HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-30, Page 9WEDNESDAY', SEPT. 30th, 1959
.Mis,, Leslie Lawson . d .' an •• son
Bob, ' also ,Mrs. Mary 'Galbraith,
Clinton. visited at the Herb Fin-
nigan residence .on. Sunday. Mrs.
Galbraith is a sister 'of the :late
W. H. McClure:
aVlrss. Wilfred •Wittman, Dub-
lin, •spent the week -end with
her parents; Mr: and Mrs Fred
Baechler. On Sunday they visit-
edrelatives in Walkerton.
Mr. Ed :Kilpatrick; Ogerna,
Sask., visited' last. Week,' with
his cousin, Mrs. Cecil . Blake and
other relatives inthis district.
The Dungannon' United Church
anniversary services will-beheld
on. Sunday; October • 25th'.. with
the guest minister, Rev. 'S. A:
Pickering, Mount Forest for
'both services.
Recent visitors ,with Mrs. Ab
'her Morris were... Mr. and . Mrs.
C: W. Burden, Atlanta,`. Michigan,
Mr. and Ms. Roy-. Potter, Fonda
Lac Michigan,'Mrs. Ruth Hay-
den, Goderioh,;.Mr. and, Mrs Jas.
McIntyre, Nile:. At the: 'latter:
couples place on,• Sunday;, Mrs.
Morris attended the .Potter pic-
nic, .family of the late, . Mr. '-and
Mrs:. Sam Potter, Colborne ;Twp.
Erskine 'Presbyterian Church
will observe ' anniversary ser-
vices. on Sunday, ' October: 18th
Rev.: W. • A. Henderson 'of Wal-
kerton is guest speaker:
'George Harris Passes
. Several • attended the funeral'
of the late `George Harris, 85, it•
Goderich, on •Sunday. with ' ,in-
terment: in ,Dungannon. cemetery.
Mr: Harris • was bereaved of ' his
wife less than 'a year ago, which
with ' their ; passing removes a
highly; esteemed couple from the
Craris£ord' . district, 'where , for
many years . they opei ated an
apiary, shipping honey', to .many'
parts• • of the world.. • They were
valuable, members of Dungannon
. United 'Church and:. attended
: un-
failinghealth, when the
Went •to live with' Members of
their family in Goderich, regret-
'' 'ting to leave their well ,loved
and picturesque 'home. nestled in,
the holle of the hills at Crans-
: ford, where at ,one time, 'there
• was a hamlet of over 20.0 peo
ple,. utilizing the power of wwater,
from, : the 'river to operate Mills.
Bee -keeping' was the late Mr:
Harris's. . hobby •. and ' occupation,
assisted by his son .Everett' and
they have also greatly relied on
Mr, and ' Mrs. Art : Roulaton,
"(nee 'Margaret. Carter) •''and two
eildren are occupying an apart -
Ment on main street;belonging
to Mrs. Olive Culbert. Mr. iv.oul
sten •,is employed by ` Goderich
,Mf g. Co.
Visitors for the +' week -end with
Mr. and ' Mrs. Harvey Maize
were 'Mr+ and Mrs. ,Foe Prior and
Mr' and Mrs. Joe Holland, of
Guelph, Mrs. Glen Springer and
family, Lynda, Brian',and . Dale
of T1.1.11Iltigze
Mr.' Ricky and' Deb=
bie of Auburn.
The' United Church Women's
Association met for the Septem-
ber meeting on. Friday night • at
the church. Mrs. Raymond 'Fin-
nigan' led for the opening Mrs.
Hugh McWhinney read the scrip-
ture lesson, Mrs. Ivan Rived
gave the 'topic.- The W.A." will
have a • display at the fair. The
association plans •a sale on, No-
vember •6th A quilt ` is being
'quilted: The lunch • committee
was Mrs. R. Stothers, Mrs. Lloyd
Hodges, Mrs. 7R.. Finnigan • and
Mrs. Howard ,Johnston.
We are sorry to know •Mr..
Richard 'Finnigan of Goderich
has lately been on the sick ,list
and hospitalized, but we hear
he is :improving quite well
`Mr.,. Allan Dickson,. Who our -
chased the former Sproul Furth
ture• store on 'the corner of ' the
'property of Mr.. and Mrs. Robert
•Bere, removes' the :•m aterial as•
it is dismantelled and it is found
•to bein well,preserv.ed condition
though the building was in :much
need of repairs and its .removal
is an • improvement.
Shower For -Bride-Elect
A Shower. by the . Crawford
relatives was held at : the hone
of ; Mrs. 'Ernest' `.• Crawford' for
Barbara Wilson, . 'bride -elect:
.Contests were conducted by Mrs.
Bert, Crawford. Miss `Ann Craw
ford ,'read ; a: paper which was;'
composed by Mrs. E. Crawford , i
A decorated basket laden with 4
gifts carried in by cousins, Lyn- 1
'da Crawford and Sharlene Cook. .;
Barbara opened the gifts assist
ed by cousins Lois'rawford:and T.
Lois' Glenn...Barbara made 'a 'fit-
. ting ::reply. Lynda: ".Crawford
played "For She's .A .Jolly Good
Fellow, alljoining to. sing; A
delicious lunch was served by
Mrs. Ernest Crawford and .' Mrs.
Clifford Crawford: ' .
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humerous, reading . by'i Mrs:' G:
McNee was followed by the
Motto, Dio'. not resent growing
old, many are denied' the Y
ledge, capably : given by Mrs. E.
Zinn, Mrs:. W. • Smith- received a
prize for being the •;oldest grand-
mother present. %Mrs. Victor
Black the youngest, and Mrs.. R:
Bere, for'having the most great
grandchildren.A delicious lunch,
was served at which time .Mrs:
C Blake won •a cup and saucer
Mrs. W. A. Culbert visited her -few' days. •
daughter, Mrs: .Earl .Sherwood,. • Mr.. and Mrs. Jinn. Smith m and
'Carlow;. last Friday. family of ' Molesworth and Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Wall of' Tees -
water .spent Sunday with ' Mr.
Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Whytock
and family. of :Wingliam and '.Mr.
:and `, Mrs. Bill Ross and Douglas
of -Lochalsh ;Visited Sunday with.
Mr: and Mrs Frank Ritchie.: and
Mrs. Alex Leaver, visited. with
Mr.' and Mrs. , D.A.. Hackett a •
and .Mrs.. ,Will Ritchie. •
Mr: Edgar 'Ritchie, Huntsville
and Mrs:. • Floyd:Horton and:
.children • of Toronto visited :- a
few days: • With' friends on ` the
line. •.
Church and 'Sunday ' School
will : be at 10 next Sunday, it •1/
being Rally day.
Mrs. McKim .Speaks:
Mrs. McKim of. Lucknow,. who
was introduced.' by •'•, Mrs. Cecil
Blake as .guest' speaker when
the Dungannon•'
omens Insti-
entertained' the grandmoth-
ers at their, September meeting
in the Parish, Rall: Mrs. McKim
inher address on ,Stamp lCollect-
ifs advised the grandmothers to
get their grandchildren started
on this ' interesting and ` some-
'times ,profitable hobby. She said,
teaches a child ••symmetry,
design• •tideness .and to, be more
observant, She. was • thanked
and presented. with a gift by
Mrs. X. ,Dawson: The roll call
was answered by telling "How
Grandma • cooked 'for threshers
'fifty years : ago.'Mrs:. F. Jones'
and ,Mrs., • E. ,Rivett' sang a, pleas-
ing duet. 'Vegetables from ' the
4 -H. -Garden Club 'were display-
ed' by Dungannon • Farmerettes
and a • paper . prepared by Mary
Belle• Bub was read by Mrs. H.
McWhinney. During the .busi-
ness period Mrs. a. McNee and
Mrs. H. McWhinney • were ap-
pointed leaders for; the 4-11 pro-
ject, "Clothes Closets'up to• Date"
and for the Institute • Short
Course on Lamp Shades, Mrs,
W. Brown and Mrs. C. ;Blake. A
donation of $10.00 was given to
the Institute for the Blind. A
Phone 181
We have 'a very large selection of the
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