HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-23, Page 8? arra .40 PAGE EIGHT SHOW ANTIQUES AT 'W.i.. MEETING Kairshea Women's Institute held their iGrandmother's meet- ing at the 6th ,$ohool Hou. se, With Mrs. Geo. Lockhart, hos- tess. The directors, Mrs, Allister Hughes' and Mrs. Alex, ' Mac-; MacLeod. shad arranged .a delight- ful elight;ful ,antique . setting. Ancient pic- tures, the coal oil• lamp, rag and braided mats were used to set '• the. theme. The six Grandmoth- ers? randmoth-e ? all. attired in shawls ' and" • bonnets, Mrs. Williarn • McIntyre, Mrs. W. T. macDonaid, Mrs, Alex '• MacLeod, Mrs. Walter Thompson,, .Mrs. Thomas , Austin, and, Mrs.: Fred • Gilchrist, were all. .presented with corsages. The.• ',Grandmothers presented a portion 'of" the program. A number •of suitable. readings and a chorus, "Twilight' Memories," were enjoyed. Mrs. Alex iMac Leod, a solo; "When you come to. the end of .a Perfect day." The eldest • igrandmother, was Mrs Austin., : the :youngest, Mrs. Fred Gilchrist'. Mrs: William McIntyre had, chosen. the . lucky pansy' corsage; • /Candy • dishes ,were; presented. During. the business, .the .new THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO Grey -Bruce convention area by- • • • SANDERSON'S Ladies' and Men's Wear -85 Fashion, . ' Millinery , BR'bAL GOWNS' FORMALS laws were read.. Mrs. Currie Colwell, wasnamed.delegate Sunar.a n � Snice. • • with Mrs, Cliff jRoulston and.. .7. Mrs. Donald. MacKinnon as al- By W. 'BR `T Smiley ternates The contention to be held Owen Sound, November • 2nd , and 3rd.. Mrs. Allister $It. seems to me. that about this Hughes and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist time last year, I wrote ;a tender,,` were • chosen leaders for the lyrical column, Practically • an course, "Working with Wool." ode, about September,: The gold - Committees • were .chosen for en lingering; days; the cool, s the St. . Andrew's. Ball, Novell -Novell- haunting evening,:;; the farewell ber• 27th. It was decided. to buy fling at the. trout; the ,last, crisp a :number of stacking chairs. for game of golf; old Mother Nature use, at the 'meetings. The . roll lying, voluptuous,- . amid the call this meeting netted ' a good- fruits of her labor.. Yes, Sept- ly sum, "A•, cent . f hr . each year' ember is the most . delightful; you were single." Eighteen month of the year, I buribled.. members and one visitor were we1T I take it all. back. You. . preserili. The • motto "Worry is like , a rocking chair, its keeps ;can take.' September, ,and if the us going, but, gets us, no• where," ladies will leave 'the room for a Was • taken by .Miss Dean Mac- moment, .- I'll tell you exactly Leod. Worry can ,become a hab- what you can do with it. it Learn to take ,each day ' as... '" * * it comes, • and try not to . carry •This September• has scarred me yesterdays and. tomorrows load#or life, and has also clipped', a all in. one .day. Mrs. Donald .mac- few years from my. allotted span Kinnon gave a- reading, •"My of sane. What happened? I got Grandma:" Each member brought caught. with my pipes :down. one half .dozen .•puni+pkin 'tarts, • Mrs,' .'Austinwas the winner: On September 9th, it was 90 They • were. •. later enjoyed at degrees in our upstairs, 'and ..we lunch time.. The ,.October meet- all lay' on, our beds, naked as lug Will be at the home of the 'newts, gasping and : calling: for. president, 'Mrs. Cliff ,Roulston, t b 14th it when .the ..Area 'Convention Re- solutions will. be read and • dis- cussed. ' WON :I,URSAItIES water. On- September ., was: 44 in our upstairs. The kids armpits, looking like • three pen - lay moaning with • cold . under • quips and a seal pup• sitting on heaps of blankets. Downstairs an ice floe., I went to• work with Playboy howledwith chill And tail • between . 'iny: legs and ' ': m y in our bed, the Old Lady and I, the bats of panic anic in My belfry;. swaddled : in* flannelette. pyjam- It: was, worse at • lunch hour. as, clutched each other,.' a hot While I bustled.' around, getting• Bursaries . of $250 each have water bottle, and. the Hope' that .hot 'soup, ,the kids rubbed their awarded Shirley :•Culbert,' el ' old happen and the hands together' and told about WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1959 X!N •m grv TRI -COUNTY 'CAMPAIG.N FOR'. 'THE BLIND Huron County :Objective $6,000 • Send Your Donation Today To H. D. THOMPSON, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. 'eaters.. I turned on all: burners & to ' September, ever again, : I h• the oven in the. electric stove. want you to push me, gently but even . turned on all the 'lights firmly, in front , of a speeding' in the house. hot -rod. * * * They just sat SIGNS FOR SALE—"No Tres It was. hopeless. assing", "For. 'Sale" and "For there, hands . tucked in their Rent" signs available at The Lucknow :Sentinel, phone '35. been a mirac e w u p daughter"' of` Mr' and Mrs. 'Wal h would be. back in the how' warm it had been m school, ter Culbert :of Ripley, and,, to'eat wave aaand my wife dragged morning• . from' me: Donna Osborne daughter' of Mr. the • confession. . that we had 'a, and ,Mrs. ,Elmer .Osborne of ,the * *.* Septexrber: is. anirresponsible ,treacherous • Harlot ,.of amo • ri th fire on at y the office. fourth' ' concession. of Huron: *.';* * Both- are riow• enrolled at the with .a . big' phoney, warm. smile `that .hides a• heart of solid cold. 'I. won't go into all; the sordid Stratford': Teacher's . College: details: how I pleaded with..peo-. MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a. fair price on a monument correctly designed from .quality material,. rely on / SKELTON : MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, : Prop. Established Over Sixty Years • W>llikertoiu Phone. 638-v Ontario • PLUMBING and ' HEATING'. ESSO OIL , BURNER:: SALES • AND SERVICE' Phone ?3 ticknow N.EW HIGHER' INTERErSTI. ON DEBENTURES * * * pie .. to putup my pipes; how I Oh, it isn't as though I didn't ibegged the harassed coal mer - realize ;that •• fall and the 'cool weather weather were : on the way. Sun- days as I. lay on the lawn, sev- eral times my mind' had drifted around to the backyard, where my furance pipes lay,', soaking. up' the sun. I'd even contacted the repair man.. to • come and take . `me• singing any paeans of praise chant to• .get;me .a couple of bags. down . to''the house; how: I 'rig- ged. uti igged..upa makeshift to the the furnace going.' It's .aTl too. 'hum= liating. That's why,' if you ever . hear on that dragon in 'my cellar, that emits . ' sparks . and . roars ' when approached. My ' stoker that, is. - • ' • had. eveni' while fighting the .heat wave with 4. refreshing drink, said to myself firmly:. 'Must get at the cellar and, get last winter's .ashes out so I can get, the coal in early : 'this .year. Don't want •the.' coal, truck: driv- ing ,over, my .lawn when. it's soft. from those fall rains. Better get that broken window in the. liv- ingroorn, fixed, too. Things are going to ,be different thin year." So you see, it. isn't as though I ; wasn't fairly well ,prepared. But I didn't expect my old sweetheart, September, . to put me over a barrel,, pull., the rug from under my feet,. ;:lower the boom on me, and stab me; in the back,'' all in one fell swoop. *,* * I thought the -Old "Girl was go- ing td .commit either suicide or murder, that. first ' 'morning •af- v' ter . the ' Mercury had taken' its swan dive. I explained to her tha' everything' was practically rea y .to. turn 'on the heat, that all I' had to do was get this pipes cleahiecl • and ptit . up, getthe man. to fix . the furnace, and get the cellar cleaned • up and the coal in, 'and/. we'd '.be in ibi iiness, "Which hotel," she enquired, ;4 f her breath wreathing into the kitchen air like cigar smoke, i.,4 "are we going to stay in until then?" We ,have two hotels in town so 1 was in a quandary. 11Tot to mention • qt.pickle. " I. did . everything in my 'power to • cheer; upat old gang of. mine. Songs, witty sayings, fun- ny faces,. Philosophy, like ,"you should be glad you don't, have to suffer like this all the time, like the folks in Russia." I''rushed' out and, /borrowed • two electric: CHECK THESE•RATES. SINGLE'. $ . (with privoI. boli)' '! 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I've, had r�Snce9 s ' ,different phones as they. developed. betterand better ones — and not once do 1 Many calling a repairman h by other, long-time users have . to • thank ..rarer to remember ' whenthey last, had to have • their- tele heirtele hone fixed. hen you stop to'consider 'the "pleasure . and convenience you enjoy . with never an extra .repair expense, you may well agree that the value you get for' your telephone dollar is truly unique. ' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA.