HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-30, Page 1959: thi• •, vis-. arents Reid, irning ne, is a rboys''. ed oa ogram nce . is iyisg at..the tS, Mr, clark )on be cottage Dth al. umber, tit de - in. this ,e Sen. • ,95 I pre 444-0" • a $3,00 A Year In Advance — $1.00 Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, 'SEPT. 30th, 1959,, TEN PAGES ..Attend.ance..Up At. Fine Fall fair Close To 500 'Children In Parade Increased exhibits and a larg- er attendance featured • CANADIAN PLAYER'S Lucic. JOIN 94th annualS , • Fall Fair , • • ow's The following item appeared held in the Caledonian Park iti J Burke Martin's cOlumn• last Thursday. The Lucknow • ' the Free Pres ori Satinday: rn Fair Had. been .6n a Wednesday 'for sevelal :years until :this year when the Thursday date ' was, tried . with - Success , • • , A parade frern. the Lucknow Public., SchoOl led by the'Han- over Girl's Trumpet Bancl • com- inencecl theFair; Three Saddle 'horses ridden by . Mrs. Ron Al- . ton, Carrie Milne and Mrs. Ed. • Whitby followed the band and ;'after the, saddle .horses were several ponies driven by local MRS. N.INETY-SEVEN. • --• Congratulations and best wish- .te Mrs. David .Kennedy of Whitechurch who is celebrating her 97th birthday this Thursday, October 1st at her home in Whitechurch. Jim Reed the,lad who won'. The . Free. Press scholarship at ' the. London Theatre school. last year .and who appeared in sev- eral LLT plays, called frani'41 - ronto this week to tell Me that he'd been asked to join the cast of the Canadian Players. "Jim, •who :spent the summer, stock season in . Port Carling, win play the role' of Tranio in 'The Taming of the Shrew' and will also appear in the troupe's children. (ither play, "The Cherry ,Orch- . Seven rural Schools.' and the aid 13oth are in rehearsal now" Lucknow , Public School paraded, • , ' decorated bicYleS,and old model CANSURE FOREMAN AND car 'courtesy of • D. •R. Finalyson: RAILROAD IN .FATAI4TV' were some of the other feature.s. . • Donald Blue eV' Ripley acted as -master of ceremonies for the • , afternoon: at the platform :•on the ball diamond. • The McKee loud speaking system courtesy • of Jim Boyle, and a piano court- esy of Garnet Farrier helped to make the „afternoon More en- joyable. Stuart E7 Robertson, president of the Lucknow. cultUral Society welcomed the A section foreman and i the, CNR Were censtired last week. by' a coroner's jury investigat-' ing a fatal train derailment at! • HAD SEVERE INFECTION ••••.p.....•••••••9•M " Jack Hussey, an employee at the Beatty Ladder Factory,. was • taken to Wingham Hospital on Friday with a severe infection of the right liand.• He was quite sick on. Sunday from the drug reaction Used to combat the in- fection. • •• Mrs. Hussey . the . former Evelyn °Nixon. • • . . • , GUESSED TURKEY WEIGHT WON OVEN-READY BIRDS 'The, live turkey weight guess - ins contest at • the Treleaven. Milling Company booth on Fair i Day, created considerable inter - 'est and. many guesses were gistered. . • . Dick. West and Redverss (Meff) Johnson ,hit it right on the nose, 24. Nos,: 12 ounces, Each received an oven-ready turkey- as . a re- ward TOM ROSS, 98, IS NEPHEW OF LATE MRS; McKINN9N lAst week we reported the death of Mrs. Alexand.er, BABY CONTEST FEATURES* Fi!k1R Lucknow Fair's first baby show proved to. be the highlight f the afternoon • grandstand', show. Approximately twenty entries.. were .received with. Miss Ruth. hompson, and •Mrs. War- ren Brow -n doing the. judging. In the ' class under sib •Month . Mary, daughter 'of Mr: and Mr Lorne Eadie 6f• Holyrood''placei first; Mary Lynn, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack McLean' of . Ripley, placed. • sedoncl; third • prize .went to Sharon Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: 'Bob,, Mctnnis, Wingharn. Other ent- • lie§ in class were Stevei, son of Mr. and MrS, .Rus But- ton; . Glen, son , of Mr: and Mrs. • Tom. Parker; JiJia, daughter of • Mr. and, Mrs: Morgan Johnston; •4' Stephen Bradley, son of IVIr: .arld; Mrs, Jack Trask; Paul, Son cf Mr. and Al Johnsten; Joanne, , daughter, "of •Mr• a•rd 'Mrs. Leonard Ritchie. • Lori Jean, .' daughter'of .1V r. •and ;Mrs: Allan .1yliller of t. :Helens won the' over six Months Bronte last julY. The jury ruled' kennedy. was born near; 112°.n. . 4 of T to i ° het 94th award; .Bradley, son of Mr. and oron , that the accident was caused by1Mis ...9.eaforth but has :lived ;in this ! year,. She Was a 'former • Luck- Mrs. Bnlb Aitchison, was second; • ! tornmtir•;tv since she . .1.z ..„ riowite: and an aunt of Tom Ross Joyce, daughter of Mr; and Mrs. years ,old: . . . •1 of • TOrorito and ' fOrmerlyt of Stuart Chamney: was 'third.. an unsafe Condition Of the, tracks, 4- _ . _ _ was •• under..repair at the time. .' The', jurY 'said "the section IVIr. Rn ss Will be `99 on. Christ- daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Grant ! .he married, avi, enne y , . 'foreman was neg ige i • • • ; in 1882. He, died in. 1937-. Seven*" mas Day ' and is Still enjoying. 'Famish; Susan, daughter of Mr. 'their eleVen children are still: • . . • • takin extensive rer,airs witheal: of and i remarkably good health, but and Mrs, Russell Irvin; bab Y crowd on . behalf of- the Fair • g ' • ' . • '' ; living. She has fair health having • ad'equately warned ap‘i, ..,, ri t was saddened by the death of I Van Diepen, parents,Mr. and board, Steve; Stothers introduced trains." . 1 isu and . around part of the: . 4 . .: • , • his aunt,•• who • was some five 1 Mrs:. T. Van Diepen;, Sandra Lee, George Joynt,.Reeve of Lucknow 131,*(?;ac.hing.: time .She is a me'rnber of the . . The ,freauent renairs iieces-1 years younger. As we said last . daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Chas: and Warden . of Bruce 'County, . „ • - • • - • : Presbyterian • Church, .' . : . • 1 . McKinnon . . „ . . .:. v to.' this 'section of tracks i. ,;...„ week, • Mrs. was . the Short; John Donald, son of .ivr.,,. • ''• Mr, Joynt brought greetings , - should have been an indicationi r .1 , Alex - .f . oldest lady at. the Centennial 'a and Mrs Don MadLeod; Sheila, . members of Mrs. Kennedy's ' Who officiallY . opened the •• Pair. s-2- . - . areKennedy ? year ago, .and the same honourl daughterofMr and Mrs Donald from the village and cialinty xld.. to the foreman's' snPeriors • that wentM Ross as the 'oldest MacIntYre 'John' JarneS% . , sor) of oOMplimented the Fair on' their a '111°I.e. permanent type of B.C°1°11::GeteorgeaYnif of iteVcITt°rhia I • contribution to AUltural cle- was;-. 7ce§se6rYo. w '"lost in• -the. Harr3r ::(Agnes) Tich buorren ' :McKirinen W,as greA gentlernan. veloPment. • • • • • • ° 5 ' • of Goderiah Mrs. LOrhe- (Jean) • . train' wreck. 'One of the victims ! • . • ' w • d • aunt '�t Mrs. Ira Dickie of .1Sin- Others present who. /poke m fo Durnin of, West awanos , an • .. • Robinson, ,M;13.., of Kincardine. n .. • , . • grandchildren. 22 great gran • . - ' children and 3 great great grand 1 '_•.! IN A FALL AT SCHOOL, School Co petitioil. • ' . EARLy PLEASE! • • 'loss, • • • • MP.P. of Wingham, and. Andrew • . • their mother. . There are 11 ! • • d_•, SUFFERED BROKEN. ARM 111 . . competi-• • children forJtidges the School Whenwe keep repeatedly. re- • lion were J. H. Kincaid, S. B. questing' early news and' adver- Stothers. and ' Stuart Collyer • using c"opy, there is a reason. . • KNOWS AGE OFFAIR, Seven rural schools coMPeted in Type setting for the paper. starts ' Murray White, young son Of s. in. een i e, suffe,red• a fractured arm in a fall' off the. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack. WilsOn; Vale- rie, !laughter, of *Mr. and,. Mrs. Ross Errington.' • . •• - SET CHRISTMAS PLANS FAY • • • 44fr4'17.1 Lucknow 13iusiness Men's As- • sociation• met on Friday night to • • make plans tot Christmas busi • teter-toters at • the Lucknow ness hours and Santa ,Claus. day • the competitions; The school and In opening the .LUcknow. ,L all Punlic" •SchOol; Murray' -s break for the Children. ' • their teachers: .are Belfast, 'Don th eek -end and Monday • CainerOn; •No.:, 11 'Huron, Clover Valley,Mrs. Ken McFar1an; No. 15 Ashfield, Hemlock City, Mrs.' James McTavish; No. :10 Ashfield, Ji Little,Ford- yce, Mrs. George Fisher; No.' 7 Kinloss, Rapid City„ Mrs. Don- ald ,IVIaeIntyzfel; St. Helens; _Mrs. Jack Fisher, . • • •• • In the competition for the best dressed school on parde, Belfast, Clover Valley. and Fordyce plac- ed in that order. The: chorus and yell -6-ortipetitiOn was out- standing With Clover • Valley placing first, St Helens second •and Rapid City third. • Whiners for deedrated bicycles were Jane' .Toynt, Donna Button, • Fair last week, Reeve oyn morning we have to assess ac - was not immediately determined, Mentioned '. the • question ' as to cording . to the forSeeable copS,-; but when the arm started to Whether it. will be 10, . 12- or ho,Nkr••• old the, fair actually :is. It Oh advertised as the . 94th,lb u • • t bother him after . classes were resumed, he; Was sent for mecii- more Pages. .. tun,. some believe it to. be 'older.. Mr. ' For weeks vtre have been • attention. • 1. Joynt said. that he had. Consult-, -cal • The accident'oc- • k with'Curted last Wednesday. ,Murray light "national" adVertiSing .it ; was 'taken to Wingliam Hospital and that Steve had verified the looked like 10, pages; and accord,. arid then on to London where fact that it , was 94 years old' ingly -the . first -press run on I ,the break • ' t. Hereturned • !because.. hp had. -beep. there to . • • will Monday 'was. started.-. the, following day and rung pages. ed. Steve Stothers• ;the, matter 1 Late .copy on TueSday.knock'&11 gate • : • • helt, •James •Somerville open the wear. his arm. in a 'sling for these plans' 'into a• cocked hat, -ga • • ... • • . several. weeks. • ' ' and there .was nothing we could • .... .,• 1 . . HAVE' FORMED 'NURSING. ., do 'but run what. we could in f• • U14.ITED CHURCH . t out. HOME ASSOCIATION ,• • • 10. pages, and 'leave. the 'res , . • .S.S. EXPANDS. 'RIPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greer, of 1. , • „ " -1 14:IGHT CLASSES... , Were'. among 51. operators of • • • • . nursing homes to attend an 'er- TO PL.AN the Lucknow Nursing. Home Sharon Mowbray i Janet Carru-. The 'Ripley *Night Sch601 Corm,. ganization meeting,at g e then and Barbara Humphreyrnittee is meeting this week. to , ville, when, Zone 5. was formed. DiMrs Ken McFai;lan and 'MT.: *make Plans ,for a public meeting Greer 'chaired the meeting • • n Simpson Judged 16 . en- 'tries in the pony Jail contest with ,winners being Joanne Van • (Continued on Page 3) • . INFANT DAUGIFTER PASSED AWAY AT' SARNIA • The death occurred at Sarnia General Hospital, on• Sunday, September 20th, of Vanessa Lee, infant daughter of ' and Mrs; George Grabove .(n‘e Jeanne James) of 509 Charles Street; Point Edward.. The child Was 21/2 months old. The funeral Service was held at the J. Robb Funeral Home on Tuesday,. September. . 422nd, conducted by, Rev. D.• St. Clair Campbell. Interment ' was in .Lakeview Cemetery, , •Sarviving 'besides- the parents, are the grandparents Mr. and IVIrs-4 Luke Grabove of ,SrpiA,, and Mrs. Ethel: James, of Wing` ham. w hich arrangements—ivill he until a slate of officers was el -- made for fall classes which vs7111 ected as o • ows, P , commence shortly, ; Jean Henderson, -Kincardine; . The public 'meeting has been secretary, Stuart Roach, Han- i set for "filtursday.' of next, week,: over„ treasurer, Mrs,' M. Cooper, , October 8th at 8:3 n school, when courses to be held,' will be decided on. . 1LAKING DUPLEX OF. Those interested. M any type FORMER Al2TON HOME of class are urged to be present ! • ••• ' • ' t M 0 " the high rangevi • (Contributed) • Plans' lor S.S. acconiodation• in the new "Chnrch House" Were laid, by the Christian EdUCation Committee Sunday •evening. Sunday,. October 4th, the new classrooms will be used for the first time. All Classes will gath- .er in ,the usual way, and diret- tion for the ,new• places of Meet-. ing Will be • given. ' • . . On future • un ys, - sinners class will hold its corn- plete session in two adjoining rooms iri the Church/ Houie. and are: asked.to bring along Alteration's and renovation is This class has a ,present enroll - suggestions for new elasses;1 underway at the Stauffer St. re- I merit of 44, with 15. additional These suggestions will be help-1Sidence, which older residents ' prospects.: ful to the Committee in drawing refer •to as the Alton home. The I Each Sunday, the rest of "the, I by Alex Sandir) MaeLeod • from inanthe°P;neiltilog:ws'sheig; up the school prograrn for' the; Property • was bought recently 1 -coming. Year. ' I S da the,Be 1 Considerable interest' . • has been shown in the village about the possibility of carrying out. a Christmas. deberating program of stores and /hornet. Clarence Greer,. president of the associa-, 'ton ,was appointed• to confer . • with other organizations. in -re- gayd to the matter and to •pleclge • the support • of the BM. associa- 'tion. • It was suggested that the o?- . ,ganizing of the Santa Claus day could be left in the hands of the. village organizations as it .Was • done last year, and 'that the. business men . would accept' the financial responsibility - of the day. Last year's visit from Santa • ' was run that way with very' good success:. Charles' Short was appointed to arrange for ifiaterial to fill one thousand bags of candy. The fee of the organization will re- main the , same ' as last year. at" $8•00. • Set Dates 'Saturday,. December'.1.2th, was set as the day when Santa will • come 'to Lucknow. Stores , are requested .to' remain open every " Thursday:afternopri in Deeeniber and at nights on Saturday to Thursday, December ipth to 24th inclusive. • , Early closing. for, the winter months will, commence this Sat- s ores • • cl to a double be held. The classes taught by will close on Saturday nights at wereJ Mrs. Chas, Elliotto. , oorn• will urday, October 3rd, when t • Last Year eight' coursesI • fl' fl taught, with a total enrolment t is e g of, about 100. 1residence. Mr. • and • Mrs. Wib Bud Thompson, Alex Andrew, It remains with those • inter- Hodgkinson of Wingham (Grace' and Mrs.. E., Suter will .go to the ested to express their preference I•1V1acLeod) . are taking oveT the Church House .for their class for courses to be adopted this front residence, . and will move, period. ' • • t Classes shoUld have an en -1 here in a short tirrie.• The other 41 • The important change in rou- t d to H tine will be that in future there rolment of at least , fifteen, al -1 Part has been though some course S .• have op- MacMillan,. whose marriage 01 will be no closing exercises in were. very definitely opposed, erated:with about a dozen mem- Colleen Tiffin will take place i the S.S. Classes will meet un ' "w"11 . • nine' .o'cloek. Consid,erable, dis- cussion arose in regard dos. Mg- at seven o'clock on.Satur- days for part or all of the Win- ter. Many were very much in • favour of the idea and others October: • , • be discussedat ario- • „ 10:45 arid then disband. . • . ther meeting shOrily, . berS, •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4- .1 44111tilltog .4 ' • 9 4 4-4, 4* 44 . ' •r 4 4. • ' • 7 , •4, • n• 4g 4 • ; 'S., 1,9 • • • • ' • • • • !--1 r 7, • „ , .1* • r44 •* •„ •