mr and Mrs : William `Cox .'• and' ment," Mr. . Howson'stated., Rev • Benson Cox.' Harvest Thanksgiving Ser- vices were held in the . Anglican Church on' Sunday.' Rev. .Ben - dental . surgery, "Little 'Lois Nich: n has also,'.lieen, under the tors ,care for the past week. CHURCH NEWS son Cox preached the sermon at . the morning service and Rev: Presbyterian Church WM.S, H L. Jennings' was in charge of The • • Octgter • meeting • of the ' the evening service. .. The choir, Afternoon Auxiliary was held int under the'' direction' of `Miss Ed -1 the curch • on Wednesday, Octo=,I na Boyle sang • suitable athems ' ber 7th. The Vice President, Mrs• I with, Mrs Harold ,Haldenby solo- Philip Stewart conducted the Fist meeting . ' along Thanksgiving, Mrs.,' Ardill• Mason spent Sim-. lines. After , opening exercises;' day with her mother,: Mrs. J. 'W. Psalm 67 was read responsively Colwell. ' and •a meditation •on it was. taken The • Anglican Service will' be by Mfrs: Morgan Henderson: Miss. held next Sunday 'et 2 o'clock ' Tena , Carrick' , had the Bible p.m., standard time. ' Study on ' "Priscella". while Miss Mr..and Mrs: Stark of Sarnia Mrgaret Malcolm • gave, a. piano visited. over the week -end ..with sola. Personal ':letters.: were read 'Mr; and:, Mrs. Lyman Sutton .and„ from ` two of our 'missionaries,: family. • • Miss Bessie, MacMurchy of In.! IVtr. James Hodge is a patient .dore,•, India who conducts post in ViTingliiiin Hospital—Hismany g him•a speedy re -.1 graduate work '.for nurses and friends wish' 1. Miss'; Florence Lo an•.of Taiwam covert'.'• Formosa,' wlio has ' charge' of a ` ible•p :school there. The to is , I CULROSSCORNE on; . the ..Church's. witness to a changing Canada was very ` folly dealt 'Mrs. Bob Rei with by w dr She showed how the change' and e3q3ansion of our .•country' ' has placed inane responsibilities on our church, • Among them' might be. cited: Industry' opening up, new towns and church .. building needed , there.' The influx of people to the cities, leavinga: decreasing'' number to carry, on the work of the older cliurcles, the crying need for more young men :and women Ftp train for service in the. church. Mrs. Rus sell closed the meeting with prayer. Mr. • and .Mrs, Bob Fischer and. RS • Congratulations to .: Mr. and 'Mrs.. Barry' McDonagh. • (nee! Betty Adrian) who were married Saturday in ' the Presbyterian Church, 'Teeswater and ' to Mr and Mrs. 'Ross Irwin' (nee. Beatty 1 I-Ialderiby) who ' were. married Saturday iiia Lucknow. On • Thursday evening a pre nutial event Was :held . lin ` West-, l ford school when friends and i neighbours gathered to honour Beatty. Haldenby, After an inter- esting prograrnrne, •. Beatty open- l/ ed many •lovely and useful gifts. •.Lunch 'was served.. • • A . Mrs. ••Cecil °:McNall and Char- lie, Carruthers Nursing. Home, visited . Sunday afternoon ' at Browns. . • Mr. and Mrs, Fred • Steward .of London spent Sunday with his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. -'Charles Steward. ` ' and Mrs. Graham '. Mac- Donald, Ann 'and Jimmy of Wat- ford; • Margaret MacDonald of Sarnia and Miss, Judy McRae and Mack :. MacDonald of ' Lon- don . spent • Thanksgiving holiday week -end with their parents, Mr,,' and, . Mrs,. ' W F. ' MacDonald who were celebrating their '40th 'wed- .. • ding anniversary: Harold F. Linklater • of Kin- cardine .has: been elected presi- dent of the Georgian: $ay • Dis- trict Funeral Service .Association. He ' succeeds J. A. Richards of Flesherton , and : a native'of this circum pity. • Something to sell?' Something: to. buy?. Phone 35, :Lucknow. NOTICE OF rruption ridgy Noon, October From 11:50 to 12:10, Standard Tune ALSO Sunday Morning, ,October From 00 to 4 00 a.m., Standard Time, AREAS AFFECTED. a Walkerton, Wingham • ' Kincar i ne, 'Ripley, .L ucknow, tTeeswater, -Formosa. Mildmay, ,Wxoxeter, , . Garre, Fordwich, ,Bluevale. and :all surrounding,, rural' areas.• ,These ' interruptions are necessary to •. ..,, Y install and . connect additional lines and equipment to serve these areas., .Any inconv.enien:ces to • our customers resulting from these interruptions is •sincerely regretted. PLEASE NOTE. THAT THERE . ARE. TWO DIFFERENT INTERRUPTIONS W. H. McArthur, Manager, Wingham Area. r • • • , a , A 4' .• 4 • A 44.