HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-30, Page 4A FACM THF' Li.CKNOW .SFNTI. IEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO M1 i 'r. • it ;i. FOR SALE FOR SALE—a Quebec heater in good .condition. Carmen McQuil- •pone 128, Lucknow.. FOR SALE --,Browning, automatic ;shotgun . with interchangeable barrels., Ken Chester, phone . 173, Lucknow. • , WANTED WANTED -a jacket z in heater good condition, Carmen 1VIcQuil lin,'phone 128, Lucknow, OVE WANTED—coal or wood ater, that will take good sized ,e. lock.. Harry Lavis, phone 2°9-r- 41, Lucknow. WANTED—one Model A. Road ster 'car. E iia Stanley, • phone 18-25 , Ripley. . " FOR. SALE—Red x .Sussex 4% months old; also 9 pigs 8 weeks . old;. Jim Aitchison, phone .:87-r-3, Lucknow.' ?OR .SALE -19 chunks. of pigs.: .Perrin; Lowry,. R. 1. Kincardine, 'phone 15-29 .Ripley. FOR SALE= -•Dominion organ in • good. condition. .. Phone ;' 172-* Lucknow.. . FOR; •SALE -375 Babcock 'leg- horn pullets. Apply" Mrs. Harry Grvin, R.R. 6, 1Goderich, .phone Dungannon 7-r-13'.: WANTED—A good home for two half-grown kittens. Apply Bill Kempyn,, Clam Lake. OLD •HORSES. WANTED ' Old horses wanted" at 31/c per lb, dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once to. Gilbert.: Bros.. •Mink, Ranch, phone collect God'- erch 1483J4 • or 1483J,1. PIGS FOR SALE- 20 pigs,- 8 weeks old'. Jim Wilson, phone 70 Lucknow. '. . _Q. FOR SALE. •' — coal and• Wood range., Wil gharn .Clipper,'. in good condition, • phone 227, Lucknow. FOR SALE—a.. number , of good ewes: Apply Bob : Purvis, R.R. 1, Lucknow; :phone' 210-r-21. t. I 'FOR SALE - . • One registered Shortho'ri bull; 3% years old. Sired iby .an' imported bull.: Sell. for market 'price. Apply :Gordon Roulston,' . R.R.. 1,' Ripley; phone 2-r-6.. , • FQR SALE' 12 -gauge : • pump • shot • gun, 1.30.3' 'rifle, in :pefect condition with • arnmunition for each. Mrs. Lorne Johnston, - phone ohnston;phone. 201, Lucknow. r • `• FOR SALE girl's' 3 -piece; red 'snowsuit' trimmedwith igrey fur, size •4 in: real good. condition. Apply :Mrs. Gordon. Struthers, R'rR. 1 'Lucknow;' phone , 24-r-22. • WANTED used wudmills, puxips and PUMP jacks as: trade- inson. electric pumps, Let us' give you a free estimate on roof-, in'g, material and installing. Iry- ing.Keyes,. Glamis, phone Paisley 114-r-4. ,COMING `EVENTS DANCE AT WHITECHURCH Dance at Whitechurch Com- munity Meniorial Hall, Friday, October 2nd, at 10 pm, 'sharp.. Music by Farrier's Orchestra. Proceeds for Ball teams. Lunch' Counter. Everyone welcome.' Admission 50c, RECEPTION FRIDAY A reception will be held in the Lucknow .Legion . Hall on. Friday, October 2nd, . for •Mr, and• ,Mrs, Jim Campbell (Rae - leen Hariilton).. B.oyd's orchest- ra, ,,everyone welcome. BRUCE COUNTY PLOWING, MATCH: at the farm 'of Murray Thomp"son, immediately .east- of Chesley • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9th. • FEMALE . HELP WANTED •Young. girl or :woiiaan to assist Kitchener mother Of four ` child-. ren; three of school ;age., _'with her : housework.. private. bed- room, all modern .. conveniences. such as, • automatic dryer and washer, . no cooking, three nights off a' weed. Successful applicant: will be. treated as ' xnember '.of family,' and :allowed.:to receive her friends privately. ,.Home is in' middle-class district and fut- ure': employers are' informal: acid do. little if any entertaining..; Ap-r ply if you are clean in your per- sonal habits, industrious, mature, honest,. healthy • and of ; good be-` haviour. Top wages with .. one week's paid' `vacation afters one year. Write . for appointment _ to Mrs.. Pete' Tremblay, 28 Admiral Road, Kitchener, • Ontario, • or .telephone collect at .'Sherwood 2-7225, ' . . /` FOR : SALE— 3 -year-old pure- bred bull, or would' trade. for calves. Apply_ Gorden ..Barger,. R.R. 3, Lucknow, phone: Dungan- non 65-r-21, • FOR SALE ..1956 V-8 FORD C.ustomline • sedan, radio; new'. tires, 'Completely -reconditioned. Best. • offed over $1200. •Can ar- range. • terms Phone . 313-W Kin- cardine, ;'Collect.- • TENDERS TENDERS will be .received • by the undersigned up. to Monday, October , 5th, • 1959, for the • pur- • chase of the two -car garage and attached• shed on. the: Shelton t t1 purchased by FOR SALE girl's 3 -piece red coat set, size' 5 and a girl's fitted wool •Elysian coat in winter' green; size 10. • Mrs., ' ;.Duncan Thorburn, Amberley,. phone :80 10 Dungannon:` . ACCOMODATION immediately available at the ' Lucknow Nurs- ing ' Horne . for two 'nen and, two women, single beds. H. Greer, phone 129-R. MAKE YOUR car ready `*.for Cold Weather driving with new Exhaust' Equipment, : Antifreeze and ;.Snow' Tires at The Canadian Tire -Corp. Associate Store, •Wingham, Ontario. , ' SIGNS . FOR SALE—"No Tres'- passing", "For Sale" and "For Rent signs available at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35. TOR FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT — ,on %on way 86 between; Lucknow Wingham, shot and cold r u High and • Stock Removal, Durham:.. • ming. : Calls; received'' ' Saturayd:ori i . NOTICE • The Ar.•nual Meeting of Bruce Co-operative Medical Services will. be held on Monday, October 5,. 1959 at the Chesley Theatre, Chesley,..Ontario at 2 p,rri• D.S.T.. Allan Evans, President; Lorne B. Evans, N.tanager • Sec'y-Treas. The regular meeting of Luck- DOW ti k naw Ladies ••Auxiliary will be held in the Legion .' room's on. Tuesday, October 6th at 8 p.m. instead of 8.30. Coranmittee ' in charge, E. Robinson; E, rRuther-, ford, M. Solomon, J, Simpson, and A. Thompson, otice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE' OF ISABELL WEDNESDAY, SEPT; ,30th, 1959 ATTENTION:. FARMERS Introducuhg ,a new service in this area Dead, . down or disab; Jed . farm aninzals-removed. promptly. A prompt .call assures, you of prompt pickup, Phone, E. COURTNEY Ripley 40, , Collect :Truck. stationed' in .Ripley .Z M PHERSON All persons hav- 1 s'' 9'MO ing claims. against t the estate of the a ove men .. , the Township, of West Wawa - b tioned late of "'w%"''''.#4'''44..-94".#4°4--.....•;;;,.- r 'nosh, in the County of .Huron, DEAD STOCK Widow, who diedon-the twenty- fourth day, of May 1959, are re SERVICESI. mired to Elie proof of same'with' , HIGHEST CASH the undersigned on or ,before . PRICES the 17th day of . October; A.D:,: • 1959, .' PAID, •FOR SICK,' DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES property recen, y L. the Lucknow United Church. After that date the executor Lowest. or any tender not rte.: will proceed to distribute the cessowes accepted: estate having regard' only to .the lyW. ,'B. Anderson, Treas. TENDERS will be .received until Tuesday, October 6th at 6, p.m. for a commercial.. vacuum clea- ner. and 4a commercial. floor pol- isher for. Huron. West Township School Area. Lowest or any ten der not. necessarily accepted. Donald Courtney, R.R.:. 1, Ripley, Secretary -Treasurer. FOR .SALE=-severalused milk- ing` : machines of • various makes. Let. us install : or e of these, or a new -;Woods,. in your barn on trial, ..Prices given without obli •gatiori' Irving . Keyes, Glamis, phone Paisley 114-r-4. • . • 'WATERLOO, CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are: Used" Artificial Breeding. Service -. All Breeds of Cattle.,--- Member owned and. controlld': — Cost 'Low => Efficiency. High' tise of the. best: of bulls -- Disease controlled, Safety.. For 'service -Or more informa- tion phone — for : long:. distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or `Collect Kincardine 460, between 7:30 and 9:30 a. n. • week days, 6:00 and • 3:00 p.m. 'Saturday evenings. claims .of. 'Which he shall then have , had notice. • DATED. ' .at Wingham, Ontario this 29th day of September, AD. 1959. ' Crawford and.'Hetherington,' Wiiigham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor: :AUCTION ,SALE. Clearing. auction :•sale .of vat uabie livestock, ixnplernents; hay and;. grain, at the farm. of Harry.. •J., Lavis, N,: H, .Lot 47 and 48, ,Con: 1, Kinloss, 11/4' 'miles north 'and Pk miles east of Lucknow,' on Tuesday,. October 13th at 1:3:0 :m See bills for., list, and ers. of "Sale contained in a eel. - 1:39 fain` Mortgage, which will` .be • • Inns. NO • reserve as farm' is ` Lavis prop. Al produced . at :+ the time. of 'sale; s�ld: Harry J. , p p.. lan ,Maclntyre,' Auc.:, there will 'be 'offered''. '•for sale by* Public; Atiction' • • also Dead: Cows. and. •Horses At Cash Value - Old Horses -4c per pound Phone collect 133—Brussels BRUCE`MA'RLATT • ' 24 Hour` Service MORTGAGE ' 'SALE MORTGAGE.' SALE OF .VALUABLE. 'FARM PROPERTY Under. and by virtue of the Pow. SERVICES on SATURDAY OCTOBER 10.; 1959 DEAD ; STOCK '. at 2:30- p.rn; at the: • Farmers, 'we' have. the fastest FARM IN THE •service*. and highest .prices, . 7 TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS.. days a week/; for dead and :dis- : In The County ;Of Bruce. abled animals.Cows and. Horses, ,by : Wesley Abell,' Auctioneer,, $4- each; ,good meat horses,, 4c -The following property ,namely: a lb ; At no ,,cost to you :call' ••The ;So rth . •halves of • Lots long distance, '•d ' perator and ask numrbers• 25 and 26 in'the. fifth for Zenith 43900,•Lorenz Dead concession • of the Township of: water, 3=piece bath, built-in scup- boards,, inlaid linoleum., furnace and TV. aerial. Apply Bob Pur- vis, RJR. 1, Lucknow,,, phone 210-r-21..'. • ' SALE ---cedar by the cord, • James: 1MeNain; Arnberley, phone Ripley 119-r-30.. • FOR SALE OR RENT small house ; in Lucknow with ..all modern conveniences; also, ranch. house / in Kincardine with all inoderri conveniences.. 'Albert Campbell, phone 65-13, Dungan- non. , MOUSE. 'FOR. 'RENT : 2• -bedroom' house on • Wheeler St., all . mod- ern" conveniences, heavy 'wiring, Apply to Sandy, ;Rider, phone 1186R, Stratford,' after :6:00 p.m. CEMENT SILOS We are still open to build a few More silos., this fall for corn.:. Anyone interested in a silo for next year, can` ,save money by building now. Arnold g Hu ill, • 92 Cambria Road, God- erich, phone 387-M. LOST. LOST -7 -foot roller drive chain off swather,•, between Auburn 'arid Kir tail, by 'way of the iOth• of Ashfield and West Wavirariosh: 'Peter Vanderlay, phone' Dungan- non 65-20. TIRES! TIRES! For best buys in tractor .tires. and any ' other' ,tires, :contact, Bruce MacMillan, •Lucknow:• AUCTION SERVICE Allan;`MVlactntyre Licensed Auctioneer 'Lucknow, • Phone 281 SEPTIC TANKS r • Septic Tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with 'Mod- ern • equipment, All work guar- anteed. Louis Blake, It' 2 Brus- sels, phone 42-r-6 Brussels. evening will be. serviced .ori Sun- day ,riorning. For cows in heat on .Sunday morning, DO NOT call • until Monday morning: , Better Cattle For Better Living 'FIELD' TILE' Dealer for, Martin's quality tile. 4 -inch tile• always on hand at 6c. Free ,delivery on 1000 or over. Lorne Eadie, . Holyrood, phone Ripley 24-9. ' MEAT. FOR SALE Good beef or pork in large: or small quantities; Meat slaughter; ed on premises: inspected by the Department of Health. Custom killing by appointments Cattle killed -every day :and hogs every Tuesday morning. RAYNARD ACKERT, lHolyrood -Phones 24-28,• • Ripley, and ' 101-r-13: Lucknow CUSTOM BUTCHERING cutting and: wrapping, meat sold by, quarter. For appointment' phone 54, Lucknow. BUTTON MEAT MARKET AUTOMOTIVE Glass--Steering_-Body Repairs • Lubrication, etc. For Quality. Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO " 'SERVICE Phone. 320 . Goderich • No. 8 Highway' FINAL CLEARANCE on 1959 Model. . .DODGE' CARS 1 .•Only Regent ..1', 4 -door Save Hundreds 1Only Mayfair "8", Hardtop Save Huindreds 1, Only Custom Royal Demonstrator Save Hundreds •& Hundreds Large Selection of '49 to '58 Model's at 1960 Prices No Offer 'Refused Th These Cars for the next. two weeks REG McGEE and SONS podge — Desoto Rambler Coderich; Ontario. OPEN EVERY EVENING SIGNS ' FOR SALE—"No Tres- passing' "For Sale" and "For Rent" signsavailable a't The Luclknow•. , Sentinel,;phone, 35. , • DEAD. STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST . CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down or Disabled Cows & : Horses .also Dead Cows and ..Horses at Cash Value Old horses 4c per pound CORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r-24; Lucknow. " 2 Lucknow 244bur service Kinloss in the. County of Bruce containing • 100 acres of land•be the;. same more or less: On the. said.' lands there is said to be situate a frame house .and a -bank•. barnwith •straw shed at, ladled and a • pump house.' There is '.. approximately . 80 acresof workable land' and thbalance is bush and pasture land. ' There is' ' a • good spring; ,creek' running through_ the 'farm. . The premises will be . sold subject to 'a reserved bid. • TERMS OF, SALE Ten per cent of the purchase money to• be paid ' down- at the tittle of ;the 'sale and :the ,balance. within 30 . days there afte°r • with- out interest„ For further • Particulars and Conditions • of': „Sale apply. to:. Alex. 3. McNab,' Q.C., Walkerton Vendor's Solicitor, DATER 'this' 10th, day of Sep- tember,:: ep- tmber A.D.: 1959. JohnstonMeat MWE INVITE••the people of Lucknow and District to visit our store and compare our prices withall' others. EE FOR YOURSELF thEvery. SDay savings we offer throughout our. Market.e .. . SINCE• OPEIVIIV`G this business it . has- also been our policy to offer weekly featuresof top quality meat at money -saving prices, and will continue to do so. OUR SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND WILL BE B�neiess Oven -Rudy Picnics Per Pound, 40c •1