HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-30, Page 3WainSliAY, SEPT, 30th, 1959, THE . LUCKNOW SENTINEL,: LIJCICNOW,; ONTARIO' ' ✓-/•��,iii•�iii,�i iiii�i...(iii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•. SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY 9d 14M SAVE YOUR • CASH REGISTER SLIPS FOR When yourcash register slips at Hall's Red and Whitd ,add up to $25, bring them. into . the store and you Will receive ABSOLUTELY FREE, one pairs of . ladies nylons. `START SAVING RIGHT AWAY! GRANULATED : SUGAR, with each I-IONIOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER $5. purchase, 5 Ib: bag ' , ; 29c Red & White; Save 10c, 16 oz'. . 25c ORDERS TAKEN ; NOW FOR .THANKS GIVING TURKEYS e-' le ed rr- oy ae. ill aft at pan ay, od, Elle pre and • ink re. ' ilPs Red and .'PHONE 26 'hits Food '..Store FREE DELIVERY • ii• -ilii • NOTICE. Lucknow Business...:Places WILL' CLOSE; AT 9 P.M. . ON• SATURDAY. NIGHTS . conunencing•1 Saturday, October LUCKNOW BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATI.ON Clarence Greer, President Elmer . Urnbach,'Secretary Mr, .and Mrs. John Naylor, . ' 'Tom : and Steve .arid Norrna Jean • Oca . • of Whitby were 'week -end guests at: the home of .:Mrs, R. H.. Thompson.. On their return. they.. Were accompanied by Miss 'Lor na'Campbell. of•'Toronto whohas been' holidaying here. LUCKNOW.• • UNITED CHyRCH ..,Minister: ..t • Rev. . Gordon R. Geiger,' BA., B.D, ' WORLD WIDE COMMUNION SUNDAY, OCTOBER .4th• - 10:0,0 a.m. Church School 11:00- a,m. Divine Worship Holy Communion Nursery during: -Church in the•, church ..basement : Thought for the 'week .. .� 'A gentleman neverswears, he ,has a better vocabulary. Oct. 25 Anniversary. services Oct. 27 Anniversary 'supper. 1 Lucknow' . : 1'Presbyteria- .�rl Church Minister: • Rev. Wallace 'McClean • SUNDAY,. OCTOBER, 4th I. 10;00,a111; Sunday School . • I 11:00: a.m, Communion P•rn, Dun Lucknow 3::00 Dungannon • Comb . I Preparatory Service L1leknow General Mr. and. Mrs. Richard. Webster are visiting in . Sarnia :with kr. and Mrs. •C. M. Johnston. FALL : FAIR. (Continued from page 1):. Dam, Helen Courtney and Jo- anne Thompson in that order. In the pig tail ' ,contest,. Hea- ther Hewitt and Ann .MacDonald were the winners. Win Square Dance Belfast school won the square dance : - competition • . for public. Ischools, No. .7 Kinloss Seniors -were second; Clover Valley were third arid No: 7 Kinloss Juniors were fourth, Members of the. '' Belfast team were Callers, Bar- bara Nelson ° and Ann Arnold, Harold Nicholson, Faye Hogan, Harold ' :Menary; Nancy Irwin,. /. DouglasCameron;: Rosalene Phillips,, Bernard Campbell and Linda Cameron.. Also in the dancing, :Lucknow and , district girls entertained with. Scotch , and Irish , dancing. throughout the afternoon. ' They were Joan MacKenzie, Mary Al lin, Mary Finalyson, Marilyn .Henderson, Sandra Brooks, Bar- bara Finlayson and Jane . Finlay- son. Oldest On Grounds, A special prize for the oldest person, on the grounds' went to Rev. 'Robert Macconnell, 'age 95. There are , many •"comingsand. goings".of,which we never hear,•. Let us' 'know' the facts of these personal items, which ' add . much interest to the :"Local and Gen- eral" column. • HAD TRIP TO NEW YORK STATE of the Lucknow .Nursing Home. Others included Miss• Jessie. Mac Kay, 92; Tom, Burns, .91; John MacRae, 91; Mrs. Wilson ' Irwin 87 :and Dan 'MacDonald, ' 85.. Best Speakers Third and fourth ; prize in the public speaking . contest went un- touched because of no, entries. The winner was Murray John- ston, son 'of Mr. and' Mrs, ,Keitii Johnston,. As'hfield...:His school teacher is ' Mrs. •,Jim Little. Se- .cond place went • to. David Wall,. son of . Mr., .and .Mrs. Gordon Wall,: Kinloss, who: has as his teach Mrs Orval Elt iott: • t . le• CAMPBELL - HAMILTON ' Sports Events Ashfield • Presbyterian IChurch Boys ;6' and '7; Jimmy 'Mac-. decorated • With ' yellow: and ,Donald, • Bob Ritchie; girls 8 and bronze mums and. fern',. Was. the '•9, ,Syke De Jong, Rosalene, Phil setting on -Saturday, • September 'lips; boys 8 and 9, Timmy Coll - 26th for the marriage of Rae- yea', , David Eadie; girls '10 . and leen :Hamilton 'and 'James Carl- . 11, Rosemary Hogan, •Sharon yle Campbell 'of London. ' The I Stanley; boys 10 and 11, Keith, tl' Loder Terry Rathwell; ,girls :12' formed by Rev Neil 1V1cCor bis.. and oyer, _ Janet De: Jong,' Donna PAGE THREE: I. CLAN! REUNION AT REIDS: CORNERS On 'Friday • evening ' the Mac- Donald reunion and; dance .was. held at Reids Corner's. Hall, Mus- is was supplied by Clyde Mun- roe, John 'Peterbaugh and Bert. • McDonald with Mrs.. Andy Mc- Donald, Mrs. Hugh 'Cameron and Mrs.. Bob Courtney at the piano. The business part of the meet- ing 'was chaired by Mrs. ' Mac- Bride. from Zurich, the president- After a . spirited discussion 'it was decided to hold next year's. - reunion the second Saturday •in September, starting at, four p.m. with George MacDonald look- ing , after' sports • and . • Ancdrew. MacDonald the. program. Lunch is to be 'served after the sports program,. and' dance sto follow at Reids Corners Hall.. Officers 'elected 'for coming, year were, John .1VIaclVurchy president ' and Earl, Tout, vice- president. • The wish . of the members Was• to make the , entertainment more, interesting for the old as well a's .the young of 'the Clan: A minute .of silence was held in memory. of Mrs. Wm.. Carrier,' on and Robert . MacDonald. hree •o'c ock •ceremony was per - The bride ,is the :daughter 'of Hogan, Barbara : Rathwell (tied),•. Mr, • and ,Mrs. Frank .Hamilton. boys 12 and over, Terry.' Rath of Ashfield and the, groom is phe: well, Tom Andrew; • 100"' yard 'son :of Mr.: arid. Mrs, Neil Camp : dash; : Tom : •Andrew, Doug John Lyceu m: Theatre. bell of Denfield.Ston..„ The bride given° in -marriage. TE ESWATER 'FALL FAIR Tuesday . and Wednesday'. OCTOBER G and '7 Outstanding Horse -Show Five Breed Shows:. •. Harness •Races .,Road Races • :Pony Naces. Bands . Rides' • Attraction EVENING : w 1 '-8:00 P.M.' Lacrosse.. Fergus Thistles' 'v's .Acton. Nicols /10:00 P.M. —' Dance, Ian : Wilbees Orchestra All Times Daylight Saving Arkell Melvin Rome • , President •. 'Secretary by. ,her father, . was gowned in nylon '.chiffon over. silk taffeta, with the ..1 odice. featuring• : long Mrs: Mae Dou:las .las returned line. midriff, draped:Sabrina g neckline, • '.short draped sleeves home after being hospitalized in i from, neck to . hemline of the :and full 1 gth . flowing panels' • Wingham for over, three.:months .Mr: and Mrs. George Peters full skirt. Her pllboxstyle and Mr. ,Rod Gillies of Detroit were recent visitors of Mrs. A. R. Finlayson: • Miss Ethel• Robertson and .Eli-.' zabeth Henderson, spent a week • with Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Camp- bell' at Point Clark. ' Mrs, Norma Madden of ' La - headdress in nylon . chiffon . was sequin trimmed' 'with' 'shoulder-• length ,veil. She carried a ' white Bible: with cascade of ' red' roses and white muins, and streamers triziamed with rose buds. Miss Marion Hamilton .:,was maid .of honour for her sister, combs 'Alberta; `is visiting' with and wore a ballerina -length Mr, V .C. Rae of 'the Lucknow' District High .School ` staff was. among the industrial arts tea- chers of • the .Saugeen Zone : to. attend:a, meeting iin:'Wiarton• on Saturday. Th'e . winter meeting, will be held. in Walkerton, early in Feb- ruary. Each teacher will bring. several- samples of: work from: his , .classes:. Some of thesepro- will� selected for dis- play. be ec d r play at the •. Royal Yo •k Hotel,. next. April,`. `when the. :Ontario Industrial Arts Associationplays, host to the American I.A.A. • q WINGHAM Two shows each night First at 7.15 Thursday, Friday, 'Saturday October 1, 2, 3,. Gary. Cooper Maria Schell . • 'in: ' "THE HANGING . TREE" ' An' absorbing big -scale west- ern against a magnificent 'Rocky mountain background. cousins; Mr and Mrs .• Herb' own of .yellow mum nylon chif- • ' • Curran •arid other relativeS., I fon styled with sheered bodice; .° Mrs, Jane Simpson of . Wing- featuring soft bows and home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Graham. ' Mrs. Alberti Little returned 'home ' last week 'from visiting friends in Tavistock and. London and also attended the• London fair ' D. • L, MacDiarmiel 'of James- town, New York and . D. R. Mac 'scoop neckline, • which en ,anced ' .the bouffant skirt, having flowing baclt panels falling from neck- line.' Her matching hat was trim- med with, iridescent sequins and soft back bow. She carried • a nosegay of yellow :and : bronze mums. , Sally Ferguson, of Komoko, cousin of the groom was .flower; warmid of Cleveland, Ohio, m •girl, and the ring -bearer was. ere week -end visitors with D.ougglas• Spilsbury ' of London, nephew of •tie, • bride. Best man was.. Colin F: Cammp- •(bell 'of 'Wingl arn,. ,brother of .the. groom. - ,Ushers were Bob Dale and Lorne MacKenzie of Embro. The organist was Mrs. Roy MacKen- zie- of Ripley, aunt of the bride hair was a recent visitor at the their' sister, Mrs. N. J. MacKen- zie, • and with, Mrs. Grant •Mac Diarmid. • Mr; and , Mrs. Bert Bain of London visited with 'his brothers,' Wm. John and Hossack Bain and attended' the Lucknow Fair. •They also visited Mrs, Bain's sister, Annie MacLeod, in Vying= and the soloist was the bride's ham Hospital. • sister, :Miss Lorraine Hamilton, Visitors last week with Mr.' A reception was held at the and ,Mrs. Thomas H. Burns; and.Lucknow Legion Hall, and the; Miss Margaret. Pickering were, bride and groom left after for Mrs. Burn's Sister,Mrs. is84; liza- a p to New York Dorothy State, Theing trbride's travelling beth Pickering, g costume was a forest• green suit Dorothy Pickering, Mr. and. Mrs. d black d white accessories; George Smith (Ada , Pickering), 77.7 Codeine* • ' 1 Now Playing — "BLUE DENIM" — with :Carol .Lynley. Adult Entertainment '= • 1.. • i'uesda y , October 5 and 6 Monday, 'and. ' . y, -- Adult Entertainment T'WO'' Chilly screamy thrills : for stouter -hearten adven ture " fans 1 1 ' • :Vincent • Price Brett Halsey In `RETURN OF • THE FLY" t • Lon Chaney Jr. Beverley . Garland In' . "AL'LIGATOR . PEOPLE" ' Good robust • fare if yoci fancy: a scare 1 Wednesday,'Thursday,. Friday, Saturday,. Oct, 7, .8, 9, 10 •_- . '.4 DAYS, ---. • . 1 Bing Crosby -- Debbie Reynolds and Robert Wagner A bright and' cheerful music. -comedy' with a plot x created: to accorrimodate Bing's' particular talents: "SAY ..ONE FOR ME'" an ac an w e accessories. Coming —, " T - Count our Blessings" --=Deborah Kerr Mr. and Mrs.: Campbell • will . ' and Maurice chevalier' d • reside' in London.: ' • •a, ,« �;,..,�:.,.,�,,.r,..�,...,,.r,s„�,._,:....,...,,�,...,�.�..,.M,.�, Fridjaq .: $ O'clock, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Carman Bea- ..n:.;... ,...pis •ton, all of Detroit.. •