HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-30, Page 6PAGE SIX Vidrosa: Farm Sold: 'The deal was closed last week, • livherebY the fine 100 -acre farm 4:4 -Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Mc- Donald on the Elth Concession of Culross was 'sold, Sale of the :farm was .made through, Paul Starr Real Estate, to &Ir. Anth- ony Groenewegen of Cooksville. M. Groenewegen is getting mar., Tied in the near future, and will be bringing his bride to the tarm. 4 4. WEDNESDAt 30th, 1959 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO • CHECK THESE RATES ,7 SINGLE $5' ,. 600 private bith). , DOUBLE $ (WRIsyselynto both) egsiN": ti'i,•••''' • Hotel EMPIRE . BroedYinial 63rd Street • • At• the "Gateway to Times Square" 'A 700 moms & suites. -most with AIR. • CONDITIONING, TV andinclio .40 Excellent Restaurant -Coffee Shop - Cocktail Lounge....... Garage adjiMsit to. hotel •PLCS many ;special Empirawonvenienc44. Sitters. PhySician. Sightseeing Buono. • Ink & Plane Reservation' Radio St TV Tickets IlEVI/ 'YORK 24,14x . courtibus5:$00 •ST, HELENS • " Congratulations to Mrs. Jack. Fisher and 'her pupils of the St. Helens °Sehool on winning se- cond Place for the, sehool chorus and . yell in the Rural School competition at the Luclaiow Fall Fair on Thursday, also to •Mr. Don Cameron. and his pupils of Belfast Schoo]. who• were placed first in the classes for Scho'ol Parade and Dress and also won in the Square Dance competition, and to Mrs. George Fisher and her pupils. of Fordyce school • who won _third for the parade and dresS: , " • 1 • • 4 , ' •, • ' r:•.• , ' . . PILUMBING : • and iliEATi NG'. Agent for combination oil, coal and wood SEAFORTH.. OPRNACEA: Plumbing FistUres Copper, steeland Plaitiet • Piping Deep arid shallow Well Pressure Pumps ART GILMOR.E R. 3 Lucknow Phone 61-r-13 Dungannon DONATIONS TO THE ARE NOW COSE TO $200.00 This „community •generally gives ,generously to all -worth- While appeals, and currently is responding to the appeal of the Canadian Institute for the Blind. The objective' • is • as yet not nearly reached, but the follow - Mg' donations. amount to $182.85. 'Dr., J. E. Little, $10.; J. ill, Lane, $5.; Dr. M. H. Corrin, $10.; A. E. McKim., $5..; John MacRae, $2.; John R. MaeLeocl,..$5.; Miss E:1VicCluskey, $2.; Jim Mathers, V.; W. B. Anderson, $10.; C. M. Hu,mplirey, $5.; Mrs.' Neil J. cornmunitY as ' a. result .• of the there were Mhn6Kerizie, PP; HI M. 1ViacLen There is no doubt - L. C. ThonWson,;12.; Wm. .A, some proud grandparents,. in the an, $5.; ..T. .C; . Campbell, $2.; •. Schmid' $2Thos14Burns; $3;; judging in the contest for babies '; .' . . months to one year old.Win- W. A. Russell; $21 Mrs,:M. An 6 - nnetta Bushell, $10.;• George Hen- ing first prize was Lori Jean, •, . .and Mrs. Allan ry, V.; Ernest Ackert, 004 daughter of, Mr . .grancidaughter of G°rd6r1' -MoritgornerY, $2.; Art Miller, and Breckles Mr. and Mrs; W. A. miller, se_ Kenzie, $1; E , $2.; Mrs. R. V., .Mae- concl was Bradley, ' son of Mr Ernest .. :GroskOrth, $2.; , and %Mrs. Robert Aitchison of • Ernest Blake, $2.; Robert IVIcIn- ' .. ' of mi. tosh, $5.; Miss M. ;Malcolm, •.$,; Lucknow andgrandson• Don Thompson, $1:; Miss Christ- ArchieAitchisonPlacedthird .ina Carrick $1 '• Misses J. 'and A McKay- . was Joyce, daughter of Mr. and $10,.; Mrs Josephine Carrick, ., . Mrs: Stuart !Chamiley . of Donny- 41Y, 'and' granddaughter of Mr. 'urdie; $2.50; Mrs. Jim Boyle, bush and ivirai Will webster. , : . . $2.; Rae J: 'Watson,. $4.; WS. Maud 1Sherwood, $2.; W. L. Mac - the October meeting of the'Wo- of Kenzie, .$2.;- Ken Murdie, $2.; • The ladies are reminded men's Institute this Thursday.af Miss Elizabeth Murdie,, $3.; Mrs. ternoon. at 2:30. Roll call, Name ", M. E'. DudleSr, .35c; Don Canneron, the floral ernbleni of a PrOvince $2.;.. Chas. Short, $2; .Alex And - Mrs. R.. Woods .and Mrs. Alex • rew,, $5.; Mks. E. Gillespie, $2..; Mrs." Clara E.. Henderson, • $1.0. ener after •Spending, the summer Murdie havereturned to Midi- Donald Henderson, $20.; William' • ' Irvin, $2, , , : . :• ' Mrrefrosw:mommirrmn*.me, at their home here: We are sorry, ,to report that Mrs:. Woods. is not as well as her • many friends Would wish, • ' •••• " Next' Sunday World • Commun- ion will be .observed. at the United ' Church.. There will be a reception service for new meinbers. • • • ••• , • N.::::::•"•••••!;Y.MMPor4PS.MI'm , ,9‹.."::15:r.r..w4:11i.W. '.'.',4s•`:•.:M:ii••*.IM dY:•:4•:•::;,:::,14.. "•:?"'";:•*. " V.•41;:•tifi;r••001:0A.V''''''Ii::::•ilir ..i•':•::::•i::*-.•4.1•?44•:::•:r..:•;>:: •-y.k." •••••••:" •:4's,.., :i.: , „.:r.,:i:3' ..,:.0.0:::',••:se .•••••::::::::::::.k."4:•:;:::::r:s 4.1- •••.. 1 ;:il .:1 Miss the kids? You can reach them in seconds -- • CALL BY NUMBERT'S TWICE AS FAST! .... CULROSS CORNERS . , • Congratulations. ° to 1V1r. :and Mrs: Carman Whytock. Olee"Jean Parker) Who were married in TeesWater• on Saturday. • "Wedding : bells are again ring- . AnniverSarr, services will be Mr. ,Harry Brown ,df Richmond held in. the United Church on Hill 'spent a..,couple of days at Sunday, '• October ;18th, when Browns.. • • ,•/, 'Rev. Wm. • J.: Taylor of Dorches- 'Mrs. Wm. Wall is again hos- ter will be the guest Speaker. . Lpitoi4ed in •wingbam. • 1Y1r. and Mrs. Allan Miller,. • Congratulations to "Mr. Ronald Douglas and Lori. were recent guest S of Mr. and Mt -s.. Wesley Whytock, e eswater,' ' • ea • • .•k;'" • 4 ' , • . , , • • • -• " • •4, • ••: . • • • $4,6- r• mr • , N; Atti Is NOT riOUg FOR PRODUCTIVE HAY AND PASTURE Mixed hay and pasture yielding 2 tons dry matter per acre requires approximately 90 lbs. nitrogen, 45 lbs. phosphorous and 90 lbs. tassium. * With an application, of 8 tons manure per acre, ' approximately 24 lbs. nitrogen; 8 lbs. phosphor- ous and 32 lbs. potassium is all that willbe made. available the first. year. Leguines can supply some of the nitrogen lacking,but phos- phorous and potassium will have to be supplied supplementary. • , For example, where grasses dominate on heavy land which is.manured once every three years, there should be a fall application, of 5-10-15 at 300 to 600 lbsper acre every 3 years . . For further recommendations consult your local Agr. Rep. or CO-OP. CO-OP Has the Analysis YOU NEED • Lucknow District Cool 'Phone 71, .Lucknow • . • Parker on vtrinning $100. a Bruce County Agrieulture, scholarship awarded to first year students in, the degree course. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Dan "Vaniu-e and family, London; spent •Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. &Am Schu- niacher. . and Mrs. Irvine Fletcher and family, Paisley, spent Sun- day. with Mr and Mrs. Torn Ste- wart • ' • Mr. . and MrS. Alex Whytock and Harold were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and 1VIrs. Duncan Thompson. • , Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKin- non, Salem, spent Tuesday even- ing . with. Mr.... and Mrs. Alex Whytock. "Ilt; PURPLE GROVE • Visitors with •Mr.and •Mrs. ,r Frank Dore on Sunday were Mr. and • Mrs. Gerald Brindley of liiversdale, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Kremer and Gordon of ,Rivers - dale. . • ' ' Mr, and Mrs./ Victor Gawley, 'visited. at London on Sunday. 'Miss. Margaret ' Robertsonis spending a •few days with Mr., and Mrs. Kenneth. Robertson of Zion. • • • . • Miss Mary McCosh is visiting in Toronto. : • . 1Vir. Frank Dore and Ronnie and Mr. ,Claude Dore were. in 'Marton on Sunday. • , • Miss Ruth and Annette FOres- ••ter were home •for the week -end from, Toronto., . ' Quite a number of the Purple Grove ladies received prizes at Ripley fair. • Mrs, George Emerson attended a .Conirention at Toronto last week for the Eastern Star. Mr, 'and Mrs. Glen Young of Kinloss, Mr. and Mrs. Jerbrne' Schmid of Mildmay were Sun, day dvisitors" of Mr, and Mrs, Burton Collins. 4$: Agnews' INSURANCE Agency Business GENERAL. INSURANCE 9 • HOWARD, AGNEW PARSON'S' PEN • .. • • On a trip recently I saw signs that. ' the leaves ' on ,the' trees were beginning to .change col- our - a sure. sign that the days of summer are . passed. . . Though we regret seeing the' 'end. of a beautiful summer, we rejoice in the advent of autumn. For in a .matter of weeks our countryside will • be painted.. in. incomparable . shades of red, yellow and gold Truly the hytm writer •wrote better than he knew -"All beautiful the march Of days, As seasons come and go. As we look around us, surely it: is fitting:that we think ser- iously about our .creator,, For He has truly "made all things beautiful. in his, season.7, Through, otit the whole year there is beauty in•naturesround about us. It is very evident that God is a' God who loves beauty. •Is it ridiculous to argue. then that God. ,desires ',Mankind to also love the beautiful" God.Mtist/hav\ e intended in his creation, that man Shouldhave a twofold love .of. beauty. First of all in . the world of nature. For We can both appreciate the beauty round us, and we can be SIGNS FOR SALE -No rrx.es- passing", "For Sale" and • "For . Residence 138 partners, with Him in 'Making our land beautiful. Secondly within ourSelves. Forwe are so made that as' we develop a sen- sitivity to the needs. of others a "beauty ' of character" shines forth. • • • . A daily prayer might well be: "Let. the beauty of the Lord our • God be upon . us." • - JOHN W., HANNA WAS GUEST AV 7TRACK OPENING, . John W. Manna 'spent three days recently in New. York City as the guest of the New York _State Racing Association. The occasion was' the opening of the world's newest, and finest race track, file Aquaduct, which cost. 33. , dollars, and seats 80,000. spectators.., • . ' - In Nework he was joined by Mr. and Mrs. James S. ,Band of • Toronto,the former' being the deputy . minister . of welfare for the Province a, ,pntario. • • Because of so Many requests, we now have available the handy "Magic Marker". Just 'lift the cap'fand it writes On anything, dries instantly. For home, work and Play,. it .just can't be beat Available in 8 'colours, only $1,10 at The Lucknow Sentinel, phOne MONUMENTS For sound counsel, and a fair price on a monument correctly designed froth quality . material, rel- on SKELTON MEMORIALS . Pat O'Hagan, Prop. '/Estaklished Over SixtY ears Walkerton Phone 638-w Ontario ROY HAVENS • PLUMBING and HEATING ESS9' OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE .,,,... . Phone 73 ' . • ' , . .• • tocknow Rentsigns aVailable at The Luckneninephone 8 ow Stl,' 5: • ..4 ' - •' • ' ,.,..........t,........0.0.6......044..4..4.40•04...4...,.....H4,64.6.64' 'in ...... ....1--•••••••-4-"E' . , , .• . . . . . • . . • 4; ;• ,., ' . *4! .